genius evil

Chapter 623 Junior Sister and Senior Brother

Chapter 623 Junior Sister and Senior Brother

This bet has only just begun, but Zhou Ji has indeed lost, very quickly and outrageously.

At least, in Zhou Ji's own opinion, his loss was outrageous, and even when he saw that happened, he couldn't help but wipe his eyes with his hand, just to make sure that it wasn't because he drank A few glasses of wine, and accidentally had hallucinations.

What Zhou Ji expected, the situation where the woman in the red skirt splashed that cup of blue enchantress on Jiang Chen's face, did not happen.

Not only did it not happen, but the woman in the red skirt actually picked up the cup of the blue enchantress and took a small sip... I don’t know if she was satisfied with the taste of the blue enchantress or what was the matter. I took a sip.

It has to be said that the occurrence of this kind of situation has dealt a huge blow to Zhou Ji, and it almost made him doubt his life.

Did something go wrong?
What about the fairy image of the woman in the red dress?

What about the high-cold personality of the woman in the red dress?

This also collapsed too fast, too unexpected.

Obviously, Zhou Ji is not the only one who thinks this way, those men in the bar who are lustful but not courageous, their eyeballs are about to fall out of their sockets when they see this.

If they had known earlier that a mere cup of blue enchantress could impress a woman in a red dress, wouldn't they have rushed to give it away?
"Young master, how did you do it?" Ji Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, young master, tell me quickly, how did you do it." Zhou Ji also hurriedly asked.

Although Jiang Chen's methods of picking up girls have always been extraordinary, but if he can't learn the essence, it's always good to learn a little superficial.

"It's very simple, just have a thicker skin." Jiang Chen pointed to his face.

"Uh, what's the specific method?" Zhou Ji asked unwillingly.

"Don't ask so many questions. You'll be useless when you look at it. When you look as handsome as I am, you'll understand the essence of the problem." Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Ji almost vomited blood.

Is it his fault that he is not as handsome as Jiang Chen?
No, it wasn't his fault at all, it was his parents' fault!


I don't know if it's because the cup of blue enchantress was given by Jiang Chen, or the woman in the red dress prefers the taste of the blue enchantress.

What happened next, in the eyes of everyone in the bar, was even more unbelievable.

They all watched helplessly as the woman in the red dress drank a glass of blue enchantress in small sips.

Not to mention, after drinking a glass of Blue Enchantress, the woman in the red skirt still stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips, as if she still had something to say.

Such a delicate and cute move instantly drove the men in the bar crazy. They all ran towards the bar like animals, shouting for a glass of Blue Enchantress.

But apart from Jiang Chen, no one noticed that in the chaos, the woman in the red dress left the bar quietly by herself.

"A group of imitators who are not as handsome as I am, and dare to be courteous. Now, let's scare away the fairies." Zhou Ji said indignantly.

"Ten yuan." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

"Master, isn't it right? You really want it. It's only ten yuan. Even if it falls in front of you, you won't pick it up, okay?" Zhou Ji looked hopeless, but still took out After flipping through the wallet several times, he found a ten yuan bill and stuffed it into Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen put it in his pants pocket without hesitation, and said lazily, "You will pay the bill later."

"Why?" Zhou Ji yelled, it would be embarrassing for him to lose money tonight, and it would be too bullying for him to pay the bill.

"How about I buy it?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Back, I still buy it, how can I let you buy it, I treat you." Zhou Ji changed his words quickly.


When Jiang Chen left the bar, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and after he separated from Ji Feng and Zhou Ji, Jiang Chen drove directly towards Sleeping Beauty's nursing home.

Speaking of which, although there have been many contacts with Sleeping Beauty, it has been a while since Jiang Chen missed Sleeping Beauty.

Knowing the way, he drove the car into the nursing home. Jiang Chen stopped the car in front of the gate of the small villa inside the nursing home, pushed the door open, and got out of the car.

"Who are you looking for?" It was Jiang Chen who had just walked into the gate of the villa. A figure walked out quickly, stopped Jiang Chen's footsteps, looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and asked. .

"Sleeping Beauty." Jiang Chen said simply, and also looked at the man.

In his thirties, he is about 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body, and there is a big black mole between his eyebrows and eyes. I don't know if it is because of this that when he stares at someone, his eyes are invisible. In it, there is a somewhat gloomy taste.

The tone of this person's speech is very gentle, even if it is a questioning tone, it sounds quite patient, and it is not easy to arouse disgust.

"Who is Sleeping Beauty?" the man asked.

"You don't know who Sleeping Beauty is?" Jiang Chen felt a little baffled, this is Sleeping Beauty's place, and this guy appeared here, but he didn't know who Sleeping Beauty was, and whether he made a mistake.

"You can tell me the name of the person you are looking for. If you can't tell me, please leave. It's getting late, so don't disturb everyone's rest." The man said.

"Wait, tell me who you are first." Jiang Chen said.

"You don't need to know who I am... However, I'm a little suspicious of your motives for appearing here. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, please leave first, or come back tomorrow during the day." The man made a sign to drive away .

"Unfortunately, something unpleasant happened." Jiang Chen said, he moved his feet, took two steps forward, and then bumped into the man's body with his shoulder.

The man only felt a strong force hitting him. It was as forceful as if a person had been hit by a big truck.

Under the pain, he couldn't help but backed up a few steps one after another, while Jiang Chen took the opportunity to walk into the villa step by step.

"Stop!" The man shouted and rushed over.

"If you don't want the situation to become more unpleasant, I advise you to get out of the way." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Are you threatening me?" The man was displeased.

"You are wrong, this is called a threat." Jiang Chen's right hand stretched out like lightning, strangled the man's neck, and lifted him from the ground.


The man coughed and struggled hard, trying to break free from Jiang Chen's control, but no matter how hard he struggled, Jiang Chen's hand remained motionless.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?" A voice sounded in the room, and then, a graceful woman came out.

"Qingluo, get in quickly, this person is dangerous." Seeing Sleeping Beauty come out, the man yelled loudly.

"Sleeping Beauty, where did this guy come from? Is he a tease sent by a monkey?" Jiang Chen asked with black lines all over his head.

"Jiang Chen, let him go, he is my senior brother." Sleeping Beauty said dumbfounded, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen had a conflict with his senior brother.

And it seemed that if she came out a little later, the senior brother would be strangled to death by Jiang Chen.

"Senior brother?" Jiang Chen looked at the man in surprise, this guy was Sleeping Beauty's senior brother.

The man also looked at Jiang Chen in surprise. He heard that Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty were familiar with each other, and the relationship was obviously quite close. Moreover, Ling Qingluo had the title of Sleeping Beauty, but even he didn't know it.

A while later, in the living room of the villa, Jiang Chen was sitting on the sofa, drinking the tea made by Sleeping Beauty. The man was sitting opposite Jiang Chen, his eyes became more and more gloomy, and he rubbed his neck once or twice. On his neck, the marks of five fingers were clearly visible.

"Introduce yourself, Lynch," the man said.

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I'm Qingluo's senior brother. The previous incident was a misunderstanding. I didn't know that you and Qingluo knew each other beforehand. I hope you don't mind." Lynch then said.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "You can rest assured, I definitely won't mind. As for whether you will mind, then I don't know."

"Of course I don't mind." Lynch's eyes flickered.

He said that he was Sleeping Beauty's senior brother, and tried to figure out the relationship between Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty in this way. pushed onto him.

"Sleeping Beauty, when did you have a senior brother, why didn't I know?" Jiang Chen paid too much attention to Lynch and asked Sleeping Beauty.

"Of course I have a senior brother." Sleeping Beauty said amusedly, she is a generation of ancient martial arts practitioners, she has her own sect, unlike Jiang Chen, who is alone.

"Okay, you have a senior brother, but your senior brother doesn't look good." Jiang Chen said, and at this point, Jiang Chen glanced at Lin Qi and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't say your character is bad, I mean Your strength is not good, as for whether your character is good or not, we will not discuss it for the time being, although it seems that it doesn't feel very good."

"It's true that Mr. Lin's skills are not as good as others, but you're laughing at him, brother Jiang Chen. As for character, Mr. Lin still has some confidence." Lynch said.

"Aren't you angry when I say you can't do it?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"It's indeed far inferior to you, brother Jiang Chen. I don't know which sect you come from, brother Jiang Chen?" Lynch said honestly.

"Which sect I belong to, you don't need to know. Anyway, even if I tell you, you won't know." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I think it's not that others don't need to know, but you are too embarrassed to say it?" Suddenly, a crisp voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear, and then, a golden figure jumped up and down from the second floor of the villa. Jumped down.

After jumping down, the girl in golden body stared wide-eyed, looked at Jiang Chen without blinking, and muttered, "Why do you have such a bad heart? Seeing that Senior Brother Lin is honest, it's good to see you!" If you bully Senior Brother Lin, if you have the ability, come and bully me..."

(End of this chapter)

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