genius evil

Chapter 631 Give You a Favor

Chapter 631 Give You a Favor

The cause of the whole thing can be said to be very simple.

Ma Dongjue and his group came to Tiannan City by car from Guangdong Province. They have been playing in Tiannan City for two days. Taking advantage of a good movie released recently, they went to the cinema.

At the entrance of the cinema, Ma Dongjue was shocked when he saw Xu Anqi at the first sight.

After that, there was a situation where Pan Ying spared no effort to invite Xu Anqi to be with her.

Pan Ying invited Xu Anqi not for herself, but for Ma Dongjue.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Jiang Yanyan and Jiang Chen, Ma Dongjue didn't plan to stand up so soon.

He has a lot of experience in picking up girls. Even if he wants to pick up the other party, once the other party perceives his intentions, things that can be handled easily will become troublesome invisibly.

If Xu Anqi accepted the invitation to watch a movie together, Ma Dongjue would take advantage of the good start of the first one to stand up. It was the appearance of Jiang Yanyan and Jiang Chen that forced him to change his original plan.

But so what?

As long as it is the woman he Ma Dongjue wants, he has never missed it. This time, Ma Dongjue thinks that there will be no accidents.

Now, all he lacks is a suitable opportunity.

However, as long as Xu Anqi is in Tiannan City, Ma Dongjue is not in a hurry at all. It is just a matter of time. He has always been very patient in this regard.


He didn't choose a restaurant too much. Seeing that the size of a restaurant was not bad, Jiang Chen just drove the car there.

Entering the restaurant, they asked for a private room, Jiang Yanyan went to the bathroom, and Jiang Chen was talking to Xu Anqi.

"Grandpa also said yesterday that you didn't visit him when you came to Tiannan City." Xu Anqi said, a bit complaining.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Why don't you go over after dinner and take you home along the way?"

"I won't force you?" Xu Anqi said delicately.

"Squad Leader Xu, since you don't force me, then I'll go tomorrow." Jiang Chen then said.

Jiang Chen had plans to visit Mr. Xu, but since he came to Tiannan City, he first faced problems with the Tong family, and then he wanted to accompany ~Sleeping Beauty.

After Sleeping Beauty left, he would have time here. If he hadn't met Jiang Yanyan, he would indeed plan to find Xu Anqi today and visit Mr. Xu by the way.

Speaking of which, among the many women around him, Xu Anqi was a special case.

Not to mention, she is quiet and gentle, but whether she is standing in the crowd or beside him, her eyes are always on him.

It seems that there is not too strong a sense of existence, but there is always a lingering feeling, which has taken root and sprouted in Jiang Chen's heart.

Or maybe it was Xu Anqi's seemingly desireless character that made Jiang Chen feel a special pity for Xu Anqi.

"Grandpa will be furious if he finds out that you are doing this." Xu Anqi said aggrievedly.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "I'm just kidding you."

Over there, Jiang Yanyan went to the bathroom and walked towards the box, just as the door of a box opened, and the waiter who delivered the food came out from inside.

Jiang Yanyan glanced into the box unintentionally, and saw an acquaintance at a glance, and that acquaintance was none other than Jiang Yunsheng.

There were five people in the box, three men and two women. The two women were sitting next to the other two men, and Jiang Yunsheng was sitting in one seat alone.

In front of Jiang Yunsheng, there were several bottles of liquor.

When Jiang Yanyan glanced over, she happened to see Jiang Yunsheng pouring wine for herself.

"Didn't Dad never drink?" Jiang Yanyan murmured to herself, feeling strange, and was about to walk away, but heard a voice coming from the box.

"Boss Jiang is not only bold, but also generous. How about this, Boss Jiang, you drink this bottle of wine first, and we will talk later." One of the slightly bald middle-aged men said with a smile, he seemed to be very talkative The appearance, but the eyes are shining with narrow light.

"No, I've already drank a lot, let's drink some more together." Jiang Yunsheng shook his head and said.

"Boss Jiang, it's meaningless for you to say this. Don't you give us face? Really, I don't think there is any need to talk about this business." The slightly bald man said.

"This—" Jiang Yunsheng was a little bit paralyzed.

"Too much deceit." Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand it any longer. Hearing this, how could she not understand that Jiang Yunsheng, who usually doesn't drink at all, was forced to drink.

While distressed, Jiang Yanyan was furious again, kicked open the door of the box and rushed in.

"Little beauty, are you looking for someone?" The slightly bald man couldn't help but see Jiang Yanyan.

"Looking for your sister, crazy, Dad, let's go." Jiang Yanyan grabbed Jiang Yunsheng's arm, trying to pull Jiang Yunsheng up.

"Yanyan, why are you here?" Jiang Yunsheng was a little drunk, and was surprised to see Jiang Yanyan.

"Dad, stop talking, I'll take you to the hotel to rest." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Boss Jiang, it turns out that this little beauty is your daughter, why don't you hurry up and introduce us to her." The slightly bald man suddenly realized, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Boss He, Boss Xu, my little girl is ignorant, so please don't take offense." Jiang Yunsheng said apologetically.

"It's okay, kid, how can you be offended, since you're here, let's have a few drinks together." The slightly bald man said.

"Drink you~ Mom!" Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but swear.

"How did you talk?" Another middle-aged man, Boss Na Xu, said with a straight face.

"That's how they talk. If you like to listen, listen to it. If you don't like to listen, you'll be discouraged. What kind of shit business, our family won't do it." Jiang Yanyan said loudly.

"Boss Jiang, let me ask you a word. Is this your attitude, or is it just your daughter's attitude? If it is your attitude, you don't need to discuss the matter of cooperation. If it is also your daughter's attitude, you will be punished for three times." A glass of white wine, forget it." The slightly bald man said.

"Boss He, don't be angry, otherwise, I'll punish myself with three cups, how about it?" Jiang Yunsheng asked in a discussing tone.

Jiang Yanyan can be impulsive, but he can't. This business is not as simple as Jiang Yanyan thought, and it's not that if you don't do it, you can't do it.

If this business is really not done, the Jiang family's business in Tiannan City for so many years will be in vain. Such a loss is beyond what he can afford.

"Boss Jiang, it's not that I care about it, but for this person, whoever made the mistake will bear the responsibility. It's fair and reasonable." The slightly bald man said sternly.

"Yanyan, would you like to drink?" After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yunsheng gritted his teeth and said cruelly.

"Dad, I told you I'm not going to do this business anymore, why don't you listen to it?" Jiang Yanyan was furious. It's not forbidden to drink, but in this case, she didn't want to drink.

"Yanyan, calm down." Jiang Yunsheng said helplessly.

"Hey, why is it so lively?" While talking, a voice came from the door of the box.

"It's you guys again, what's going on?" Hearing that voice, Jiang Yanyan just saw Ma Dongjue and rolled her eyes unconsciously.

To meet each other while going to the movies, to meet again when picking up the car, and to meet again in this restaurant, Jiang Yanyan thinks this is really strange.

"Come over for a meal. I heard that the food here is delicious." Ma Dongjue said with a faint smile.

"Master Ma!"

"Master Ma!"

The slightly bald man and Boss Xu immediately stood up and greeted Ma Dongjue politely and respectfully.

"Old He, Old Xu, are you guys talking about business? Go ahead and leave me alone... Oh, but this little beauty is my friend, so please show me some face." Ma Dongjue nodded.

"Your face, Ma Shao, must be given." Both of them nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Okay, that's it, you come with me." Ma Dongjue beckoned to Jiang Yanyan, and walked away.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Be a friend, and by the way, I'll give you a favor." In the corridor outside, Ma Dongjuexie laughed.

When he was in the car earlier, he was still thinking about how to create a suitable opportunity for himself, but he never thought that if he didn't need to create it himself, the opportunity would come to his door on his own initiative.

If such a great opportunity is not seized, Ma Dongjue will not forgive himself.

"Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say." Jiang Yanyan didn't have the slightest affection for Ma Dongjue.

"Your family's business is in trouble, right? I know Lao He and Lao Xu. They are famous for eating people without spitting out their bones. When doing business with them, some people can make a lot of money, and some people will be eaten. There is not even dross left, obviously, your family belongs to the latter." Ma Dongjue said regretfully.

"And then?" Jiang Yanyan said coldly.

"An opportunity depends on whether you can seize it. I can match up and let Old He Laoxu lead your family to make a fortune together, but there is one condition, and that condition is..." Ma Dongjue said slowly.

"I understand what you mean, but do you know what will happen if a toad wants to eat swan meat?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously like a baby.

"You're a swan, I'm a toad?" Ma Dongjue pointed at Jiang Yanyan, and then at himself, feeling amused.

"The consequences of a toad wanting to eat swan meat are usually trampled to death." Jiang Yanyan ignored Ma Dongjue's ridicule and said solemnly.

She understands that what Ma Dongjue did was not her idea, but Xu Anqi's idea, but what is the difference between this and courting death?
"Really? I don't believe it." Ma Dongjue shook his head.

"You will believe it soon." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Why, are you looking for someone to beat me up?" Ma Dongjue still found it funny.

"There's no need to look for him, he's already out." Jiang Yanyan reminded.

Jiang Chen came out, Jiang Yanyan spent too long in the bathroom, Xu Anqi was worried, so she asked him to come out to have a look, Jiang Chen was not surprised when he saw Ma Dongjue.

There are many coincidences in this world, but if the same coincidence happens three times in one day, it is obviously not as simple as a coincidence.

"Jiang Chen, beat him up." Jiang Yanyan called out.

"Hit who?" Jiang Chen asked.

"He!" Jiang Yanyan pointed at Ma Dongjue.

"Bang!" Jiang Chen raised his hand and punched Ma Dongjue on the nose, causing Ma Dongjue to fall to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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