genius evil

Chapter 651 A Little Game

Chapter 651 A Small Game
At around eight o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen drove Shuang'er to the airport in that taxi.

Shuang'er chose the earliest flight. As soon as she arrived at the airport, she rushed to check in. About half an hour before and after, she boarded the plane to Tiannan City.

After seeing off Shuang'er, Jiang Chen was planning to leave in that taxi, but he saw a beautiful woman dressed up enchantingly walking over.

"Handsome guy, can you do me a favor?" The beauty gave Jiang Chen a wink and said sweetly.

"No." Jiang Chen refused.

"Please, I'm just doing a small favor." The beauty was a little dazed, as if she didn't expect Jiang Chen to refuse so directly, and her voice couldn't help being more coquettish.

"If you don't want to help, you won't help. It's useless if you ask me." Jiang Chen said that he regarded beauty as nothing.

"Handsome guy, it's a big deal. I'll pay you, so that's okay? I'm sure you won't let me help me for nothing." The beauty said without giving up.

"I said, do you want to pick on me?" Jiang Chen touched his face with a look of vigilance.

These days, there are as many female perverts as there are male perverts. As a handsome guy, Jiang Chen expressed that he is under a lot of pressure.

The beauty was stunned, then giggled, and said, "Handsome, what you said is really interesting, if I really wanted to pick you up, what would you do?"

"Do you know how far the mind is?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Handsome guy, I don't understand what you mean." The beauty couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm.

"The meaning is very simple, that is, you can roll as far as your thoughts go, understand?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

What do you mean if you really want to pick him up, what will happen to him?

Is he, Jiang Chen, the kind of man who can be picked on casually?

Of course, the most important point was that although this woman was a bit pretty, she was too dusty, Jiang Chen couldn't possibly take a liking to her.

Otherwise, there is no need for her to soak, Jiang Chen will take the initiative to soak her.

"Handsome guy, you are too disrespectful." The beauty said a little bit sadly.

"Is it finished? I'm leaving after I've finished." Jiang Chen yawned and said lazily.

After tossing with Shuang'er all night last night, he still wanted to go back to catch up on sleep, but he didn't intend to waste time on this inexplicable woman.

"Handsome guy, do you think this is good? As long as you do me this favor, I'll give you that car, how about it?" said the beauty.

As he spoke, he reached out and pointed at a red sports car.

"Ferrari 458." Looking in the direction the beauty pointed, Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Handsome, what do you think?" the beauty asked.

"Do you a favor and give me the car, are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

Jiang Chen had never seen a pie in the sky before, but if this beauty meant what she said, this situation could really be regarded as a pie in the sky.

"Of course I'm sure, but it depends on whether you dare to ask for the handsome guy." The beauty giggled.

"Provocative method?" Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Why don't I dare to take it if you dare to give it away? Tell me, what can I do for you... However, I have to say the ugly words first, and such things as selling one's body, I don't know." Absolutely won't do it."


The beauty was dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's words, thinking that even if she betrayed her body, Jiang Chen must be the one who suffers, but her.

On the mouth, the beauty said: "This task is very simple, have you seen that silver-gray Pagani?"

Jiang Chen nodded, indicating that he had seen it.

"That Pagani is my friend's car. My friend made a bet with me, saying that he would run a lap with me. Whoever loses will treat him to dinner..." the beauty explained.

"So, in order not to invite the other party to dinner, you decided to give me this car?" Jiang Chen asked without waiting for the beauty to finish speaking.

"That's almost what it means." The beauty nodded.

"Have you lost your mind?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

How much is a meal?
How much is a car?

Such a simple account, can this woman not be able to calculate it?

This isn't a brain flood, so what could be going on?

"Handsome guy, don't worry about whether my brain is flooded or not. Anyway, just try your best to help me win. As long as you try your best, even if you lose, I won't blame you." The beauty said.

"It's impossible for me to lose." Jiang Chen said, walked over, opened the door of the Ferrari, and got in.

About ten seconds later, I saw that silver-gray Pagani, like a ghost, quietly started and rushed out.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen also kicked the gas pedal, and Ferrari roared, like a burning flame, followed closely behind.

Pagani drove very fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was certainly not slow.

The two cars were driving on the airport expressway, and they were always in a cemented state. After exiting the airport expressway, perhaps because of the car that was anxious to get rid of Jiang Chen, the Pagani driving in front suddenly bumped into each other. Steering wheel, the car rushed towards the Huancheng Road...

In this way, the two cars, one behind the other, took almost half an hour, and the Pagani stopped on the side of the road.

After Pagani stopped, a figure got out of the car. After getting out, that person smiled at Jiang Chen. Inside the car, Jiang Chen looked at that guy, couldn't help smiling, pushed the car door, and got off. car to go.

"Jiang Shao, I think, you already guessed it was me." The guy said.

"I can only say that you really know how to put gold on your face." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

This guy, a long time ago, ran with Jiang Chen in Pipa Mountain, and then lost a Pagani to him, who called himself Luo Feifan.

Jiang Chen still has a little impression of Luo Feifan, but the source of that impression is that this guy lost to him a sports car of tens of millions.

As for what Luo Feifan said, he had already guessed that it was him, but it really didn't.

However, even though it wasn't there, Jiang Chen had already seen something strange about this matter.

Jiang Chen would never underestimate himself, but he would not naively feel good about himself either. He showed up at the airport in a taxi, and the beauty strikes up a conversation rashly, which in itself is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Then, in order to get him to help, the beauty offered a car as a gift, and the reason was just a meal, which, I have to say, was too clumsy.

Of course, if it's just that, it's nothing. After all, there are all kinds of people in this world. Maybe that beauty is because he looks so handsome?And maybe, that beautiful woman really lost her mind?
The biggest flaw is actually this Ferrari.

The perfume smelled very strong on the beauty, but there was no smell of perfume in the Ferrari, which clearly showed that this Ferrari did not belong to that beauty.

Since the car doesn't even belong to that beauty, then everything that beauty said is naturally a lie.

Luo Feifan laughed, and said: "I just received the news yesterday that you came to Nandu, Young Master Jiang, because you lost a car to Young Master Jiang last time, and you were upset, that's why you played with Young Master Jiang. It's a little game, Young Master Jiang, you don't want to blame me."

After saying this, Luo Feifan couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't know exactly what Jiang Chen's impression of him was, but his impression of Jiang Chen was rather profound. The reason for the profoundness was not that he lost a car to Jiang Chen, but that, a long time ago, he had On Jiang Chen's body, he could see a distinctive demeanor.

Sure enough, what Jiang Chen did in Nandu this time can be said to be an eye-opener for him.

"A small game to earn a car, such a game, the more the better." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Shao, I don't think you will take a fancy to this car." Luo Feifan said.

"Of course I like it." Jiang Chen said.

"Eh..." Luo Feifan was speechless for a while, and invited: "Young Master Jiang, this way please."

There were small villas by the roadside. Luo Feifan took Jiang Chen into the villa, took out a bottle of red wine, poured Jiang Chen first, and then poured half a glass for himself.

"Tell me, what do you want from me." Jiang Chen said directly after taking a sip of red wine.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, the so-called game is more like a chance to meet Luo Feifei deliberately created by him.

Luo Feifan was so troublesome, Jiang Chen didn't think it was as simple as just reminiscing about the past or drinking a few glasses of wine.

Besides, he and Luo Feifan didn't know each other well, even if they wanted to reminisce about the old days, there was no need to reminisce.

"Jiang Shao, you are really straightforward." Luo Feifan laughed, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Jiang Shao, how much do you know about the Ma family?"

"Are you planning to help me?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Jiang Shao, if you need it, I can provide you with some information, which is not considered a help." Luo Feifan shook his head.

"What information can you provide me?" Jiang Chen asked with interest.

"For example, some situations within the Ma family." After a moment of hesitation, Luo Feifan said.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Why?" Luo Fan was confused.

"Why help me?" Jiang Chen didn't hide anything.

Luo Feifei smiled wryly, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Young Master Jiang, have you heard a saying, that is, there is a Majiacheng in this southern city?"

"It's nothing more than the Ma family covering the sky with one hand." Jiang Chen said casually.

Of the seven major families in China, four are located in the capital, the main family in Tianhang, the Ren family in Xifu, and the Ma family in the southern capital... As a super family, Jiang Chen naturally has no doubts about the influence and control of the Ma family.

Jiang Chen didn't think it was a big surprise to say that there was Majiacheng in Nandu City.

On the contrary, if the Ma family didn't even have this kind of influence, it wouldn't be worthy of the name to be one of the seven great families.

"That's right, it's covering the sky with one hand, but that's not the most hateful thing. The most hateful thing is that the Ma family drinks medicine and doesn't even give the other families a sip of soup. What they want is not just covering the sky with one hand, but, Turn this southern city into the city of the Ma family." Luo Feifan gritted his teeth and said, even the veins on his forehead were exposed, as if he and the Ma family had a sworn feud...

(End of this chapter)

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