genius evil

Chapter 645 Low-level means

Chapter 645 Low-level means
The slightly dim room was filled with a faint hormonal smell, the messy sheets and the randomly discarded clothes on the floor showed what happened here last night.

On the big bed, Shuang'er was like a docile cat, snuggling in Jiang Chen's arms.

She woke up 10 minutes ago, but she didn't dare to move, worrying about disturbing Jiang Chen and disturbing Jiang Chen's rest.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the room was adjusted to a very low level, and it was slightly cold, but Shuang'er felt hot and dry, especially when thinking of the bewildered madness last night, her cheeks became even hotter.

After quietly watching Jiang Chen for a while, Shuang'er moved her body carefully. She planned to get up first, ask the hotel to bring breakfast, and when Jiang Chen woke up, the two of them could have breakfast together.

But just as he moved, a big hand circled over.Immediately, Jiang Chen's warm body pressed against her, making her unable to move.

"Little Shuang'er, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Master, I asked the hotel to deliver breakfast." Shuang'er said truthfully.

"Little Shuang'er, are you hungry?" Jiang Chen was still smiling.

"I'm worried that Master, you are hungry, Master, are you hungry?" Shuang'er said a little embarrassedly.

"Well, you say that, I'm really a little hungry, but, it's boring to eat breakfast, let's eat something better." Jiang Chen was still smiling, but that smile obviously had an evil taste.

Shuang'er was stunned for a moment, but she hadn't realized what Jiang Chen said was more delicious. The red lips were covered, and then, Jiang Chen's big hand, who didn't know what honesty was, touched her body, touching her. Go downstream.

"Master..." Shuang'er blushed and responded passively.

"Don't talk yet, let me eat when I'm full." Jiang Chen said vaguely.

Her eyes followed Jiang Chen's words, as if water was about to overflow, her eyes were both joyful and worried.

The happy thing is that Jiang Chen seems to never know what it means to be satisfied when he is on her body, but the worry is that, with so many things happening yesterday, and another night of Hu Tian Hu Di, she is afraid that Jiang Chen will eat too much not good.

But soon, following Jiang Chen's actions, Shuang'er lost herself. She felt that she had become a small boat, and the big bed had become the sea...

When Jiang Chen was full, it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning, and he couldn't eat breakfast. After washing up a bit, the two of them went to the hotel restaurant for lunch.

During this time period, there were not too many people in the restaurant, so I chose a seat by the window and ordered something.

"Master, let's go shopping in the afternoon, just take a walk." Shuang'er suggested.

All the way she walked from the room just now, her legs were weak, and she was very worried that if she stayed in the room in the afternoon, she would not even be able to walk in the evening.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled. With his intelligence, how could he fail to see what Shuang'er was thinking.

However, this point, in Jiang Chen's view, is the most lovable part of Shuang'er, and it is also the part of Shuang'er most worthy of pity.

In front of outsiders, she is cold and cold, but in front of him, she is extremely docile, taking whatever she wants, never going against his will, and never making any demands.

After eating, Jiang Chen and Shuang'er walked out of the restaurant. Just as they walked to the door, a voice sounded behind them.

"Sir, please stay," said the voice.

Jiang Chen looked back, and saw that the person speaking was the waiter of this restaurant.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Sir, a guest sent you something." The waiter said, and handed Jiang Chen a small package.

Jiang Chen took it, opened it casually, and found that what was packed inside was a chess piece.

"Horse?" Seeing that chess piece, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Master, are you from the Ma family?" Shuang'er stared at the chess for a few moments and asked softly.

"Maybe." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Then we?" Shuang'er asked hesitantly.

From yesterday to now, only ten or so hours have passed, and the Ma family found them and sent them a gift.

This gift is self-evidently a demonstration.

Even though she didn't have a specific concept of Ma's family, Shuang'er understood that this Ma's family was unusual in Nandu.

"Don't worry, let's have fun." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

He was in Guangdong Province this time, and he came with Shuang'er, and he had no intention of provoking the Ma family, but if the Ma family wanted to make things difficult for him, Jiang Chen didn't mind at all, and would have fun with the Ma family.

After walking out of the hotel, they hailed a taxi. Jiang Chen and Shuang'er asked the driver to recommend some interesting places without telling Nandu City, and then drove there.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Shuang'er appeared on the famous Jingcheng Road in Nandu City.

At the beginning, Shuang'er was a little worried about the situation at Ma's house. She wondered if she should return to Tiannan City with Jiang Chen sooner. Tiannan City can be regarded as Jiang Chen's base camp. Where did it go.

But after wandering around Jingcheng Road for a while, Shuang'er quickly forgot about these things.

Shopping is nothing more than eating, drinking and shopping. Shuang'er is not very interested in shopping, but she likes some special foods.

Walk all the way and eat all the way, basically you can't leave your hands.

"Eating like this will definitely make you fat." Unknowingly, she ate too much, and Shuang'er stuck out her tongue playfully.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile. Speaking of which, he didn't have many opportunities to go shopping with Shuang'er, and the few times he went shopping alone with Tang Tian and Shuang'er, he had never done so.

Shuang'er usually didn't show any special interest in anything, but Jiang Chen didn't expect that she really liked snacks.

Girls like to eat snacks, and complain while eating that they will gain weight. While complaining, they just can't put down the snacks in their hands... This is undoubtedly a very interesting situation, full of girlishness.

"Xiao Shuang'er, if you are afraid of getting fat, after you finish eating, we can do a few more exercises." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Master, let's go back after a longer stroll. The food here is delicious." Shuang'er blinked and said.

"Little Shuang'er, haven't you heard a saying that you can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day?" Jiang Chen said narrowly.

"Master, you should eat a little too, don't always watch me eat." Shuang'er blushed slightly when her small thoughts were punctured, and she said in embarrassment, and offered to feed Jiang Chen.

In this way, shopping all the way and eating all the way, until she couldn't eat anymore, Shuang'er had no choice but to give up the plan to continue eating, otherwise, even if she did a few more exercises, she doubted that she would still gain weight .

Just as Shuang'er was thinking about whether to go shopping in another place, or go back to the hotel with Jiang Chen, suddenly, a group of people ran over bluffing from the front.

"Boy, are you called Jiang Chen?" The group of people ran over, and a short fat man who ran at the front looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Do I know you?" Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

"Boy, answer my question honestly. Are you Jiang Chen? Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." Humpty Humpty said with a blush.

"I don't know you. What is my name has something to do with you? Also, I didn't see it. You have to be polite to me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you talk too much nonsense, I'll give you one more chance to answer me if you are Jiang Chen, or we will start." Humpty Humpty got a little impatient.


Without waiting for them to do it, Jiang Chen did it first, and directly slapped this guy to the ground.

"It's not your fault that you are ugly. If you look ugly and scare people, then it's your fault. Even if you don't scare people, if you scare flowers and plants, it's a very unethical thing." Jiang Chen said earnestly. Said.

The group of people who rushed over with Humpty Humpty were a little confused when they saw this.

So many people on their side hadn't made a move yet, Jiang Chen did it first. He didn't take them seriously at all.

"Boy, you are courting death."

"Boy, if you offend us, you won't have any good fruit to eat?"

"Boy, do you know who we are?"


A group of people clamored and swaggered.


Jiang Chen moved his feet and disappeared on the spot. The next second, a slap sent a guy flying.

"You are saying that I am courting death, right? See if you see it, this is called courting death."

Then, Jiang Chen slapped another guy, sending another guy flying.

"I don't know if there are any good fruits for offending you, but if you offend me, you must have no good fruits."

Then, Jiang Chen slapped the third time, and then slapped another.

"I don't care who you are at all, but you don't even know who I am, and you dare to come to trouble me, how stupid are you?"

After blowing three people away, Jiang Chen said three words, and that group of people was once again confused by Jiang Chen.

It's too fierce. I have to say that Jiang Chen is really too fierce. There are so many of them in front of Jiang Chen, there is no difference from just one person. Jiang Chen can smoke whoever he wants. .

For a moment, no one dared to say a word, they were afraid that Jiang Chen's slap would come when they opened their mouths.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Aren't you very arrogant? Talk." Now, it was Jiang Chen's turn to be arrogant.

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they still didn't dare to speak, and could only let Jiang Chen be arrogant.

"Stop talking, right? Get lost if you don't talk." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Those group of people were waiting for Jiang Chen's words, they didn't dare to fart, and left one by one, the speed was so fast, they disappeared completely in an instant.

"Master, what's the situation?" When Jiang Chen finished handling the matter, Shuang'er was still in a daze, unable to understand what happened.

"It's just a disgusting low-level method." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said dismissively.

This trick was left over from his playing a long time ago, and the Ma family actually had the nerve to play such a low-level trick in front of him.

Don't they know, in this respect, that he is the ancestor?

(End of this chapter)

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