genius evil

Chapter 628 I'm Just Bullying You

Chapter 628 I'm Just Bullying You

Jiang Chen accompanied Sleeping Beauty for two days, and on the third day, Sleeping Beauty left Tiannan City accompanied by Lin Qi and Jin Ling.

"Lynch, I must solemnly declare to you that I don't like you at all." Jiang Chen sent the three of Sleeping Beauty to the direction of the highway, where Sleeping Beauty and Jinling sat in the car driven by Uncle Zhong In that black Bentley car, before getting into the car, Jiang Chen forcibly pulled Lynch into his car without any explanation.

Although Lin Qi thought that Jiang Chen should have something to say to him after being pulled into the car, what Lynch never expected was that Jiang Chen's opening was so straight to the point. There is no intention of concealing it at all, it is very direct.

"It just so happens that I don't like you at all." With a cold snort, Lynch said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you like me or not. Furthermore, you, a guy like me who can be easily crushed to death with just one finger, do you think I will care about what you treat me like?" Attitude?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You—" Lynch was furious.

He admitted that he was indeed not Jiang Chen's opponent, and he had an incomparably deep understanding of this from the first time the two met and fought.

After all, Jiang Chen almost strangled him to death.

However, if Jiang Chen could crush him to death like an ant with a single finger, Lynch would never be convinced.

He felt that even if he died, he would have to gnaw off a piece of bloody flesh on Jiang Chen's body, which would not make Jiang Chen feel better.

"Not convinced, do you want to try?" Jiang Chen smiled faintly as if he could see what Lin Qi was thinking.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Lynch asked in a muffled voice after being silent for a while.

He didn't intend to try anything. Under the circumstances that the strengths of the two sides were not equal, the so-called attempt would only make him suffer.

"What I want to say is that if something goes a little wrong with Sleeping Beauty and you back to the sect, I will kill someone, and if I want to kill someone, who will be the first one to kill, do you know?" Jiang Chen just said what he wanted to say.

"Me?" Lynch pointed at himself, his face flushed quietly.

Lin Qi could tell that Jiang Chen was threatening him. In his view, this was an unwarranted disaster, but Jiang Chen wouldn't care about that, saying that a threat was a threat.

"That's right, it's you." Jiang Chen also pointed at Lin Qi, and then said with a smile: "So, you'd better know what you should do and what you shouldn't do. At the same time, if Sleeping Beauty happens For anything, you'd better find a way and get in touch with me immediately."

During the two days that Jiang Chen accompanied Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Beauty was very happy, but this morning, when he was about to leave, Jiang Chen could see the sadness on Sleeping Beauty's face.

Jiang Chen couldn't see what Sleeping Beauty was worried about. What he had to do now was try his best to insert a pawn into it.

Jin Ling is not suitable to be this pawn, the little girl is just a piece of chess, more than enough to succeed than to fail.

A loyal uncle is fine, but just a loyal uncle is not enough.

Although Lin Qi is not suitable to be this chess piece, because it is impossible for Lin Qi to be willing, but it doesn't matter, Jiang Chen has plenty of ways to make him willing.

"You can tell me your mobile phone number." Lynch was silent for a while before he said.

Jiang Chen asked for Lynch's cell phone, dialed his own number, then returned the cell phone to Lynch, and said, "I can see that you are not stupid, let alone stupid, so you should be clear about what I am going to do now. Things mean something, and I sincerely hope that our cooperation will be pleasant."

"You are good for Qingluo, I can understand, but you threaten me like this, but you expect a happy cooperation, isn't it a little naive?" Lynch sneered, and a few traces of ferociousness crept up on that face .

Although his strength is inferior to others, but Jiang Chen is so domineering and doesn't care about his thoughts at all, how can he deal with himself?

"Look, I knew you weren't stupid, but it's really regrettable that a person who isn't stupid asked such an idiotic question." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed.

"Jiang Chen, you are too deceitful." Lin Qi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Do I deny it? I'm just bullying you right now, okay?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Lynch choked, and for a while, he couldn't refute.

"When I threaten you, of course I understand very well that you will not cooperate with me honestly, so I can only threaten you. As for whether you accept the threat or not, unfortunately, I will not give you a choice." Jiang Chen said , speaking, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and patted Lynch's neck heavily.

Lynch only felt a strange sense of severe pain, sweeping his whole body, so painful that it even made him convulse all over, and broke out in cold sweat.

"What did you do to me?" Lynch was so frightened that his voice changed.

"Don't be nervous, I just gave you an injection." Jiang Chen showed two fingers, and between the fingers, there was a silver needle as thick as a cow's hair.

"Sleeping Beauty's illness was cured by me. You heard her say it. In this way, you won't doubt my medical skills. Starting from today... oh, it should be from this second , you still have three months to live, and after three months, if Sleeping Beauty is fine, you will be fine, if something happens to Sleeping Beauty, even if you lose a single hair, you will die." Jiang Chen smashed it With a smack of his mouth, Yoyo said.

Lynch's complexion was as dark as charcoal, and his eyes were full of hostility.

He finally understood why Jiang Chen dared to threaten him so unscrupulously. It turned out that Jiang Chen had already planned everything. In other words, from the moment he got into Jiang Chen's car, his life was no longer his own. That's right, Jiang Chen let him live, he will live, let him die, he will die.

This made Lynch extremely regretful, he shouldn't have gotten into Jiang Chen's car.

Even if Jiang Chen forced him, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to use these shady means in front of Sleeping Beauty, but it was too late to regret it, because he had already boarded Jiang Chen's car.

After that, there was nothing to say all the way, two cars, one in front and one behind, appeared at the intersection of the toll booth of the expressway, the car stopped, Jiang Chen opened the door and got off.

"Jiang Chen, what did you say to Brother Lin?" Jin Ling asked curiously after getting out of the car.

"Just casually chatting about your childhood, I heard that you wet the bed at the age of eight, is that true?" Jiang Chen also asked curiously.

"You're only eight years old and you've wet the bed." Jin Ling jumped up immediately, with black lines all over her head.

"Isn't it? You brother Lin must have lied to me. I see his honest face, how can he lie to others." Jiang Chen was heartbroken.

"Jiang Chen, just make it up, senior brother Lin won't tell you such nonsense." Jin Ling was not stupid enough to believe Jiang Chen's words.

"I, Jiang Chen, am not the kind of person who likes to gossip. If you don't believe me, ask your Senior Brother Lin if he told me about this...Little girl, listen to my advice, this person, no matter how familiar he is, Know people, face, but not heart." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Jin Ling was very sure that Jiang Chen was making up things, but after hearing what Jiang Chen said, she became a little hesitant.

The past two days with Jiang Chen, although it was destined not to be pleasant, but apart from his mouth being a bit poisonous, Jiang Chen really didn't say anyone's fault behind his back.

"Could it be that Senior Brother Lin really said such things to Jiang Chen?" Jin Ling blinked, but when did she still wet the bed at the age of eight?
Obviously seven years old, okay?

Seven years old and eight years old, can it be different?

The difference is too big.

"No, I have to ask Senior Brother Lin." Jin Ling thought, she had a temperament that couldn't hide what was on her mind, and when she thought about it, she ran towards Lin Qi.

"Senior Brother Lin doesn't look too good-looking." Sleeping Beauty walked towards Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

"Maybe it's because I didn't rest last night." Jiang Chen said nonsense in a serious manner. Fortunately, Jin Ling didn't hear this, otherwise his lie just now would be exposed in a second.

Sleeping Beauty just smiled, and said softly, "We should go, you take good care of yourself, and besides, I... will take good care of myself too."

Sleeping Beauty didn't know what Jiang Chen and Lin Qi said in the car, but Jiang Chen forcibly pulled Lin Qi into his car, and after getting out of the car, Lynch's face was still so ugly.

Obviously, whatever was said between the two was not destined to be pleasant, at least for Lynch.

"Is there any more?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"What else?" Sleeping Beauty was confused.

"I like to hear you say that you care about me, so say a few more words." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The eyes narrowed slightly, the slender corners of the eyes were intentional or unintentional, a little more charming, Sleeping Beauty took the initiative to throw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, stretched out her two hands, and hugged Jiang Chen tightly.

"You are bold, lawless, self-willed, unrestrained, too easy to attract attention. During this special stage, remember to be patient and protect yourself wisely." The Sleeping Beauty said in a low voice.

"Sleeping Beauty, are you praising me for what you said?" Jiang Chen was ashamed, why didn't he realize that he had so many shortcomings?
"Of course I'm complimenting you." The Sleeping Beauty said with a smile, her rare delicate appearance easily touched Jiang Chen's heartstrings.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Jiang Chen would have wished he could, bowed his head and kissed fiercely.

"I have decided to attend the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, and you will see me then." Jiang Chen suppressed the impulse in his heart and said.

He and Meng Xiyan couldn't agree to go, but Sleeping Beauty had to go, so he had to go.

"Okay." Although there was suspicion in her eyes, Sleeping Beauty didn't say much, because she understood that because of her, Jiang Chen lightly kissed Jiang Chen's face, and Sleeping Beauty left Jiang Chen. embrace.

After a while, the Bentley entered the toll booth, then moved away, and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight for a while. Jiang Chen turned around and walked towards the place where his car was parked.

"Parting is always sad, isn't it?" Suddenly, a voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear...

(End of this chapter)

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