genius evil

Chapter 627 Don't Pick the Wild Flowers on the Roadside

Chapter 627 Don't Pick the Wild Flowers on the Roadside

Jin Ling knew that Sleeping Beauty was compensating herself, and meant to comfort her. However, Jin Ling was also a little moved. After all, this finally meant that Sleeping Beauty hadn't completely forgotten her. She was in Sleeping Beauty's heart. , still has a little sense of existence.

Seeing Jiang Chen go to buy ice cream, Jin Ling thought to herself again, she said that it was impossible for Jiang Chen to buy something for her, but after a while, Jiang Chen bought ice cream for her, is it okay? Said, did Jiang Chen give her something after all?

In this way, does it mean that Jiang Chen lost the war between her and Jiang Chen in the end?

"That's right, that's right, Jiang Chen lost, and I won." Thinking about it, Jin Ling couldn't help being a little overjoyed, the process was not good, but the ending was perfect!
Jin Ling just looked at Jiang Chen's back eagerly, blinked her eyes, and waited wholeheartedly for Jiang Chen to buy ice cream and come back.

"Jin Ling, do you really want to eat ice cream?" Sleeping Beauty asked curiously upon seeing this.

She asked Jiang Chen to buy ice cream, and she really meant to compensate and comfort Jin Ling.

She didn't ignore Jin Ling on purpose, but because she was so focused on Jiang Chen that she didn't pay attention to Jin Ling.

But, it's just buying an ice cream, why does Jin Ling seem to be looking forward to it?

"Yeah, I really want to eat it." Jinling Chick nodded as if pecking at rice. As for the reason for wanting to eat it, it was naturally impossible to tell Sleeping Beauty.

Otherwise, what if Sleeping Beauty sues Jiang Chen?
Even if Sleeping Beauty doesn't file a complaint, according to the situation that Sleeping Beauty is protecting Jiang Chen, she is destined not to be able to eat ice cream.

"How about buying two more?" Sleeping Beauty said.

"No need, just eat one." Jin Ling said.

"Apart from ice cream, do you have anything else you want to eat? I'll let Jiang Chen take us there later." The Sleeping Beauty said again.

"Senior sister, no need, I'm a little tired, let's go back after eating the ice cream." Jin Ling said.

Sleeping Beauty just gave Jin Ling a strange look, and she found that Jin Ling was a little too cute.

Not to mention Jin Ling's temperament, there is no such thing as being well-behaved, even if there is, given the conflict between Jin Ling and Jiang Chen, she will not be so well-behaved all of a sudden.

Just thinking about it, Sleeping Beauty couldn't figure out what was going on, how could she understand Jin Ling's little thoughts.

After Jiang Chen paid the bill, he walked over with two ice creams in his hand, one for Sleeping Beauty and the other for Jinling.

Jin Ling was full of anticipation, she reached out to pick it up, she couldn't wait to eat ice cream.

Who knew, Jin Ling took the time to pick it up, so Jiang Chen still took the ice cream and ran away quickly.

"What's the situation?" Jin Ling was in a mess in the wind, what is this, the duck in hand... no, the ice cream in hand is about to fly away?
Where is Jiang Chen going?

Could it be that she wanted to throw the ice cream that originally belonged to her into the trash can?

Jin Ling really wanted to die. If she didn't want to feed her, she could just buy one and buy them all, but in the end she wouldn't feed them. Is this the rhythm of driving her to death?

Jiang Chen naturally didn't intend to force Jin Ling to death, and naturally he didn't know the little things in Jin Ling's heart. The reason why he ran away suddenly was because he accidentally caught a glimpse of an acquaintance.

It is said that they are acquaintances, but in fact they are not familiar, they just met once by chance.

However, what I have to say is that the impression that that red dress left on him was too profound. Even when he saw the shadow of that red color, a snow-white picture appeared in his mind naturally. Come face.

The acquaintance Jiang Chen saw was the woman in the red dress who had met once at the MINT bar.

The woman in the red dress is still wearing a bright red long skirt today, the style of the long skirt has changed slightly, but it is still an extremely simple style.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen discovered that the pair of shoes on the feet of the woman in the red skirt were also bright red.

Perhaps the only thing that hasn't changed is the plain white face of the woman in the red dress. That whiteness looks even whiter under the sun.

The place where the woman in the red dress appeared was at the entrance of the cold drink shop where Jiang Chen bought the ice cream. She looked as if she wanted to go in and buy an ice cream, but she just stood there quietly, motionless. It seemed that No intention of going in at all.

Jiang Chen held an ice cream in his hand, and just walked over. Soon, the woman in the red skirt found Jiang Chen, and she was also very impressed with Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen invited her to drink a glass of blue enchantress. It's her favorite flavor.

"It's you." The woman in the red skirt said, her expression was indifferent, and she couldn't tell it was surprise or surprise, or just an ordinary greeting.

"Want to eat ice cream?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"No." The woman in the red skirt shook her head.

"Here you are." Jiang Chen acted as if he hadn't heard what the woman in the red skirt said, and handed over the ice cream in his hand, as if he couldn't refuse it.

"You—" The woman in the red dress was slightly taken aback.

"I just bought it, eat it quickly, or it will melt in a while." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not buying ice cream." The woman in the red dress explained.

"I invite you to eat." Jiang Chen said like this.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the woman in the red skirt stretched out her hand to take the ice cream. She looked at the ice cream, stuck out her pink tongue, and licked it slightly.

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Delicious." The woman in the red dress nodded subconsciously, but she didn't notice that Jiang Chen's smile clearly contained a slight hint of narrowness.

"If it's delicious, I'll buy you another one after eating it, if you can eat one more." Jiang Chen said.

"Just one." The woman in the red dress said, thanked her, and walked away with an ice cream in her hand.

Jiang Chen watched the woman in the red dress go away, but he didn't intend to catch up with her and continued to strike up a conversation. He walked towards the Sleeping Beauty, and that golden bell, watching Jiang Chen approaching, looked at Jiang Chen's eyes, almost burning It's about to squirt.

It would be fine if Jiang Chen really took the ice cream and threw it in the trash can.

But Jiang Chen didn't throw it away, but gave another woman the ice cream that originally belonged to her.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, she was no match for Sleeping Beauty. Who told Sleeping Beauty to be Jiang Chen's girlfriend? There was no comparison in importance.

But, could it be better than that woman in the red dress?
"Brother-in-law, where is my ice cream?" When Jiang Chen came over, Jin Ling asked knowingly.

"Give it away." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you giving someone an ice cream?" Jin Ling forced a smile, grinning.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course I have no problem, but I don't know if my senior sister has any problems." Jin Ling tried her best to throw the topic to Sleeping Beauty.

On the surface, sending ice cream is no problem.

But it depends on how to give it, and more importantly, who it is given to. One bad thing is to eat other people's ice cream, that is, to take advantage of others.

In Jin Ling's eyes, Jiang Chen's behavior of giving the woman in red dress ice cream was obviously Jiang Chen's attempt to take advantage of the woman in red dress.

Moreover, Jin Ling admired Jiang Chen's face and courage a little.

Pick up girls, just pick up girls, which man is not lustful, but you can't be so blatant in front of Sleeping Beauty, it's clear that you don't care about Sleeping Beauty.

Jin Ling didn't believe it anymore, it was all like this, Sleeping Beauty still wasn't angry.

But Jin Ling was doomed to be disappointed, because Sleeping Beauty was really not angry, not even a sign of anger.

"That woman looks familiar." Sleeping Beauty said thoughtfully.

"Have you seen it before?" Jiang Chen just asked.

"I don't remember clearly." Sleeping Beauty was a little confused, she had some vague impressions, but she couldn't remember where the impressions came from.

"It's fine if you can't remember it." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you know her? Do you know her name?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"It doesn't count as knowing her, let alone knowing her name." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Hearing this, Jin Ling couldn't bear to listen anymore. There was nothing she could do. Sleeping Beauty's words were too calm. It would be okay if the tone of questioning was fine, but this was just an ordinary tone of questioning.

"It doesn't count as acquaintance, you don't even know the name, and you just give someone ice cream, so you won't be afraid that someone will slap your face with ice cream?" Jin Ling said with a snort.

"I know she will want to eat." Jiang Chen said simply.

It's as if he knows that women in red dresses like to drink blue enchantresses. Sometimes, some problems that seem to be in the air can be seen through by a certain person at a glance.

He just saw that the woman in the red dress wanted to eat ice cream, so he gave an ice cream, otherwise, even if he saw the woman in the red dress, he would not have walked over.

"They say they don't know each other, and they also say they know that they want to eat. Brother-in-law, please explain your problem to sister." Jin Ling said provocatively.

"Jin Ling, have you ever heard that a straight body is not afraid of a slanted shadow?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"I don't read much, so I haven't heard of it." Jin Ling struck out.

"Then you've heard it now, keep it in your heart." Jiang Chen began to teach.

Jin Ling was so angry, why is this guy so thick-skinned, and he seems to have a surprisingly good psychological quality, why are all the shameless words from his mouth becoming understatement?
"I'll remember it, but brother-in-law, have you ever heard a saying, don't pick wild flowers by the roadside." Jin Ling said.

"I've heard of it, what does it mean?" Jiang Chen asked humbly.

"Senior Sister, teach him." Jin Ling didn't want to talk to Jiang Chen anymore, it was too annoying.

"Jiang Chen, it's getting more and more chaotic outside now." The Sleeping Beauty said with emotion whether it was because of the woman in the red dress that triggered some thoughts.

Jin Ling looked at Sleeping Beauty in surprise, unable to understand what Sleeping Beauty was saying.

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

Those small fish and shrimps in Yilan City are not counted. In Tiannan City, even Han Zhenhai and other Houtian eighth-level powerhouses have appeared, and it is indeed getting more and more chaotic.

"I have a vague feeling that this kind of chaos is a bit abnormal, as if there is an invisible mysterious black hand manipulating it behind the scenes," Sleeping Beauty said.

"Then, find an opportunity to cut off that hand." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Be careful in everything." Sleeping Beauty was a little worried.

"Trust me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Jin Ling became more and more surprised, why did she start to abuse the dog again out of nowhere?

(End of this chapter)

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