genius evil

Chapter 620 You Look Like A Dog

Chapter 620 You Look Like A Dog
"Jiang Chen, you really surprised me, Han Zhenhai." The skinny old man said dully.

Han Zhenhai was really surprised. According to the information Wang Guangrong gave him, Han Zhenhai knew that Jiang Chen had killed Bai Yu, the head of the Baishan Gate.

But that Bai Yu was only at the seventh level of Houtian of Gu Wu. Even if Bai Yu's cultivation had reached the late stage of the seventh level of Houtian, he might break through to the eighth level of Houtian at any time.

However, the seventh floor of the acquired day is the seventh floor of the acquired day, and there is still a huge gap between the eighth floor of the acquired day.

To put it simply, it is relatively easy for a master of the eighth level of acquired martial arts to kill a master of the seventh level of acquired martial arts; , non-talented, absolutely difficult to do.

Han Zhenhai didn't take Bai Yu seriously, because it wasn't too difficult for him to kill Bai Yu.

And when he thought he was stronger than Bai Yu, not even a little bit stronger, Han Zhenhai took it for granted and didn't take Jiang Chen seriously.

Moreover, Han Zhenhai also knew that Jiang Chen's method of killing Bai Yu was not honorable, it was Bai Yu who shot and killed. In this way, Jiang Chen's true strength was obvious.

After all, as a person who cultivated ancient martial arts, if he was able to crush the opponent, how could he use disgraceful methods?

Before fighting Jiang Chen, what Han Zhenhai thought was that Jiang Chen was at most an ancient martial artist with a cultivation base of around the early seventh level of Houtian, about the same as Wang Guangrong, and slightly inferior to Bai Yu.

However, after the official fight.

Han Zhenhai just realized that he was wrong, and it was outrageously wrong.

Jiang Chen forced Wang Guangrong back with one move, so that Wang Guangrong didn't even have the strength to fight back, and even two punches directly injured him. This is something that can be done by a mere seventh-level ancient martial artist.

From Han Zhenhai's point of view, Jiang Chen was at least a strong man in the mid-eighth level of Gu Wu Houtian, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be injured so easily.

"I can only say that the more surprising thing is yet to come." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You want to kill me, right?" Han Zhenhai frowned and said, "Although you hurt me, it's just a dream come true if you want to kill me."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Naturally, let me leave. As long as you don't make any moves, I can guarantee that you won't disturb the Tong family. At the same time, I can quit Jiangnan Province," Han Zhenhai said.

"It sounds like the conditions are good." Jiang Chen said.

"This is my final bottom line. You'd better not go too far, otherwise, I will have a hard time today, and neither will you." Han Zhenhai threatened.

Even if Jiang Chen is a powerhouse of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts, but Han Zhenhai is not afraid of a battle, without him, Jiang Chen is too young.

Being young is certainly excellent, but sometimes it is also a great disadvantage.

That is, Jiang Chenkong has a strong cultivation base, but he does not have the combat experience to match his cultivation base. At least, Han Zhenhai thinks so, and this is also the reliance that Han Zhenhai can still threaten Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I'm quite willing to give it a try. How can you make it difficult for me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know good from bad." Han Zhenhai's expression darkened.

He has said that not moving the Tong family anymore, or even withdrawing from Jiangnan Province, is already the greatest respect for Jiang Chen, who is also a strong man.

Jiang Chen's words made Han Zhenhai extremely displeased.

"I really want to try." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, don't be shameless, or you deserve to die at the hands of Sect Master Han." At this moment, Wang Guangrong said.

Wang Guangrong was still a little apprehensive, but fortunately, Han Zhenhai made a timely move to save him. At this time, it is natural to try to protect Han Zhenhai's face, so as not to embarrass Han Zhenhai.

"Wang Guangrong, right? Has anyone ever said that you look like a dog?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"Jiang Chen, don't think that if I can't beat you, you can humiliate me unscrupulously." Wang Guangrong said angrily.

"How can I humiliate you? I'm just telling the truth, but you're not good at being a dog. It's fine if you don't work well for the Tong family, but you still go to this old man to be a dog. I'm a little curious. Which side has better dog food?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

Also in Tiannan City, Jiang Chen didn't think that Wang Guangrong didn't know about the conflict between him and Baishanmen.

Under the premise of knowing the conflict between him and Baishanmen, Wang Guangrong dared to attack the Tong family and provoke him. His greatest strength was Han Zhenhai.

But it's no wonder that before him, Han Zhenhai's strength was definitely enough to sweep the entire Tiannan City, and no one could stop him.

If you want to blame it, blame Wang Guangrong for being too unlucky. He chose the wrong time to attack the Tong family. If he attacked the Tong family before he went to the capital, then maybe Wang Guangrong would have succeeded.

Choices are sometimes far more important than hard work. No, Wang Guangrong sadly made a very wrong choice. Therefore, Wang Guangrong's fate is already doomed.

"Jiang Chen, don't force me." The veins on Wang Guangrong's forehead twitched wildly.

Even if the fact is indeed what Jiang Chen said, Jiang Chen can't say it so straightforwardly. Where does this put his face?
"Wang Guangrong, you haven't answered my question yet... Oh, I don't mean anything malicious, that's right, I also have the idea of ​​raising a dog, and I want to know which kind of dog food breeds dogs that are more obedient." Jiang Chen Said.


Wang Guangrong was so mad that he rushed towards Jiang Chen like he was going crazy.


Han Zhenhai's eyelids twitched and he spoke loudly.

He could tell that Jiang Chen was deliberately trying to provoke Wang Guangrong, but Wang Guangrong was so stupid that he was fooled by Jiang Chen, he was looking for death.

As soon as he heard Han Zhenhai's call, Wang Guangrong immediately realized how idiotic his behavior was. He regretted it and wanted to retreat.

Regrettably, Jiang Chen couldn't give him a chance to regret it. When Wang Guangrong rushed over, Jiang Chen also moved. He punched Wang Guangrong in the chest with the force of directly punching Huanglong.


In front of Wang Guangrong's chest, there was the sound of bones breaking. I don't know how many bones were broken. Like a kite with a broken string, it fell backwards and fell heavily to the ground. angry.

"Jiang Chen, you killed someone in front of me, have you ever asked me?" Han Zhenhai was furious.

Wang Guangrong died too quickly. This time, he didn't even have time to save him.

"It's still the same topic as before. Don't say that I bully the elderly. If you receive ten punches from me, if you don't die, I will let you go." Jiang Chen ignored Han Zhenhai's questioning and said to himself.

"You didn't raise the conditions, I put them up. You are not qualified." Han Zhenhai was furious.

"Accept, or reject, I will give you ten seconds." Jiang Chen's words cannot be doubted.

The game of cat and mouse, if you play too much, you will get tired of playing it. Jiang Chen plans to be more straightforward today and change the way of playing the game.

"Are you so sure that you can kill me within ten punches?" Han Zhenhai raised his eyebrows and asked.

"So, you'd better ask for good luck, and don't be killed by my ten punches." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Okay, I accept your terms." Han Zhenhai said.

In the current situation, Jiang Chen took the initiative, and he was passive. Even if he didn't want to accept Jiang Chen's conditions, Han Zhenhai didn't think about fighting Jiang Chen to the end. Accepting Jiang Chen's request of ten punches is not too much .

The reason why Han Zhenhai had such an attitude was not because he was really outraged by Wang Guangrong's death, he was just expressing his attitude and position on Wang Guangrong's death.

In other words, anyone can die, as long as the one who dies is not himself.


Almost as soon as Han Zhenhai's voice fell, Jiang Chen made his first punch, a horizontal and straight punch without any tricks or tricks, and it was all a manifestation of strength.

Seeing Jiang Chen attack in such a way, Han Zhenhai suddenly regretted accepting Jiang Chen's conditions. He felt that Jiang Chen was learning from each other's strengths, because Jiang Chen lacked actual combat experience, so he just used his strength directly.

In contrast to the two, in terms of strength, he obviously does not have any advantage.

It's just that it's too late to regret, Jiang Chen's fist has already rushed towards him, if he doesn't fight back, his head will be blown off by Jiang Chen's punch.

Han Zhenhai clenched his fist, was forced to punch him, and punched him.





After one punch, Jiang Chen punched again, then the third punch, the fourth punch...

Jiang Chen followed up with almost every punch, leaving no room for Han Zhenhai to breathe.

Han Zhenhai already regretted it, and felt even more aggrieved by Jiang Chen oppressing him in this way, but Jiang Chen's punching speed was too fast, he couldn't do anything other than passively accept the move, he could only be pushed Jiang Chen pressed down firmly.


Jiang Chen blasted out his fifth punch, and Han Zhenhai retreated again and again, opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Old guy, this is only the fifth punch, can't you hold on?" Jiang Chen jokingly laughed, but he punched mercilessly, followed by the seventh punch.

"Jiang Chen, no matter what tricks you play, if you want to kill me within ten punches, don't even think about it." Han Zhenhai roared, and once again collided fiercely with Jiang Chen.

"People who are about to die, don't be so stubborn." Jiang Chen said, and made the eighth punch.

"There are still two punches, you only have the last two punches." Han Zhenhai reminded loudly.

"That's right, after two punches, you will be free, so why don't you congratulate you in advance?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you talk too much nonsense." Han Zhenhai retorted.

Finally, when Jiang Chen landed his tenth punch, Han Zhenhai retreated again, and once again, spurted out a mouthful of blood, but even though he spat out a mouthful of blood, Han Zhenhai was greatly relieved.

Ten punches, it's over.

But soon, Han Zhenhai realized that he was too happy, a fist suddenly appeared in his line of sight...

(End of this chapter)

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