genius evil

Chapter 647

Chapter 647
In the evening, around six o'clock.

In the private villa, Ma Dongjue organized a small party, and the people invited included those familiar faces that Jiang Chen had seen in Tiannan City, and Pan Ying was also on the list.

The difference from when she was shopping was that Pan Ying was all dressed up in a beautiful way, among a group of people, she looked like a peacock with its tail spread.

"Pan Ying, you are dressed so beautifully tonight, so you are trying to seduce Young Master Ma, right?" Someone said jokingly.

"Fuck you, am I not usually pretty?" Pan Ying scolded with a smile.

"Pan Ying, we all know your little thoughts very well, so don't hide them. I think Mr. Ma seems to be missing a bed partner tonight, or you can stay for Mr. Ma. Just warm up the bed less." The guy was still teasing, and the words he said became more explicit.

"Who do you think I am? I, Pan Ying, am not the kind of casual woman." Pan Ying said pretending to be coy, worried that she would be teased again, so she went to the bathroom with an excuse.

Pan Ying had just entered the bathroom and was about to touch up her makeup when the door of the bathroom was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in from the outside.

"Young Master Ma." Pan Ying turned her head and saw that it was Ma Dongjue.

"I'll give you a chance." Ma Dongjue closed the bathroom door, looked at Pan Ying and said.

Ma Dongjue and Pan Ying have known each other for a long time, but they have never paid much attention to Pan Ying. Tonight, I don't know if it's because they drank too much wine, or because Pan Ying's dress is quite feminine. Coupled with the instigation of a group of cronies, it was unexpectedly discovered that Pan Ying was pretty good.

No, as soon as Pan Ying entered the bathroom, Ma Dongjue followed.

"Young Master Ma, they will laugh at me." Pan Ying said with a blushing face.

She dresses up like this, and there is indeed a reason to attract Ma Dongjue's attention. Who made Ma Dongjue ignore her existence all the time? However, she and Ma Dongjue entered the bathroom step by step. , will definitely guess what happened inside.

"That's right." Ma Dongjue chuckled evilly, there is plenty of time tonight, so don't rush, besides, the wine has not been finished yet.

But I can't just take Pan Ying now, I still have to take advantage of it. Ma Dongjue stretched out his hand, hugged Pan Ying, and said in a commanding tone: "Open your mouth."

Pan Ying's heart moved slightly, how could she not understand that Ma Dongjue wanted to kiss her, she was not an innocent woman, mixed with Ma Dongjue, what she fell in love with was Ma Dongjue's identity, she was very obedient, Opened his mouth.


After about ten seconds, a scream like a slaughtered pig came from the bathroom, startling everyone in the villa.

Someone heard the sound coming from the bathroom, rushed over and kicked the door open.

The door kicked open, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Impressively, he saw that Ma Dongjue's mouth was covered in blood, which looked quite horrible, while Pan Ying's mouth was also covered in blood, whether it was from fright or what happened, his face was pale and bloodless.

"What's the situation?"

Everyone was a little dazed. They all saw Ma Dongjue follow Pan Ying into the bathroom. They were all adults and knew what Ma Dongjue was going to do.

However, this is also too exciting, right?

"Hurry up, go to the hospital, and send Young Master Ma to the hospital." After a while, Pan Ying shivered all over, and screamed in a crying voice.


An hour later, the private sanatorium and the treating doctors left the ward one after another. Ma Dongjue sat on the head of the bed with a gloomy face almost dripping water.

"The doctor has seen it. There is nothing serious. It will recover soon." The long-haired man said.

"Where is that stinky bitch? Where is she? Call her over!" Ma Dongjue said vaguely.

He knew that there was nothing serious about him, but the reason why there was nothing serious was that he reacted quickly and escaped the catastrophe. Otherwise, Pan Ying might have bitten off his tongue.

This made Ma Dongjue very annoyed. He usually picks up girls, but how has he ever encountered such a situation?

Moreover, he did not force Pan Ying, it was clearly Pan Ying who seduced him, he was just playing with Pan Ying along the way, but Pan Ying almost bit off his tongue, this situation made Ma Dongjue extremely angry .

Soon, Pan Ying was brought over.

Pan Ying came to the nursing home with Ma Dongjue. She seemed to be terrified, trembling uncontrollably, entered the ward, shed tears before she could speak.

"Stinky bitch, give me an explanation, or I will kill you." Ma Dongjue stared at Pan Ying and said viciously.

"Young Master Ma, I didn't do it on purpose... I really didn't do it on purpose... I don't know what happened..." Pan Ying stammered.

She wanted to seduce Ma Dongjue, so how could she do such a thing.

In fact, Pan Ying has been in a daze since the incident happened until now, completely unable to understand what was going on.

"Damn, you don't know what happened, can I know?" Ma Dong felt angry and said to the long-haired man: "Brother Long-haired, I've left this woman to you, I don't want to see her again , you know what I mean."

"No, Young Master Ma, I really didn't mean it." Pan Ying was so scared that she almost knelt on the ground.

"Master, things are a bit strange." The long-haired man said at this time.

"Why, intercede for her? Or do you have a crush on this bitch? If you fancy her, I'll give her to you." Ma Dongjue said with a frown.

He was not very interested in Pan Ying. If the long-haired man was interested, Ma Dongjue would not mind giving Pan Ying to the long-haired man.

The long-haired man shook his head and said, "Master, don't worry, I'll ask her a few questions first."

The long-haired man also knew Pan Ying, and he knew very well that even if she lent Pan Ying a hundred courage, Pan Ying would not dare to hurt Ma Dongjue.

However, something that would never have happened happened. The long-haired man had a faint intuition that something abnormal must be caused by a demon.

"You said earlier on the phone that you met Jiang Chen today, right?" the long-haired man asked.

Pan Ying nodded vigorously.

"Tell me about your meeting with him, the more detailed the better." The long-haired man continued.

Pan Ying was terrified a long time ago, so she dared not hide anything, she told everything about meeting Jiang Chen today.

"Is there any more?" After hearing what Pan Ying said, the long-haired man was a little dissatisfied.

"I don't like Jiang Chen. When I was leaving, I received a call from Young Master Ma, but when I went out, I felt like I was bitten by a mosquito on the back..." Pan Ying recalled carefully, trying not to miss it. any details.

Speaking of this, Pan Ying was also surprised.

Where are the mosquitoes in broad daylight?

"Bite by a mosquito?" The long-haired man's eyes lit up, he stretched out his big hand, and tore it casually, and Pan Ying's clothes were torn by him.

"What are you doing?" Pan Ying quickly reached out and covered her chest.

The long-haired man ignored Pan Ying's words. He walked up behind Pan Ying, glanced at her, patted her hands casually, and pulled out a silver needle.

"Good method." Looking down at the silver needle as thin as a cow's hair, the long-haired man took a light breath.

According to what Pan Ying said, she had no physical contact with Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen quietly pierced a silver needle into Pan Ying's body through the air.

These methods somewhat shocked the long-haired man, and his eyes became unsteady.

"Okay, you can go out." After saying that, the long-haired man waved away.

Pan Ying didn't understand what was going on, but since the long-haired man said so, she left the ward obediently.

"This silver needle is from that woman? It's so long, how did it get in?" Ma Dongjue asked curiously as he looked at the silver needle in the long-haired man's hand.

The silver needle was too thin, and Ma Dongjue felt that it would be difficult to pierce the skin, let alone penetrate into the flesh.

"I don't know how it got in, but that Jiang Chen is not easy." The long-haired man said.

"You mean, it's all the fault of this silver needle?" Ma Dongjue asked suspiciously.

"That's true." The long-haired man nodded, and then explained: "This silver needle pierced into an acupuncture point on Pan Ying's back. Once Pan Ying gets emotional, she will lose control..."

"So, she bit me?" Before the long-haired man finished speaking, Ma Dongjue hurriedly said.

"That's right." The long-haired man nodded.

Seeing the long-haired man nodding, Ma Dongjue shivered involuntarily. Fortunately, he was not drunk at the time, otherwise he might not have just been bitten on his tongue, but said in a sinister way: "How dare you plot against me like this?" , too insidious."

"We teased him a little, and he teased you back again. It's normal." The long-haired man reminded.

"Normal fart." Ma Dongjue cursed.

"It's not normal to say something abnormal. This incident fully shows that we underestimated Jiang Chen." The long-haired man said in a deep voice.

Ma Dongjue wanted to play tricks on Jiang Chen, and the long-haired man had no objections, but if he failed to play tricks, Jiang Chen would play tricks on him instead, it would not be so wonderful.

"What do you mean?" Ma Dongjue asked.

"Quickly cut the mess and kill him directly." The long-haired man said coldly.

What happened this time, in the eyes of the long-haired man, was a bad thing, but it was also a good thing... The good thing was because Jiang Chen exposed himself.

"Okay." After thinking for a while, Ma Dongjue nodded and said.

In this game, he thinks that he is the leader, but at this point, the game has gradually lost control. If he continues to play, the leader will no longer be him, but Jiang Chen.

In this way, Ma Dongjue understood that what the long-haired man said was right, the rules of the game had to be changed, or the game was ended in advance.

"Jiang Chen, you forced me. Originally, I didn't expect to kill you so soon." Ma Dongjue said viciously in his heart.

Immediately, Ma Dongjue said to the long-haired man: "You get ready. When you do it, I will go there in person... Remember, I don't want any accidents to happen."

"There will be no accidents." The long-haired man smiled strangely. He is not good at how to play tricks on people, but he is very good at how to kill a person...

(End of this chapter)

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