genius evil

Chapter 619

Chapter 619
It was really Jiang Chen, there was no impersonation, there was no way to get away with it, Shi Feng's face was extremely ugly, and the secret was worse.

The Five Elements Sect took action against the Tong family, not without considering Jiang Chen's existence and the possibility of Jiang Chen interfering in the Tong family's affairs.

However, according to the news, although Jiang Chen had a good relationship with Tonghua, it was just a good relationship. When did he become the man of Tonghua, the brother-in-law of Tongzhen?

Could it be that there is something that they don't know?

However, every move of the Tong family is under the nose of their Five Elements Sect. How could such important information be missed?

Shi Feng felt that something was wrong, but he didn't need to think too much about it. Left and right Jiang Chen had already appeared, and his attitude was obvious. Even if he wasn't a fairy tale man, he was here to support the Tong family.

"Tong Zhen, restrain yourself." Mr. Tong reminded.

He is an old man and his family is old and smart, listening to Tong Zhen call Jiang Chen's brother-in-law is very enjoyable, how can he not understand, this little guy has even plotted against Jiang Chen.

Some are funny, but some are gratifying.

Finally, this little guy has grown up.

But there are some things that everyone should be aware of, and we must learn to let it go, otherwise, if Jiang Chen resents it, it may push the matter to the opposite.

"Old man, Jiang Chen is my brother-in-law, so he should have supported us, otherwise, wouldn't it be okay to watch my sister being bullied?" After all, Tong Zhen was still a little younger, and did not understand the intention of Old Man Tong.

Elder Tong couldn't help but said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, children are ignorant, don't be offended."

Old Master Tong naturally wouldn't doubt Jiang Chen's IQ, he had seen Jiang Chen's scheming side like a monster, and the Bai family collapsed under Jiang Chen's various calculations.

And because of Tong Zhi's matter, he also set up a dragon gate formation in front of Jiang Chen, but in the end he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

A mere childlike innocence playing tricks in front of Jiang Chen is simply like playing a big ax in front of Lu Ban's door. He is very overconfident and will easily make a joke.

Jiang Chen didn't care, and asked: "Old man, tell me, what's the situation."

Ji Feng called him, but Ji Feng didn't know much about the Tong family's affairs, so he said a few words casually, which caused Jiang Chen to be very confused about the current situation.

Old Master Tong invited Jiang Chen to sit down, and motioned for Tong Hua to bring tea and water. As for Shi Feng, he was left on the sidelines without any sense of presence.

Old Master Tong drank tea with Jiang Chen, and told him what happened in the Tong family as simply as possible.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Tong had a look of helplessness on his face. Obviously, he himself did not expect that the Five Elements Sect would do such a thing. You must know that although the Tong family has always been dissatisfied with the Five Elements Sect, they have never Turned against the Five Elements Gate.

The Five Elements Gate turned their backs as soon as they said they would turn their backs, without any warning in advance. The Tong family was caught off guard and could only be led by the nose.

"This means that your Tong family raised a dog, and now that dog is going to bite its owner instead?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile after taking a sip of tea.

"That's about it." Mr. Tong nodded.

"Your way of raising dogs won't work." Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

Mr. Tong was speechless.

I heard Jiang Chen go on to say: "The thing about keeping a dog is to make the dog hungry and full, so that the dog can be completely tamed... But, this matter can't be completely blamed on you, a dog is a dog. , when that dog loses the consciousness of being a dog, it is not surprising that such a situation of biting people happens."

"Jiang Shao, you are right." Mr. Tong was embarrassed.

What Jiang Chen said is correct, but the question is, how can the family have the ability to fight against the sect?After all, not everyone is as perverted as Jiang Chen, and one person directly disables a sect.

"Fat pig, I'll give you a chance, let's make a phone call." Jiang Chen immediately said to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng is just an insignificant little ant. It doesn't matter whether he is trampled to death or not, and he is a person who is afraid of trouble. come over.

Then, the negotiation that should be negotiated, the suppression that should be suppressed, the killing that should be killed, simple and clear, everyone is happy.

"You asked me to call?" Shi Feng's heart skipped a beat.

He had already planned to call someone, but he was afraid of Jiang Chen's existence, so he didn't dare to act recklessly, otherwise he was afraid that Jiang Chen would trample him to death.

"Hurry up." Jiang Chen became impatient.

"Okay...ok..." Shi Feng said in a hurry, took out his mobile phone and started calling.

Following Shi Feng's phone call, Jiang Chen heard a mobile phone ringing in his ears, and the ringing was from far to near, and soon, there were more than a dozen people outside, walking over.

Among the dozen or so people, there was a middle-aged man with a mobile phone in his hand, and the ringing tone of the mobile phone came from the mobile phone in his hand.

Obviously, Shi Feng's call was not to someone else, but to the middle-aged man holding the mobile phone.

Looking at the situation, in fact, there is no need to make this call at all, the right owner has already arrived.

More than a dozen people appeared, but only two entered the living room.

One of them is a middle-aged man holding a mobile phone, and the other is a dry and thin old man with his hands folded in his sleeves and his eyes lowered, giving him a rather decayed look.

"Sect Master." Seeing the middle-aged man coming in, Shi Feng hurriedly greeted him.

The middle-aged man nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Tong, I haven't seen you for a while. You are in good health recently. Are you sleeping well?"

"Wang Guangrong, put away your hypocrisy, I won't accept your tricks." Old Master Tong snorted coldly.

"Old man, this person, it's better not to be angry. The older you are, the less you should get angry easily. If you get angry, you won't live long." Wang Guangrong's smile remained unchanged, and he spoke politely.

"Do you want me to die that much? It's a pity, old man, I am very determined. Your wishful thinking is doomed to fail." Mr. Wu snorted again.

"Old man, you have a deep prejudice against me. Why would I want you to die? I am concerned about your health." Wang Guangrong still smiled.

After saying this, Wang Guangrong took a look at Jiang Chen, and couldn't help but said, "This is Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang. Although he has never masked his face, he has long admired his name. Young Master Jiang, you are indeed exactly like the one in the legend. , Young talent, dignified appearance, dignified appearance. No wonder at such an age, he has achieved such a great reputation, which really makes us feel ashamed."

"Is there any more?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What else?" Wang Guangrong asked.

"I have a lot of advantages, you just said two or three, of course, continue to praise me, hurry up, I'll wait." Jiang Chen urged.

"Interesting, Young Master Jiang, you are an interesting person." Wang Guangrong laughed.

"I'm so interesting, don't you praise me a few more words, are you embarrassed?" Jiang Chen had a dissatisfied expression on his face, as if he was not happy about being praised less.

Wang Guangrong laughed and said: "Jiang Shao, you like to hear people praise you, so it doesn't matter if I praise you a little more, I'm afraid that you, Young Master Jiang, will be burdened by your fame..."

"Not afraid." Jiang Chen directly interrupted Wang Guangrong's nonsense.

Wang Guangrong smiled again, but that smile was obviously a bit dry and forced to laugh.

"What's the matter, what's the matter if you can't boast?" Jiang Chen asked, looking impatient.

"Jiang Shao, you are boring like this." Wang Guangrong finally stopped laughing.

"I originally thought you were quite a fun person, and I just wanted to play with you more. Who knew, you were nothing more than that." Jiang Chen curled his lips.

"If you keep playing, you will die." Wang Guangrong warned.

"He is indeed about to die," Jiang Chen said.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen disappeared from the spot, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Wang Guangrong, punching Wang Guangrong's chest.

Feeling the cold wind blowing towards his face, Wang Guangrong's expression changed drastically.

Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, and if he said he would kill someone, he would kill him, so he had no defense at all.

However, Wang Guangrong also knew that with Jiang Chen's speed, even if he was prepared, it would be useless. Seeing Jiang Chen's punch, Wang Guangrong retreated subconsciously.

However, Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, and when Wang Guangrong wanted to retreat, it was already too late.

Wang Guangrong was heartbroken. Could it be that he was going to die like this?
Suddenly, a skinny fist appeared out of nowhere and intercepted it. It was the skinny old man who made the move.

His two hands were originally kept in the sleeves, and no one saw when his hands stretched out from the sleeves. When his hands stretched out from the sleeves, his fists had already rushed To Jiang Chen.

Moreover, when the shot was made, the skinny old man didn't even have a hint of oldness.


A dull sound came out, and Jiang Chen's fist collided viciously with the thin old man's fist.

After the sound, the skinny old man's figure swayed quietly, Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and approached, swung his fist again, and threw it at the skinny old man.


There was another dull sound, and under Jiang Chen's bombardment, the skinny old man staggered a few times, stepped back a few steps, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Master Han." Upon seeing this, Wang Guangrong turned pale with shock, and hastily stretched out his hand to support the skinny old man.

"Are you okay?" Wang Guangrong asked in a low voice.

"It's okay." Wiping off the blood at the corner of his mouth, the skinny old man looked at Jiang Chen with gloomy eyes, deep in his eyes, there was a strong color of shock and horror, which quietly revealed.

"It's fine for the time being, but something big will happen soon. I don't understand, why are there so many idiots who can't figure it out and want to die wholeheartedly?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

It's a big joke that an old guy who has just broken through the eighth level of Houtian and has not even had a solid foundation dares to play tricks in front of him.

You know, he has even beheaded strong men like Chu Yanwang. This skinny old man is far behind Chu Yanwang.

As for Wang Guangrong, he didn't even have the qualifications to enter Jiang Chen's eyes. His cultivation base was much inferior to that of Bai Yu, the master of Baishan Sect that Jiang Chen had killed. Jiang Chen wanted to kill him easily!

(End of this chapter)

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