genius evil

Chapter 646 The brain is a good thing

Chapter 646 The brain is a good thing

"Young master, according to your instructions, after finding that kid named Jiang Chen, I found someone to play tricks on and tested a little bit." The long-haired man said to Ma Dongjue.

This is a luxurious villa located in the city center of Nandu City. Ma Dongjue was sitting on the sofa, drinking red wine leisurely. Hearing this, he casually put the wine glass in his hand and asked lightly: "What is Jiang Chen's reaction?" ?”

"He's very arrogant." The long-haired man thought for a while before giving such an adjective.

"Arrogance?" Ma Dongjue chuckled, but that smile had a bit of disdain.

He had seen Jiang Chen's arrogance before, but that was in Tiannan City, and this is Nandu City, so Jiang Chen was just as arrogant in Tiannan City, but after arriving in Nandu City, he was still as arrogant as ever.

From Ma Dongjue's point of view, this is undoubtedly an extremely stupid performance.

"Should we just kill Jiang Chen?" the long-haired man asked.

"Don't worry." Ma Dongjue shook his head. He lowered his head, looked at his injured finger, and then said slowly: "It's probably very rare for that guy to come to Nandu City. As the master, I should do my best." It’s only good to show the friendship of the landlord, if I don’t want to play with him, I will not let it go.”

"What if Jiang Chen leaves Nandu City?" the long-haired man asked again.

"Of course that's another matter." Ma Dongjue responded.

If Jiang Chen is not in a hurry to leave Nandu City, Ma Dongjue will be patient enough to play with Jiang Chen. He will return the humiliation he has suffered, even the capital and interest, otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

But if Jiang Chen is in a hurry to leave Nandu City, then the gameplay will naturally be different. Once Jiang Chen has a clue in this regard, Ma Dongjue will immediately end the game.

And ending the game means killing Jiang Chen.

It is impossible for him to let Jiang Chen leave Nandu City alive. You know, this is his territory. If Jiang Chen can't beat Jiang Chen in his own territory, where will he put the face of Young Master Ma?
In that case, it would be better to buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death.


A group of people are aggressive, come and go quickly.

The spectators around were terrified. They thought there would be a good show to watch, and some even took out their mobile phones, preparing to call the police secretly.

Who could have imagined that Jiang Chen slapped those people in the face, and directly cleaned up that group of people, and his fighting power exploded, which opened the eyes of all the audience.

"Handsome, are you making a movie?"

"What about the seats? Everyone pay attention to the seats."

"Why didn't I see the director, is the technology of making movies so advanced now?"


Everyone finds it unbelievable, one against a hundred, no, even one against ten, this kind of thing is not unheard of, but it's all in the movies.

In real life, it is absolutely nonsense to say that such a thing exists.

On the other hand, the reason why everyone has such associations is that Jiang Chen and Shuang'er are too good-looking.

Even though Jiang Chen and Shuang'er showed no signs of makeup, and their clothes were quite casual, even so, they were still an instant hit. There are still ten streets and eight streets.

The combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman is already quite eye-catching, especially when Jiang Chen is still so capable of fighting, it is hard not to make people think about it.

"Make a movie?" Shuang'er was stunned, and then he was a little bit dumbfounded.

She hadn't seen what it was like to make a movie, but when a director made a movie, the leading actor would slap people like that?

"Haha, I didn't expect us to hide so deeply that you all discovered it. That's right, we are making a movie." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No wonder." The surrounding audience suddenly realized, Jiang Chen admitted that he was making a movie, and those seemingly unbelievable situations before could finally be explained.

"Handsome guy, what's the name of the movie you're making, when it's released later, we can go to the cinema to support it."

"Handsome, sign me up."

"Handsome, what's your phone number?"

"Handsome, do you have a girlfriend? I don't have a boyfriend yet."


The spectators were enthusiastic and rushed over one after another, especially some girls, who wished they could directly pounce on Jiang Chen, that was an initiative.

Jiang Chen was quickly overwhelmed by the crowd, and Shuang'er was not much better than him. Some uncles and aunts probably saw Shuang'er's pleasing appearance and were very suitable for their own daughter-in-law. That's so kind, I almost didn't check all of Shuang'er's household registration books.

In this way, for about half an hour, Jiang Chen and Shuang'er were the ones who stood out from the encirclement, found a dessert shop far away, and ordered a few cold drinks to calm down.

"Are movie stars so popular now?" Jiang Chen asked while sipping a cold drink, rubbing his chin.

"Master, are you planning to join the entertainment industry?" Shuang'er asked.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Your master and I are so handsome, don't you think it's a pity not to go into the entertainment industry?"

Jiang Chen didn't have that plan to be in the entertainment industry, but if he had the chance to have fun, he wouldn't mind.

"Master, I found that your skin is getting thicker and thicker." Shuang'er said amusedly, but she didn't dare to think about what kind of situation Jiang Chen would be in if he really wanted to join the entertainment circle. .

The entertainment industry is already chaotic enough, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a big dye vat, if Jiang Chen intervenes, wouldn't it be a complete mess?
"Little Shuang'er, how can you say that about me, Master? Could it be that I am not handsome enough, Master?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Crazy." But just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a mocking voice sounded from the side.

Two girls were sitting there drinking cold drinks, and one of them looked at Jiang Chen with a look like he was looking crazy.

"Hey, they look familiar, do we know each other?" Jiang Chen took a look and found that the two girls were a little familiar, as if they had met somewhere, but it took a while, and he couldn't remember. Where have you seen it.

"A naive way to strike up a conversation." The girl who spoke said with contempt.

"We really don't know each other?" Jiang Chen asked puzzledly. He really felt that they were quite familiar, and he definitely didn't want to start a conversation. Moreover, this woman was far worse than Shuang'er no matter in appearance or figure.

With the time to strike up a conversation, he might as well flirt with Shuang'er.This woman said that he struck up a conversation, which is basically an insult to his taste, okay?

"Why put on an air? How dare you say you don't know me anymore. We met each other in Tiannan City a few days ago." The girl said with a sneer.

The girl who spoke was none other than Pan Ying, who had dealt with Jiang Chen in Tiannan City before. Pan Ying didn't know if Jiang Chen really didn't remember who she was, but it was undeniable that, The impression Jiang Chen left on her was extremely deep and unforgettable.

You know, that was the first time she saw Ma Dongjue deflated since she had known Ma Dongjue for so long.

Who is Ma Dongjue? In the circle of Nandu City, everyone knows everyone. Usually, only Ma Dongjue is the one who bullies others. When has Ma Dongjue been bullied? Ruthless?

After that conflict, Pan Ying and the others ended their trip to Tiannan City and returned to Nandu City. Because of Ma Dongjue's finger injury, they haven't seen each other for two days.

Being idle and bored, Pan Ying just went shopping with her friends. Tired of shopping, she casually found a dessert shop to have something to eat. Unexpectedly, she would meet Jiang Chen here.

As soon as Jiang Chen and Shuang'er walked into the dessert shop, Pan Ying saw it and recognized it. Originally, Pan Ying didn't plan to do anything after recognizing it, but who would have thought that Jiang Chen would say such shameless words.

Pan Ying couldn't bear to listen any longer, so she couldn't hold back her words.

Pan Ying swears that since she was a child, she has never seen anyone more shameless than Jiang Chen.

"So it's you. I also said why you look a little familiar... crazy." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Who are you scolding?" Pan Ying became annoyed.

"Let me tell you what I say, you drink your drink, did I recruit you or provoke you, pointing fingers, there is something wrong with your brain, it's easy to say that you are crazy. Brain is a good thing. When you go out in the future, don't worry about it." Be sure to bring it with you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You..." Pan Ying was so angry that Jiang Chen's mouth was too poisonous.

"Is it interesting for you, a man, to care about our women?" Pan Ying's friend couldn't stand it anymore, and began to accuse.

"You... a woman?" Jiang Chen glanced at the woman up and down, and said jokingly.

The woman's face flushed immediately, and she was almost ashamed to dig a hole to get in. Her figure is not good, but what is going on with Jiang Chen looking at her like that? Could it be that in Jiang Chen's eyes, even a woman? It doesn't even count.

"Forget it, we don't care about him, let's go." Pan Ying pulled the girl up and said.

Pan Ying knew that she couldn't offend Jiang Chen, but she couldn't, there was always someone who could, and that person was Ma Dongjue, in order not to be hit by Jiang Chen, it was better to go first.

"Don't be in a hurry, it's rare to meet an acquaintance, let's have a good chat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"We have nothing to talk to you about." Pan Ying said with a dark face, pulling the girl away, and within a few steps, the phone in her bag rang.

Pan Ying took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Ma Dongjue calling. She couldn't help being a little surprised. She didn't know that Ma Dongjue already knew that Jiang Chen had come to Nandu City, and she was thinking of calling him after leaving the dessert shop. Ma Dongjue's, before the phone call, Ma Dongjue called first.

Pan Ying just walked out, connected to the phone, and started talking to Ma Dongjue, without noticing that the moment she was about to walk out of the dessert shop, Jiang Chen moved his finger lightly, and a silver needle , silently, submerged into her body...

(End of this chapter)

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