genius evil

Chapter 615 One Reason To Impress You

Chapter 615 A ​​Reason To Impress You

After Meng Xiyan was wrapped in sheets by Jiang Chen like a zongzi, she herself seemed to have turned into a zongzi, with no expression on her face.

She listened to Jiang Chen's question, raised her eyes to look at Jiang Chen, and asked back, "What's on your mind?"

What she thinks is not important at all, what is important is what Jiang Chen thinks.

Meng Xiyan couldn't understand why Jiang Chen treated her like this.

She had obeyed Jiang Chen and done something unimaginable in her life, but Jiang Chen still only humiliated her and did not take her body away.

"I have to figure out what you think, so I can know what happened." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Despicable! Shameless! Despicable! A beast that is not as good as a beast!" Meng Xiyan was full of sadness, and she cursed angrily. Almost as soon as the voice fell, it flashed past Jiang Chen's eyes like a gust of wind, and turned around. In an instant, it appeared beside the bedroom window.

Without any hesitation, after appearing by the window, Meng Xiyan opened the curtains and jumped, with half of her body appearing outside the window.


Jiang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. Could it be that this damned woman was addicted to suicide, she had already died in front of him once, and she wanted to commit suicide a second time.

But even though he didn't know what Meng Xiyan was thinking, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to just watch Meng Xiyan jump down.

Meng Xiyan's speed is very fast, it is not difficult to see that she is determined to die, but Jiang Chen's speed is even faster, the moment Meng Xiyan's legs stand on the ground, he embraced Meng Xiyan with a big hand. Yan's slender waist pulled Meng Xiyan back.

"Let go of me, let me die." Meng Xiyan yelled, tears streaming down her face at some point.


Jiang Chen raised his big hand, and slapped Meng Xiyan's butt hard.

"Xiaohuahua, I can let you go, or I can watch you die. After all, you have to be clear. In fact, your life and death have nothing to do with me. However, you have the courage to die, but you don't even have the ability to explain the problem. Don't you even have the courage?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

Meng Xiyan's body stiffened suddenly, she didn't know if it was because of being spanked by Jiang Chen, or because of what Jiang Chen said.

Staring firmly at Jiang Chen, Meng Xiyan's tender body couldn't help trembling, her expression was so sad and desolate, she clenched her teeth and said, "Jiang Chen, it's not that I want to explain to you, It is you who should explain to me, can you tell me what I have to do to make you satisfied? Only then can you be willing to save my master."

"Huh? The person you want to save is your master?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

"Yes, it's my master. Tell me, what do you want to save her? I've already decided to hand over my body to you. What else do you want?" Meng Xiyan burst into tears.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen was a little dizzy from Meng Xiyan's words.

First of all, he didn't know that the person Meng Xiyan asked him to save was her master.

Of course, even if he knew early on that the person Meng Xiyan wanted to save was her master, Jiang Chen didn't think he had to do it.

Secondly, Meng Xiyan took the initiative to climb into his bed. He didn't know about this matter beforehand. It was completely Meng Xiyan's spontaneous behavior, and he never hinted at Meng Xiyan.

Meng Xiyan confuses these two things together, and from her point of view, it seems that he wants to use her body as a bargaining chip before he is willing to save her master.

But the biggest question is, when did he make such a request?

This is basically Meng Xiyan's wishful thinking, okay? Meng Xiyan's wishful thinking behavior, but she put all the responsibility on him, which made Jiang Chen feel that he was more wronged than Dou E.

Who did he provoke?

How about not pouring dirty water on him like this?

"Answer me, you answer my question." Mengxi was about to become agitated, and struggled in Jiang Chen's embrace.

Jiang Chen was also teased by Meng Xiyan, and gradually became a little irritable. He raised his hand and slapped Meng Xiyan's buttocks again, and said in a low voice, "Calm down, or I won't be polite to you."

Meng Xiyan sneered coldly, and her tear-filled eyes were full of ridicule. Jiang Chen had already treated her like this, how could he be rude to her?

Seeing Meng Xiyan's eyes, Jiang Chen became more irritable for no reason.

He raised his hand, thinking about the third time to slap Meng Xiyan's butt, but finally held back, sighed softly, and said, "Little Huahua, have you ever thought that what happened tonight might be a misunderstanding? "

"Are you doubting my IQ?" Meng Xiyan asked in shock.

"Where do I need to doubt, your IQ is already worrying." Jiang Chen said casually, and as soon as the words fell, Meng Xiyan showed signs of going berserk, so he hurriedly comforted, "I'm not hitting you, but I think , It is indeed a misunderstanding, you have to figure it out, I am really not interested in you."

"A liar full of lies." Meng Xiyan didn't even believe Jiang Chen's punctuation.

"Little Huahua, if I am interested in you, do you think you can still maintain a perfect body?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Could it be that this damn woman thought he was a vegetarian?
As for the previous situation, Meng Xiyan took the initiative to climb into bed. If he wanted to get Meng Xiyan, even if Meng Xiyan regretted and wanted to escape, he would never be able to escape. However, this woman was so stubborn that she couldn't see clearly. the truth of the matter.

"You—" Meng Xiyan was stunned.

Yes, what Jiang Chen said was correct, if Jiang Chen had even the slightest interest in her, how could she maintain her perfect body now?
Could it be that, as Jiang Chen said, there was a misunderstanding?

Meng Xiyan was stunned all of a sudden.

"No, it's not a misunderstanding, Jiang Chen, you don't want to shirk your responsibility." Meng Xiyan couldn't believe it, she couldn't accept it.

Because, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that Jiang Chen has never humiliated her, and even, what happened tonight has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, it is purely her own humiliation?

How could Meng Xiyan accept this situation?
"Little Huahua, you've already figured it out, haven't you?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, no matter how sweet you talk, you can't change your shameless nature. Do you remember that you said that if I find a reason to impress you, you will save my master?" Meng Xiyan asked, her voice trembling.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, he had indeed said such a thing.

"Afterwards, you brought me here, and you deliberately made those noises. What you did was to tell me to give me my body to you?" Meng Xiyan asked again.

"What movement?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"" Even though she had already spread the word out, Meng Xiyan still had difficulty uttering some words.

"Oh, I understand." Seeing Meng Xiyan's shame-ridden appearance, Jiang Chen understood in an instant. Obviously, it was Tang Tian, ​​that crazy woman who accidentally made too much noise tonight, which irritated Meng Xiyan. Xiyan's nerves.

In addition, he had said that he brought Meng Xiyan back to sleep. The combination of these two factors directly led to the current misunderstanding.

After understanding how the misunderstanding came about, Jiang Chen suddenly felt like crying.

I have to say, Meng Xiyan's heart is too sensitive, right?

But objectively speaking, Jiang Chen is well aware that even though it was a misunderstanding, he couldn't put all the responsibility on Meng Xiyan. to him.

"Did you understand now?" Meng Xiyan said in a low voice.

"I will be responsible." Jiang Chen said quickly, in order to avoid further trouble, he simply took the responsibility.

"You mean, you're willing to save my master?" Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, she never expected that things would take such a turn.

"Can I still refuse?" Jiang Chen was still a little bit upset, and his words were filled with emotion.

"Thank you...thank you..." Meng Xiyan didn't care what Jiang Chen said, as long as Jiang Chen was willing to save her master, that was enough. As for the grievances she suffered, she could choose to forgive.

Although, this is not an easy task, after all, her body has been seen by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is the first man who has seen her body, even if she wants to pretend that nothing happened, impossible.

However, the teacher's kindness is greater than the sky, for the sake of the master, she will not care about anything.

"Don't be so anxious to thank me. Although I am willing to make a move, there are two points that must be made clear." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling Meng Xiyan to calm down.

"Tell me." Meng Xiyan listened.

"First, I know how my medical skills are, but I have never seen your master's condition, so you'd better not have all expectations, 80.00% is almost the same, I don't want any bad situation to happen again .” Jiang Chen reminded.

"Okay, as long as you do your best." Meng Xiyan nodded vigorously.

Master's situation is extremely complicated, he has seen countless doctors, none of those doctors are even 80.00% sure, and Jiang Chen said that he is [-]% sure, which in Meng Xiyan's opinion, is already very Taller.

If Jiang Chen tried his best and still couldn't cure Master, she would naturally stop making trouble for no reason. In that case, it could only be said that Master's fate dictated it.

If you work hard, you won't have any regrets.

"Secondly, the ancient martial arts alliance meeting will be held for a while. Now the whole country is full of demons dancing, and Yilan City is not peaceful. For the time being, I can't spare time. At least, I have to wait until the ancient martial arts alliance meeting After the meeting, I will consider treating your master." Jiang Chen said immediately.

Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen, thought for a while and said: "When the ancient martial arts alliance meeting is held, my master will also go. You can meet my master at that time."

"No, I won't participate." Jiang Chen shook his head.

He is not an ancient martial arts practitioner at all, so it is necessary to participate in the so-called ancient martial arts alliance conference?

"No, you must participate, my master's time is running out." Meng Xiyan became anxious all of a sudden, and her delicate body writhed uneasily in Jiang Chen's embrace...

(End of this chapter)

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