genius evil

Chapter 636 Playing with Fire and Self-immolation Sooner or Later

Chapter 636 Playing with Fire and Self-immolation Sooner or Later
"Student Yanyan, what's your ghost name?" Hearing Jiang Yanyan's groans, Jiang Chen was so cold that he felt goosebumps all over his body.

Although the sound insulation effect of the villa room is very good, under normal circumstances, after the door is closed, people outside cannot hear the movement inside the room.

But if he wasn't afraid of [-], he was afraid if it wasn't. If someone listened to it, it might be possible for him to do something unreasonable to Jiang Yanyan.

Is he, Jiang Chen, so hungry?
"Yanyan, are you in pain?" Xu Anqi was a little worried.

Because she was a little nervous, her eyes were closed, but in a daze, she also realized that Jiang Chen should be administering needles to her and Jiang Yanyan.

It wasn't the first time Jiang Chen gave her acupuncture. That time in the hotel, Jiang Chen treated her stomach pain, and he had given her acupuncture.

Xu Anqi had some experience in this area, and compared to Jiang Yanyan, she undoubtedly had to adapt much more.

"It's not very painful, just a little pain." Jiang Yanyan felt it for a while, and the feelings of tearing and swelling written in those books were all gone. The pain was like being bitten by a cat. It was like being bitten by a passing mosquito.

"Just a little bit of pain and you call it like this?" Jiang Chen was a little annoyed, you know, hearing Jiang Yanyan yelling so hard, he almost doubted whether there was something wrong with his medical skills.

As far as Jiang Chen was concerned, his character could go wrong, but his medical skills absolutely couldn't go wrong.

"I'm nervous, can't I just scream?" Jiang Yanyan muttered.

Xu Anqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Stop screaming, Jiang Chen has already said it, it will be over soon, just bear with it."

"How should I endure this kind of thing?" Jiang Yanyan thought in her heart, and then said: "Okay, I won't bark anymore, Jiang Chen, you can continue...continue to do what you want to do."

"It's done." Jiang Chen said.

"It's done, so fast?" Jiang Yanyan gasped immediately.

what's the situation?
She didn't even have a good feeling, carefully comprehended, Jiang Chen was done, what speed is this?Even if it is a fast gunner, it doesn't have this speed, does it?
Jiang Yanyan remembered that she secretly gave Jiang Chen a box of medicine. When she delivered the medicine, she deliberately teased Jiang Chen. Now Jiang Yanyan feels that she probably delivered the medicine right.

After all, Jiang Chen was too fast.

No wonder Jiang Chen looked impatient before, saying that he was saving time was not because Jiang Chen's time was so precious, but because Jiang Chen's time was too short, too short to bear to look at.

"Could it be that you still want to continue?" Jiang Chen asked with black lines all over his head.

"That's not what I mean, I just think your speed is too fast, and I haven't even realized it yet. Besides, I don't seem to have taken off my clothes... Well, I haven't taken off my clothes yet, just do it It's over? How did you do it?" Jiang Yanyan opened her eyes, and fumbled her body with her little hands.

Except for the clothes, the pants were not taken off.With his clothes still on, Jiang Chen said he was done, Jiang Yanyan racked his brains, it was hard to imagine how Jiang Chen would do it.

"What are you doing undressing?" Xu Anqi asked strangely.

"Could it be that you don't need to take off your clothes to do that kind of thing?" Jiang Yanyan said it was even more strange. She read a lot, so don't lie to her, okay?

No matter how inexperienced he is with men and women, if he has never eaten pork, has he never seen a pig run away?

"Student Yanyan, if I understand correctly, the kind of thing you said to do should be that kind of thing." Even if Jiang Chen is a fool, he finally understands why Jiang Yanyan's whole person's reaction tonight , is so outrageous.

Dare Jiang Yanyan think he was going to eat her in one bite?

"You didn't get it wrong, it seems like I forced you to do it." Jiang Yanyan said unhappily.

"Yanyan, you misunderstood." Xu Anqi also reacted, it was a headache, Jiang Chen was clearly injecting the two of them, how could Jiang Yanyan understand it like that, this misunderstanding is too big.

"An Qi, you don't need to say anything, I can understand you." Jiang Yanyan sighed quietly.

Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi have been together for a long time, but they have never wanted Xu Anqi's body. Jiang Yanyan has seen through Jiang Chen's unspeakable secrets.

"I'm fine." Xu Anqi said nana.

"An Qi, don't you mind at all?" Jiang Yanyan glanced at Jiang Chen from the corner of her eye, feeling sorry for Jiang Chen.

With such a beautiful woman like Xu Anqi beside her, wanting to eat but powerless, even as a woman, Jiang Yanyan felt that she could understand Jiang Chen's helplessness and pain.

"What do you mind?" Xu Anqi was very confused by Jiang Yanyan's question. She faintly felt that she understood what Jiang Yanyan was going to say, but she didn't feel so clear.

"An Qi, this kind of thing, in front of Jiang Chen, needless to say it too bluntly, he is a man, we have to take care of his self-esteem." Jiang Yanyan said empathetically.

"Student Yanyan, you'd better be straightforward and don't take care of my feelings." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop biting Lu Dongbin from knowing good people? Do you have to say that your time is too short for you to be comfortable?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.


Xu Anqi came to her senses and couldn't help stretching out her hand to caress her forehead. Why did Jiang Yanyan have a second misunderstanding before one misunderstanding was clarified?

"An Qi, I admit that Jiang Chen is very good in other respects, very good, better than 90.00% of the men in the nine, we can't just because he has a little personal weakness, It negates his excellence, but I personally think that this kind of thing is still very important to women." Jiang Yanyan said in a rambling manner, teaching Xu Anqi a lesson.

"Yanyan, you misunderstood again." Xu Anqi blushed, but she couldn't say too much.

"I have experienced it myself, and it is impossible to misunderstand it." Jiang Yanyan said decisively.

After saying this, Jiang Yanyan said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, you are still young, since you know that you have something wrong, you should receive treatment as soon as possible. You are a doctor yourself, don't you even understand this truth? , don’t shy away from medical treatment.”

"Of course I understand the truth." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It's good that you understand, how about this, An Qi and I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow for a comprehensive examination, and then we will invite a nutritionist to recuperate your body." Jiang Yanyan said solemnly.

"Yanyan, stop talking, you misunderstood." Xu Anqi was a little angry.

As a man, no matter how magnanimous Jiang Chen was, Xu Anqi felt that it was impossible for Jiang Chen not to mind this aspect of things.

I would like to ask, which man can bear it, and is said to have a short period of time?
"An Qi, I understand your intentions. You are doing it for Jiang Chen's own good, but if it is really for Jiang Chen's good, you should take him to the hospital for treatment. In that case, he will be good to you as well." Jiang Yanyan said earnestly, What she said was like a caring big sister.

Xu Anqi couldn't take it anymore, she stretched out her hand to pull up the quilt and covered her head.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not attacking you, nor am I watching you joke. You said it yourself, and you understand the truth, so I won't say more." Jiang Yanyan was a little worried that Jiang Chen's self-esteem couldn't bear it, so she turned around to comfort him. Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen couldn't figure it out for a while and committed suicide?

Although the probability of that kind of thing happening is very small, it is estimated that it is less than one in ten thousand, but it is right to prevent it in advance.

"Student Yanyan, have you ever heard a saying that without investigation, one has no right to speak?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"Is my experience just now considered an investigation?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

"I think you can experience it again, so first, you take off all the clothes and pants on your body." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, don't be brave." Jiang Yanyan hastily advised.

"I won't be brave, take off quickly." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, don't be brave, okay?" Jiang Yanyan said with a bitter face, she didn't want to hit Jiang Chen again.

"Could it be that you want me to take it off for you myself?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, this is meaningless. I can understand your feelings, but don't hurt yourself, okay?" Jiang Yanyan said softly.

"Looks like I have to do it myself." Jiang Chen said to himself, stepped forward, grabbed Jiang Yanyan's legs, pulled them casually, and the pants were pulled down. After that, Jiang Chen With a quick tear, the short sleeves on Jiang Yanyan's upper body were torn apart by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to hurt yourself like this?" Jiang Yanyan was very anxious, she felt that she shouldn't provoke Jiang Chen, no, it just drove Jiang Chen crazy.

"So you sacrifice your life for righteousness and let me hurt you." Jiang Chen laughed.

For those words that Jiang Yanyan said, Jiang Chen undoubtedly cares about them, but it is useless to say more about this kind of thing, it has to be done.

Jiang Chen now wants to "do it" for Jiang Yanyan to see, so that she can see clearly whether he can do it or not.

"You really want to hurt me, but you have to do it to do it." Jiang Yanyan despised Jiang Chen's pretentiousness a little bit, when Jiang Chen's big hand came over, she kicked her feet to kick Jiang Chen's hand away.

This kick did not reach Jiang Chen's hand, Jiang Chen's big hand still touched her body, what Jiang Yanyan kicked was another part of Jiang Chen.

This kick didn't use much force, but because the part that was kicked was extremely sensitive to a man, Jiang Yanyan immediately shrank her feet as if getting an electric shock.

Then, Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen with wide eyes as if she had seen a ghost.

" damned liar..." After a long time, Jiang Yanyan stuttered to speak, rolled over, ran out of bed, picked up the quilt and wrapped her body, as if fleeing flee outside.

"Yanyan will play with fire and set herself on fire sooner or later if she continues like this." On the bed, Xu Anqi said softly, she didn't know if it was a blame, or there were other meanings to her words.

(End of this chapter)

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