genius evil

Chapter 650 Some people are happy and some are sad

Chapter 650 Some people are happy and some are sad

It was already late at night, a taxi was driving quickly on the slightly empty road.

This taxi was exactly the one that Jiang Chen and Shuang'er took before, but now, the driver was Jiang Chen, and Shuang'er sat in the co-pilot's seat.

"Master, did you already know that Ma Dongjue and the others will come to you?" Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen sideways and asked curiously.

Ma Dongjue used some tricks to lure Jiang Chen to No Man's Land, and kept saying that he wanted to see how Jiang Chen died. The final result, I have to say, was very dramatic.

He wanted Jiang Chen's life, but was killed by Jiang Chen.

In this matter, Shuang'er did not intervene from the beginning to the end, and Shuang'er also knew that she did not need to intervene, but there is one thing that is not surprising to Shuang'er, that is, it seems that Jiang Chen is very concerned about what happened tonight. , has long been expected.

It's not hard to explain why Jiang Chen became so interested in shopping after meeting Pan Ying.

Shuang'er even wondered if Jiang Chen deliberately created an opportunity for Ma Dongjue to do something.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a coincidence.

"Little Shuang'er, have you ever heard of a saying called forcing a dog to jump over a wall?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Master, didn't you jump over the wall in a hurry?" Shuang'er asked strangely.

"A dog jumping over a wall in a hurry is a dog jumping over a wall in a hurry, and forcing a dog to jump over a wall is another concept. If I didn't push a little bit, how could that fellow Ma Dongjue jump out so quickly?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Master, what do you mean, you did something wrong?" Shuang'er was a little confused.

Jiang Chen had always been with her, and the two of them could be said to be inseparable. If Jiang Chen had really done something wrong, why didn't she notice it at all?
"Little Shuang'er, do you still remember the woman we met in the dessert shop?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Remember." Shuang'er nodded, and then her eyes lit up, she suddenly understood, and she understood.

Jiang Chen had been with her all the time. If he really did something wrong, then Pan Ying was undoubtedly the only one. From what Jiang Chen said, he really did something wrong with Pan Ying.

In other words, what happened tonight was not what Jiang Chen had expected, but Jiang Chen had single-handedly facilitated it, which is what is called forcing a dog to jump over a wall.

"Understood?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Understood." Shuang'er nodded again, inexplicably feeling sad for Ma Dongjue.

Ma Dongjue thought he was plotting against Jiang Chen, but he didn't know that Jiang Chen would lead him by the nose in everything he did.

In this way, it can be said that Ma Dongjue is like a marionette in Jiang Chen's hands. It is fine if Ma Dongjue is not fooled. Once he is fooled, life or death is beyond his control.

And it is obvious that Ma Dongjue did not see through Jiang Chen's calculating IQ. As a result, Ma Dongjue's death tonight was destined.

Thinking of this, Shuang'er couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning, no wonder whether it was Yilan City, Tiannan City, or even the capital city, Jiang Chen would easily do it, but it would turn the world upside down.

What Jiang Chen excelled at was not only his strength, but also his demon-like calculations!

"Master, Ma Dongjue is dead. I think the Ma family will definitely not let it go. We..." Shuang'er asked.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

"Master, won't you go back with me?" Shuang'er said.

"The good show has just begun, how can we go back so soon?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

The rift between Jiang Chen and the Ma family has already been formed. This hatred will not be reduced because he leaves Nandu City. On the contrary, if he leaves Nandu City, he will only go wherever he goes. to where.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to leave so soon, otherwise, it would only bring him more trouble.At least, this problem must be solved first.

"Okay." Although he was a little worried about Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen said so, Shuang'er could only listen to Jiang Chen's arrangement.

After returning to the hotel, I don't know if it was because she would be separated from Jiang Chen tomorrow. This night, Shuang'er took the initiative, and under Jiang Chen's guidance, she unlocked many new poses, allowing Jiang Chen to That is called a ecstasy.


Some people are happy, others are naturally sad.

Jiang Chen was happy, but the Ma family was worried.

The corpse collection team worked efficiently. The corpses of Ma Dongjue and the long-haired man were sent back to Ma's house immediately.

The moment Ma Dongjue's body entered the door, everyone in the Ma family was alarmed.

"What's going on?" A woman in her fifties scolded angrily.

Although the woman is nearly fifty years old, she is well maintained, her hairstyle and face are quite delicate, but at this moment, looking at Ma Dongjue's body, the woman's face is sinking like water, and the veins on her forehead are throbbing. , obviously extremely furious.

When the woman opened her mouth, many people secretly held their breath, not daring to let out a breath.

This woman is none other than Ma Dongjue's mother, Miao Jingjing.

"It's like this..." In the body collection team, a man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, walked out, and said, "Young Master Ma is going to kill someone tonight..."

"Kill who?" The man only said one sentence, but was interrupted by Miao Jingjing.

"That person's name is Jiang Chen." The speaker wiped the cold sweat from his forehead again.

"And then? Why didn't Jiang Chen die, but my son did?" Miao Jingjing asked sharply.

"Because... because Jiang Chen is too powerful..." The man felt the cold sweat on his forehead, Miao Jingjing's aura was too strong, and every word he said was extremely aggressive, making people breathless.

"Then tell me, why is my son dead, but you are not dead?" Miao Jingjing stretched out her fingers, one after another.

Everyone, when Miao Jingjing pointed at them, subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at them.

The person who spoke, a little sitting on wax, stuttered and said: "Maybe Jiang Chen doesn't bother to kill us."

"Is it disdainful? Or did you conspire with that Jiang Chen to murder my son?" Miao Jingjing said unceremoniously.

"" The person who spoke was scared to death.

If this was accidentally misunderstood and Miao Jingjing believed that they were in collusion with Jiang Chen, they would probably not know how they died.

"Don't try to quibble, my son is dead, you are not dead, this is enough to explain any problem, in a word, you all deserve to die." Gritting her teeth, Miao Jingjing said word by word.

"I...I didn't quibble, listen to me..." The speaker was so frightened that he was trembling.

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense, come here, pull me down and execute them all." Miao Jingjing was so domineering, she didn't even listen to an explanation lazily, and gave an order directly.

Following Miao Jingjing's words, soon, a dozen people rushed in from outside, and took all the members of the corpse collection team out, including the person who spoke.

"Jingjing, the matter hasn't been investigated clearly yet, you're like this..." A middle-aged man frowned and said a little dissatisfied.

"Ma Yang, it's not your turn to tell me what to do." Miao Jingjing glanced at the middle-aged man and said coldly.

"Dong Jue is dead. I can understand your feelings. Your heart hurts. How come I don't feel sad? You know, Dong Jue is my son. However, before the matter is investigated, killing innocent people indiscriminately like this, I'm afraid... "Ma Yang said helplessly.

"Afraid of what? I want to see, who dares to make irresponsible remarks." Miao Jingjing was very strong.

"This is not a matter of making irresponsible remarks." Ma Yang frowned a little more.

"Then what's the problem? Tell me clearly, I'm not in the mood to play word games with you." Miao Jingjing said, even if this man was her husband, she never thought of giving him a good look.

Seeing Miao Jingjing's attitude, the rest of the Ma family were very calm. Obviously, they knew about Miao Jingjing's personality early on, and it was also obvious that this was not the first time this happened.

This situation also directly illustrates a problem, that is, within the Ma family, the right to speak is not in the hands of Ma Yang, but in the hands of Miao Jingjing.

"The man said just now that Dong Jue is going to kill a man named Jiang Chen. Should we first listen to him and tell him who Jiang Chen is, so that we can deal with this matter?" Ma Yang asked.

"Do I need to know these?" Miao Jingjing asked back.

"..." Ma Yang was speechless for a while.

"I don't need to know this at all. I just need to know that that guy named Jiang Chen killed my son. The next thing I have to do is to kill him and avenge my son. It's such a simple truth. Do you still need you to teach me? Or simply, how to kill Jiang Chen, you also have to give me advice?" Miao Jingjing sneered endlessly.

"That's not what I meant." Ma Yang looked melancholy.

"That's not what you mean, just shut up." Miao Jingjing scolded.

"Okay, I can shut up, but let me remind you one last thing, that Jiang Chen is definitely not a simple character. He dared to offend my Ma family and kill the person you arranged beside Dong Jue..." Ma Yang said.

"If you want to shut up, shut up as soon as possible, I naturally know what to do." Miao Jingjing was very impatient, and she couldn't wait for Ma Yang to finish speaking, so she interrupted it roughly.

This time, Ma Yang could only shut his mouth completely, shook his head and sighed, there was nothing he could do about his wife.

"What are you still doing in a daze, what should you do, do you want me to teach you all?" After reprimanding Ma Yang, Miao Jingjing glanced at the others and said angrily.

"Okay, let's do it."

"Don't worry, no matter what Jiang Chen's status or abilities are, he will surely die."

"The young master will not die in vain, Jiang Chen must pay with his life."


A group of people rushed to express their opinions, fearing to cause Miao Jingjing's dissatisfaction, and then left quickly, not daring to delay even a second.

"Son, rest in peace, Mom will definitely avenge you..." Looking down at Ma Dongjue's body, Miao Jingjing muttered to herself, extremely hideous...

(End of this chapter)

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