genius evil

Chapter 637 Some Eat Meat, Others Drink Soup

Chapter 637 Some Eat Meat, Others Drink Soup

"Jiang Chen, did you sleep well last night?"

The next morning, while eating breakfast in the restaurant of Xu's villa, Mr. Xu asked casually, seemingly casually.

"Thanks to you, old man, I slept pretty well." Jiang Chen ate his breakfast and replied vaguely.

Jiang Chen did sleep well, and whether it was Xu Anqi or Jiang Yanyan, the two girls had big dark circles under their eyes, which could be caused by lack of sleep.

Last night, after Jiang Yanyan escaped, Xu Anqi did not leave. She slept on the same bed with Jiang Chen for the whole night, and only walked out of the room the next morning. The servant had seen this scene. Immediately passed it on to Mr. Xu.

However, it was just a night of sleep.

As for Jiang Yanyan, she didn't sleep well last night because she felt that she was too embarrassing. At this time, her cheeks were burning hot, and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen. Every time Jiang Chen glanced at her, it was all eyes Erratic.

"It's good to sleep well. If you stay in Tiannan City during this time, you can stay here at night. There are so many rooms, and they are empty." Mr. Xu said taking advantage of the situation.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled and agreed.

"Grandpa, I'm full, you eat slowly, I'll go to the room to catch up on sleep." Xiao Xiao yawned, Xu Anqi said.

"Grandpa, I'm full too. I'm going to my room to catch up on sleep." Jiang Yanyan put down her chopsticks and stood up quickly.

After the two daughters left, Mr. Xu ate for a while, took a few sips of the hot tea served by the servants, and said, "He Xianwei and Xu Heng can be regarded as rookies in the business world in Tiannan City. Tiannan City has not been developing for a long time, but they have made remarkable achievements in their respective fields."

"I don't know these two people." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You don't know?" Mr. Xu was stunned.

I don't know him, did Ji Feng go to take over his assets in Tiannan City?

"It's true that I don't know each other, so it's a bit strange. What did the old man tell me about the two of them?" Jiang Chen wiped his mouth and asked.

"Yesterday at noon, what happened at the Lijingxuan Hotel has already spread in Tiannan City. Many people saw you there." Old Master Xu reminded.

"Oh, the two of them." Jiang Chen nodded as an admission.

"This shot is not very beautiful." Mr. Xu reminded again.

It's not too serious to say, in fact, in the eyes of Mr. Xu, it's not just as simple as not being pretty, it's just messing around.

Suppression is okay, but it can't be so simple and rude, at least it can't be easily caught by others. Jiang Chen is good this time, it's completely robbing with open fire.

"There is a guy who wants to plot against your granddaughter." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Good job." Mr. Xu slapped the table and stood up.

It's unbearable that someone blindfolded Xu Anqi's idea.

"Old man, two-faced three-handed sword is not worth it." Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"You can't live by doing your own crimes." Old Master Xu snorted coldly, realizing that he had gone too far, and sat down again.

"That's true. Is the old man interested in playing together?" Jiang Chen asked.

He Xianwei and Xu Heng's assets are not clear to Jiang Chen, but obviously Jiang Yunsheng can't eat them all by himself. With Ji Feng taking the lead there, and adding the Xu family to finish it off, it should be almost the same.

"Take it as a betrothal gift from you to An Qi, and remember to treat An Qi better in the future." Old Master Xu understood that Jiang Chen was giving him a favor, so naturally he would not refuse.

After taking another sip of tea, Mr. Xu changed the subject and said, "The Guan family learned that you were here, so Mr. Guan called me this morning and invited you to sit with him."

"The Guan family, I'm not very familiar with it either." Jiang Chen said.

In the entire Guan family, he only knew two people, one was Guan He, and the other was the little guy Guan Shan.

"The Guan family invited you to sit down, and there is no other meaning. The entire Tiannan City is currently under reconstruction, and the Guan family's sense of crisis can be imagined. What they want to talk to you about is almost this matter. "Mr. Xu said.

"The bowl is only this big. Some people want to eat meat, but the rest can only drink soup. The Guan family must understand that they still have a sip of soup at least." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"For a person who is used to eating meat, if you ask him to put down his chopsticks and pick up a spoon, they will not be willing." Mr. Xu said.

After a pause, Mr. Xu continued: "Now there is a saying outside that Xu Jitong, the three new families in Tiannan City, the Xu family is the first, the Ji family is the second, and the Tong family is the third... This is obviously unreasonable , the Xu family has a few catties and a few ounces. I know very well that Ji Feng is a good kid, but he is completely supported by you. As for the Tong family, it has been going downhill in recent years... The only thing that has not changed is the Guan family. ...The Guan family has not been weakened, but they have been excluded from the list of the three major families, so they will naturally have ideas."

Another point that Old Master Xu didn't say was that whether the Xu family or the Ji family, including the Tong family, were all inextricably linked with Jiang Chen.

It is said that there are three forces, but in fact it can be called one force at all. In this way, Jiang Chen has firmly controlled the situation in Tiannan City by himself.

The Guan family was squeezed out. The most obvious thing about this kind of crowding out was the ranking. The ranking is not important. What kind of attitude to deal with the new order created by Jiang Chen.

"Let them think whatever they want." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

With this time, you might as well go pick up girls.

"Is this a rejection? But there should be an explanation." Mr. Xu said.

"The explanation is very simple. If the Guan family wants to play together, they should take it with them. If they don't want to play together, they can say something else." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Mr. Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Mr. Guan was still waiting for his reply. How should he reply?
If you really followed what Jiang Chen said and told Mr. Guan everything, how could Mr. Guan die of anger?

But listening to Jiang Chen's words, Mr. Xu could tell that Jiang Chen's thoughts were not on these things in Tiannan City. Just step on it.

"This kid has a lot of ambition." Mr. Xu said silently in his heart.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan wanted to catch up on sleep, Jiang Chen had nothing to do here, just happened to receive a call from Tang Tianxiong, and just opened the door to go out for an appointment, planning to have lunch with Tang Tianxiong.

The Tang family is naturally a force that cannot be ignored in Tiannan City, but Tang Tianxiong prefers to be his own underground emperor and has no intention of standing in front of the stage.

On this point, Jiang Chen would not force Tang Tianxiong, but the benefits that should be given should not be less. Who made Tang Tianxiong Tang Tian's father?

In Tiannan City, there is a river.

This river runs through the entire Tiannan City and divides Tiannan City into two parts, one part is called Hedong and the other is called Hexi.

Jiang Chen was driving on the road along the river. He glanced over by chance and saw a fiery red figure by the river.

The fiery red figure, sitting on the fence along the river, was blown by the wind, with a skirt fluttering like a burning flame.

"This is the third time." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, stopped the car on the side of the road, opened the door and got out of the car and walked towards the fiery red figure.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Chen came back again, opened the car door, and took a bottle of juice drink from the car. This drink was bought by Xu Anqi yesterday afternoon, and he hadn't drunk it yet.

Walking to the side of the fiery red figure, Jiang Chen unscrewed the lid of the drink and passed the drink over.

"It's you again." Turning her head, seeing Jiang Chen, the woman in the red skirt said, but, even if she saw Jiang Chen for the third time, she still couldn't hear the taste of surprise when she spoke at this time.

"Drink." Jiang Chen said.

After watching Jiang Chen silently for a while, the woman in the red dress finally reached out to take the drink, bowed her head, and took a sip.

"Is it good?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yeah." The woman in the red skirt nodded lightly, took another sip, and said, "I like the taste, but why did you give me some?"

The first time the two met was at the MINT Bar, Jiang Chen gave her a glass of Blue Enchantress.

The second time the two met was outside the cold drink shop outside the shopping mall. Jiang Chen gave her an ice cream.

This time, it was the third time the two met, and Jiang Chen gave her a bottle of juice drink.


We met three times, and gave away food three times, and the three times we gave away were all food.

"Just as long as you like it." Jiang Chen said simply.

"Why did you know that I would like it?" The woman in the red skirt was not very satisfied with Jiang Chen's answer.

"It's just intuition." Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "You ordered a glass of soda water at the MINT bar, and stopped drinking it after taking a sip. Obviously you don't like the taste of soda water, and you don't know, in that place, what should you drink, I recommend a glass of Blue Enchantress for you."

"Where's the ice cream? What about this?" the woman in the red skirt asked while holding a drink.

"Don't little girls like to eat sweets?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"That's it?" The woman in the red skirt was stunned for a moment. Even though the glass of Blue Enchantress was an alcoholic drink, it was also made with fruit juice. To be precise, it was also a dessert.

It's just that little girls like to eat sweets.

The meaning of Jiang Chen's words, in other words, was to treat her like a little girl.

"Otherwise?" Jiang Chen shrugged.

"This is very interesting, what's your name?" the woman in the red dress asked.

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said.

"My name is Wen Qingxin." The woman in the red skirt said.

"I originally thought that you would tell me your name only when we meet next time, but I didn't expect it to be so sudden." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Will we meet again?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"Of course, there are so many delicious things in this world, I only gave you three kinds, didn't I?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Pursing her lips and smiling slightly, Wen Qingxin said: "You are always very interesting when you talk. If we meet again next time, what will you give me to eat?"

"When we meet next time, you will naturally know." Jiang Chen made a fool of himself and said, "I still have something to do, I'm leaving first."

"Okay, I will look forward to seeing you next time." Wen Qingxin blinked, and there was a hint of naughtiness in her words...

(End of this chapter)

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