genius evil

Chapter 644 The good show is about to begin

Chapter 644 The good show is about to begin
In the evening, Nandu City, Lijing Five-Star Hotel.

After eating a sumptuous dinner, Jiang Chen and Shuang'er lived in the presidential suite as they wished.

According to Jiang Chen's request, the bathroom is big, the bathtub is big, the bed is bigger... In short, everything is so satisfactory, and this night, undoubtedly, will be a night that makes Jiang Chen extremely satisfied.


Night, around ten o'clock.

At the gate of a private ultra-luxury nursing home in Nandu, a sporty sports car roared towards it.

The sports car didn't stop, and drove directly into the sanatorium.

"Master Ma."

"Big boy."


When the young man in the car got out of the car, some staff members in the nursing home saw him and greeted him one after another. They were polite and reserved, imperceptibly showing his extraordinary identity.

If Jiang Chen had seen it here, he would have recognized that this young man was none other than Ma Dongjue, who had dealt with him in Tiannan City.

Ma Dongjue nodded expressionlessly, walked away, and 5 minutes later, he appeared in a room.

There are two people in the room, one is lying down and the other is standing.

The one lying there is Brother Xiaoma. Although Brother Xiaoma didn't die under the violent beating of Huangmao and the others, his condition is still terrible. His appearance is as miserable as it wants.

The standing one was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had long hair. The long hair was not tied up, but was scattered behind his head, covering half of his cheeks, making him look more or less like a person. Divide the taste of vultures.

"Will he die?" Ma Dongjue asked, casually glanced at Brother Ma on the bed.

"I can't die, but it won't last for a year or so, so don't even think about getting out of bed." The long-haired man said indifferently.

"Really? It's really ruthless to strike." Ma Dongjue smiled, with a hint of sternness in his eyes, and he said: "The guys who sent this kid here, they are here where?"

"It's next door." The long-haired man said.

"Let's go, I want to see who gave them the courage to attack my Ma family." Ma Dongjue said, and walked out the door first.

Soon, in the next room, Ma Dongjue saw Huang Mao and the others.

Huang Mao and the others originally thought that if they didn't kill Brother Xiaoma, they would be killed by Jiang Chen. They didn't want to lose their own lives, so they could only be cruel to Brother Xiaoma.

But what they didn't expect was that Jiang Chen left before they killed brother Ma.

In this situation, several people were incomparably sitting on wax.

They knew Brother Xiaoma's identity, and they knew exactly what the four words Nandu Majia meant.

It was a last resort to do something to Brother Xiaoma. If he really killed him, it would be better to say that he would leave Guangdong Province and die in exile.

In the end, after much hesitation, they sent Brother Xiao Ma to this nursing home in Nandu City.

At this time, seeing the door of the room being pushed open, Huang Mao was the first to raise his head and look at the person who walked in.

"You guys sent Ma Dongfang here?" Ma Dongjue asked straight to the point as soon as he entered the door.

Ma Dongfang is the name of Little Ma, but many people are used to calling him Little Ma. Huang Mao was stunned for a while before realizing that Ma Dongjue was talking about Xiao Ma, and nodded subconsciously.

"What's the situation, let's hear it. Remember, I want to tell the truth. If there is a little concealment, don't blame me for being rude." Ma Dongjue spoke directly.

"It's just... a misunderstanding..." Huang Mao said boldly.


Almost as soon as Huang Mao's voice fell, Ma Dongjue had an extra gun in his hand. When the gun appeared, Ma Dongjue pulled the trigger without hesitation.

After the gunshots, a figure fell to the ground. Huang Mao turned his head and saw that it was Lu Mao. He suddenly saw that there was a blood hole on Lu Mao's forehead.

Bright red blood gushed out from the blood hole, and soon flowed all over the ground.

Immediately, Huang Mao's face turned pale, and his breathing became extremely short.

And the other people in the room were all numb and trembling. They never expected that Ma Dongjue would kill someone if he disagreed.

"I said, I want to listen to the truth." The muzzle of the gun turned and pointed at Huangmao, Ma Dongjue said flatly.

"Yes... yes..." The yellow-haired chick nodded as if pecking at rice.

He said it was a misunderstanding just now, in order to reduce the responsibility on himself.

But looking at Ma Dongjue's appearance, it's clear that he doesn't mind killing people at all.

If he was any more dishonest, he would be the next to die.

Taking a breath of cold air, Huangmao explained the situation in a nonchalant manner, including that after they failed to harass Shuang'er for the first time, they met Brother Xiao Ma, and then went to harass Shuang'er for the second time...

"From what you said, Ma Dongfang was injured by you? This is a bit interesting." Ma Dongjue said.

Saying this, Ma Dongjue was a little surprised, Huang Mao and the others, he knew at a glance that they were Brother Xiaoma's little pony boys.

Originally, I thought that it was these guys who were not good at doing things that caused Brother Xiaoma to be seriously injured, but I never thought that it was these guys who injured Brother Xiaoma.

"We have no other choice. If we don't do anything to Brother Xiaoma, that kid will kill us..." Huang Mao said with a bitter face.

"But you didn't die, but Ma Dongfang was about to die. Isn't this the final result?" Ma Dongjue asked.

The process is unimportant, and he doesn't care at all. What he sees now is the final result.

He didn't like this result, and that was enough.

"We really have no other choice." Huang Mao had no choice but to explain again.

"How can it be forced? In fact, you can choose to die by yourself." Ma Dongjue said slowly.

"In that case, Brother Xiao Ma will die too." Huang Mao said with sweat profusely.

"Oh, according to what you said, I should thank you very much. After all, if you hadn't done something to Ma Dongfang, the kid would have died a long time ago. Isn't that the truth?" Ma Dongjue said lazily.

"" Huang Mao shook his head again and again, his head shaking like a rattle.

How dare he ask Ma Dongjue to thank him? If Ma Dongjue doesn't kill him, he should thank God.

"Don't be nervous, I've always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Brother Changfa, please help me and thank him for me." Ma Dongjue said.

Hearing the sound, the long-haired man took a step forward and appeared in front of Huang Mao. At the same moment, Huang Mao flew backwards and fell heavily on the wall, his face was bloodless. Look at the situation , is dead.

"Another one died."

For the rest of the people, their hearts were beating heavily.

When Ma Dongjue killed the green hair, they were defenseless, and when the long-haired man killed the yellow hair, they were also defenseless.

In Ma Dongjue's eyes, human life is no different from a chicken.

No, it should be said that in the eyes of Ma Dongjue, the few of them have far less sense of existence than a chicken.

Chickens are killed for meat, no one will kill a chicken for no reason.

And if Ma Dongjue wanted to kill them, he would. There was no reason at all, and no reason was needed at all.

"You guys, do you have anything else to say?" Ma Dongjue asked without even looking at Huang Mao.

"Yes...I have..." Du Meina stood up and said tremblingly.

"Say." Ma Dongjue glanced at Du Meina.

"Do you want to know who told us to kill brother Ma?" Du Meina asked anxiously.

"Of course I will investigate this matter, and it's not your turn to worry about it." Ma Dongjue said impatiently. If Du Meina wanted to say this, in his opinion, it was completely unnecessary, and it was a waste of him time only.

"There is a video on my phone, do you want to watch it?" Du Meina became even more anxious.


Both the white hair and the red hair looked at Du Mina.

When did Du Mina record the video, why didn't they know in advance?
"Bring me your phone." Ma Dongjue thought for a while and said.

If Du Meina really recorded the video, Ma Dongjue still wanted it very much. In that way, it would greatly save his investigation time.

If Du Mina didn't have any so-called videos at all, or used other videos to deceive him, then, next, he would definitely kill Du Mina.

Du Meina just took out her mobile phone, quickly opened the video interface, and handed it over. Ma Dongjue took the mobile phone, lowered her head, and looked at it casually.

After just a few seconds, Ma Dongjue's expression changed slightly.

"It's him." Ma Dongjue murmured to himself.

"Young Master Ma, do you know him?" the long-haired man asked.

"Can you not recognize him? Even if he turns into a pile of ashes in front of me, I can still recognize him." Ma Dongjue said coldly.

The impression Jiang Chen left on him was too deep and unforgettable for him. Thinking about his identity, when was he ever humiliated like that?
In this way, even if you don't have a deep impression of Jiang Chen, you can't do it.

"You came to Nandu City so soon, are you provoking me?" After watching for a while, Ma Dongjue put away his phone.

Now that Jiang Chen's identity has been confirmed, there is no need to watch this video any more.

"How to deal with these people?" The long-haired man didn't ask much, but said.

"Kill it." Ma Dongjue snorted coldly and walked outside.


"Don't kill us."

"I helped you find the real murderer, why do you still want to kill us..."


As soon as Ma Dongjue said this, the room suddenly became chaotic, especially Du Mina, who called it hysterical.

She betrayed Jiang Chen in order to save her own life, but unfortunately, her life still cannot be saved, how could this make Du Meina reconciled.

A few minutes later, the long-haired man walked out of the room, closed the door, and said, "It's solved."

A few minutes later, the sports car driven by Ma Dongjue left the nursing home with a roar, but it was no longer Ma Dongjue driving, but a man with long hair.

Throwing Du Meina's mobile phone to the long-haired man casually, Ma Dongjue said: "I must find this person in the shortest possible time."

"What to do after you find it?" the long-haired man asked.

"That's my business." Ma Dongjue smiled sinisterly.

Regarding Jiang Chen's coming to Nandu City, he didn't expect much at first. The fool also knows that Nandu City is the base of the Ma family.

It's good for Jiang Chen, he just came so carelessly, Ma Dongjue doesn't care if it's an accident or Jiang Chen is deliberately provoking him, but since he's here, he doesn't intend to let Jiang Chen leave alive...

(End of this chapter)

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