genius evil

Chapter 629

Chapter 629
The voice that came out of nowhere sounded a little cramped, a little bit annoyed, and even had a bit of an imperceptible taste of gnashing of teeth.

Hearing that voice, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile. He knew very well that a woman who would speak in such a tone would only be his acquaintances, or the ones he was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with.

Sure enough, when Jiang Chen turned his head to look sideways, he saw a delicate figure standing not far from him.

The body is hot, and what is even hotter is her dress, tight white short sleeves, denim short skirt, which perfectly outlines her body curve, but does not expose too much, perfectly reflecting her youth vitality.

There are many women around Jiang Chen, each with their own taste, but Jiang Yanyan is the only one with such a taste.

The woman who spoke was Jiang Yanyan.

"Student Yanyan, why did you come to Tiannan City?" With a slight smile, Jiang Chen walked over.

"Jiang Chen, don't change the subject." Jiang Yanyan glared at Jiang Chen and said, "I thought you were going to cry just now."

"Student Yanyan, are you forcing me to beat you up and make you cry?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"How dare you!" Jiang Yanyan raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't think that, I will keep my mouth shut in front of An Qi, don't even think about it."

"I don't mean that." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Then you're still threatening to beat me up?" Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"Why am I threatening you, obviously you look like you deserve a beating, okay?" Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

One takes the initiative and the other is forced, can this be a concept?

The difference is too big, okay?

"Anyway, you just want me to keep a secret for you, don't you?" Jiang Yanyan sneered.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment. What's the matter with this woman, she can't turn her head?

"Okay, whatever you say." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Hmph, have you finally admitted it?" Jiang Yanyan was proud.

But at this time, not far behind Jiang Yanyan, a black Audi car was pushed open, and a tall middle-aged man got out of the car.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a neat suit and looked like a successful person. After getting out of the car and walking over, he first stared at Jiang Chen for several times before returning his eyes to Jiang Yanyan.

"Yanyan, your little boyfriend?" the middle-aged man asked.

After the middle-aged man drove out of the toll booth, Jiang Yanyan saw Jiang Chen and asked him to stop immediately. After parking, Jiang Yanyan ran down and talked to Jiang Chen for so long.

The middle-aged man originally thought that Jiang Yanyan would get back into the car after meeting an acquaintance, but after seeing the situation, something was wrong, because the middle-aged man could tell that Jiang Yanyan had no intention of going back into the car for a long time.

After all, he couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart. The middle-aged man pushed open the car door and walked over. After getting out of the car, the middle-aged man unexpectedly found that Jiang Chen looked good. When he stood with Jiang Yanyan, there was an unexpected match. This question was subconsciously asked.

"Ah - no -" Jiang Yanyan didn't seem to expect that the middle-aged man would ask such a question, she froze for a moment, and quickly denied it.

"Hello, my humble Jiang Yunsheng." The middle-aged man stretched out his hand towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, reached out to shake hands with the middle-aged man, and introduced himself, "Jiang Chen."

Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yanyan are six to seven points alike in appearance, so Jiang Chen already knows that he is Jiang Yanyan's father without too much introduction.

He had heard that Jiang Yanyan had a rich father, and looking at Jiang Yunsheng, he knew that he was right.

"Jiang Chen, why does this name sound familiar? Yanyan, have you told me about Jiang Chen?" Jiang Yunsheng asked.

"Dad, he is the Jiang Chen I told you about." Jiang Yanyan pouted, still blaming Jiang Yunsheng for talking nonsense.

How could it be said that Jiang Chen was her little boyfriend?

What if Jiang Chen misunderstood?
"It turned out to be..." Jiang Yunsheng suddenly realized, and then his expression changed slightly, and he said, "It turned out to be Young Master Jiang, and a certain Jiang accidentally didn't recognize it. Young Master Jiang, please don't blame him."

Whether Jiang Chen is in Tiannan City or Yilan City, he is well-known. For ordinary people, this name may not have much meaning.

But for some families and some top businessmen, this name is extraordinary.

The Jiang family is not a well-known family in Yilan City, but this Jiang Yunsheng is an extremely famous person in the Yilan City Chamber of Commerce. He has a big business. It is impossible for people like him not to have heard of Jiang Chen. name.

"Dad, why is Jiang Shao not Jiang Shao? What are you doing so politely? Just call him by his name." Jiang Yanyan said a little dissatisfied.

"Student Yanyan is right, Uncle Jiang, just call me Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Yanyan, don't interrupt me, children, about our adults' affairs." Jiang Yunsheng was a little ashamed. How could anyone call Jiang Chen casually?
Whether it's Tiannan City or Yilan City, who would dare not weigh in advance how much he weighs in addressing Jiang Chen?
Jiang Yunsheng had self-knowledge and knew that he was not qualified to call Jiang Chen by his name.

If someone offended Jiang Chen, the consequences would definitely not be something he could afford.

"Dad, you said I was a child, so isn't Jiang Chen also a child?" Jiang Yanyan was annoyed.

"Er—" Jiang Yunsheng's head was full of black lines.

"Uncle Jiang, I think it's better for you to call me by my name. Young Master Jiang is too unfamiliar. Apart from being classmates, classmate Yanyan and I are also good friends, so don't be cautious." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

For Jiang Yanyan's sake, Jiang Chen had to give him this face.

"Okay then, I'll ask you a favor, Jiang Chen." Jiang Yunsheng was kind, but Jiang Chen said he was good friends with Jiang Yanyan, and in Jiang Yunsheng's view, it had a different taste.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, why is Jiang Shao not Jiang Shao, it's weird." Jiang Yanyan was finally satisfied.

"Student Yanyan, you haven't answered my question yet, why did you come to Tiannan City?" Jiang Chen asked at this time.

"Let's talk about business." Jiang Yanyan curled her lips and said, "My dad's business here in Tiannan City is in some trouble. He wants to find a relationship in person. As for me, I'm here to play with An Qi. You and I Shall we go find An Qi together? By the way, shall we have lunch together?"

"I don't know much about business matters, but if Uncle Jiang doesn't mind, it should be useful to report my name." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Is this okay?" Jiang Yunsheng felt flattered.

His business in Tiannan City is in a lot of trouble. If it is serious, it may be ruined after many years of operation. No, Jiang Yunsheng can only come to Tiannan City in person.

But even if he came in person, Jiang Yunsheng was less than [-]% sure.

The [-]% certainty, I have to say, is too low, too low, even though Jiang Yunsheng came, there is not much possibility of declaring it.

However, if Jiang Chen could help him, then the situation would naturally be completely different. It would not only be as simple as being a little useful, but the usefulness would be too great.

It is no exaggeration to say that the word Jiang Chen is a passport to everything.

"Of course, Jiang Chen has already said so. Dad, you can do it like that. Anyway, if things don't go well, it will also embarrass him. It has nothing to do with you." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Jiang Yanyan rushed to say.

While talking, Jiang Yanyan winked at Jiang Chen, signaling Jiang Chen to cooperate.

Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling, and said: "That's right, that's exactly how it is. If my name is not easy to use, it's also my relationship, and it has nothing to do with you, Uncle Jiang."

"Jiang Chen, you are too modest." Jiang Yunsheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Jiang Yanyan talked to Jiang Chen too casually, carelessly, and he, a father, looked on, feeling a little too much.

"Then let's do this first, Dad, you go by yourself, I'll take Jiang Chen's car, and when you're done, call me." Jiang Yanyan said, making a phone call gesture.

"Okay." Jiang Yunsheng nodded. He felt that no matter whether Jiang Chen was Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend or not, it would be good for the two of them to get in touch more. Moreover, Jiang Yunsheng felt that the two were not just classmates or friends. If the relationship between the two If he can go further, he is very happy to see it.

Jiang Yunsheng drove away quickly, and Jiang Yanyan climbed into Jiang Chen's car.

"Jiang Chen, thank you." Jiang Yanyan said in a hurry as soon as she got into the car.

"Thank me for what?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Thank you for giving me face, thank you for helping my dad." Jiang Yanyan said.

Jiang Chen was willing to let Jiang Yunsheng report her name. How could Jiang Yanyan not know that it was giving her face, otherwise Jiang Chen's personality would not care about such nosy matters, even if such nosy matters, to Jiang Chen, Might just be a little effort.

"Oh, so that's the case, why don't you treat me to dinner?" Jiang Chen said intentionally.

"Please, treat you to two meals." Jiang Yanyan said grandly.

"Besides, I will keep the matter of that woman just now for An Qi's sake, so you can rest assured." Jiang Yanyan came closer suddenly, lowering her voice, and said softly.

"Student Yanyan, how could you do this? Could it be that you thought that I helped your father to keep a secret for me? Who do you think I am, Jiang Chen? Am I this kind of person?" Jiang Chenyi He said it in a positive way, as if he had been humiliated so much.

Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen as if she was insane, and said angrily, "Since you have a personality, then I won't keep secrets for you. When I see An Qi, I will tell her everything."

"Student Yanyan, what is your attitude? I definitely don't need to keep secrets, but you have to consider Squad Leader Xu's feelings, don't you?" Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"So, should I tell An Qi, or not?" Jiang Yanyan squinted at Jiang Chen, but she wanted to hear if Jiang Chen could name a flower.

"Don't tell Squad Leader Xu, it's for her own good." Jiang Chen reluctantly said.

"Smelly shameless." Jiang Yanyan endured it for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed out...

(End of this chapter)

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