genius evil

Chapter 649 Let me see how you die

Chapter 649 Let me see how you die

"Little Dongzi, it's just to say hello to our old friends, don't you be so unkind?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Who is your old friend?" Ma Dongjue said coldly.

Old bullshit friend, old enemy is right.

"If we weren't old friends, why would you come to see me specifically and bring so many people to welcome me?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"You—" Ma Dongjue looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost. Is this guy an idiot or does he feel good about himself?
Although the possibility of being an idiot is unlikely, this is too much to feel good about, right?

"Jiang Chen, your ability to talk nonsense is really powerful. Yes, I came to see you specially, but I came to see how you died. As for why I brought so many people here, it is naturally I collected the body for you." Ma Dongjue said.

"Great." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You—" Ma Dongjue once again looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

"I didn't expect you to be so considerate. You even invited the corpse collection team. In this way, I don't have to worry about what to do with your corpse." Jiang Chen said in admiration.

"Brother Changfa, do it and kill him." Ma Dongjue couldn't bear it anymore and said loudly.

After Ma Dongjue appeared, he still wanted to say a few more words to Jiang Chen, to ridicule Jiang Chen, but every time he opened his mouth, it was the rhythm that left him speechless.

If he continued talking, he would not be able to ridicule Jiang Chen, but would instead bring shame on himself.

Ma Dongjue didn't have a penchant for begging for cruelty, since that was the case, Ma Dongjue didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, just kill Jiang Chen directly.

"Little Dongzi, you are too cruel to kill people at every turn, can you give me ten seconds first?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"What's the matter, are you afraid? Or do you want to deal with the funeral first?" Ma Dongjue said, and after saying this, he stared at Shuang'er.

Last time, when he was in Tiannan City, seeing Xu Anqi, Ma Dongjue felt astonished. Later, when he learned about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, although he didn't say anything, his heart was full of shock. It was because of this matter that he was very brooding, and secretly scolded Jiang Chen for not knowing what kind of shit luck he had.

Seeing the existence of Shuang'er at this time, Ma Dongjue was shocked again. He felt that Jiang Chen was not just lucky, but smoked from the ancestral grave.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen have so many beautiful women?
Just because he is handsome?

Or, just because he can fight?
Those who are tall, handsome and capable of fighting, there are too many, there are not many Jiang Chens, and there are not many Jiang Chens, why are others not so lucky?

And that is, he is also quite handsome, why can't he find such a woman?

"We need to deal with the funeral first. To be precise, we need to kill a person first." Jiang Chen said.

"With me here, you can't kill him." The long-haired man knew that Jiang Chen was going to kill the taxi driver, but it was fine if he didn't show up. He showed up, and Jiang Chen wanted to kill him in front of him. How is it different from dreaming?
"Why are you so thick-skinned?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"You can try it yourself." Ignoring Jiang Chen's ridicule, the long-haired man said indifferently.

"Forget it, let's try." Jiang Chen clenched his fist with an indifferent look on his face, and then punched him.

Seeing Jiang Chen punching towards him, the long-haired man couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he clenched his fist and punched him.


The two fists collided in the air, and there was a dull sound, and the sneer at the corner of the long-haired man's mouth became more intense.

"That's all." The long-haired man mocked.

After the words fell, the long-haired man felt that something was wrong, because he saw Jiang Chen's fist again, and Jiang Chen's fist was heading straight for his head.

The long-haired man was stunned for a moment, and after a moment, he subconsciously clenched his fist again and punched him.


There was another dull sound, and the long-haired man felt as if he had punched himself on an extremely hard steel plate, and his fist was about to shatter.

At the same time, a strong force hit him, and he was uncontrollable, staggering back a few steps in a row, and barely stopped.

The footsteps stopped, the long-haired man opened his mouth and sprayed out a large mouthful of blood, his face was pale.

He raised his head, opened his eyes, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief. The long-haired man's eyes were filled with horror.

"How is it possible?" the long-haired man said in a low voice.

Obviously, Jiang Chen's first punch was quite weak, and he caught it almost effortlessly. Why did Jiang Chen's second punch cause such a big impact on him?

Could it be that Jiang Chen deliberately concealed his strength?
"You must suspect that I have concealed my strength, right? I'm sorry, I really haven't. I was just joking with you." Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled, as if he could see what the long-haired man was thinking. Same.

"Are you kidding me?" The long-haired man was dumbfounded.

"Otherwise? Or I'll blow you to death with one punch, wouldn't that be boring?" Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Blow me to death with one punch, you think too much of yourself." The long-haired man said with a gloomy expression as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen intends to preserve his strength or is joking, has he ever made a move with all his strength?

The long-haired man felt more like he was accidentally played by Jiang Chen, otherwise, he wouldn't have been accidentally injured by Jiang Chen.

It wasn't that he was inferior in strength, but that Jiang Chen was too cunning to guard against.

"You are wrong. It's not that I think highly of myself, but that you have no self-knowledge." Jiang Chen shook his head, spoke casually, and stretched out his hand to slap the taxi driver on the face.

Undoubtedly, the taxi driver was blown away by Jiang Chen like a kite with a broken string.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have wasted a little more time." Jiang Chen said to Ma Dongjue with a look of embarrassment after taking the taxi driver away.

Ma Dongjue was speechless, thinking about apologizing, and what's more, does Jiang Chen look like he's apologizing?It's completely disgusting people on purpose.

"Long-haired brother, get rid of him." Ma Dongjue said to the long-haired man.

"He will die soon," said the long-haired man, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"What I just said was not a joke." Jiang Chen reminded.

"There's enough nonsense, let's do it." The long-haired man became a little impatient, he thought he had been tricked by Jiang Chen, and felt embarrassing.

"Why don't I give you ten seconds to think about it? After all, there is only one life, right?" Jiang Chen said kindly.


Not to mention ten seconds, the long-haired man couldn't wait for even a second, so he swung a punch, driving the cold wind, and smashing towards Jiang Chen.

With this punch, the long-haired man no longer retained his strength and shot with all his might.

"A dog who bites Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. The ancients never deceived me." Jiang Chen murmured, and immediately punched.


There was the sound of bones breaking. It was the long-haired man's fist. Under the impact of Jiang Chen's punch, the joints burst.

The tingling pain of the broken bones made the long-haired man's eyes pop out, and the eyeballs almost fell out of the eye sockets.

When Jiang Chen made his second punch, the power he displayed had already shocked him deeply, and the power of this third punch was absolutely indescribably terrifying.

The long-haired man realized that his fist had turned into a piece of crispy tofu when Jiang Chen punched him, it was so vulnerable.

But this is not the end, it's the beginning.

Jiang Chen never thought that he would waste too much time on the long-haired man. He said he would kill him with one punch, so naturally he meant what he said.

So, after smashing the long-haired man's fist, Jiang Chen's fist hit the long-haired man's chest with the momentum of hitting Huanglong.


There was another sound of bones breaking, not once, but several times.

Obviously, it was foreseeable that the ribs on the long-haired man's chest all exploded under Jiang Chen's punch.

And the long-haired man himself, under the impact of Jiang Chen's punch, flew out dancing like a torn sack.

After landing, the long-haired man only had time to let out a scream, but he didn't make any more noise.


Seeing the scene where Jiang Chen was fighting with the long-haired man... no, it should be the scene where the long-haired man was being raped by Jiang Chen, Ma Dongjue's heart pounded heavily, almost jumping out of his throat.

Ma Dongjue knew very well the strength of the long-haired man. He was a peak master in the later stage of the seventh level of Guwu Houtian, but he was killed by Jiang Chen with just such a punch.

That's right, a punch.

The previous two punches were not considered fighting at all, at best they were just probing, or as Jiang Chen said, they were just joking.

The real battle is the third punch, that is to say, Jiang Chen killed a strong man at the peak of the seventh level of the ancient martial arts with one punch. What kind of terrifying fighting power is this?
"Little Dongzi, congratulations, the corpse collection team you brought will come in handy soon." Putting away his fists, Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Ma Dongjue, and grinned softly.

"You want to kill me?" Ma Dongjue's face turned pale in a flash.

"You even invited the corpse collection team. If I didn't kill you, wouldn't I be sorry for your good intentions?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"I'm a member of the Ma family. You'd better think clearly about the consequences of killing me." Ma Dongjue said in a panic, revealing his identity, hoping that Jiang Chen could cast a trap and let him go.

Although this is probably useless at all, Ma Dongjue still has to fight for it, he doesn't want to die yet.

"What are the consequences?" Jiang Chen walked towards Ma Dongjue step by step.

"The Ma family will retaliate against you. Such revenge will be extremely crazy." Ma Dongjue said loudly, he wanted to run away, but he knew that it was impossible for him to run away, if he really ran, he might die faster.

"This means, if I don't kill you, the Ma family won't take revenge on me, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can assure you that you won't care about anything." Ma Dongjue swore.

"Little Shuang'er, do you believe what he said?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't believe it." Shuang'er said without thinking.

Based on the conflict between Jiang Chen and the Ma family, whether Ma Dongjue was killed or not, the Ma family would retaliate against Jiang Chen, and killing Ma Dongjue would at best only deepen the conflict between the two parties.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe it either." Jiang Chen said, he slapped Ma Dongjue to the ground, and said indifferently, "You can collect the corpse now..."

(End of this chapter)

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