genius evil

Chapter 634 I ate the wrong thing

Chapter 634 I ate the wrong thing

This afternoon, Jiang Chen was still shopping with Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan. It was not until after dinner that the three arrived at Xu's house.

When she was in Yilan City before, Jiang Yanyan was a frequent visitor to Xu Anqi's place, and when she came to Xu's house in Tiannan City, it was the same as returning to her own home.

Greeted Mr. Xu, followed Xu Anqi upstairs to rest, and Jiang Chen accompanied Mr. Xu, drinking tea and chatting under the big tree in the yard.

"That girl Yanyan is becoming more and more graceful. In the blink of an eye, she and An Qi have become big girls." While drinking tea, Mr. Xu said with emotion.

"Old man, you are not old." Jiang Chen comforted.

"When did I say I'm old?" Mr. Xu blew his beard and stared. What kind of comprehension is Jiang Chen?
"Old man, what I said just now is to be polite to you casually, don't be brave, if you accidentally hurt your arms and legs, Squad Leader Xu will be so heartbroken." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Boy, do you really not understand my words, or are you pretending not to understand?" Mr. Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he nodded Jiang Chen with his hand, and said, "I'm just afraid that you, kid, will be blinded by random flowers. It’s not as good as the people around you.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Old man, you are in a hurry to hug your grandson."

"An Qi is quite old. I already had An Qi's father at this time." Mr. Xu didn't deny it either.

The matter between Xu Anqi and Jiang Chen has not been settled for a long time. Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi are not in a hurry, but Mr. Xu is in a hurry.

However, Xu Anqi has that kind of temper. It is impossible for Xu Anqi to take the initiative. Mr. Xu can only beat and beat Jiang Chen to make Jiang Chen take the initiative.

But it's strange to say that Mr. Xu is very clear about some of Jiang Chen's romantic affairs, so why has there been no movement between him and Xu Anqi for so long?
"Old man, you want to hug your grandson, I can understand, but I'm not ready yet." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

"Nonsense." Mr. Xu was very angry.

What do you mean not ready?

What preparations does Jiang Chen need?
A big man, what is there to prepare for?
It's not that he was asked to have a child, it was Xu Anqi who gave birth, if Jiang Chen said that Xu Anqi was not ready, then it would be more or less the same.

"Old man, don't worry, I'm really not ready." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Are you serious?" Old Master Xu was a little puzzled, hearing Jiang Chen's words, it didn't look like he was joking.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Old man, you must leave some time for me to prepare, right?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Mr. Xu asked curiously.

Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing. Naturally, he couldn't explain directly what he wanted to prepare, otherwise, there would be no suspense.

"That's fine, I won't ask any more questions, but I will give you three months at most." Mr. Xu said.

"Three months, almost." Jiang Chen nodded.

In the evening, Jiang Chen also stayed at Xu's house.

At around 10:30 in the evening, Jiang Chen had just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He was wiping his hair with a towel when he heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Chen walked over to open the door, and suddenly saw Xu Anqi standing outside the door holding a small bowl.

"Jiang Chen, grandpa asked the servant to cook some soup and asked me to bring it to you." Entering the door, Xu Anqi handed the bowl in her hand to Jiang Chen, and said.

Xu Anqi should have just taken a shower, her hair was wet, tied casually behind her head, revealing her smooth and full forehead, she was wearing a silk nightgown, her delicate figure was outlined intentionally or unintentionally.

"When did the old man treat me so well?" Jiang Chen smiled. He remembered very clearly that he didn't have this kind of treatment before, and he wanted to drink soup when he bowed his head.

As soon as he lowered his head, Jiang Chen's complexion became a little strange.

"Yellow bullwhip, medlar, cistanche, dodder..." Looking at the ingredients of the bowl of soup in his hand, Jiang Chen was speechless.

How can they not understand that although Mr. Xu said that he was giving him time to prepare, in fact, he kept a hand in secret. This bowl of soup is very meaningful.

It is probably to avoid being caught by Xu Anqi. All these random ingredients, except the wolfberry, which can be seen as real ingredients, the rest are chopped very finely. However, they can escape Xu Anqi Naturally, he couldn't escape his piercing eyes.

Mr. Xu probably knew Xu Anqi's work and rest time, so he deliberately chose this time slot, and asked Xu Anqi to bring such a bowl of soup over. In order to hug his grandson, it can be said to be well-intentioned.

"Jiang Chen, don't you like this soup?" Seeing Jiang Chen's strange expression, Xu Anqi asked.

"No, I'm just too touched, the old man is so kind to me." Jiang Chen sighed and drank the bowl of soup in two or three mouthfuls.

After eating a bowl of soup, Jiang Chen didn't know if it was because he ate too much, but Jiang Chen immediately felt a burst of hot air rushing from his lower abdomen to his limbs, which made him unable to restrain his emotions.

"Is it good?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Delicious." Jiang Chen replied.

"I see there are still a lot in the kitchen, I'll get you another bowl." Xu Anqi just said.

"Um, I'm not hungry, don't worry, let's chat for a while." Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, this bowl had such an effect, if he drank a few more bowls, wouldn't he go crazy tonight?

"Ah, let's chat..." Xu Anqi somehow remembered something, her pink face flushed slightly.

Seeing Xu Anqi's shy appearance, Jiang Chen felt a fire in his lower abdomen.

Too deadly.

Xu Anqi didn't know how attractive her own mood was, but it was also because of not knowing that the smell that was unintentionally revealed was even more attractive.

"Yeah, let's chat casually." Jiang Chen said, closing the door behind him, and dragging Xu Anqi to the bedside to sit down.

"Jiang Chen, why do I feel that you are a little weird, and, are you hot? You are sweating." Xu Anqi blinked.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the air conditioner." Jiang Chen said casually, but his heart was so depressed that he died.

I have to say, Mr. Xu is really too ruthless, even if he is in a hurry to hold his grandson, he shouldn't give him such a heavy blow.

Feeling the changes in his body, how could Jiang Chen not know that he was still being too careless. There must be other condiments added to this bowl of soup.

And that condiment has a strong aphrodisiac effect.

Otherwise, a mere bowl of yang strengthening soup would not cause such significant changes in his body.

"Then why don't you sleep in another room, I'll ask the servant to call the repairman to come and take a look at it tomorrow." Xu Anqi said, the weather is so hot, if there is a problem with the air outlet of the air conditioner in this room, Xu Anqi feels that Jiang Chen must not be able to sleep well. of.

After saying this, Xu Anqi noticed that Jiang Chen seemed to be getting hotter, because she saw that there were layers of fine sweat protruding from Jiang Chen's forehead.

"How could it be so hot?" Xu Anqi froze for a moment, reached out and wiped the sweat from Jiang Chen's forehead.

"No need to wipe, I'll take a shower later." Jiang Chen said dryly.

Thinking that his generation of genius doctors actually fell into Mr. Xu's tricks, if this news got out, wouldn't it make the world laugh out loud?

But Jiang Chen also knew that he couldn't be blamed for this kind of thing. After all, he didn't have the slightest sense of defense against Mr. Xu. Moreover, Mr. Xu didn't intend to harm him, but was just too anxious to hug his grandson.

"Then you go take a shower first, I'll go upstairs to rest first." Xu Anqi said empathetically, she saw that Jiang Chen's clothes were almost wet with sweat, he must be uncomfortable in this state.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Xu Anqi went out, but Jiang Chen closed the door, but did not go to the bathroom. He took a light breath, took out a few silver needles with his right hand, and quickly pricked himself a few times.

As the silver needle entered his body, Jiang Chen was sweating profusely in just ten seconds, and his clothes were all soaked with sweat.

"Old man, you are too much of a tosser." Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, and then went to the bathroom. In addition to taking an extra bath tonight, he also needed to change his clothes.

Around 11:30 in the evening, after Jiang Chen took a shower, he was lying on the bed, sleeping in a daze, when suddenly he heard the sound of knocking on the door.

"Jiang Chen, open the door quickly, I know you're not asleep." Jiang Yanyan's voice came from outside the door, sounding a bit impatient.

"What are you doing, let people not sleep." Jiang Chen muttered, and lazily opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Jiang Chen found that not only Jiang Yanyan was standing outside the door, but also Xu Anqi.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Jiang Chen yawned.

"Can't sleep." Jiang Yanyan said.

"The air conditioning system in the room seems to have a problem, it's too hot." Xu Anqi also said.

"Is it hot?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously. He said earlier that there was a problem with the air conditioner, but he just gave up a reason. Could it be that the air conditioner really has a problem now, but the air conditioner in his room is fine. .

Then, Jiang Chen discovered that whether it was Xu Anqi or Jiang Yanyan, something was wrong with the second daughter.

The two women's faces were flushed, and their breathing was a little short. Just standing at the door, they were both a little shy and restless, and even emotionally, they seemed a little restless.

"Don't you know if it's hot or not?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, there is no way to live here tonight, let's go to the hotel to sleep." Xu Anqi suggested.

"You two come in first and we'll talk." Jiang Chen said, without any explanation, he pulled Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan into his room, and locked the door behind him.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing behind the locked door? I'm warning you, you can just harm An Qi, don't harm me." Jiang Yanyan saw it, and she started yelling, as if Jiang Chen was going to do something to her. of.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen was a little speechless, this woman was thinking about some messy things all day long, and she was too impure.

"You're already like this, why don't you let me scream." Jiang Yanyan snorted.

"If you tell you to shut up, then shut up." Jiang Chen became a little impatient, and if Jiang Yanyan kept yelling like this, something would really happen tonight.

"Shut up and shut up, why are you so fierce." Jiang Yanyan was wronged, it was the first time for Jiang Chen to get angry at her so much, she didn't understand, Jiang Chen took the wrong medicine.

"You two, did you eat something wrong?" Seeing that Jiang Yanyan finally calmed down, Jiang Chen was the one, and asked seriously...

(End of this chapter)

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