genius evil

Chapter 622

Chapter 622
Jiang Chen drank at Tong's house at noon, and drank at MINT bar at night. Jiang Chen was accompanied by Ji Feng and Zhou Ji.

It is said that Jiang Chen doesn't have many friends, Zhou Ji barely counts as one, and Ji Feng can only count as half of them at most.

Several of them are regular customers of the MINT bar. As soon as they came, the waiter brought over the drinks very familiarly.

"Young master, where is the fairy tale beauty?" Zhou Ji pretended to look around, as if looking for a fairy tale, and said with a smile on his mouth.

Ji Feng also looked at Jiang Chen, also a little puzzled, Jiang Chen went out without a fairy tale.

Today, such an important event happened to the Tong family. Many forces in Tiannan City have received the news, and Ji Feng is paying close attention to Jiang Chen's every move.

The specific situation is unknown because the Tong family blocked the news, but the seriousness of the situation is certain.

The relationship between Jiang Chen and the Tong family is unclear... Oh, no, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tong Hua is unclear.

For Jiang Chen to go to war like this, there is a taste of becoming a beauty in anger. There is no doubt that after this incident, many forces will re-examine the relationship between Jiang Chen and the Tong family.

In this way, no matter whether it is Zhou Ji or Ji Feng, they all feel that the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tong Hua will take a further step as a matter of course.

"The fairytale beauty is naturally at home." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Young master, you are too stingy." Zhou Ji shouted.

"Don't you think that if the fairy tale comes, all the women in this bar will be overshadowed?" Jiang Chen asked unhurriedly.

"It seems that this is indeed the case." After thinking about it, Zhou Ji felt that Jiang Chen's words were too reasonable.

If Fairy Tale comes, it will definitely be of no benefit to him or Ji Feng, because no matter what kind of girl they are dating, compared with Fairy Tale, it will be eclipsed.

It wouldn't be beneficial to Jiang Chen, after all, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to pick up other girls.

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Ji couldn't help feeling that Jiang Chen was too prescient.The realm of picking up girls is really beyond what he and others can compare.

"Young master, look over there, that woman in the red dress." Ji Feng, who didn't say much, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction, and the expression on his face became a little strange.

"Ji Shao, what is the red dress and green dress, is there any need to make such a fuss, as if I have never seen a woman in my life." Zhou Ji was very vicious, and looked in the direction Ji Feng pointed at.

With just one glance, Zhou Ji was stunned as if struck by lightning, looking as if he had lost his mind.


After Jiang Chen looked over, he was also deeply surprised.

A few tables away, leaning towards the corner, sat a woman in a red dress. There was no embellishment on that red dress, it was a very pure bright red color.

Usually, women who wear skirts of this color, in the eyes of ordinary people, should have a very hot and enthusiastic personality, but that woman does not belong to this kind of personality at first glance.

She was too quiet without him.

Just that one person, sitting quietly in the corner, holding a cup in his hand, staring blankly, as if his mind was wandering away, and it seemed that the bustle and bustle in this bar was so incompatible with her.

But even though she was out of place, she came to a place like a bar again, which made people feel weird.

Jiang Chen first noticed the stunning blush, and then he noticed the woman's face. The facial features are exquisite and flawless at 360 degrees. Even in a place like a bar, she is definitely a super beauty that is rare to see.

No, it should be said that since the opening of the MINT bar, there has never been such a beauty.

The only flaw is that the woman's face is too white, not because of makeup, but a plain white, even pale color.

The pale face became particularly obvious against the red dress. The snow-like color, any man who looked at it, would inevitably feel pity in his heart at a glance.

In fact, Ji Feng and Zhou Ji lost their minds because of the woman in the red dress, whose face I still feel pity for, not just the two of them. Most of the men in the bar are because of the face of the woman in the red dress. , and a little lost.

But it was very weird, no one came forward to strike up a conversation, not a single one.

As a result, the woman in the red skirt sat there alone, and the atmosphere unconsciously became a little weirder.

"Young master, a fairy." After a while, Zhou Ji wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said exaggeratedly.

"Interested in her?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Young Master, if I say that I'm a bit ashamed now, will you laugh at me?" Zhou Ji said with a mournful face.

Such words, coming out of Zhou Ji's mouth, I have to say, are quite funny, but Zhou Ji is not funny, he is telling the truth.

Otherwise, with his personality, he would have run over to strike up a conversation long ago, and he wouldn't have discovered the beauties, and they would all be sitting here motionless.

"Young master, I'm quite ashamed of myself." Ji Feng said a little embarrassedly.

"Why didn't I?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Young Master, to be honest, don't be angry. I think it may be because you have a thick skin." Zhou Ji said.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and patted Zhou Ji on the head. Even if he really has a thick skin, is it necessary to say it so directly?

Apparently Zhou Ji and Ji Feng were not the only ones who were ashamed of their appearance. A beautiful woman was sitting there, but no one approached her. Apart from being ashamed of herself and not daring to strike up a conversation, there was no other reasonable explanation.

Jiang Chen naturally would not have such a situation, after thinking about it, he beckoned to the waiter.


In the corner, the woman in the red dress sat quietly.

She held a glass in her hand, and what was in the glass was not wine, but a glass of soda.

It is naturally not common to come to a bar without drinking. After all, the reason why a bar is called a bar is for people to drink.

The woman in the long skirt didn't ask for wine, she asked for a glass of water. However, after the glass of water was delivered, she held it in her hand, but after taking a shallow sip, she didn't drink it again.

Quite a few people, when they first saw the woman in the red dress, thought she was waiting for someone, but gradually, no one had such an idea. They all thought that the woman in the red dress just wanted to be alone. quiet.

There are many ways to be quiet. You can choose to stay at home, open a room in a hotel, or go to a park on the corner of the street.

I have never seen anyone come to a place like a bar when they want to be quiet.

After all, inside the bar, dragons and snakes are mixed, and the sound waves are soaring. This is not a place where you can be quiet. No matter how quiet a person is, after appearing in a place like a bar, it will be inevitable. Affected by the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere.

The woman in the red dress is different from ordinary people, but she chose the bar, and she did, because she is too quiet, as if all people and things are so far away from her, and they can't affect her in the slightest. state of mind.

The waiter at the bar, holding a tray in his hand, walked lightly to the woman in the red dress, picked up a glass of blue drink from the tray, and placed it in front of the woman in the red dress.

The woman in the red dress glanced at the glass of blue drink, then raised her eyes to look at the waiter.

The waiter's face flushed suddenly, he pointed to the direction where Jiang Chen was, and then quickly ran to the side.

In front of the woman in the red dress, the waiter didn't even have the courage to say a word.

Someone gave the woman in the red dress a glass of wine. This behavior not only attracted the attention of the woman in the red dress, but also attracted the attention of everyone else in the bar.

They all looked at Jiang Chen with weird expressions, as if Jiang Chen did this kind of thing as a blasphemy to the woman in the red dress.

The woman in the red dress also looked at Jiang Chen, her eyebrows and eyes did not fluctuate, she didn't know if she didn't take it to heart, or she accepted Jiang Chen's behavior very calmly.

"Young Master, I really admire you." Zhou Ji sighed.

Jiang Chen deserved to be Jiang Chen, he did things that no one else dared to do, and he didn't worry about causing public outrage at all.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen said lightly, but didn't explain anything.

"Young master, I really don't understand the way you pick up girls." Zhou Ji said.

"You still don't understand." Jiang Chen said.

If he really wanted to meet the woman in the red dress, he would walk over and sit down opposite the woman in the red dress instead of giving the woman in the red dress a drink.

"Young master, don't be so mysterious, okay? Even if I can't match you in picking up girls, don't treat me like an idiot, okay?" Zhou Ji said aggrievedly.

He felt that Jiang Chen's words had caused him a critical blow of ten thousand points.

"Have a drink." Jiang Chen said.

"Young Master, what are you drinking now? Shouldn't you take advantage of the victory to pursue it? But I think you are doing something wrong. You shouldn't give the big beauty a glass of the blue enchantress." Zhou Ji yelled.

"You really don't understand." Jiang Chen said helplessly. He gave the blue enchantress to the woman in the red dress. Naturally, he thought that the blue enchantress was suitable for the beauties in the red dress.

"Young Master, otherwise, let me make a bet with you. I bet that the big beauty will pour that glass of blue enchantress on your face. I bet ten yuan." Zhou Ji said.

"Why do you have this illusion?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Because I think that a big beauty is more suitable for soda water, and any alcoholic beverage is not suitable for her." Zhou Ji said confidently. He dared to say so for sure because he saw that the glass in the red dress woman's hand, Just soda.

If the woman in the red dress wanted to drink alcoholic beverages, she would have already ordered it herself, right?

"What you said seems quite reasonable, but unfortunately you are doomed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Master, you're insulting my IQ again." Zhou Ji was very unconvinced. Since Jiang Chen believed that what he said was quite reasonable, why would he still lose? It should be because he was sure of winning. yes.

Then, Zhou Ji tugged at Ji Feng, and said, "Young Master Ji, you must be a witness between me and the Young Master, and it must be fair and open."

But almost like this, as soon as the words fell, Zhou Ji became dumbfounded all of a sudden, and murmured: "What's going on, I seem to have lost."

(End of this chapter)

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