genius evil

Chapter 624 Senior Sister, Your Boyfriend Is Not Good

Chapter 624 Senior Sister, Your Boyfriend Is Not Good
The girl was wearing a golden skirt, shining brightly under the light. Judging from the manner and tone of her speech, she had a tricky and aggressive temperament.

"You let me bully you?" Jiang Chen looked at the golden girl with a strange expression on his face.

He has seen all kinds of strange requests, but he has never seen anyone make such a weird request.

"What's the matter, you look down on me and think I'm not worthy of being bullied by you?" the golden girl said carelessly.

"I'm just a little embarrassed." Jiang Chen spread his hands.

The golden girl sneered and said, "Next, are you going to tell me that you never bully women, I warn you, don't say those nonsense in front of me, do you know what the nonsense means? It's a lie, Disgusting, numb, if you don't believe me, if you touch my arm, do you have goose bumps?"

"Did I say that?" Jiang Chen expressed his confusion.

He didn't say anything, is it necessary for the golden girl to compete with him?

"You didn't say it, but you definitely think that way in your heart. Don't think that I don't know what you stinky men are thinking about all day long." The golden girl vowed.

"I smell very fragrant, why don't you smell it?" Jiang Chen said.

"You are crazy, who wants to smell you." The golden girl cursed.

"You are insane, who wants to touch you? Also, you are a little girl with no hair at all. You tell me to bully you one by one. You are a pervert... It's fine if you are perverted yourself. Don't think that this world Everyone in the world is as perverted as you." Jiang Chen also cursed.

"Who are you calling perverted?" The golden girl was completely dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's scolding.

"Who knows who is abnormal." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You bully me!" The golden girl yelled.

"You want me to bully you so shamelessly, who would I bully if I don't bully you?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"You still bully me!" The golden girl accused loudly.

"You really are crazy." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

Obviously she was the one who sent him to his door to be bullied, but he made it clear that he was embarrassed to bully others, so who can blame him for being cheap?

"You are a big man, bullying me a little girl, what are you proud of? Yes, I have no hair, but I am only 14 years old, and I will grow up soon." The golden girl said angrily .

"I have reservations about this." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"If you want to hold your opinion, you can do whatever you want, even if I have no development? Anyway, I won't find you as a boyfriend." The golden girl

"You think beautifully." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"I told you I wouldn't find you as my boyfriend, why did I think you were beautiful?" The golden girl quit.

"You say that, but who knows what you think in your heart? Don't think that I don't know what you stinky women are thinking all day long." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The golden girl was about to be told to cry by Jiang Chen.

She has always believed that she has a sharp tongue and has never met an opponent.

But Jiang Chen's mouth was too poisonous, beating around the bush, returning all the words she said, and hitting her to death.

"Senior Sister, he said we are stinking women, please say something." Seeing that Jiang Chen couldn't be trusted, the golden girl grabbed Sleeping Beauty.

"Jin Ling, stop messing around." Sleeping Beauty was already at the side, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

She knew Jinling's character, she belonged to the kind of pungent temper that could find three points for herself even if she didn't reason, but obviously, her rank was still too low, and she was not Jiang Chen's opponent at all.

Whether it's fighting or bickering with Jiang Chen, they are not at the same level as Jiang Chen.

"Senior Sister, where did I go wrong? I just saw him bullying Senior Brother Lin, so I complained to Senior Brother Lin. I can't just sit and watch Senior Brother Lin being bullied." Jin Ling said unconvinced.

"You can close your eyes." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Chen, don't say a few words." Sleeping Beauty was helpless.

"Did you hear that, Senior Sister told you to stop talking and let me go." Jin Ling snorted coldly.

"Jin Ling, don't say a few words, or I will get angry." Sleeping Beauty said with a straight face.

"Listen carefully, I told you not to say a few words." Jiang Chen then said.

"You will die if you don't learn how I speak." Jin Ling couldn't help but come out as soon as he punched out.

Jiang Chen used the move of the other's way and the other's body, Jiang Chen used it too skillfully, and Jin Ling didn't dare to run on Jiang Chen anymore, otherwise, she would be run on by Jiang Chen even more.

"So, are you still letting me bully you?" Jiang Chen then asked.

Since Jin Ling made such a request, even though it was a bit perverted, as a kind man, Jiang Chen felt that he should still meet her request.

"If I want you to bully me, you bully me. Do you still have principles? If I want you to die, do you want to die too?" Jin Ling asked.

"Sleeping Beauty, you are not good as a junior sister. You are too young to live a crooked life. If you are not careful, you will lose your life every minute." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Senior sister, if you break up with him, you must break up. This boyfriend of yours is not good at all. He is a selfish venomous snake. He bullies women as well as women. If you are with him, you will be bullied to death sooner or later." Jin Bell spoke loudly and quickly.

After saying this, Jin Ling let out a heavy breath, and finally used Jiang Chen's method, and she was really powerful with the way of the other, and she herself was very relieved.

"Qingluo, is this brother Jiang Chen your boyfriend?" Lin Qi, who had been silent for a long time after Jin Ling appeared, asked, his surprised eyes flashed between Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty.

Although, since Jiang Chen called Ling Qingluo Sleeping Beauty, and came to find Sleeping Beauty at night, Lin Qi had thought about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty.

However, Lynch didn't think about that. After all, he knew very well how proud and arrogant Sleeping Beauty is. Ordinary men, no, it should be said that any slightly ordinary man would not be able to fall into the eyes of Sleeping Beauty.

This Jiang Chen, he didn't see any advantages that made people shine, except that he was ruthless and poisonous, but this, in Lynch's eyes, was naturally not an advantage, but a big advantage. Shortcomings.

"Senior brother Lin, you are really stupid. Senior sister and this bastard have been flirting here all the time, haven't you noticed?" Jin Ling said angrily.

"Qing Luo, is it true?" Lynch ignored Jin Ling's words, he wanted to hear the answer from Sleeping Beauty.

"Senior brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time. You don't know about some things that happened here. I told you that someone cured my illness. That person is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen's arm, said softly.

"So, Senior Sister, you agreed with your body?" Jin Ling asked, giving Jiang Chen a disgusted look.

What a perfect and epic love story, but why when the protagonist of this love story is Jiang Chen, there is no good meaning at all?
"I can't say that. Since then, I have developed a good impression of Jiang Chen, and finally we got together." The Sleeping Beauty said.

The things she experienced between Jiang Chen and her were quite tortuous and complicated. Some things can be brought out, and some things cannot be said.

Even in front of senior brothers and sisters, it is impossible for Sleeping Beauty to say those unspoken words.

"Senior sister, why do I feel that you are insincere? You were actually deceived by this bastard, or forced by him?" Jin Ling said in a suspicious tone.

"Qingluo, is that so? Don't be afraid, I'll make the decision for you." Lynch said, standing up from the sofa.

"Senior Brother Lin, you are really stupid to say that you are stupid. You are no match for this bastard, so how can you decide for Senior Sister?" Jin Ling reminded.

Lynch blushed, not knowing whether it was shame or anger.

"Senior Brother Lin, don't be afraid. Although you are no match for this bastard, there is still me. The two of us join forces and beat him down in an instant." Jin Ling said again.

"Qingluo, you have to explain this matter clearly, otherwise how can I explain to the master?" Lynch said with a blushing face.

"The whole thing is just like this, don't think too much about it." Sleeping Beauty glared at Jin Ling angrily, the little girl opened her mouth to say whatever she wanted, without considering right or wrong at all, isn't this intentionally creating conflicts?
Moreover, calling Jiang Chen a bastard over and over again is really outrageous.

"Senior Sister, even though Senior Brother Lin and I have thought about it, I still feel that this bastard is not good enough for you. You said that you are a big flower, why did you blindly plant it on his pile of cow dung?" Jin Ling muttered.

"Little girl, how do you talk? Do you know how hard cow dung is to nourish flowers?" Jiang Chen was a little angry.

"So what if you try harder? Cow dung is cow dung. You just aren't good enough for my senior sister. This is an undeniable fact." Jin Ling said angrily.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't blame me for talking too much. In fact, in my opinion, you and Qing Luo are not suitable." Lynch said in a deep voice.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"This may sound a bit cruel, but one must be self-aware," Lynch said.

"Brother, master, I will explain myself when I go back this time, you don't need to say more." Frowning, Sleeping Beauty said, Jiang Chen is her man, even her senior brothers and sisters cannot be belittled.

"Qingluo, you have to understand that I said this purely for your own good. Between you and Jiang Chen, it is impossible. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!" Lin Qi said earnestly.

"I will bear the consequences myself." Sleeping Beauty's tone of voice became a lot heavier.

"No, I will bear it." Jiang Chen smiled, and said calmly: "Speaking of it, you two may not believe it, but I, Jiang Chen, are worthy of any woman in this world. Listen clearly, I said It's either."

"The tone is not small." Jin Ling sneered.

"Shut up." Sleeping Beauty finally got angry, and said sharply: "No matter what happens in the future, this is a matter between me and Jiang Chen, and it's not up to you to point fingers here. For the sake of the friendship of the same family, I won't do it for now. Argue with you, if there is a next time, get out!"

"Senior Sister, you..." Jin Ling couldn't believe that Sleeping Beauty would say such words, and Lin Qi, deep in his eyes, was also full of shock...

(End of this chapter)

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