genius evil

Chapter 639 Shameless People

Chapter 639 Shameless People

"Little boy, who are you telling me to get out of here? Don't think I, Du Mina, are afraid of you just because of your face." The girl with smoky makeup kept flickering her eyes and said stubbornly.

For some reason, following Jiang Chen's low shout, the smoky makeup girl felt that she could hardly breathe.

It was as if the person standing in front of her was not a person, but an extremely ferocious monster, who could slap her to death at any time.

This kind of feeling made the girl with smoky makeup feel very uncomfortable, but her mouth was quite unforgiving, and she even said the words "little boy".

"I'll give you three seconds to disappear in front of me, or you will bear the consequences." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

Under normal circumstances, he would not hit a woman with his hands.

But this girl who was neither human nor ghost obviously took herself too seriously. If she insisted on messing around, Jiang Chen wouldn't mind teaching her a lesson.

"Okay, you're threatening me, hit me if you have the ability, try to move my finger? If you really dare to touch me, believe it or not, I'll have you chopped up and fed to the fish in minutes? "The girl with smoky makeup shouted.

"Sorry, I don't believe what you say at all." Jiang Chen shook his head, raising his hand to slap the idiot.

"Master, don't do it yet." Shuang'er suddenly gave Jiang Chen a hand. She looked at the girl with smoky makeup strangely, and asked hesitantly, "You just said that your name is Du Meina?"

"That's right, my aunt's name is Du Meina. If you don't want to change your name, you don't want to change your surname. You'd better remember my name, so that you won't be retaliated against, and you don't know what's going on." Du Meina held her head high. Said.

"Then you still know, is there any other girl named Du Meina?" Shuang'er asked again.

"Dumina is me, I am Dumina, does it have something to do with me if someone else is called Dumina?" Dumina curled her lips.

"Then you..." Shuang'er continued to ask.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Du Meina interrupted before Shuang'er finished speaking.

"Then do you know an old man who has a large mole on the left side of his face and is about 80 years old now?" Taking a light breath, Shuang'er still asked the question she wanted to ask.

"What kind of old man is not an old man, only ghosts know." Du Meina cursed, flicked the pigtails on her head, and ran away.

"Do you know this idiot?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I remember that old man had a granddaughter named Du Meina. At that time, the two of us played together." Shuang'er said in a deep voice.

"So you suspect that this Du Meina is the granddaughter of that old man?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Maybe... maybe it's the same name." Shuang'er was skeptical, but Du Meina's attitude made her unsure.

After all, if this Du Mina was the Du Mina in her memory, how could she say such things?

"It doesn't matter if you have the same name. In short, this is a good clue. We only need to find those girls named Du Meina, and then find their homes one by one, and then we can find the old man you are looking for." Jiang Chen said.

After saying this, Jiang Chen casually picked up his cell phone and made a call to Baobao Lin.

Baobao Lin is definitely not very good at finding people, but to find someone named Du Meina in a small county town, it is a matter of minutes for Baobao Lin.

Sure enough, 5 minutes after the phone call, a piece of information was sent to Jiang Chen's cell phone.

Jiang Chen clicked on the information sent by Lin Baobao and read it. Not to mention, it is estimated that in this county, the surname Du is a common surname, and there are quite a lot of people named Du Meina.

However, according to the direction that Shuang'er pointed out, if the regions were divided and screened one by one, only two people were eligible in the end.

Both of them had headshot photos, and Jiang Chen handed the phone to Shuang'er to see.

"Huh." Shuang'er looked at it, and her face changed slightly.

"Does it look familiar?" Jiang Chen asked.

Shuang'er nodded and said, "It's very familiar. If this information is correct, the Du Meina just now should be the one I've seen before. But why did she say she doesn't know the old man?"

"We'll find out about this problem when we go and have a look." Jiang Chen said briefly.

With Du Meina's information and the old man's address, Jiang Chen and Shuang'er stopped a taxi and went straight to their destination.

In about ten minutes, the taxi stopped in front of a small six-story building, and Jiang Chen and Shuang'er got out of the car.

Undoubtedly, even in this relatively economically developed county, this small six-story building can be regarded as a mansion.

The small building has double doors, and it should be lived by the two brothers. Both doors are open at this time, but no one can be seen from the outside.

"Go in and have a look." Jiang Chen greeted, chose a door at random, led Shuang'er and walked inside.

"What about the money?"

"Old man, let me ask you a question, where did this month's money go?"

"Old man, don't pretend to be deaf and dumb here, and tell the truth, where did you get the money? Otherwise, be careful that no one will die for you."

"Hand over the money quickly, or I'll have someone throw you into the street."


Jiang Chen and Shuang'er hadn't even entered the door when they heard a burst of angry reprimands. The two were slightly taken aback, and then they noticed that there was a simple small building next to the six-story building. miscellaneous room.

As the two looked around, two middle-aged men came out of the small miscellaneous room cursing.

The two middle-aged men look somewhat similar, they should be brothers or something. After walking out of the small miscellaneous room, the taller one casually threw a cigarette to the short and fat man, and took out one himself, and put it in his mouth. Mouth lit.

"The old man is going to grit his teeth and hang on, and he won't tell us where we got the money." The tall man said after taking a puff of a cigarette.

"I'm surprised. The old man has been lying on the bed for more than half a year, and he can't even walk. Where can he get the money?" The short man looked puzzled.

"Who knows, anyway, he has to explain where the money went." The tall man gritted his teeth.

"That's for sure. With so much money every month, you can't lose even one penny." The short man snorted coldly.

The two were talking, and saw two middle-aged women coming out of the small miscellaneous room.

"The old man is very stubborn. He refuses to say anything. What should we do?" The middle-aged woman dressed in jewels and looking snobbish was so annoyed that she tore the cigarette out of the tall man's mouth and cursed: " I know how to smoke, so I don’t hurry to find a way to solve the problem.”

"I'm not trying to find a way." The tall man said helplessly.

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry. No matter how stubborn an old man is, if he starves him a few times, he will be honest. In my opinion, we treat him too well." The other one looks thin and small, with long hair The middle-aged woman with inverted triangular eyes said angrily.

"Good idea, let's starve him a few times and see if he doesn't give in obediently." The short man laughed sinisterly.

"Do you know an old man with a big black mole on the left side of his face?" Jiang Chen and Shuang'er saw someone and walked over, Jiang Chen asked.

"Who are you?" The woman with inverted triangle eyes asked vigilantly.

"We are the juniors of the old man, and we came here specially to visit." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know, I don't have that person, so hurry up and leave." The jeweled woman stretched out her hand to drive her away.

"Is it because I don't know him, or because I don't have that person?" Jiang Chen was still smiling, amiable.

"I don't know him, and I don't have that person, why don't you leave?" The jeweled woman glared at Jiang Chen, obviously thinking that Jiang Chen talked too much.

"Who lives in this small room?" Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't leave so easily, and asked casually.

"Who has nothing to do with you, just leave if you are told, otherwise we will call the police." The woman with inverted triangle eyes became nervous.

"Don't you know me?" Shuang'er, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"Who are you?"

"Who knows you?"

"Little girl, seeing that you look like a human, how can you cheat on your relatives?"

"No one knows you, hurry up and go."


As soon as Shuang'er said these words, it immediately aroused public outrage, and four mouths opened their mouths to accuse.

"When I was young, I lived here for a few days, but at that time, there was no such building." Shuang'er pointed to the small six-story building next to her.

"Yo, that's interesting? Why don't I have the slightest impression of you living here for a few days?"

"What do you mean, do you want to rely on us?"

"Little girl, can you show some face?"

"Call the police, who calls the police, how can there be such shameless people in this world?"


The four of them couldn't listen to Shuang'er's words at all, they made another accusation indiscriminately.

"Master, let's go in and have a look." Shuang'er's face turned slightly pale, and said softly.

"Go in." Jiang Chen nodded, and walked to the small miscellaneous room with Shuang'er.


"Who let you in."

"You are trespassing on a private house, which is against the law."

"Why don't you call the police, hurry up and call the police."


The cooperation between the four people was called a tacit understanding. While cursing, they moved their feet in unison, and quickly blocked Jiang Chen and Shuang'er.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, just like an eagle catching chickens, one counts as one, they all grabbed them and threw them aside, and went into the small miscellaneous room with Shuang'er.

Impressively, I saw an old figure curled up on a small bed near the corner in a small dim room. Because the old man's face was facing outward, he could clearly see that on the left side of the old man's face, there was a A large mole.

"Grandpa." Shuang'er stepped forward, eyes moist.

"You are?" the old man looked at Shuang'er and asked with difficulty.

"I'm Shuang'er, do you remember me?" Shuang'er asked in a low voice.

"Shuang'er, it's you. I remember, I always remember." The old man's eyes widened, as if he wanted to see Shuang'er more clearly, and the cloudy eyes were rarely clearer.

"Little Shuang'er, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you're finally here." The old man said, trembling, and wanted to sit up. Seeing this, Shuang'er hurriedly held the old man down.

"Little Shuang'er, help me up, I have something to say, it's too late, it's too late." The old man insisted, but Shuang'er couldn't, so he had to help the old man up and sit down, and then saw that the old man came from under the pillow, I took out a bank card...

(End of this chapter)

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