genius evil

Chapter 630 Superman vs. Toad

Chapter 630 Superman vs. Toad

Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan met Xu Anqi at the gate of a movie theater in downtown Tiannan City.

Xu Anqi is wearing a long white skirt today, the skirt reaches her ankles, which is different from Jiang Yanyan's hotness, giving people a very ladylike and quiet taste.

"Jiang Chen, look quickly, aren't those people trying to bully An Qi?" After getting off the car, Jiang Yanyan pointed in the direction where Xu Anqi was, and started yelling.

In fact, Jiang Yanyan didn't need to say anything, Jiang Chen also saw that several young men and women stood together with Xu Anqi chattering in a swarm.

The one who spoke was a girl who looked like a student. She didn't know what she was talking to Xu Anqi. Xu Anqi shook her head from time to time.

"Little beauty, anyway, you are watching a movie alone, come with us, we have booked a theater." The woman did not give up easily.

"No, I'm waiting for someone." Xu Anqi refused.

"Little beauty, you keep saying that you are waiting for someone, but we have been here with you for more than ten minutes, and we haven't seen the person you are waiting for appear. How about you go in with us and wait?" The woman invited.

"It's really unnecessary." Xu Anqi still shook her head.

"Little beauty, how can you do this, you don't give me any face." The woman was a little angry.

"Who are you, why should I give you face?" Jiang Yanyan walked over and said dissatisfied.

"Who are you?" The woman turned her head and looked at Jiang Yanyan.

And the woman's other companions also looked at Jiang Yanyan one by one, and the eyes of the three boys showed some surprise.

They felt this astonishment in Xu Anqi's body, and now they felt it again in Jiang Yanyan's body.

To be honest, Jiang Yanyan is not as beautiful as Xu Anqi, but Jiang Yanyan has a wild smell, which is undoubtedly very attractive and has a strong sense of impact.

"Are you in charge? What should you do? Be careful and I will sue you for harassment." Jiang Yanyan waved her hands, stepped forward and hugged Xu Anqi's arm, and said with a smile: "Anqi, you have been waiting for a long time. I have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Xu Anqi asked in astonishment.

"This surprise should refer to me." Jiang Chen swaggered and said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Xu Anqi was really pleasantly surprised.

Although Xu Anqi knew that Jiang Chen was in Tiannan City early in the morning because of Jiang Chen's commotion in Tiannan City, she thought Jiang Chen would be very busy, so she didn't bother Jiang Chen, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to be in Tiannan City. Come, and come with Jiang Yanyan.

"Jiang Chen, as the flower protector, of course wants to come, lest you be harassed by some inexplicable guys." Jiang Yanyan curled her lips.

"Who are you saying is inexplicable?" The woman who spoke quit.

"Pan Ying, please don't say a few words, I believe this beauty has no malicious intentions." Among the companions, a tall and fair man smiled and said.

"But she is obviously cursing." The girl named Pan Ying said unconvinced.

"It's true that we did something wrong." The man shook his head and said to Xu Anqi: "I just heard from your friend that your name is An Qi, right? Good name, my sire Ma Dongjue."

As he spoke, the man stretched out his hand.

"Who wants to shake hands with you, take your dirty hands away." Jiang Yanyan said contemptuously, the most annoying thing is this kind of guy who feels good about himself.

This Ma Dongjue is fairly good-looking, and his face is quite fair, he has the potential of a little boy, but how handsome he is over Jiang Chen?No matter how white it is, can it be whiter than Jiang Chen?
Even though Jiang Chen showed up, he introduced himself in such a fake way, even if he has bad intentions, don't be so obvious, okay?

"It's just a handshake, I don't mean anything malicious." Shrugging, Ma Dongjue said.

"Hypocrisy." Jiang Yanyan sneered.

"I really don't mean anything malicious. We are all young people, just making friends." Ma Dongjue shrugged again, he seemed to have the habit of shrugging.

"I don't shake hands with strangers." Xu Anqi said lightly.

With Xu Anqi's intelligence, how could Jiang Yanyan not be able to see the problems?

Therefore, even though Ma Dongjue's performance didn't seem to be offensive, it made Xu Anqi somewhat displeased.

Another point is that she was waiting for Jiang Yanyan here before, and when this group of people came up to talk, she repeatedly stated that she was waiting for them, but she still refused to leave. Xu Anqi didn't like this slightly coercive invitation.

"As I said just now, my name is Ma Dongjue, and I also know your name. After all, we are not strangers, right?" Ma Dongjue said with narrowed eyes.

"You like to shake hands with people, don't you?" Jiang Chen said suddenly, before Ma Dongjue could reply, Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Ma Dongjue's hand in his palm.

Accompanied by a slight clicking sound, Ma Dongjue's face flushed suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Let go... let go..." Gasping for air, Ma Dongjue cried out in pain.

"See, shaking hands with strangers sometimes ends up like this, so my squad leader Xu never shakes hands with strangers." Jiang Chen then let go of his hand and said with a half-smile.

"So you're telling me that you did it on purpose?" Ma Dongjue stared at Jiang Chen, and the other young men also stared at Jiang Chen, all with unfriendly expressions.

"Otherwise?" Jiang Chen asked with an innocent face.

"You—" Ma Dongjue choked, unable to speak, probably because he felt that a good man would not suffer in front of him, so he waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go in first."

After speaking, Ma Dongjue walked in the front, and a group of people entered the movie theater in a mighty manner.

"The toad still wants to eat swan meat, and doesn't care about his own virtue." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes as she watched several people enter.

"The accent they spoke just now is a bit strange." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Eh, it seems so. They are not from Jiangnan Province, could they be from Guangdong Province?" Jiang Yanyan said belatedly. At first, she didn't notice this problem.

"Go in, what movie are you watching?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Superman vs. Toad." Jiang Yanyan said with a playful smile.

Watching a movie is just to pass the time, and with Jiang Yanyan, a super big light bulb, this movie is naturally very boring in Jiang Chen's view.

Two hours later, when the movie was over, the three of them walked out of the cinema and were about to pick up the car when they saw a few people next to them who were also picking up the car.

Seeing Jiang Chen open the door of the Range Rover, the woman named Pan Ying murmured in a low voice, "Old-fashioned, nouveau riche."

"What kind of car we drive has nothing to do with you, right?" Xu Anqi heard it somehow, and was quite displeased.

Ma Dongjue deliberately ignored Jiang Chen's behavior, which already made Xu Anqi very unhappy, and now he is talking about the car, which is clearly to cause trouble.

"What does it have to do with you if I say mine?" Pan Ying insisted.

"Mistress car." Jiang Yanyan said quietly.

Pan Ying's complexion suddenly changed, and she shouted, "Who do you call a mistress?"

"I said mine, does it have anything to do with you?" Jiang Yanyan imitated her tone and asked back.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he casually glanced at the license plate, it was the license plate of Guangdong Province, it seems that what Jiang Yanyan said was right, these people were indeed from Guangdong Province.

But this is not surprising. Jiangnan Province is adjacent to Guangdong Province, and Tiannan City is an entertainment metropolis. People from Guangdong Province often drive over to play.

"Pan Ying, don't say a few words, let's go eat." Ma Dongjue said.

"Young Master Ma, these bumpkins are going too far," Pan Ying said.

"Shut up." Ma Dongjue's face became gloomy, and he said apologetically, "You two beauties, my friend can't speak, don't mind, I'll ask her to apologize to you now."

Pan Ying didn't know whether she knew she was wrong, or she was afraid of Ma Dongjue, Ma Dongjue let out a low cry, her face paled a lot, she shut her mouth and dared not speak any more.

"Apologize, is there something wrong with your ears?" Ma Dongjue said again.

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." Pan Ying felt so obedient and immediately apologized.

"I thought you were going to fight with us, it's boring." Jiang Yanyan expressed regret, because if there is no fight, Jiang Chen is completely useless?

After getting into the car, Jiang Yanyan still deeply regretted this incident.

Xu Anqi couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Yanyan, why are you always thinking about fighting?"

"If you don't fight, doesn't Jiang Chen have a chance to show off? Also, I think Jiang Chen is the most handsome only when he is beating someone, more handsome than any other time." Jiang Yanyan said as a matter of course.

"Student Yanyan, there must be something wrong with your eyes. Have I ever been unhandsome?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"I still think you are the most handsome when you fight." Jiang Yanyan insisted.

"Your eye problem doesn't seem to be as serious as usual. I have to find time to treat it for you." Jiang Chen sighed. As a man who pursues perfection, his highest pursuit is to maintain the most handsome appearance all the time. If he is the most handsome only when fighting, he will never allow this to happen.

In another driving car, Ma Dongjue was also communicating with Pan Ying, but the communication between the two was extremely simple and rude.


Ma Dongjue raised his hand, and slapped Pan Ying's face hard. After the slap, he could clearly see five red fingerprints on Pan Ying's cheeks. It was obvious that Ma Dongjue This slap is so heavy.

"Bitch, are you trying to spoil my good deeds?" Ma Dongjue asked fiercely.

"Young Master Ma...I didn't...I didn't dare..." Pan Ying murmured, quite frightened.

"You'd better not dare, I warn you, if you talk too much without my permission, I will kill you." Ma Dongjue had a ferocious expression on his face, but he didn't seem to be amicable at all.

"Young Master Ma, I know you've fallen in love with that Xu Anqi, but she has a boyfriend, that's the guy." Pan Ying reminded.

"So what if you have a boyfriend?" Ma Dongjue sneered and said, "As long as she is the woman I Ma Dongjue wants, she must become my Ma Dongjue's woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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