genius evil

Chapter 633 Your Name Doesn't Work Well

Chapter 633 Your Name Doesn't Work Well

Jiang Yunsheng was discussing business in the private room. The situation was not good at first, but because of Jiang Yanyan's sudden intrusion, it made a mess.

Later, Ma Dongjue appeared and dropped a few words lightly. Jiang Yunsheng listened, thinking that there was a turning point. Who knows, Boss He and Boss Xu's Tai Chi techniques are so slippery, it's not what he thought at all. thing.

After persisting for a while, there was still no effect, so Jiang Yunsheng had no choice but to leave.

The cooperation could not be negotiated, and his purpose of coming to Tiannan City in person this time was defeated. Jiang Yunsheng's face was naturally not good-looking, but when he saw Jiang Yanyan, he was still a little surprised.

You know, he thought Jiang Yanyan left with Ma Dongjue.

Although, from Ma Dongjue's high-ranking tone of voice, Jiang Yunsheng didn't like this person very much, and his impression was even worse if the business couldn't be negotiated. He still wanted to have a chance to talk to Jiang Yanyan about it.

"Dad." Jiang Yanyan restrained herself a little when she saw Jiang Yunsheng.

"Uh, what's the situation?" Jiang Yunsheng noticed that something was wrong, especially Ma Dongjue, whose face was covered with nosebleeds, and looked quite miserable.

"It's just a fight, Dad, don't make a fuss." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"Why did you start fighting?" Jiang Yunsheng nodded.

He's not stupid, once he heard Jiang Yanyan talk about the fight, he knew that Jiang Chen should have started the fight, but isn't Ma Dongjue and Jiang Yanyan friends?Why was Jiang Chen beaten?

Could it be that he misunderstood something?
After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yunsheng realized that he must have misunderstood.

"Who hit the person, stand up for me, who hit the person?" Because Jiang Yunsheng didn't close the door after he came out of the box, Boss He and Boss Xu also saw the situation outside.

Both of them ran out angrily, the slightly bald Boss He was furious, as if his parents had been beaten.

"I hit you, what do you want?" Jiang Yanyan squinted at this guy.

Boss He teamed up with Boss Xu to drink Jiang Yunsheng wine desperately in the private room. It would be fine if the business was negotiated, but the problem is that the two of them have no sincerity in discussing business, and Jiang Yanyan has long been disgusted.

"Boss Jiang, I have to say that you gave birth to a good daughter who dared to beat Young Master Ma. I don't think there is any need to talk about this business." Boss He was furious immediately.

"Boss He is right, there is nothing to talk about." Boss Xu continued.

"There's nothing to talk about, so why put on a show?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"It can be said that this is all done by you." Boss He accused.

"Fart." Jiang Yanyan quit. This guy is too disgusting. It seems that the failure of the business deal is all her fault. Jiang Yanyan doesn't want to take the blame.

"Hmph, it's fine if you treat me as a fart, anyway, I'll leave my words here now. From now on, your Jiang family, don't even think about doing business for a dime in Tiannan City." Boss He said angrily.

"Boss He, you are going too far." Jiang Yunsheng's face turned blue.

In business matters, what is important is to make money with harmony. Boss He's words like this made Jiang Yunsheng very annoyed.

"Even Ma Shao was beaten, is there anything more extreme than this?" Boss He said in a stern voice.

"It's this idiot who hit you, not your father, why did you jump out in such a hurry?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Student Yanyan, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen was a little confused.

"It's like this..." As soon as Jiang Chen asked, Jiang Yanyan immediately recounted what she had seen and heard before. Naturally, in the process, it was necessary to add oil and vinegar.

"Didn't tell me my name?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Jiang Yunsheng was a little embarrassed.

Naturally, he had reported Jiang Chen's name, and Jiang Chen was willing to provide him with convenience, so of course he would not be too stupid to use it.

Strangely, after reporting Jiang Chen's name, it was of no use.

This also made Jiang Yunsheng feel weird. The word Jiang Chen is not harmful, but at least, Boss He has promised Boss, so he shouldn't completely ignore it.

"It seems that your name is not easy to use." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Yanyan, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Yunsheng hurriedly stopped.

Jiang Chen had good intentions, so could he really blame Jiang Chen for this?

"This matter is unreasonable." Jiang Chen said, glanced at Boss He and Boss Xu, and finally his eyes fell on Ma Dongjue.

"How about giving you a chance?" Following that, Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you mean?" Ma Dongjue asked coldly.

"It's very simple. As for you, just prepare tens of billions or tens of billions as pocket money for this beauty, and forget about the affairs between us." Jiang Chen pointed at Jiang Yanyan and said lightly.

Jiang Chen didn't understand business matters.

Of course, from another perspective, Jiang Chen doesn't need to understand it at all.

He just needs to know how to make the most money with the fastest speed, and that's enough.

It doesn't matter if the Jiang family's business can't be negotiated. Anyway, the business is to make money. If you can get the money first, what does it matter whether you do business or not?

"Where did I spend so much?" Jiang Yanyan screamed.

"Then I'll give it to you as a dowry." Jiang Chen said casually.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Jiang Yanyan thought of something, and her face flushed slightly.

Jiang Yunsheng was excited for a while. He knew that Jiang Chen was going to stand up for the Jiang family. It was such a big deal, with billions or tens of billions of words. An extraordinary person really does extraordinary things.

"Are you crazy?" Ma Dongjue looked grim.

What does it mean to prepare billions and tens of billions casually? Such a large amount of money can be prepared casually. Even if the bank prints money, it cannot be printed immediately.

"This is an opportunity I gave you, whether you seize it or not, I will not force it at all." Jiang Chen said casually.

"The matter of Lao He and Lao Xu has nothing to do with me. What you said has nothing to do with me." Ma Dongjue was very annoyed.

"Oh, then you two should go prepare." Jiang Chen is still very easy to talk, absolutely not slandering others.

"You are really crazy." Boss He trembled with anger. The combined family property of him and Boss Xu is only how much money, Jiang Chen is going to kill them all in one go.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"I don't care what your name is... wait a minute, what are you talking about, your name is Jiang Chen?" Boss He's expression suddenly became weird.

The circle in Tiannan City is not small, but it is not big. How could Boss He have never heard of Jiang Chen's name?
"You are Jiang Chen?" Boss Xu also said strangely.

"I know, my name may not be easy to use with the two of you, but I am not very happy now, so I need some compensation, can you understand?" Jiang Chen continued.

"Impossible." Boss He and Boss Xu said together.

What about Jiang Chen?
They don't need to rely on Jiang Chen's breath, and their business focus is not in Tiannan City, even if they can't stay in Tiannan City, they will only lose a little money.

This is also the reason why the two didn't take it seriously after Jiang Yunsheng reported Jiang Chen's name.

"You don't need to struggle needlessly in front of me. From this moment on, the Jiang family will take over all of your two businesses in Tiannan City." Jiang Chen said in an unquestionable tone.

"It's too much." Boss He blushed.

"Or, die." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"This—" Boss He's face turned red and turned pale, and he looked at Ma Dongjue.

"Old He and Old Xu have a lot to do with my Ma family. If you treat them like this, you will not give my Ma family face." Ma Dongjue had no choice but to speak.


Jiang Chen immediately slapped Ma Dongjue on the face, "Why should I give you the face of the Ma family? What kind of thing is the Ma family?"

This time, Ma Dongjue's face also flushed red.

"Young Master Ma, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses." Boss Xu hurriedly persuaded him.

Tiannan City is Jiang Chen's base camp, and if he clashed with Jiang Chen here, he would not be able to take advantage of it.

"Very good, really good. This is your place. You have a strong waist and a strong voice. I would welcome you to visit Guangdong Province if you have time." Ma Dongjue said gloomyly.

"Hearing your words, it seems that Guangdong Province belongs to your family, so loud?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"You will know when you go." Ma Dongjue said noncommittally, waved and said, "Let's go."

Ma Dongjue quickly led them away. As for Boss He and Boss Xu, they were kept by Jiang Chen. Afterwards, Jiang Chen called Ji Feng and asked him to arrange the reception.

It was a big mess, or, it was big beyond everyone's expectations.

Jiang Yunsheng's head was swollen, and he felt very unrealistic. Sometimes Jiang Chen's name might not be easy to use, but Jiang Chen's methods left him dumbfounded.

Too strong and domineering.

"Jiang Chen, do you really want to do this?" Jiang Yanyan was also a little apprehensive.

How much money did the Jiang family earn after so many years of business?

Jiang Chen's handwriting is too big.

"I don't like others not giving me face." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That doesn't have to be like this." Jiang Yanyan stuck out her tongue.

"Also, I don't like others stretching their hands too far." Jiang Chen still spoke lazily.

Jiang Chen had already vaguely guessed that Ma Dongjue's identity had already been offended, so he might as well offend him thoroughly. Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to tell Jiang Yanyan about these things in too much detail.

After a while, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi returned to the box. The food was already served, and Xu Anqi sat there alone and ate quietly.

"An Qi, your man is too powerful." Jiang Yanyan sat down beside Xu Anqi and said.

Even though she knew before that Jiang Chen was not easy, but only this time, the shock brought by this direct and direct confrontation made Jiang Yanyan thoroughly realize what kind of person Jiang Chen is.

"Really?" Xu Anqi smiled softly, and said, "Hurry up, the food is getting cold, otherwise it won't taste good in a while."

"An Qi, I think it's a pity that you didn't go out to watch the fun just now." Jiang Yanyan picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Xu Anqi raised her head and glanced at Jiang Chen. The eyes of the two met in midair. There was a kind of tacit understanding between the two of them, flowing in each other's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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