genius evil

Chapter 614 The sickness is not light

Chapter 614 The sickness is not light
"Jiang Chen, isn't this exactly what you want?" There was a smile on the corner of Meng Xiyan's mouth, but that smile seemed extra gloomy.

"What do I want?" Jiang Chen was a little distracted.

"That's right, it's what you want. Now, you should be satisfied, right?" Meng Xiyan thought Jiang Chen was pretending to be stupid, and said in an extremely mocking tone.

"Wait, what are you talking about, can you explain clearly?" Jiang Chen felt a little confused.

"Needless to say, I'm ready. You'd better hurry up so as not to waste each other's time." Meng Xiyan shook her head.

She was not even afraid of death, and she was even less afraid of her innocence being ruined by Jiang Chen.She just wanted to hurry up and end this fateful nightmare that was inevitable!

"What's faster?" Jiang Chen felt even more confused. With his IQ, how could it be so hard to understand Meng Xiyan's words?

Is it Meng Xiyan's insanity, or tonight, as Tang Tian said, he is so tired that he lost his mind.

But it shouldn't be, this kind of thing, the man has always been more and more courageous, and he never gets tired of it. He can also feel that his mental state is different from before, and he is abnormally excited.

This is also the reason why he didn't notice Meng Xiyan entered the bedroom immediately.

Of course, here is in the room, very safe, because Jiang Chen is not too vigilant; on the other hand, perhaps because of the influence of Meng Xiyan, be it Tang Tian or Shuang'er , They all showed enthusiasm like fire, making him happy is a fairy.

Then, since it wasn't that he was insane, it must be that Meng Xiyan was insane.

After all, if Meng Xiyan hadn't been insane, why would she touch his bed at night, or the one who doesn't wear clothes?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and touched Meng Xiyan's forehead.

Seeing Jiang Chen's hand approaching, Meng Xiyan thought that Jiang Chen was about to make a move. Her eyes were filled with a faint coldness, and she quickly closed them. When Chen's hand stretched out, his soft body voluntarily pressed against it.

This nightmare, be it active or passive, is unavoidable. Meng Xiyan doesn't want to waste too much time, she just wants to end it in the shortest possible time.

Then, her life will also end accordingly!

But soon, Meng Xiyan discovered that things were a bit different from what she thought. Jiang Chen's hand stretched out, not to take advantage of her, but to caress her forehead.

The warm palm and the cool forehead touched together, Meng Xiyan's body shuddered, and her eyes opened.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, what was Jiang Chen doing touching her forehead, could it be that she is not at all attractive at this moment?

"I don't seem to have a fever." Jiang Chen didn't answer Meng Xiyan's question, but muttered to himself.

"You—" Meng Xiyan was extremely angry, what does Jiang Chen mean if he has a fever or not?
"Little Huahua, tell me, is there any discomfort for you?" Jiang Chen moved his hand away, looked at Meng Xiyan, and asked seriously.

"No." Meng Xiyan said quickly.

"Is it really not? How about I take you to the hospital for a checkup?" Jiang Chen suggested in a soft tone.

"You think I'm sick? I think you're sick!" Meng Xiyan cursed in a low voice.

"People who are sick often don't admit that they are sick. That's how they avoid medical treatment." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"I'm really not sick." Meng Xiyan also had a look of helplessness on her face.

Why does Jiang Chen feel that she is sick? Is there something she did not do well enough to satisfy Jiang Chen?Or, was Jiang Chen just pretending to humiliate her in this way?
The more Meng Xiyan thought about it, the more she felt that Jiang Chen was humiliating her.

Everything, in her opinion, was what Jiang Chen wanted. Whether Jiang Chen brought her to the villa, or whether Jiang Chen made such a big noise, they were all hinting at her.

With no other choice, she was forced to do what Jiang Chen wanted, but Jiang Chen pretended to be a wolf with a big tail.

This inevitably deepened the coldness in Meng Xiyan's eyes, and at the same time, the disgust in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Whether you are sick or not, you will know when you go to the hospital for an examination. Of course, don't get me wrong, I still hope that you are not sick. But if you are not sick, it doesn't matter if you have a checkup. Just treat it as a routine physical examination." .” Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to force me like this?" Meng Xiyan's voice suddenly became sharp.

"Okay, okay, if you don't go to the hospital, I won't force you, so it's okay." Jiang Chen kept complaining, he was all for Meng Xiyan's good, couldn't this woman hear it?

"Want me!" Meng Xiyan said with gritted teeth.

Didn't Jiang Chen act like this because he wanted her to say these words to satisfy his perverted desire to conquer?Why are you so hypocritical?
"What did you say?" Jiang Chen's expression became strange in an instant.

"I said, you want my body." Meng Xiyan's voice suddenly rose.

"Crazy." Jiang Chen grinned and said.

"Jiang Chen, I told you to want me, didn't you hear?" Meng Xiyan said, her teeth were clenched even tighter, and the teeth in her mouth were almost shattered.

She endured such a great humiliation, and said these things that she would never say in her life, Jiang Chen actually called her crazy, which made Meng Xiyan extremely angry.

"Little Huahua, you're out of your mind." Jiang Chen almost jumped.

"Jiang Chen, you want me. Please, I beg you, okay?" Meng Xiyan screamed.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. Not only was this woman insane, she started talking nonsense. This disease is not serious at first glance.

It is estimated that he will not be saved after being sent to the hospital, so he has to do it himself.

"Jiang Chen, you have nothing to do with what we agreed to. Look, how anxious this woman is." At this moment, Tang Tian said in a strange way.

Damn it, she almost believed what Jiang Chen said, who told Jiang Chen that he didn't show his feet at all, but fortunately, no matter how well Jiang Chen hid it, there was a pig-like teammate like Meng Xiyan, No, Jiang Chen was betrayed very thoroughly.

However, Tang Tian was also a little bit surprised, she didn't realize at all that the gentle and elegant Meng Xiyan had such a passionate and wild side.

Sure enough, there is an old saying that is good, a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured.

This Meng Xiyan is really not as good as she looks.

"Xiao Tiantian, don't make trouble." Jiang Chen stopped.

Meng Xiyan's mental state was not normal at first glance. Although the advantage of the door-to-door delivery was not to be taken for nothing, Jiang Chen didn't want to take advantage of the inexplicable advantage.

Moreover, Jiang Chen could see that Meng Xiyan was in such a state that he had been greatly stimulated. If he took advantage of this, he would have to shed a layer of skin if he didn't die.

Besides, he is also very picky eater, okay?

Under such circumstances, Jiang Chen had to stop Tang Tian, ​​so as not to further stimulate Meng Xiyan.

"Why did I add to the confusion, isn't it obvious? You can treat me as blind, but you can't be blind too." Tang Tian said dissatisfied.

"Xiao Tiantian, didn't you see that something is wrong with Xiao Huahua?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"I can see it, but I think what's more wrong is you. People are so active on you, but you don't show it at all. You are still not a man." Tang Tian said with contempt.

"Okay, then I'll show it." Jiang Chen nodded.

"How dare you!" Tang Tian yelled.

Talking comes down to talking, action comes down to doing, if Jiang Chen really dares to show something to Meng Xiyan, she must fight Jiang Chen... no, she has to fight Meng Xiyan desperately.

Who made Meng Xiyan so courageous to snatch a man from her bed? It's obvious that she didn't take her seriously.

Uncles can bear it, aunts can't bear it, this kind of thing, no matter what, can't bear it.

Jiang Chen really dared, he saw Jiang Chen pulled the sheet with his big hand, and then, like making rice dumplings, he took the sheet and wrapped Meng Xiyan's body tightly, Not to mention, Jiang Chen even tied a knot...a rather beautiful bow.

"Jiang Chen, you're just so courageous." Tang Tian giggled, she thought Jiang Chen was really daring, he was such a lustful but courageous fellow.

"Stop watching the show, you two, quickly put on your clothes." Jiang Chen said, while talking, Jiang Chen picked up his own clothes from the ground and put them on.

When Tang Tian and Shuang'er heard the sound, they also put on their clothes quickly.

Although Meng Xiyan is a woman, she will be seen if she is seen, but no one is wearing clothes anyway.However, Meng Xiyan was already wrapped in sheets, so the two of them were at a disadvantage.

"Okay, you two go out first, I'll talk to her alone." Seeing Tang Tian and Shuang'er got dressed, Jiang Chen motioned.

"Is there anything that Shuang'er and I can't listen to?" Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

God knows, after she and Shuang'er go out, what Jiang Chen will do with Meng Xiyan, it is impossible for her to go out so obediently.

"Miss, let's go out." Shuang'er pulled Tang Tian's arm. Tang Tian was careless, but she could tell that Meng Xiyan was a little abnormal tonight. Let Jiang Chen handle this kind of matter. , the two of them staying will only add to the chaos.

"Just go out, but Jiang Chen, I'm warning you, don't mess around, or I'll never end with you." Tang Tian is not a fool, so she noticed it naturally. Meng Xiyan's whole body exuded a kind of Very unusual breath.

That kind of breath gave Tang Tian the feeling, as if Meng Xiyan climbed onto the guillotine instead of Jiang Chen's bed.

When Shuang'er said this, it happened to give her a step, and Pidianpidian just stepped down, and walked out of the bedroom with Shuang'er.

The bedroom door was closed, Jiang Chen sat down on the head of the bed, crossed his legs, looked at Meng Xiyan, and asked with a strange expression: "Little Huahua, tell me, what's on your mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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