genius evil

Chapter 642 I Heard You Are Good at Fighting

Chapter 642 I Heard You Are Good at Fighting

Watching a six-story building collapse in front of my eyes, four people, one counting as one, were all frightened.

Their eyes widened one by one, and their eyes were filled with disbelief. The sense of fear was no different from seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

You must know that it is a small building made of reinforced concrete. Even if an engineering team is invited, it is not an easy task to dismantle it under the condition of using large machinery.

Jiang Chen was good, he didn't intend to invite an engineering team at all, and directly used his flesh and blood to forcefully turn this house into ruins in just a few minutes.

It was too scary and too unreal.

Even if all of this happened right under their noses, it was difficult for the four of them to convince themselves that what they saw was real and not hallucinations.

After all, with Jiang Chen's terrifying means, if Jiang Chen kicked them instead of the house, what would happen to them?
After thinking about it for a while, the four of them couldn't help but tremble, and a sense of survival after a catastrophe swept through their bodies.

Especially tall men and short men, if they still doubted Jiang Chen's methods after being controlled by Jiang Chen, then at this moment, they no longer dared to have the slightest doubt.

Jiang Chen wanted to kill them, not only was it easier than trampling an ant to death, it was simply that if Jiang Chen moved a little, they would die without a place to bury them.

How could Jiang Chen care about the thoughts of these four people? After tearing down the house, he patted the dust on his trouser legs, and satisfactorily admired his masterpiece for a while. He was sure that such damage was irreparable. He took Shuang'er's little hand and left with Shuang'er Shi Shiran.

The four people were shocked, and Shuang'er was not in a great shock.

Shuang'er has always known that Jiang Chen is very strong, but it is always difficult to have a concrete description.

In other words, she knew that Jiang Chen was strong, but she didn't know how strong Jiang Chen was.

And now, Shuang'er knows.

She was shocked, but even more proud and proud.

This is her master, but also her man!
"Master, is this okay?" Shuang'er said while being led by Jiang Chen.

"How about I go and kill people now?" Jiang Chen joked.

"Master, will they listen to you and bury the old man generously?" Shuang'er asked again.

This was what she was most worried about.

The grace of a meal is unforgettable for a lifetime.

The old man took her in for only a short week, but this kindness is already enough to make Shuang'er unforgettable for the rest of her life.

"Do you think their bones are harder, or the house is harder?" Jiang Chen still joked.

"In this way, I can rest assured." Shuang'er was slightly relieved.

"Next, shall we return directly to Tiannan City, or stay here for a few days?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I will listen to you, Master." Shuang'er said obediently.

"Then let's play here for a few days." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

It was rare for him to be alone with Shuang'er, and even though the old man's affairs had been resolved, Shuang'er's knot in his heart had not been completely resolved.

Simply take advantage of the rare opportunity to stay with Shuang'er in Guangdong Province for a few days, and when Shuang'er's mood completely calms down, it will not be too late to go back.

"Okay." Shuang'er nodded.


Just as the two of them were talking like this, there was the sound of motorcycle engines roaring in their ears again. Almost accompanied by that roaring sound, several motorcycles came with smoke and drove the two of them away. Surrounded in the middle.

"You still dare to come?" Shuang'er snorted coldly.

The colorful hair of the people sitting on the motorcycle betrayed their identities, and they were the yellow-haired people who had clashed not long ago.

"Little girl, we thought you were running away, but we didn't expect you to still be." Huang Mao said with a smile when he saw Shuang'er.

"Why are we running away?" Jiang Chen said.

It's better to leave this kind of matter to him. While speaking, Jiang Chen glanced at Du Meina who was sitting on the motorcycle.

Obviously, the reason why these guys knew that he and Shuang'er hadn't left was because of Du Meina.

"Why do you run away?" Huang Mao chuckled and said, "There is no reason, it's good that you didn't run away, otherwise it is really not an easy task to find someone all over the world."

This guy has a wretched smile on his face, and he doesn't have any good intentions at first glance.

"Brother Ma, the woman I just told you is this beautiful woman, what do you think?" Then, Huang Mao said to the young man on a BMW motorcycle with a playful smile.

This young man called Brother Xiaoma probably looks in his early twenties, wearing leather jacket and leather pants, I don't know whether he is hot or not, but his appearance is quite cool.

Needless to say, Huang Mao, Brother Xiao Ma is staring at Shuang'er with relish at the moment, nodding his head while looking at it, and said: "Not bad, very good."

"Brother Ma, as long as you are satisfied." Huang Mao patted a little flattering by the way.

"I heard from the four of them that you are good at fighting, right?" Brother Xiao Ma asked Shuang'er.

"What do you mean?" Shuang'er asked back.

"It's very simple. If you are really good at fighting, I will find someone to fight with you. But in that case, if you hurt your arms and legs, I will feel bad. So, you'd better not do it. Come with me obediently." Brother Xiaoma said in a godlike manner.

"What are you?" Shuang'er said displeased.

"Don't be angry, I'm doing it for your own good." Xiao Ma said, pointing to a motorcycle next to him, and said: "See, no matter how good you are at fighting, can you still beat him better? "

Sitting on that motorcycle was a strong man who was estimated to weigh two hundred catties. Looking at his thick body, his arms were thicker than his thighs.

"Is he good at fighting?" Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

"Why, do you want to try?" Little Ma said with a half-smile.

"Just try something, if you accidentally beat someone to death, it's not good." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Since you are afraid of death, just shut up." Brother Ma said impatiently.

"Well, you made a mistake, I was afraid of killing him." Jiang Chen explained helplessly, as if he was talking to an idiot.

"Him? You said kill him?" Hearing this, Brother Xiao Ma burst out laughing as if he had heard a big joke.

Brother Xiao Ma laughed, Huang Mao and the others all laughed along with him.

"Boy, let me tell you, I haven't heard such a funny joke for a long time." Huang Mao leaned forward and back with a smile.

"Just like you, your thighs are not as thick as other people's arms, why are you so thick-skinned?" Bai Mao also smiled.

"Boy, I guess you're about to pee in fright?" Lumao said jokingly.

As for the red hair, he spoke more harshly, so he heard Hong Mao say: "Boy, I think you'd better kneel down and knock your head honestly, begging for mercy."

"Why did no one believe me when I told the truth." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"I have to say, your skin is really thick." Xiao Ma commented, still unable to stop laughing.

"Boy, if you say you're going to kill me, then do it. I want to see how much you weigh." The strong man, who had been silent all this time, said in a muffled voice.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sure." The strong man nodded vigorously.

"Then if I kill you, I won't be legally responsible, right? Oh, you may not believe me if I tell you. I am a law-abiding citizen. I never do anything illegal." Jiang Chen said earnestly. .

"Boy, you're talking too much nonsense, hurry up if you want to do it." The strong man urged.

Some words, he didn't care if Jiang Chen was joking or not, if Jiang Chen said such words, he would definitely kill Jiang Chen.

"I really don't understand, how good it is to live, do you want to die so wholeheartedly?" Jiang Chen sighed.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen had already disappeared in place. When he appeared in the next second, Jiang Chen's fist, accompanied by the sound of the wind, was reflected in the eyes of the strong man.

Seeing the rushing fist, the strong man's pupils contracted involuntarily, his heart was so fast, instinctively, he clenched his fist and punched it out.

But soon, the strong man's face changed drastically, because before his fist could be released, Jiang Chen's fist just fell down.

In other words, Jiang Chen's speed was faster than he imagined, so fast that he didn't even have time to react.


Jiang Chen's punch landed, and it slammed firmly on the forehead of the strong man. Uncontrollably, the strong man fell backwards, fell to the ground, and made a dull sound. , didn't even have time to groan.

"See, he's already dead." Putting away his fists, Jiang Chen said lazily.


Little Ma was shocked.

You know, what he thought was that the strong man killed Jiang Chen, but now it's completely reversed, Jiang Chen killed the strong man.

Moreover, it's okay to kill him, but Jiang Chen killed him with one punch.

Reminiscent of what Jiang Chen said, Brother Xiao Ma broke out in cold sweat, and finally understood why Jiang Chen said that, it was definitely not a joke.

Rather, they took it for granted, thinking that Jiang Chen was joking.

"Really dead?"

"Killed someone with one punch?"

"Oh my God……"

The four of Huang Mao were shocked, looking at the strong man lying on the ground unable to move, their eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

They knew that Shuang'er could fight, but what they didn't expect was that Jiang Chen could fight better than Shuang'er... No, it's not just as simple as being able to fight, this is basically a replica of Super Saiyan.

"Hey, you have to mean what you say, I don't have to be responsible, right?" Jiang Chen yelled.

Brother Xiao Ma wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, thinking what kind of freak is this, he said quickly: "No need."

"It's fine if you don't need it, then I don't have to be responsible if I kill a few more, right?" Jiang Chen said again.

Brother Xiao Ma was shocked and almost fell off the motorcycle. What does it mean to kill a few more without being responsible? Could it be that what Jiang Chen said before was deliberately digging a hole for them to jump into?
Or to put it bluntly, Jiang Chen wanted to kill them all?
(End of this chapter)

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