genius evil

Chapter 626

Chapter 626
"Sorry, I didn't bring my card." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not talking about a cash card, but a credit card." Jin Ling reminded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring it either." Jiang Chen said.

"Where is the cash, have you brought the cash?" Jin Ling was a little anxious, Jiang Chen didn't bring the cash card, nor did he bring the credit card, so what would he use to pay for her?

"You really are an idiot." Jiang Chen sighed deeply.

"You're an idiot." Jin Ling said angrily.

If Jiang Chen wasn't an idiot, how could he go shopping with a woman without bringing his bank card?What's more, she and Sleeping Beauty are the ones who accompany her, who are so charming and charming.

If any other man had such an opportunity, let alone bring a bank card, if he spent all his belongings at once, he probably wouldn't even blink his eyes.

"If you weren't an idiot, how could you ask me such an idiotic question? Who would casually carry a dozen or 20 in cash?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I don't care, you have to buy the order anyway." Jin Ling said vehemently.

"Why do you ask me to pay for the clothes you bought?" Jiang Chen seemed quite unconvinced.

"Don't try to make excuses for yourself. There is no other reason why you don't pay the bill, but because you are poor." Jin Ling cursed viciously.

"Whatever you say, whoever wants to buy this order will buy it." Jiang Chen said lazily, anyway, he would never buy it, and he didn't take advantage of it, so he wouldn't be slaughtered like this.

"But you said just now that you are rich." Jin Ling said loudly.

"You must have heard it wrong. Also, you said it yourself, it is impossible for me to buy something for you. Why, what you say doesn't count, you have to go back on your word?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You—" Jin Ling was so angry that she was speechless.

Let's just say, when she was in the car, she had seen Jiang Chen's reckless side, but what Jin Ling never expected was that Jiang Chen would be such a hob.

Jin Ling is not stupid, she understands very well that it is impossible for Jiang Chen not to bring his bank card, he just doesn't want to pay her the bill, otherwise, wouldn't Jiang Chen really have no advantages in his whole body?
If that was the case, Jin Ling thought that even if Sleeping Beauty was blind in both eyes, it would probably be impossible for her to fall in love with Jiang Chen.

"Senior sister, what do you think I should do, woo woo..." Eyeballs rolled around in a circle, and Jin Ling turned her attention to Sleeping Beauty.

Wasn't Jiang Chen unwilling to pay the bill?Then she asked Sleeping Beauty to buy it for her.

Sleeping Beauty is Jiang Chen's girlfriend, so of course, she spent Jiang Chen's money.

In that case, it was tantamount to indirect, Jiang Chen bought this order for her.

Thinking of this, Jin Ling suddenly felt that she was too witty.

"I didn't bring any money either." Sleeping Beauty said a little helplessly.

"Senior Sister, don't lie to me, I will take it seriously." Jin Ling's eyes widened.

"Really." Sleeping Beauty nodded.

Going out shopping with Jiang Chen, Sleeping Beauty never thought about bringing a wallet, after all, no matter what she wanted, Jiang Chen would definitely buy it for her.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is to accompany Jin Ling, she has no desire to consume, but simply walks with Jiang Chen.

She will leave Tiannan City soon, and she won't have much time with Jiang Chen. When the next time comes, she probably doesn't know when she will go.

In addition, from the attitude of senior brother Lynch, Sleeping Beauty understands that if she and Jiang Chen want to be together, it is doomed not to go well, so she wants to spend more time with Jiang Chen more and more.

"Senior Sister, you are definitely lying to me, woo...what should I do..." Jin Ling covered her face with her hand, squeezed out two tears, and squatted on the ground.

It would not work to force Jiang Chen to pay the bill, so she unbelievedly started the idea of ​​Sleeping Beauty, who knew there would be another oolong that Sleeping Beauty didn't bring money with.

If it were someone else, facing this one after another situation, they would have given up early on.

But Jin Ling didn't give up that easily, because she still had a third trick, crying.

A crying child has milk.

Jinling has been convinced of this all along.

In the sect, she is the youngest, and every time she is bullied or wronged, she will cry and make a fuss, which is guaranteed to work.

Jin Ling couldn't have used this move more skillfully.

No, tears come when you say it, Jinling's pitiful little pear blossom with rain, no matter who looks at it, it will feel a little bit distressed.

Jin Ling crouched on the ground, weeping softly. The few clerks in the specialty store couldn't bear to see how much they saw, thinking that Jiang Chen should have to pay the bill.

Just at a glance, one of them counts as the other, and they are all stupid.

He suddenly saw that Jiang Chen was holding Sleeping Beauty by the hand, and just like that, he ignored Jin Ling and walked out.


Seeing Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty leave the specialty store through the cracks of her fingers, Jin Ling screamed and almost went crazy.


"Sleeping Beauty, it's not good for the two of us to leave like this? Otherwise, I'd better buy it for Jin Ling, after all, she is your junior sister, otherwise it will cause gossip." Walking out of the specialty store, Jiang Chen said in a fake manner.

Sleeping Beauty gave Jiang Chen a blank look, somewhat dumbfounded.

It wasn't she who pulled Jiang Chen away, it was Jiang Chen who pulled her away. Fortunately, Jin Ling hadn't caught up to him, otherwise Jin Ling would have been pissed to death on the spot when she heard this.

"It's okay, that's how she is." On the lips, Sleeping Beauty said.

"It matters, it matters a lot." Jin Ling finally caught up and said in a vicious voice. While talking, she pointed a finger at Jiang Chen with a ferocious look, "Jiang Chen, I swear, from now on, you and I will There is no balance. You just wait, I will take revenge on you, I will take revenge on you."

"Jinling, are you trying to make me angry?" Sleeping Beauty was a little unhappy.

"Senior sister, why are you so partial to him? I won't lie to you. Your boyfriend is really bad. Who would do such a thing?" Jin Ling said through gritted teeth, as if there was a lot of hatred between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen. What a hate.

"Whether it's okay or not is my own business." Sleeping Beauty said angrily.

When Jin Ling heard it, she knew that she had inadvertently angered Sleeping Beauty again, and said with a sad face: "Senior sister, don't be angry, I'm joking...really, I'm really joking, I How could you take revenge on your brother-in-law?"

"It's better as a joke," Sleeping Beauty reminded.

"I swear, it's a joke." Jin Ling hurriedly raised her hand.

Sleeping Beauty has always been cold, but has a gentle temper. Jin Ling has never seen Sleeping Beauty lose her temper, but from last night to today, Sleeping Beauty has lost her temper twice.

He lost his temper twice, and it was all because of Jiang Chen.

Even if Jin Ling is really an idiot, it can be seen how Jiang Chen's position in Sleeping Beauty's heart is.

Although Jin Ling agreed with her heart and sincerely felt that Jiang Chen was not good enough to be worthy of Sleeping Beauty, but she never dared to arrange Jiang Chen's fault, otherwise, Sleeping Beauty would probably have to turn against her.

The shopping continued, but the main character was no longer Jinling, but Sleeping Beauty.

"Sleeping Beauty, I think that bracelet is pretty good, it suits you very well, try it." At a jewelry counter, Jiang Chen pointed to a bracelet and motioned the clerk to take it out.

After a while, the bracelet that Jiang Chen had taken a fancy to was put on Sleeping Beauty's hand as a matter of course, and she paid the bill and left.

"Sleeping Beauty, have you seen that dress, do you like it?" Another clothing store, Jiang Chen took a fancy to a dress.

This time, I didn't even need to try it, just took it off and packed it, Jiang Chen held it in his hand, and swiped his card to pay.

"Sleeping Beauty, let's pick some bottles of perfume." There was another perfume counter, Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty stopped. As a result, Sleeping Beauty bought three bottles of perfume.


Jin Ling was like a little follower, the kind who had no sense of existence, foolishly following Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty, watching Jiang Chen buy and buy again and again.

Every time she bought it, Jin Ling's eyes widened a little, and in the end, the eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

It's fine to buy a bracelet, not to mention, although Jiang Chen's character is not very good, his vision is indeed quite good, the bracelet he chose is very suitable for Sleeping Beauty, and the price is not too expensive.

But what about that dress?

It's just a dress, it costs 10,000+, which is more expensive than the bunch of things she picked out, and she bought it without even trying it.

No matter how good Sleeping Beauty's figure is, no matter what kind of clothes she wears, she can show a different texture, but it can't be like this, right?

What if it doesn't fit?

What if the color is wrong?
What if there is a small flaw?
Don't you think about it at all?
What especially made Jin Ling unacceptable was the scene where Jiang Chen bought perfume for Sleeping Beauty. It was fine to buy one bottle, but would you like to buy three bottles at once?

Are you done buying so much?

Is it possible to buy it back and use it as toilet water to spray the whole room to freshen the air?

A prodigal can't lose like this, can he?

Jin Ling watched helplessly as Jiang Chen spent money like running water without even blinking. In the blink of an eye, he spent more than 100 million yuan. She just felt that she was about to suffocate.

It was agreed to let Jiang Chen feel the feeling, what does it feel like the heart is bleeding, but now, it turned out that she strongly felt the feeling of the heart bleeding.

This is dog abuse, or the fancy kind!

Have you considered her feelings?
Even if she doesn't have any sense of existence, she can't just ignore her existence in such a grand manner, right?

What happened to the single dog?Single dogs have human rights, okay? If this continues, Jin Ling feels that she can't help but call the police.

Fortunately, after Jiang Chen spent almost two million yuan and had more than a dozen packaging bags on his body, the dog abuse operation ended, and Jin Ling felt a little better. The three of them headed out of the shopping mall together. go.

"Jinling, what do you want to buy?" At this moment, Sleeping Beauty remembered the existence of Jinling, and asked a little embarrassed.

"No, no." Jin Ling shook her head like a rattle, she didn't want to humiliate herself anymore.

"Jiang Chen, go and buy something to eat." The Sleeping Beauty said to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen chuckled, saw a cold drink shop next to him, and walked over...

(End of this chapter)

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