genius evil

Chapter 648 The Same Routine

Chapter 648
It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening when Jiang Chen and Shuang'er stopped a taxi and returned to the hotel.

Originally, Shuang'er never thought about going shopping so late, and she was also worried that Jiang Chen would not be in the mood to go shopping with her. Who knew, after meeting Pan Ying, Jiang Chen's interest in shopping did not decrease but increased.

However, this is actually what Shuang'er is happy to see, otherwise, if he returns to the hotel too early, Jiang Chen will definitely torment her again, such happy but unbearable troubles make Shuang'er very ashamed.

It was very late, there were not many cars on the road, and the taxi drove very fast all the way. Shuang'er was a little tired, so she rested on Jiang Chen's shoulder.

Just when Shuang'er was about to fall asleep, Jiang Chen's voice suddenly rang in her ears: "Friend, have you gone the wrong way?"

"It's not wrong. I have been driving a taxi for more than ten years, and this road is the shortest way to Lijing Hotel." The taxi driver said.

"I am very simple, you must not lie to me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Don't worry, I've been driving a taxi for so many years, all I care about is my reputation, and I never do anything unconscionable." The taxi driver swore.

"Okay, I believe your words." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Master, does this road really lead to the hotel?" Shuang'er blinked and said softly.

Originally, there were still some cars driving on the road, but on this road, there was not a single car. Not to mention, even the street lights seemed to have disappeared in the distance.

You know, the Lijing Hotel is in the city center.

In a city like Nandu where every inch of land is expensive, how could there be such a remote road section in the city center?
"Little Shuang'er, don't worry, if he doesn't send us to the hotel, I will send him to the eighteenth floor of hell." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Saying this, I clearly saw the driver tremble, and then, the car braked suddenly and stopped. Almost at the same time, the taxi driver opened the door and quickly ran out of the car.

"Master, he seems to be frightened by you." Shuang'er reminded.

"No way, who made him do something wrong." Jiang Chen sighed.

Just as Jiang Chen and Shuang'er were talking like this, there was a knock on the car door.

"You two, you can get out of the car." A guy outside the car urged loudly.

Jiang Chen smiled, pushed open the car door, and Shi Shiran got out of the car.

And Shuang'er also pushed open the door on the other side and quickly got out of the car.

"It's you, is your face still hurting? Have you been to a doctor? Have you taken your medicine?" After getting out of the car, Jiang Chen asked in a caring tone.

The tone is kind, as if seeing a relative who has been missing for a while.

The guy who urged Jiang Chen and Shuang'er to get off the car was the short and fat man Jiang Chen had seen during the day.

Humpty Humpty didn't come alone, he also showed up with a group of about thirty people. In terms of the number of people, it can be said to be quite spectacular.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the corner of the short fat man's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he said loudly: "Boy, if you like taking medicine so much, I will definitely give you a few medicines in a while, but it's just a medicine for brain damage."

"Now that technology is so advanced, has even brain-dead medicine been developed? But how come I've heard a saying that there is no cure for only brain-dead people?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Boy, it won't do you any good to pretend to be crazy." The corner of Humpty's mouth twitched again.

"Why are you pretending to be crazy? I am very serious about discussing brain-dead drugs with you. After all, there are too many brain-dead drugs in this world. If someone really develops a brain-dead drug, it will definitely be someone like you. Gospel." Jiang Chen said with incomparable sincerity.

"Boy, you are the one who needs to take brain-dead medicine." Humpty Humpty said angrily.

"You are indeed a brain-dead person, but judging by your brain-dead level, even if you really had the brain-dead medicine, you would not be saved. This is really a regrettable thing." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"You are the one who is not saved." Humpty Dumpty was almost out of breath.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's mouth is too poisonous, obviously he was mocking Jiang Chen, but in the end, it turned out to be ridiculed by Jiang Chen.

"Since you can't be saved, living in this world is a waste of air, so it doesn't matter whether you have brain damage medicine or not." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?" Humpty Humpty was a little confused by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Humpty's question, but told him with practical actions what he meant by his words.

As soon as the short fat man's voice fell, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped him.


A crisp slap sounded, and with the sound of the slap, the short fat man flew out like a fired cannonball, and landed a few meters away.

"The earth is too crowded. It is best to have as little garbage as possible to waste the air." After a slap, Jiang Chen said calmly.

After saying this, Jiang Chen didn't even look at Humpty Dumpty's body, and smacked his fingers at the taxi driver hiding among the group of people: "Stand up, let's have a good talk."

"I...have nothing to talk to you about." The taxi driver shrugged and said stutteringly.

Humpty's weight, not to mention two hundred catties, is still 180 catties. For ordinary people, it is very difficult to push Humpty to the ground.

Jiang Chen was good, he just slapped Humpty Dumpty, it was hard to imagine how powerful this slap was.

The taxi driver felt that if Jiang Chen slapped him, he would probably have to slap his brains out.

"Who said just now that you never do anything unconscionable?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"..." The taxi driver suddenly had black lines all over his face.

"What you said is so beautiful, and I am so simple, even if I look easy to deceive, you can't deceive me like this, you know that you deceive me like this, which has caused a lot of damage to my pure heart. How much damage is it?" Jiang Chen said in a heartbroken voice.

"I didn't mean to lie to you." The taxi driver said with a bitter face.

"I understand, of course you didn't do it on purpose, because you did it on purpose, okay? Hurry up and let me send you to the eighteenth floor of hell." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers again.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, do you think so many of us are dead?"

"Boy, you are the one who will be sent to the eighteenth floor of hell tonight."

"Boy, I would like to advise you, it is best to settle it yourself, so as to save us from taking action."


The group of people who came with Humpty Dumpty couldn't suppress the anger in their hearts after hearing the sound, and shouted at Jiang Chen one after another.

"Here comes this again, can you guys have something new?" Jiang Chen was helpless, and immediately moved his feet and rushed out.


In the next second, Jiang Chen slapped a guy and sent him flying.

"You are right, in my eyes, you are a dead person."


Another slap, sending one person flying.

"If you want to enter the eighteenth floor of hell, you should have said it earlier. The biggest advantage of me is the beauty of an adult."


Then, Jiang Chen's third slap sounded, and one person was sent flying.

"It's so boring to kill yourself, I'd better give you a ride."

After blowing three people away, Jiang Chen said three words, and the group of people looked at Jiang Chen as if they had seen a ghost.

I have to say that such a scene is too familiar. It can be said that it is exactly the same routine as what happened on Jingcheng Road during the day.

The only difference may be that during the daytime, there are no dead people.And now, dead.

It scares them.

Even though they had already seen Jiang Chen's fierce side during the day, it wasn't until this time that they really saw how vigorous Jiang Chen was.

With three slaps, three lives were reaped in an instant.

It's too fast, not to mention avoiding, even if there is no time to react.

It was as if Jiang Chen didn't kill three people, but just killed three ants.

"Is there anyone else who wants to die? If there is, stand up quickly." Jiang Chen said, he is too familiar with playing routines, don't these idiots like to play?Then let's see who plays to death.

Ever since, the exact same scene as in the daytime happened, no one dared to say a word, lest Jiang Chen would slap someone if he disagreed with him.

"Not anymore, right? Then, you can always stand up now." Jiang Chen pointed to the taxi driver.

This time, there was no need for the taxi driver to stand up. The group of people, with a tacit understanding, quickly took two steps back and sold the taxi driver.

The taxi driver's expression changed drastically, and he ran away when he saw that something was wrong.

How could Jiang Chen let the taxi driver run away, cheating people for a while, then he must be prepared to enter the crematorium.

As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the taxi driver and slapped him casually.


There was a clear sound of applause, and Jiang Chen's slap failed to hit the taxi driver, but landed on one palm. Then, a figure swayed and stopped in front of the taxi driver. , staring at Jiang Chen with gloomy eyes.

"Brother, your hair is very flowing, where did you buy it?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy who appeared out of thin air, and seeing this guy's long hair fluttering, he asked with a smile.

The person who appeared was the long-haired man. The long-haired man did not speak, but was still staring at Jiang Chen coldly, ready to strike at any time.

"Why don't you talk? Are you dumb? Then ask someone who can talk to show up, Xiaodongzi. If you don't show up again, it will be dawn." Jiang Chen called out.

Not far away, the door of a black car opened, and Ma Dongjue got out of the car.

"Little Dongzi, you are really here." Jiang Chen said cheerfully when he saw Ma Dongjue.

"Have you said enough?" Ma Dongjue was displeased.

No matter who it is, when seeing him, it would be nice to call Young Master Ma respectfully, Jiang Chen, if you call him by his name, that's fine, but to call him Xiaodongzi, isn't that scolding him as an eunuch?
Does he look like a eunuch?Jiang Chen's words were too irritating!

(End of this chapter)

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