genius evil

Chapter 640 Ugly Face

Chapter 640 Ugly Face

"This is?" Shuang'er looked at the bank card that the old man took out, a little confused about what the old man was going to do.

"This is the bank card you have used to transfer money to me in the past few years." The old man said with difficulty.

Shuang'er was slightly taken aback, and said: "Old man, that's just a little thought from me, you don't need to take it too seriously."

That year, Shuang'er remembered that it was a winter, and that winter was extremely cold. If it hadn't been for the old man's shelter, Shuang'er didn't know if he could live until now.

Sending money to the old man was only out of her gratitude to the old man. In fact, Shuang'er didn't know what she should do to repay the old man's kindness. Sending money was obviously the easiest way.

"How can you not take it to heart? In the past few years, I have received so much money, the old man deserves it. Have you seen the house next to it? It was built with the money you sent me these years. "The old man smiled wryly.

"I sent you the money, so you can dispose of it as you please." Shuang'er didn't know what to say.

"You have good intentions. However, my two unfilial sons don't know good and evil. They are all white-eyed wolves. They took your money and squandered it to their heart's content. I can't bear it." The elderly parent sighed. stand up.

"It's okay." Shuang'er said hastily.

"So, when the people from the street office came over a few days ago, I asked a young man to help cancel this card. From now on, you don't have to send me money anymore." The old man said in a rambling manner.

Hearing the sound, Shuang'er suddenly woke up.

No wonder, the money sent this month will be refunded. It turns out that the old man canceled this bank card.

"What, old man, you canceled the card?" The middle-aged woman with inverted triangle eyes got into the small miscellaneous room at some point and yelled.

"Old man, you are shameless, you don't want the money, we want it, how can you cancel the card?" The jeweled woman also appeared.

"You two, shut up." The old man panted heavily and said loudly.

"Old man, why are you so fierce, I warn you, if it weren't for the fact that we have provided you with good food and drink all these years, you would have long since died in which garbage dump." The jeweled woman threatened.

"Sister-in-law is right. Old things that don't know good and bad should die long ago, so as not to waste food." The woman with inverted triangle eyes was also quite sharp-tongued.

"Little girl, if I heard correctly, the old man said you sent him the money, right?" The tall middle-aged man looked at Shuang'er and said.

"It seems that you are very rich, right? Otherwise, you can just give us a few million, so you don't have to send any more money in the future, how about it?" The short man stood behind the tall man , said Yoyo.

"Shameless things, my old Du's family's face is completely lost to you." The old man coughed violently, coughing and coughing, coughing up several mouthfuls of blood.

"Master." Shuang'er's face changed drastically.

Jiang Chen nodded, stepped forward, grabbed the old man's right wrist, and felt his pulse. After a while, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "It can't be done."

The old man is riddled with all sorts of illnesses. To Jiang Chen, being able to live to this day can be regarded as a small miracle. Right now, he is very angry. His old illness has relapsed under the attack of urgency. He has only a few hours to live. up.

"Master, even you can't do anything?" Shuang'er lost her mind for a moment. She knew Jiang Chen's medical skills very well. How could Jiang Chen be unable to do anything.

"Everyone is mortal." Jiang Chen sighed.

Even if he forced the old man to continue his life, it would be meaningless, and there was no need to do anything that was meaningless.

Moreover, Jiang Chen could see that the old man's will to survive was extremely weak, perhaps, the old man didn't want to live long ago.

This has to be said to be a great irony and sadness.

"Am I wrong?" Shuang'er whispered to herself, her shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

Jiang Chen wrapped Shuang'er with one hand, hugged him in his arms, and said, "It's not your fault, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"If I hadn't sent money to the old man..." Shuang'er pursed her lips, sinking into deep self-blame.

Judging from the situation of the old man and the attitudes of his two sons and daughter-in-law, how could Shuang'er fail to see that all the conflicts were ultimately about the issue of money.

Shuang'er blamed herself very much, if she had never sent money over, would the old man's situation be much better than it is now?

In other words, she indirectly killed the old man.

"Little Shuang'er, if you hadn't sent money to the old man, the old man would have died in which garbage dump." Jiang Chen reminded.

"This..." Shuang'er blushed uncertainly.

"It is precisely because you send money to the old man that the old man has lived a few more years." Jiang Chen reminded again.

"Master, I understand what you mean." Shuang'er nodded.

"Let's go, if you are worried about the matter here, I will call someone to deal with it." Jiang Chen said.

He was lazy to pay attention to the trivial matters of the parents, and Jiang Chen could understand Shuang'er's mood, but Shuang'er had already tried his best to do the best.

"Master, I'm a little confused, I'll follow your arrangement." Shuang'er said softly.

Jiang Chen led Shuang'er and walked towards the outside of the small room, but just as the two walked out of the small room, the four immediately chased them out.

"You two shameless things, my father wanted to leave when he was so angry. Is there such a cheap thing?" The tall man pointed at Jiang Chen and Shuang'er, and said in a stern voice.

"How can you be so shameless? It's obvious that you are mad at the old man." Shuang'er was furious. How could this man open his eyes and talk nonsense?

"What's the matter, you still don't admit it? The four of us saw it with our own eyes. Could it be that you still want to deny it?" The tall man said fiercely.

"That's right, you two are mad at father, you must pay the price." The short man's eyeballs rolled around and he realized it.

"Losing money." The jeweled woman was unusually straightforward.

"Is it okay to lose money? At least a few million will be lost before this can be over." The woman with inverted triangle eyes echoed.

"You all deserve to die." Shuang'er murmured.

Unfilial and unrighteous, Shuang'er can't understand how such a person has the face to live in this world.

The most damning thing is that their lives are much better than ordinary people.

"Damn it's the two of you. If you hear me, lose money quickly, otherwise you two won't even think about leaving." The tall man said.

Shuang'er was trembling with anger, and was about to argue with him. Jiang Chen patted Shuang'er on the back lightly, and said, "I'll settle it."

"We can only leave after paying a few million, right?" Immediately, Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"If you have a lot of money, we don't mind if you pay a little more." The short man thought that Jiang Chen wanted to use the money to get rid of the disaster, and said with a smile.

"Then I'll pay you 1000 million." The woman with inverted triangle eyes revealed greed.

She heard that for some people, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Although she doesn't know whether Jiang Chen is that kind of person and whether he has that much money, but based on the principle of asking prices out of the sky, she Naturally, he is not polite at all.

"If it really doesn't work, it's 2000 million. It just so happens that the two of us will share it equally, and the family will have 1000 million. It's great." The eyes of the jeweled woman gleamed.

1000 million ah.

What a sum of money that must be, and the jeweled woman was a little perplexed, because she did not know how to spend so much money.

"Sure enough, you have long hair and short knowledge. How can you two be so greedy? It's not easy for people to make money. If you spend 2000 million at one time, how can you get it?" The tall man said contemptuously.

"Brother, what do you mean?" the short man asked.

"2000 million is too much, I think 1000 million is better... Oh, I said 1000 million per year, and the time limit is 30 years, what do you think of my suggestion?" The tall man said in an old spirit.


The short man and the two women gasped suddenly.

They originally thought that the tall man was speaking nicely for Jiang Chen. After all, 2000 million is indeed a little too much. It is very unrealistic to ask him to spend so much money at once.

Who would have thought that things were not what they thought at all.

Too ruthless, inhumanly ruthless!
1000 million per year, for 30 years, that is [-] million.

Compared with such a large amount of money, 2000 million is completely negligible. No wonder the tall man would say that his hair is long but his knowledge is short.

"very good."


"I accept the suggestion."


The three of them responded one after another, if they didn't accept it, they would be the biggest fools in the world.

"Young man, I think you're not bad, and I don't want to make things difficult for you. As long as you give us 1000 million a year for 30 years, you can leave." The tall man glanced at Jiang Chen, squinted his eyes and said.

"30 years, isn't it too long?" Jiang Chen said, his words were gentle, without any anger.

"It's only 30 years, how can it grow?" said the tall man.

"30 years, neither too long nor too short, just right." The short man added.

"Or, just 29 years? Or, 28 years?" the woman with inverted triangle eyes said hesitantly.

"The agreed 30 years cannot be changed, not even one year less." The jeweled woman said without doubt.

One more year would be 1000 million more. Even a fool would settle this account.

"Oh, you may have misunderstood me. What I mean is, for a dead person, there is no difference between 30 years or 30 seconds... In this way, do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"What dead person?" The tall man was stunned, he was very well-behaved, how did he mention the dead person?
"For example, I'll turn you into a dead person." Jiang Chen said with a smile. After finishing his sentence, he stretched out his right hand like lightning, grabbed the tall man's neck, and lifted him off the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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