genius evil

Chapter 641 Violent demolition

Chapter 641 Violent demolition
"what are you going to do?"

"Let go, let him go."

"If you think 30 years is really too long, maybe 28 years? How about it?"


Seeing this, the short man and the two women were shocked.

They obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to make such a move, and Jiang Chen's move was too fast, everyone was caught off guard.

"People who are unfilial and unrighteous live in this world. Apart from wasting food, all the rest are just disgusting people. In this case, what's the point of living?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You dare to kill?"

"Murder is against the law."

"Let go quickly, or you will go to jail."


The three of them were all a little sluggish. Although Jiang Chen spoke in a gentle manner, not forceful at all, let alone aggressive, but just like that, it gave them a sense of incomparable fear.

"They said I dare not kill you, what do you think?" Jiang Chen looked at the tall middle-aged man with a smile.

The tall man's face was pale. He didn't know whether it was pain or fright. He said with a look of fear, "I don't know. I don't know anything. Please don't kill me."

His life is now in Jiang Chen's hands. If Jiang Chen really didn't dare to kill people, then it would be easy to say, but once Jiang Chen went crazy and really killed someone, he would be the one who died.

The tall man didn't want to die, so he didn't dare to gamble.

"Brother, don't be afraid. In broad daylight, I don't believe that he really dared to kill people." The short man said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen spoke lazily, then suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the short man's neck, lifted it up, and said with a smile, "What did you just say, I didn't Listen too clearly, or you can say it again."

Feeling the big hands clamping his neck like iron clamps, the short man's back was sweating violently.

When the tall man was controlled by Jiang Chen, the short man didn't feel much. After all, it was the tall man who was threatened and not him.

And after he was also controlled by Jiang Chen, the short man finally understood why the tall man was so scared.

The short man didn't doubt Jiang Chen dared to kill people at all now, he had an intuition that Jiang Chen would kill him, it would not be more difficult than trampling an ant to death.

"I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously." The short man said with a sad face.

"So you are telling me that what you just said is all nonsense, right?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Yes, it's all nonsense." The short man dared not have the slightest thought of resistance.

"You're worthless, I've seen through you." The woman with inverted triangle eyes said bitterly.

The short man admitted that what they had said before was all nonsense, wouldn't that mean that he gave up asking Jiang Chen for money.

That's a full three hundred million.

Three hundred million, not to mention a lifetime, even three lifetimes, it would be too much to spend, how could you give up so easily?
A woman with inverted triangular eyes is called a woman who hates iron but not steel.

"It's up to you, right?" The short man said angrily, he was the one who was going to die, so of course this woman can make sarcastic remarks.

"You are a worthless coward, a worthless bastard all your life, why did I fall in love with you blindly at the beginning." The woman with inverted triangle eyes cursed.

The jeweled woman also said at this time: "Two lives, who are you threatening? If you really have the ability, you can kill them both."

"Shut up." The tall man trembled angrily.

Money is important, but is it more important than his life?
"It's you who wants to shut up. Finally, I have a chance to make a fortune. Even if I die, I will not give up." Said the jeweled woman.

"Are you serious?" Shuang'er asked, at some point, she had a gun in her hand, and the black muzzle was pointing directly at the jeweled woman's forehead.

"Try to scare me with a toy gun? I warn you, I'm not a vegetarian." The jeweled woman said mockingly.

Shuang'er didn't speak, and with a twist of her wrist, she unloaded the magazine of the pistol, and several yellow bullets fell into her palm.

With a casual throw, one of them was thrown at the feet of the jeweled woman. Shuang'er loaded the magazine at an extremely fast speed, and the muzzle of the gun was still pointed at the jeweled woman's forehead.

The jeweled woman was immediately blindfolded, on her forehead, beads of sweat the size of peas rolled down, and her face, which was pale from applying too much powder, quietly turned a little paler.

"Sister-in-law, what she is holding is not a toy gun, it is a real gun." The woman with inverted triangle eyes bent down to pick up the bullet on the ground, put it in her mouth and bit it, and found that she couldn't bite at all, said tremblingly.

Like the jeweled woman, she thought that Shuang'er was holding a toy gun to scare people, but what she didn't expect was that Shuang'er was holding a ~real~ gun.

"You don't need to talk too much." The jeweled woman complained.

With all the bullets out, how could she not know it was a real gun, how could she ask the woman with the triangle eyes to remind her.

This immediately frightened the jeweled woman, and she couldn't understand who this man and woman were.

Jiang Chen was domineering, threatening to kill people was fine, but Shuang'er was even more straightforward, showing the gun in his hand.

Looking at this battle, if you accidentally offend the other party, you probably don't even know how you died.

"No, I'm joking... No, I'm talking nonsense too... There are a lot of you adults. If I don't say anything, if you can't, you will treat me as farting." Quick, he said stammeringly.

Money is important, but no matter how important money is, you have to spend it wisely.

Seeing that her own life is about to die, women who are full of jewels, no matter how much they love money, dare not think about it.

"You said it yourself, even if you die, you won't give up." Shuang'er said.

"I was deceived by lard, you must not take it seriously." The jeweled woman trembled.

"Master..." Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen and asked Jiang Chen's opinion on how to deal with it.

"If you want to kill, just kill it." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Xiumei frowned slightly, and Shuang'er asked.

"Is there any difference between such a person alive and dead?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.


The jeweled woman was completely frightened, her legs gave way, she knelt down on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "No, please, don't kill me, don't kill me."

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, and glanced at the woman with inverted triangular eyes.

Accompanied by Jiang Chen's glance, she gave the feeling of an inverted triangle woman, in Jiang Chen's eyes, she was no different from a dead person, and with a plop, she also fell to her knees on the ground.

"We were wrong. We shouldn't have treated the old man like that, and we shouldn't have blackmailed you. Don't kill me." The woman with inverted triangle eyes burst into tears, and kowtowed as she spoke.

"Master..." Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen again, and asked Jiang Chen's opinion again.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask a question twice, how could he fail to understand, Shuang'er hesitated.

Although according to his plan, the death of such a person would be in vain, but judging by the situation, it is obviously inappropriate to kill people directly.

"How much money do you have on your body, let's each report an amount." Jiang Chen said.

In this situation, it was naturally how Jiang Chen said, the two men and two women did not dare to hide anything, and told how much money they had.

"It adds up to about [-], a little less, but it's almost the same." Jiang Chen said.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Shuang'er was stunned, not quite understanding what Jiang Chen meant.

After all, if Jiang Chen wanted to blackmail these people back, 3 yuan would not be in Jiang Chen's eyes, and Jiang Chen would not do such a vulgar thing.

"These 3 yuan should be considered as funeral expenses for the old man." Jiang Chen said.

Shuang'er suddenly realized that Jiang Chen meant this.

"No problem, how do you say what we do." The jeweled woman responded again and again.

Let alone 30, even if Jiang Chen said he wanted [-] for the funeral, if they couldn't afford it, they would have to work hard to find it.

"As for the four of you, it's fine if you don't kill them, but since some things don't belong to you, you still have to take them back, for example, that house." Jiang Chen said again, pointing to the small six-story building.

"How do you collect it?" The jeweled woman asked subconsciously.

"The easiest way, of course, is to dismantle it." Jiang Chen said calmly.

While talking, Jiang Chen casually threw the two guys in his hands on the ground, and walked towards the small building step by step.

Shuang'er put away her pistol and followed Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen said that he wanted to demolish the building, so Shuang'er would naturally not have any objections. Moreover, it was much easier than killing four people.

The four of them looked at Jiang Chen's back without blinking, and they were all deeply saddened.

In this situation, Shuang'er will definitely not send money in the future. Without Shuang'er sending money, they are living a good life now, so don't even think about it.

And once the house is demolished again, even if they don't end up living on the streets, they will have nothing to return to before liberation.

The four of them looked at Jiang Chen, feeling a little lucky in their hearts, hoping that Jiang Chen was just talking, and even more hoping that Jiang Chen could not find a suitable engineering team.

If Jiang Chen couldn't find an engineering team to demolish the house, it would be impossible to demolish the house for the time being. As long as he escaped today's catastrophe, there might be room for maneuver afterwards.

But soon, the four of them realized that they were too naive. Jiang Chen didn't mean to call the engineering team at all. They only saw that Jiang Chen kicked a wall down at random.

Then, Jiang Chen walked around the house, seemingly carelessly, and kicked out more than a dozen feet one after another. The whole house, like a piece of crispy tofu, was in an unbelievable way between the four of them. In front of it, it collapsed...

(End of this chapter)

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