genius evil

Chapter 638 Don't mess with me

Chapter 638 Don't mess with me
The place where Jiang Chen and Tang Tianxiong made an appointment to meet was a teahouse.

Jiang Chen entered the teahouse, opened the door and entered the private room, and saw that there were three people inside, besides Tang Tianxiong, there were two women.

"Surprise!" One of the women saw Jiang Chen appearing, and said with a smile, who else could there be besides Tang Tian, ​​and the other one was Shuang'er.

"Master." Shuang'er greeted Jiang Chen.

"You two, why did you come to Tiannan City?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

What was even more surprising was that when the two daughters came to Tiannan City, they didn't even say hello beforehand. Tang Tian's character, Jiang Chen was very clear. Not quite in line with the norm.

"Not welcome?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"How could it be?" Jiang Chen smiled, and sat down opposite Tang Tianxiong.

Tang Tianxiong was obviously in a good mood, picked up the teapot and poured tea for Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't talk about you, even I don't know why these two girls came here, I just asked and refused to tell, what should I wait for?" Let’s talk about it when you come, it’s mysterious.”

"I've said it all, it's useless to tell you, you old man, don't worry about it." Tang Tian said carelessly.

"Now that Jiang Chen is here, can we talk about it?" Tang Tianxiong was a little helpless.

"Shuang'er, do you say it or should I say it?" Tang Tian just asked.

"Speak." Shuang'er said softly.

"Well, let me tell." Tang Tiandian nodded, and then said to Jiang Chen: "It's like this, Shuang'er has a relative, something seems to happen at home, she plans to go and see, but she goes alone , I am worried, Jiang Chen, do you understand what I mean?"

"Does Shuang'er have any relatives?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously. If I remember correctly, it seems that Tang Tian said before that Shuang'er is an orphan, right?

Since he was an orphan, where did his relatives come from?
"Oh, don't worry about these details. In fact, it's not a relative. It's just that when Shuang'er was very young, the old man took Shuang'er in for a week. Shuang'er is a girl. , don't look at her silent on the surface, but her mind is very sensitive. In the past few years, she has been sending money there. After all these years, the old man who took her in is also getting old. Shuang'er just wants to go back and have a look."

"So you mean, let me go with Shuang'er?" Jiang Chen asked.

When Tang Tianxiong heard this, he understood why it was useless for Tang Tian to tell him. It was indeed useless to talk about such things.

"You're not too stupid at all, that's what it means." Tang Tian said.

"What about you?" Jiang Chen just asked, Tang Tian didn't join in the excitement, it was a bit unreasonable.

"Where do I have time? I'm busy. In a word, are you going or not?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes again.

"Go." Without thinking, Jiang Chen agreed.

The relationship between him and Shuang'er is quite special, they are both a teacher and a student, and they are also lovers. Let alone this dual relationship, even if there is only one of them, it is impossible for Jiang Chen not to go.

"Just go." Tang Tian expressed her satisfaction.

"Master, thank you." Shuang'er said.

Originally, she didn't want to trouble Jiang Chen and wanted to go alone, because she felt that this was her own business.But Tang Tian refused, and dragged her to Tiannan City to find Jiang Chen, Shuang'er didn't even have a chance to refuse, so she could only let Tang Tian go.

Shuang'er was also worried that Jiang Chen would not agree. After all, Jiang Chen was quite busy, so he had to spare time to accompany her for a walk, which made Shuang'er feel a little bit sorry.

"There is nothing to thank, this is what he should do." Tang Tian was not happy with Shuang'er saying that.

"That's right, it's what I should do." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, a flight that took off from Tiannan City landed slowly at Nandu International Airport in Guangdong Province. After stepping off the plane, Jiang Chen breathed in the humid and hot air, not without emotion.

The old man who took Shuang'er in for a week was from Nandu City, Guangdong Province.

What Jiang Chen was feeling was naturally not because of this, but because of Ma Dongjue. After all, Jiang Chen never expected that he would come to Guangdong Province so soon.

"Master, let's go." Shuang'er said, holding Jiang Chen's arm.

The two walked out of the airport building, and soon got into a taxi. After getting in the car, Shuang'er reported an address.

"Do you still remember everything you have experienced before?" Jiang Chen asked.

Tang Tian said that what happened in Nandu City happened when Shuang'er was very young. When Shuang'er gave her address just now, she was quite straightforward. Obviously, she was quite impressed.

"That old man treated me very well." Shuang'er nodded.

"You haven't told me what happened yet." Jiang Chen asked.

"The old man who took me in has been sending money over the past few years. It was fine before, but I don't know what happened. This month, the money I sent to the old man's card was refunded. And a few days ago The old man's contact information I entrusted someone to get in [-], but now I can't get in touch, so I'm a little worried." Shuang'er said worriedly.

The address was not in Nandu City, but in a small county under the jurisdiction of Nandu City. The taxi drove for about three hours, and Jiang Chen and Shuang'er arrived at the county town.

However, even though it is a county seat, due to the prosperous and developed economy in Guangdong Province and the economic circle that has been expanding to the edge of Nandu City in recent years, this small county seat is no less than some small towns in the central provinces at first glance. prefecture-level city.

After getting out of the car, Shuang'er stood by the side of the road and looked around. After a while, she said embarrassedly: "Master, the changes here are too great, I don't remember how I got there."

"Do you remember which direction it is in?" Jiang Chen said.

Shuang'er pointed in one direction and said, "This way."

"Let's walk around casually, maybe you can remember some familiar buildings when you see them." Jiang Chen said, took Shuang'er's little hand, and led them towards the pointed direction.


However, the two of them didn't go far when they heard the ear-piercing roar of a motorcycle engine coming from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, several modified motorcycles, with noise and speed, passed by the two of them.

But those motorcycles didn't drive very far, they just made a U-turn suddenly and turned back.

"Beauty." On a motorcycle, a guy with dyed yellow hair whistled at Shuang'er.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and Shuang'er suddenly felt unhappy.

"Beauty, are you a foreigner? What are you doing here? Traveling? There is nothing interesting here. If you want to play something exciting, brother, I will take you there. I will make sure you have fun." Huang Mao Said with a hippie smile.

"Shut up." Shuang'er said, resisting the urge to kick this guy off the motorcycle.

"Brother, did you hear that, this chick has quite a temper." Huang Mao didn't care, and laughed.

There were four motorcycles in total, and on the other three motorcycles, there were also three guys with colorful hair dyed. Hearing what Huang Mao said, he immediately laughed too.

"Beauty, Brother Huang Mao is a good person, don't get me wrong." A guy with green hair said.

"Brother Huang Mao said to take you to a fun place, it must be very fun, beauty, don't hesitate, get in the car quickly." A guy with dyed red hair said.

The other guy with white hair also said wretchedly: "Beauty, if you don't want to get in Brother Huang Mao's car, then you can get in my car."


Shuang'er couldn't bear it any longer, kicked Huang Mao out of the motorcycle with a heavy kick, and kicked Huang Mao flying out of the motorcycle, and the out-of-control motorcycle fell to the ground in response, making a dull sound.

Under Jiang Chen's strict training, Shuang'er's skills have long been different. This kick was so powerful that the yellow hair was kicked and rolled three times in the air before falling to the ground, making a ghost cry like a wolf howl. screams.

"I think you are looking for death." Huangmao fell heavily, and when he got up from the ground, he was out of breath.


Shuang'er didn't speak, stepped forward a few steps, kicked Huang Mao's chest again, and kicked Huang Mao flying again.

"Don't mess with me." Shuang'er said now.

When I came to Nandu City this time, I couldn't say that I was thinking about things when I saw them, but there was a memory of her childhood here, and Shuang'er's mood was somewhat affected.

In addition, the changes here are too great, and it is very likely that the old man who took her in will not be found, and Shuang'er's mood is even more depressed.

These guys came over recklessly, Shuang'er naturally wouldn't be polite to them.

"Hey, beauty, you are quite loud." Lumao couldn't listen anymore.

"Little girl, do you know where this is? And who are we? If something unexpected happens, don't blame us for not warning you in advance." The red hair threatened.

"Be sensible, hurry up and help Brother Huang Mao up, and apologize obediently, maybe Brother Huang Mao is soft-hearted and can let you go." The white horse urged.

"You must mess with me, right?" Shuang'er shook her head helplessly, and after finishing her sentence, she kicked all three of them off the motorcycle.

The two non-mainstream girls sitting on the red-haired and green-haired motorcycles were also inevitably implicated and rolled to the ground.

"Crazy." A girl with dirty braids and thick smoky makeup slapped the dust on her body vigorously, and cursed loudly, that was a tough one.

"Little girl, it's hopeless to hang out with people like them." Shuang'er said coldly.

"Who are you? Do I have a future? Does it have anything to do with you?" The smoky makeup girl grinned.

"Just pretend I didn't say anything." Shuang'er frowned.

"I thought you didn't say it, so don't take yourself seriously, okay?" The girl with smoky makeup had sharp teeth.

"Master, let's go." Shuang'er said to Jiang Chen, paying too much attention to it.

Jiang Chen smiled. The reason why he didn't do anything was because he could see that Shuang'er needed to vent, and these few low-level gangsters naturally didn't need him to do it. Otherwise, how could they be worthy of his training? ?

"Who told you to leave? Want to leave after beating someone? Is there such a good thing in this world?" The girl with smoky makeup strode forward and stretched out her hands. It was Jiang Chen and Shuang'er who were about to leave. down.

"Get out." Jiang Chen's expression darkened instantly, and he shouted in a low voice!

(End of this chapter)

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