genius evil

Chapter 653 What are you

Chapter 653 What are you

"I, Liu Jie, want to kill someone. Do I need to ask for your permission? It's a big joke." The middle-aged man said gloomily.

He shot fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was not slow.

To be precise, it was Jiang Chen who was faster.

Because he was the first to strike, and Jiang Chen was the second to strike. As soon as Jiang Chen made a move, he saved Luo Feifan from his hands.

In this way, whoever is faster will be judged!
Probably because he felt embarrassed, when the middle-aged man said this, the expression on his face was extremely gloomy.

"You dare to kill people without asking for my consent, so you are not afraid that I will kill you?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

He's just standing there as a living person, why doesn't he have any sense of existence?

If you say kill, you will kill. Have you considered his feelings?

"Are you talking nonsense?" Liu Jie looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy.

You know, he will appear at this time, and he is here to kill Jiang Chen. Killing Luo Feifan is just a matter of convenience.

Originally, he didn't have to kill Luo Feifan. After all, in his eyes, it didn't matter whether Luo Feifan was dead or alive. If he really wanted to kill Luo Feifan, he would be crushed to death with one finger.

It was Luo Feifan who kept saying that he wanted to kill him, so he decided to kill Luo Feifan first.

Jiang Chen said such words, in Liu Jie's view, it was completely nonsense.

"You don't believe that I will kill you? Why don't you believe that I will kill you? What are you?" Jiang Chen was annoyed.

Did he sound like he was joking?He's obviously very serious, okay?
I have to say, this guy who looks crooked, but also has an overly indulgent face, really needs to be cleaned up!
"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Liu Jie couldn't listen anymore.

"You can do it, but before you do it, I have a question for you. You must answer me honestly, and you must not hide it. Can you do it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Say." Liu Jie's head was full of black lines.

Although he didn't think there was anything to talk about between himself and Jiang Chen, he wanted to hear what question Jiang Chen wanted to ask.

As for whether he would answer honestly, it would depend on what question Jiang Chen was asking and his mood.

If he was in a good mood, he would naturally not mind answering Jiang Chen's questions honestly.

"Please tell me, are you really a pervert?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"You—" Liu Jie was furious.

"What I said just now, I asked you to answer me honestly, but you should answer me." Jiang Chen urged.

"Shut up!" Liu Jie was speechless.

What the hell is this called?

What do you mean he is really a pervert?

Even if he was really a pervert, he couldn't answer Jiang Chen honestly and tell Jiang Chen whether he was a pervert or not. It would be too disgusting for Jiang Chen to ask such a question.

"Why did you tell me to shut up? Why can't you answer my question honestly?" Jiang Chen sighed, looking very sad.


Liu Jie moved his feet, rushed towards Jiang Chen, stretched out his right hand violently, and slammed it towards Jiang Chen's neck.

Jiang Chen was unwilling to shut up, so he would kill Jiang Chen, and it is impossible for a dead person to speak.

"I understand, you are becoming angry from embarrassment, right? In this way, you are indeed an out-and-out pervert." Jiang Chen said slowly, clenched his fist, and blasted out.

"Jiang Chen, I swear, the first thing I will do in a while is tear your mouth apart." I have to say, Jiang Chen's mouth is really too poisonous.

When Jiang Chen's punch came, Liu Jie suddenly changed his fist and punched him.


A dull sound came out, as if it exploded like a muffled thunder.

Luo Feifan only felt a buzzing sound in his head, a little dizzy, and almost sat down on the ground.

"The strength is not bad, no wonder you dare to seek death." After the punch, Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said.

"You said the wrong thing, I'm here to kill you." Liu Jie said, clenched his fist and took the initiative to strike.

"Come to kill me and seek death, in my opinion, they are exactly the same." Jiang Chen said lazily, without even looking, he shot at will.




Liu Jie attacked fiercely, one punch was faster than one punch, and one punch was heavier than one punch.

Deep down in his heart, he was burning with anger, and he never thought of saving any energy, wishing he could blow Jiang Chen to death in the shortest possible time.

In the blink of an eye, the two punched each other five times.


Liu Jie was a little surprised.

He knew that besides killing Ma Dongjue, Jiang Chen also killed the long-haired man beside Ma Dongjue.

However, Liu Jie didn't pay much attention to this matter. You must know that the long-haired man is only a mere seventh-level cultivation base of the ancient martial arts.

Although the long-haired man has the cultivation base of the peak of the seventh level of the ancient martial arts, he has the cultivation base of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts.

To be precise, he is the middle stage of the eighth level of Guwu Houtian.

The gap seems to be not much different from the long-haired man, but the actual gap can be said to be a world of difference. At least, if it is a long-haired man, no matter what, he would not be able to receive so many punches from him.

And Jiang Chen, not only took over his berserk attack, but also seemed to attack casually from the beginning to the end. How could Liu Jie not be surprised by this point.

"Didn't you say you came to kill me? Why did you stop?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right." Liu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Then you should continue." Jiang Chen urged.

Hearing the sound, Liu Jie almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I've seen someone courting death, but I've never seen someone courting death to this extent.

However, Liu Jie also understood that Jiang Chen would say such words because of his own strength, not looking for death, more like playing tricks on him.

"Do you want to die that much? I will help you." Liu Jie said.

"Are you out of your mind? When did I say I was going to die?" Jiang Chen yelled.

He urged Liu Jie, just to make Liu Jie act faster so that he could be killed sooner. He simply couldn't understand how Liu Jie's brain grew and how he understood it like that.

This isn't a brain flood, what else could it be?
"You didn't say it, but you are looking for death." Liu Jie said.

There is no need to say anything at all. From the beginning to the present, Jiang Chen has interpreted the word courting death vividly and vividly.

Liu Jie felt that, leaving aside, he came here specifically to kill Jiang Chen, and even if he didn't, since Jiang Chen wanted death so much, he must have wanted to kill Jiang Chen.

"Then what are you waiting for, make a move." Jiang Chen urged again, with an impatient look on his face.

"Good!" Liu Jie said.

Taking a light breath, he forcibly suppressed the rage in his heart, and in the next second, Liu Jie struck.

The clenched fist flew towards Jiang Chen as swiftly as a thunderbolt.

Liu Jie knew in his heart that he would not be able to take advantage of the confrontation with pure physical strength, so the speed of his punch seemed unbelievably fast.

"Jiang Shao, be careful." Seeing Liu Jie's punch, Luo Feifan exclaimed.

The living room of the villa is not very big, Luo Feifan can observe the process of fighting between Jiang Chen and Liu Jie at a very close distance, but when Liu Jie made this punch, Luo Feifan felt that his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't see it at all. It is not clear how Liu Jie did it.

This situation made Luo Feifan extremely astonished.

He realized that it was too naive and ridiculous for him to say that he wanted to kill Liu Jie.

A top powerhouse like Liu Jie is not something that a gun can threaten at all. In other words, the gun in his hand is indistinguishable from a toy gun in Liu Jie's eyes.




In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen made a move, and once again confronted Liu Jie with several punches.

Strength is not what Jiang Chen is best at.

In terms of strength, he is not inferior to Liu Jie, and in terms of speed, there is no need to say more.

The punches were like the wind, one punch after another, colliding together in a dazzling way... After counting the punches, Liu Jie's face became extremely ugly.

He originally thought that in terms of strength, he couldn't suppress Jiang Chen, so in terms of speed, he should be able to suppress Jiang Chen.

Who would have thought that no matter how fast he punched, it would not have the slightest impact on Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen still acted lightly. All offensive.

"This damn pervert." Liu Jie cursed viciously in his heart.

Jiang Chen asked him if he was a pervert. Liu Jie couldn't answer this question. At this moment, he felt that Jiang Chen was a complete pervert.

Strength, speed, are so perfect, that is to say, to what extent Jiang Chen's cultivation has reached.

But you have to know how old Jiang Chen is and how old he is.

He was more than one round older than Jiang Chen, and it was hard for Liu Jie to imagine how Jiang Chen cultivated. After all, Jiang Chen couldn't just start cultivating from his mother's womb.

"Why didn't you shoot again?" Just as Liu Jie stopped here, Jiang Chen's angry voice rang in his ears.

"Boy, tell me, who are you?" Liu Jie asked.

"Hey, don't make friends with me here. I know I'm handsome, but the problem is, even if you have a daughter in your family, and you plan to betroth your daughter to me, I definitely won't like it." Jiang Chen said with a look of disgust.

Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice give birth to sons who can make holes.

It would be fine if Liu Jie didn't have a daughter in his family, but if he really had a daughter, Jiang Chen was very worried that his daughter would never be able to get married in this lifetime.

"Die to me." Liu Jie was mad with hatred.

When he asked Jiang Chen this question, his original intention was to ask which sect Jiang Chen came from. Jiang Chen's words immediately drove him into a frenzy, his eyes were blood red, and he rushed towards Jiang Chen like he was insane.

If Jiang Chen is not killed, he, Liu Jie, swears not to be a human being.


Luo Feifan felt the dizziness again, and at the same time his eyes blurred again. After a moment of dizziness, Luo Feifan took a wild breath of cold air.

In the line of sight, I suddenly saw a figure flying out like a cannonball.

That's - Liu Jie!

(End of this chapter)

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