genius evil

Chapter 621 Tong Zhang's Boudoir

Chapter 621 The Boudoir of Fairy Tales

After that huge fist appeared in Han Zhenhai's line of sight, Han Zhenhai was a little silly.

Didn't he say he received Jiang Chen's ten punches?

The ten punches are over, why is there still one fist?

Could it be that he has a bad memory and made a mistake?

Or, he didn't remember wrongly, but Jiang Chen did?
But what the hell is, how could Jiang Chen remember such an important matter wrongly?


Jiang Chen's No. 11 punch came out like the wind, and hit Han Zhenhai's Adam's apple. Han Zhenhai was injured, his body shook suddenly, and he uncontrollably fell back a few steps.

"Jiang lied to me..." Han Zhenhai's pupils popped out, and he looked at Jiang Chen firmly, his eyes filled with horror.

This number 11 punch directly killed him.

Han Zhenhai finally realized that it wasn't that he or Jiang Chen had made a mistake, but that Jiang Chen had lied to him.

The so-called ten-fist agreement was just a cover. How could Jiang Chen let him leave under the premise that he had the upper hand?
It was because he was lucky, or, from the very beginning, after being injured by Jiang Chen's two punches, in his bones, he instinctively had a sense of fear of Jiang Chen, and he was fooled by Jiang Chen, leading to this end .

Otherwise, with his strength, if he fights with all his strength, even if he inevitably dies in the end, Jiang Chen will not feel good, and he will not be killed by Jiang Chen so easily.

"Yeah, I lied to you, it's very regrettable." Jiang Chen shrugged and looked at Han Zhenhai like an idiot.

It's not easy for such an old guy to be so naive.


Han Zhenhai fell to the ground in response, and there was no more sound.

"You guys, hurry up and die." Jiang Chen didn't take a second look at Han Zhenhai, and hooked his fingers at the people who followed Han Zhenhai and Wang Guangrong.

But Jiang Chen didn’t say that, it’s okay, but when he said that, those guys who were frightened and dumbfounded immediately dispersed, and in the blink of an eye, they ran cleanly, looking at the situation, it seemed that they hated their father Mom gave birth to two missing legs.

"It's done." After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen lazily said to everyone in the Tong family.

Yes, done.

The Tong family is safe.

Everyone in the Tong family saw clearly what Jiang Chen had done, and realized that Jiang Chen had solved all the troubles of the Tong family.

But they were all in a daze. To a large extent, they were so dazed because of Jiang Chen's astonishing killing methods and his unimaginable ability.

Wang Guangrong was naturally terrifying.

Han Zhenhai is even more terrifying than Wang Guangrong.

These two people, no matter who they are, have the ability to destroy the Tong family.

However, whether it was Wang Guangrong or Han Zhenhai, they all died in Jiang Chen's hands. Moreover, it seemed that Jiang Chen hadn't expended much energy.

This cynical, seemingly not very sharp young man, even though he has heard many stories about him before, but this is the first time, facing Jiang Chen's terrifying ability and domineering means, everyone in the Tong family, It was involuntary, and from the bottom of my heart, I felt a sense of awe towards Jiang Chen.

"Okay, okay!" Old Master Tong came to his senses first, laughed loudly, and ordered loudly: "Set wine, hold a banquet!"

"Old man, with our friendship, there is no need to make it so grand." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Shao, you are the benefactor of my Tong family who saved my Tong family in danger, I'm afraid it's not grand enough." Listening to Jiang Chen's casual words, Old Master Tong said solemnly.

"Forget it, I'd better go eat at a roadside stall." Jiang Chen said.

In other words, he hasn't had breakfast yet, and he left Yilan City early in the morning, so he was really hungry at this time.

"Brother-in-law, how can you go to eat at the roadside stall?" Tong Zhen was a little anxious, ran out, and said, "Brother-in-law, you worked hard today, so you can stay for a meal. Even if you don't give the old man face, you should give it to me." Will my sister save face?"

"Yes, Young Master, you must not just leave like this, or someone will poke the back of my Tong family." Tong Zhi followed up.

Tong Guang, Tong Fei and the others also looked at Jiang Chen expectantly, hoping that Jiang Chen could stay. Although they had some unhappiness with Jiang Chen before, after this incident, those unhappiness naturally ceased to exist. Jiang Chen can only be grateful.

"Okay." The reason why Jiang Chen planned to eat at a roadside stall was just because he thought it was troublesome, but he was by no means a hypocritical person, so naturally he could only agree to go along with the flow.

At noon, Jiang Chen had dinner at Tong's house.

Old Master Tong said that it might not be grand enough, but this banquet, in Jiang Chen's view, was so grand that it couldn't be more grand.

"Jiang Shao, old man, I would like to toast you." Old Master Tong raised his glass and said to Jiang Chen.

"Old man, you are too polite, how about this, let me toast everyone." Jiang Chen also picked up the wine glass and said with a faint smile.

"Brother-in-law, there are so many of us, how can you drink one cup, at least ten cups, no, let's drink twenty cups." Tong Zhen yelled.

Perhaps it was because of his shamelessness that he called Jiang Chen brother-in-law. In front of Jiang Chen, this guy was extra bold and also extra open, without the slightest restraint of others.

"Tong Zhen is right, Young Master, I see, you have to drink at least thirty cups, and if thirty cups are not enough, forty cups are enough. If you don't get drunk, you won't go home." Tong Zhi followed suit.

"Yes, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home." The rest of the people also started making noise.

"If you don't get drunk, don't go home?" Jiang Chen smiled, and jokingly said, "Why do I listen, you guys are trying to get me drunk on purpose."

"Young Master, you are huge, you can't get drunk after a thousand cups, how can we get you drunk." Tong Zhi said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, you are so good at drinking, so let's drink fifty cups, anyway, you are not drunk." Tong Zhen said along the way.

"Let's drink together, I can drink as much as I can, otherwise I will be embarrassed if I accidentally get drunk." Jiang Chen said, and took the lead to drink the wine in the glass.

As Jiang Chen drank the glass of wine, the atmosphere of the banquet became more lively.

These people could see that Jiang Chen was actually very easy-going, and he didn't have any airs. He was in awe, but he was no longer so afraid.

They exchanged glasses one by one, and from time to time one or two people would come over to toast Jiang Chen.

In this way, as time went by, Jiang Chen himself couldn't remember how many glasses of wine he drank. Even if there were not fifty glasses, at least forty glasses would still be there.

The atmosphere was very lively, and the Tong family was still alive after the catastrophe. Mr. Tong inevitably drank a few more glasses. Halfway through the banquet, he was helped down to rest by the servants.

Tong Zhi and Tong Zhen were all flushed from drinking and quite drunk, even if they were fairy tales, they also drank a couple of glasses at the instigation of some people.

Fairytale's drinking capacity is light, and after two glasses of wine, there are signs of fainting, so she had to go back to rest first.

It was almost two hours later that Jiang Chen was freed, and was taken to the guest room by his servants to sober up.


The servant left, Jiang Chen entered the room, he couldn't help but smile, what kind of guest room is this, it's clearly the residence of Fairy Tale.

Fairy Tale should have fallen asleep. He didn't see Fairy Tale, but this girl who loves to read fairy tales has fairy tale books everywhere in her room.

Looking at those fairy tale books, Jiang Chen understood that this is the fairy tale's residence.

"No wonder..." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

No wonder Tong Zhen and those guys tried their best to drink him, even if they got themselves drunk. No wonder, on the way here, the servant always looked at him a little strangely...

Jiang Chen didn't think much about it at first, but now he doesn't understand that this was a premeditated act, and he was planning to get him drunk and send him to Fairy Tale's bed, or to send Fairy Tale to his bed, so that he could get the title of brother-in-law. , become worthy of the name.

However, he drank a lot, but his mind was very clear, and he was never affected by the alcohol at all. If it wasn't for the smell of alcohol all over his body, it would be impossible to tell that he had drunk alcohol.

Jiang Chen casually sat down on the sofa, picked up a book of fairy tales, and read a few pages.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen's nose wrinkled slightly, and he smelled a faint fragrance.

The smell emanates from the book, but it is not the smell of the book itself, but the smell of the fairy tale.

Fairy tales should be read this book from time to time, and over time, this book will be tainted with the flavor of fairy tales.

This smell inexplicably moved Jiang Chen's mind. He pondered for a while, put down the book in his hand, and walked upstairs.

Upstairs in the master bedroom, the door was ajar. Standing at the door, one could see Fairy Tale sleeping on the bed.

Here, the scent became more intense. I don't know if it was because of drinking, but Jiang Chen's mind was quietly stirred.

Without much hesitation, Jiang Chen pushed the door open and walked in.

Unlike ordinary girls' boudoirs, which often have a lot of clothes and cosmetics, in the fairy tale bedroom, there are all kinds of fairy tale books.

Even on the big bed, there are a few books thrown away, which should be the reading materials of Fairy Tale before going to bed.

Fairy Tale was sleeping soundly, and had no idea that a man broke into her room while she was asleep. Jiang Chen walked to the bedside, lowered his head, and glanced at Fairy Tale.

The girl who fell asleep peacefully was as holy as an angel, with a faint smile on her pure face.

He stretched out a finger and gently stroked Fairy's cheek. Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said softly: "Tonghua, if you know that you have been betrayed... Forget it, it's better not to know... sleep well Bar."

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen took two steps back, turned around and walked out of the bedroom.

Jiang Chen naturally disdained to do things that took advantage of others, especially if the other party was a woman.

And this kind of thing, even if Fairy Tale is voluntary, under such an environment, there is always a taste of calculation and transaction, which makes Jiang Chen dislike the most.

Jiang Chen left Tong's house very quickly. As soon as he left, the news reached Mr. Tong's ears.

"Master, Young Master Jiang has left." The servant said.

"Understood." Old Master Tong waved his hand, motioning the servant to retreat, pondered, and said to himself with some uncertainty: "Could it be that you did something wrong again?"

(End of this chapter)

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