genius evil

Chapter 643 I'm Not Afraid of Death

Chapter 643 I'm Not Afraid of Death
Thinking of this, Xiao Ma couldn't help breaking out in more cold sweat.

Because he discovered sadly that if Jiang Chen really dug a hole on purpose for them to jump down, they would have already jumped into the hole Jiang Chen had dug.

Huang Mao and the others were also scared to death by Jiang Chen's words, and looked at Jiang Chen in horror.

"This brother, no, big brother, you misunderstood." Huang Mao said in a hurry.

"Yeah, you misunderstood, the person you killed just now, Xiao Ma said that you will not be held responsible, but if you kill again, you must be responsible. According to the laws of our country, killing people is against the law. You must Don't be impulsive." Lu Mao also looked anxious, fearing that Jiang Chen would kill if he disagreed with him.

After all, judging from Jiang Chen's method of killing strong men with one punch, Jiang Chen wanted to kill them, it was not like a joke.

"That's right, you misunderstood." Xiao Ma also said in an extremely sure tone.

"How could it be a misunderstanding? Killing one person is killing, killing two is killing, killing a group is still killing, is there any difference?" Jiang Chen's voice sounded lazily.

"Maybe, the only difference is that they think that their own life is more valuable than that person's life." Shuang'er said in a mocking tone.

"My life is more precious than his gold." Brother Ma said immediately.

"Why didn't I see it at all?" Jiang Chen stared at Little Ma, from head to toe, and asked in bewilderment.

"I'm from the Ma family." Little Ma said quickly again.

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. Anyway, you just need to know that you can't afford to offend me. Otherwise, even if you kill me, you are doomed to die without a burial place." Little Ma said.

"Boy, don't think that brother Ma is scaring you. The power of the Ma family in Nandu is beyond your imagination." Huang Mao hurriedly agreed.

"Oh, so it's the Ma family in Nandu." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"You finally know." Little Ma was pleasantly surprised.

What he was most afraid of was that Jiang Chen didn't know the existence of the Ma family. If Jiang Chen knew, then no matter what, Jiang Chen would never do anything to him again.

"Still haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen shook his head again.

Brother Xiao Ma's expression was constipated, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Since I still haven't heard of it, what's the matter with Jiang Chen's suddenly enlightened appearance, how about teasing him?

"Well, if you let me go today, I'll act as if nothing happened. Also, I think you are a nice person. We can make friends. What do you think?" Brother Ma said in a discussing tone .

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

Although it is not clear whether Jiang Chen has never heard of the Ma family or is pretending not to know the existence of the Ma family, brother Ma knows that he must bow his head right now.

Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen really killed him?
Even if Jiang Chen didn't kill him, what if he ravaged him viciously?
"Do you know who I hate the most?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

Then, without waiting for brother Ma to answer, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him, slapped him directly, and slapped him off the motorcycle.

"What I hate the most is your pretense, what kind of Nandu Ma family, Niu family and dog family, it's none of my business." Like kicking a ball, it was kicked and flew out.

"Boy, you dare to treat brother Ma like this, you are dead." Huang Mao yelled.


Jiang Chen's lazy nonsense, and he couldn't even take a second look at this guy. He swept across with his foot, and the yellow hair flew out.

"You three, will you come down by yourself, or should I do it?" Jiang Chen looked at the green-haired three and asked.

"Let's get down by ourselves." The three dared not let Jiang Chen do it, and quickly climbed off the motorcycle.

"Very good, very obedient, very honest, now, you three, go and bring those two guys over, hurry up." Jiang Chen said in an orderly tone.

Although the three of them didn't understand what Jiang Chen was going to do, they didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly carried Brother Xiao Ma and Huang Mao over.

Whether it's Xiaomao or Huangmao, they all look a little miserable, especially Xiaoma, who was slapped by Jiang Chen and slapped half of his cheek like a pig's head. I felt that my internal organs were displaced, and I was convulsing like a leprosy patient.

"Now, five of you, answer me honestly. Is there any one of you who is not afraid of death?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

As soon as Jiang Chen's words came out, the five people couldn't help but looked at each other, trying to figure out what Jiang Chen's words meant. For a while, none of them dared to speak.

"Your attitude is telling me that you are all afraid of death, right?" Jiang Chen expressed regret.

"No, I'm not afraid of death." Hongmao gritted his teeth and said.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy in surprise.

"Sure." Gritting his teeth even tighter, Hongmao said with a sigh of relief.

"Backbone, I like it, congratulations, I decided not to kill you today." Jiang Chen clapped his hands and said in admiration.

The red hair was suddenly excited.

He is not stupid, so he felt that since Jiang Chen asked that question, he must have some intentions, so he stood up, he was betting, and when he heard Jiang Chen say that he would not kill him, he knew he was right, how could this be possible? Let the red hair not be excited about it.

"I'm not afraid of death either."

"I don't even know how to write death."

"In my life dictionary, there is no word for death."


Looking at the situation, Brother Ma and the others were a little confused. Jiang Chen said that he would not kill Hongmao. Doesn't that mean that they are the ones who are going to be killed?
No matter how greedy for life and fear of death, at this moment, they will not admit that they are afraid of death, and express their opinions one after another.

"What's going on, you guys aren't afraid of death, it's embarrassing for me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Master, there is nothing to embarrass. Since they are not afraid of death, they should all be killed." Shuang'er reminded.

"That's right." Jiang Chen felt relieved.

"You said you wouldn't kill me." Hongmao yelled.

"I said this, so, you commit suicide." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Self...suicide..." Hong Mao's whole body trembled, and his face turned pale.

"You are dreaming." Hongmao said ferociously.

"Or, you can kill him... Well, don't say I didn't give you a chance, you four, as long as anyone kills this pretender, I will let him go today. Or, you The four of you can kill him together, and if that happens, I'll let the four of you go." Jiang Chen pointed at Brother Ma.

Brother Xiao Ma was almost frightened to death, and said loudly: "Don't listen to him, who dares to kill me."

"You have 30 seconds to think about it. After 30 seconds, if you don't do anything, you will all die." Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he said coldly.

The time of 30 seconds was too short, the breathing of Huangmao and the others quietly became rapid as time passed.

Kill pony brother and survive.

Don't kill brother pony, let's all die together.

This seems to be a multiple-choice question that is not easy to do, but it is related to one's own life and death, and it is definitely not difficult to make a decision.

About 20 seconds passed, and the yellow hair raised his eyebrows, and the red hair immediately understood, and the four of them rushed towards Brother Xiao Ma from four different angles in an instant.


"kill him!"


The four of them were full of murderous intent. After throwing Brother Xiao Ma to the ground, they struck fiercely, punching and kicking, all aimed at Brother Xiao Ma's key parts.

After a while, Brother Xiaoma only had the breath in, but no breath out.

What they didn't notice was that Jiang Chen had already left with Shuang'er's hand, and when Du Meina called to stop loudly, the four realized that Jiang Chen had already left.

"Master, I thought just now that you would kill a few of them." Shuang'er said a little confused.

Jiang Chen did not kill anyone, but encouraged a group of people to kill each other.

Of course, it is impossible for Shuang'er to have the slightest bit of compassion for this.

Huangmao four people, the first time she failed to annoy her, and the second time she appeared, if it was not her, if it was another girl, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Such a person, even if he died under his nose, Shuang'er would not even blink his eyes.

Furthermore, even if Jiang Chen didn't play hard, she wouldn't let Huang Mao and the others go easily.

"It's more fun like this, isn't it?" Jiang Chen chuckled playfully.

"Fun?" Shuang'er was even more confused, where is the fun?

"Those guys from Huang Mao killed that idiot, brother Ma, and then they were killed by the people of the Ma family. Isn't that fun?" Jiang Chen asked.

There is a saying that evils committed by heaven are still forgiven, but evils committed by oneself cannot be lived.

Huang Mao and the others are typical examples of self-inflicted evil.

It was easy for Jiang Chen to kill them, but the process was a bit boring.

"Master, are you lying?" Shuang'er asked.

"No." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"You said that you didn't know the Ma family in Nandu." Shuang'er said with a smile.

She thought Jiang Chen really didn't know about it, but Jiang Chen mentioned the Ma family just now, so it was obvious that Jiang Chen knew about the Ma family, and he might have dealt with the Ma family.

Otherwise, today's incident is very different from Jiang Chen's previous behavior style. Shuang'er doubts whether Jiang Chen is intentionally disgusting Little Ma, and then, with the help of Xiao Ma, disgusting Ma's people .

"I really don't know." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Then shall we live here tonight, or go to Nandu City?" Shuang'er just asked, Jiang Chen didn't say much about the Ma family, so she didn't ask too much.

"Of course we are going to Nandu. We have to find a big hotel and open a presidential suite. There are no other requirements, that is, the bathroom must be large and the bathtub must be the largest. At the same time, the bed must also be a large bed... …" Jiang Chen said sternly.

Every time Jiang Chen said a word, Shuang'er's little face would turn red, and when Jiang Chen finished speaking, Shuang'er's face was as red as a ripe apple...

(End of this chapter)

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