genius evil

Chapter 654 A Different Sect

Chapter 654 A Different Sect

A violent sound came out, and Liu Jie fell to the wall, then limply slid to the ground, opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood.

Seeing such a scene, an indescribably shocking feeling swept over his whole body, as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on his face in the cold winter weather. Luo Feifan was trembling from head to toe.

Yes, it's shocking.

Apart from the word shock, Luo Feifan couldn't find a suitable word to describe the scene before him.

Luo Feifan watched Jiang Chen and Liu Jie fight and saw that the two were evenly matched. He originally thought that when the winner was finally decided, it would be extremely tragic, but he never expected that the battle would end so quickly.

Seeing Liu Jie being sent flying by Jiang Chen and falling to the ground, Luo Feifan couldn't believe it. What he saw was true.

"Surprised?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile as his gaze swept away from Liu Jie.

Luo Feifan was speechless and just nodded subconsciously.

"Do you know what the most powerful killing weapon in the world is?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What is it?" Luo Feifan was a little taken aback.

"It's this." Jiang Chen pointed to his mouth, and then said: "Why don't there be such words as a knife mouth."

"Eh—" Luo Feifan couldn't laugh or cry.

"What's your reaction, I'm serious." Jiang Chen said displeased.

Liu Jie's strength is pretty good. In terms of Liu Jie's strength, it is not an easy task for Jiang Chen to kill him. However, Jiang Chen has a talent that is difficult for ordinary people to match, and that is his poisonous death. Q.

Time and time again, Liu Jie was disturbed by him, and in the end, he lost all reason. This is why Jiang Chen was able to end the battle in such a short period of time.

Otherwise, if the two sides come and go, the battle will be turned upside down. No matter how confident Jiang Chen is in himself, it is difficult to guarantee that he can retreat completely.

"Jiang Shao, are you serious?" Luo Feifan was a little confused.

"If you don't believe me, just ask him." Jiang Chen pointed at Liu Jie.

"Jiang Chen, you are too cunning!" Liu Jie roared like an angry lion.

Luo Feifan couldn't understand Jiang Chen's words, and Liu Jie, as the party involved, couldn't understand, he was tricked by Jiang Chen to lose so quickly.

"Cunning? I'm a naive young boy with no experience in the world, how can you say that about me?" Jiang Chen smiled and said lazily: "It's not that I am cunning, it's that you are too stupid. But Speaking of which, now, I finally understand you a little bit."

"Understand me?" Now, it was Liu Jie's turn to be astonished.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, sighed, and said slowly: "You are ugly, but you are so stupid, you must not be able to find a wife, no wonder you will steal other people's wives gone."


Liu Jie opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of old blood.

The bastard is so annoying.

"I know you will be very moved, but you don't have to be so moved that you vomit blood, right?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, I have been fooled by you this time, so I have nothing to say, but don't be too complacent, even if you kill me, you will go down and be buried with me soon." Liu Jie said viciously .

"Then, I'd better not kill you." Jiang Chen said.


Liu Jie stared blankly at Jiang Chen, wondering what these words meant, if he wasn't killed, could it be that he was going to let him go?But, would Jiang Chen be so kind?
It is impossible for Jiang Chen to understand the principle of letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

But soon, Liu Jie realized that he was thinking too much. Indeed, Jiang Chen couldn't be so kind.

"Luo Feifan, I'll give you a chance to kill him." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, thank you." Luo Feifan was very grateful. He knew that Jiang Chen was giving him a chance to take revenge. Without hesitation, Luo Feifan stood up and pointed the gun in his hand at Liu Jie.

"Jiang Chen, are you humiliating me?" Liu Jie gritted his teeth.

Jiang Chen wanted to kill him, but he had nothing to say. After all, in terms of the strength Jiang Chen displayed, Jiang Chen was a strong man at the same level as him.

Of course, Jiang Chen used some dishonorable means, but even in a head-on battle, Liu Jie knew that he might not be Jiang Chen's opponent.

Died at the hands of Jiang Chen, he had nothing to say.

However, asking Luo Feifei to kill him was something Liu Jie couldn't accept.

You know, in his eyes, Luo Feifan is as indistinguishable from an ant, but he will die at the hands of an ant that can be easily crushed, this is something Liu Jie cannot reconcile to.

"Anyway, you are all going to die, whoever kills you is not the same? Besides, I don't want to be buried with you, so it's better for someone else to kill you." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Hearing the sound, Liu Jie had the urge to vomit blood again.

Could it be that Jiang Chen asked Luo Feifan to kill him because of what he said just now, but couldn't Jiang Chen hear that it was just threatening Jiang Chen?

Even if Jiang Chen didn't kill him himself, he would let Jiang Chen be buried with him, okay?

"Jiang Chen, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated." Liu Jie said bitterly.

"How can you be considered a scholar, at best you are just a pawn." Jiang Chen lightly smiled and urged: "Luo Feifan, what are you waiting for?"


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, gunshots rang out.

A splash of blood gushed out, and there was a blood hole on Liu Jie's forehead.

Liu Jie tilted his neck and fell to the ground.

"Good marksmanship." Jiang Chen laughed.

Luo Feifan took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, this Liu Jie is the person my Luo family hates the most. You give me a chance to kill him with my own hands, and I, Luo Feifan, will remember it in my heart." , be a cow or a horse, and do whatever you want."

"Looking at you like this, I know that you have never killed anyone. When you kill a few more, you won't say that." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

He has no interest in being a cow or a horse.

Luo Feifei felt speechless, but said: "Jiang Shao, if the Ma family pursues it, you can just say that this person was killed by me, Luo Feifan. If the Ma family has any dissatisfaction, feel free to come to me, Luo Feifei." .”

"Luo Feifan, I think, if you want to die, you can say it directly, or more directly, just pull the trigger on your own temple." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Shao, I just don't want to implicate you." Luo Feifan explained.

"I didn't realize before that your character is so rigid." Jiang Chen was a little helpless, and said, "Now, tell me, what's the situation in the Ma family?"

"The sect behind the Ma family is called Zixiaomen. As far as I know, this dead Liu Jie is a deacon of Zixiaomen..." Luo Feifan said.

"Deacon?" Jiang Chen frowned.

With Liu Jie's strength, Jiang Chen thought, he should be the deputy sect master of Zixiao Sect, but he didn't expect it to be just a mere deacon.

"Yes, I have heard that Liu Jie is called Deacon Liu by members of the Ma family, and it seems that in Zixiaomen, Liu Jie's status is not high." Luo Feifan said.

Liu Jie's strength is in the mid-eighth level of the ancient martial arts, such a strong man, looking at any sect, his status is undoubtedly quite prominent.

Jiang Chen didn't know if there was anything wrong with Luo Feifan's words. If there was no problem, it could only mean that there were more deacons like Liu Jie in Zixiaomen, as well as more strong men.

But in this way, a problem arises. After all, doesn't this mean that the real background of the Ma family is deeper than that of the four major families in the capital?
"Go on and talk about the situation of Zixiaomen." After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen said.

"I don't know much about Zixiaomen. I don't know why. The people in Zixiaomen seem to be quite low-key. I am afraid that apart from the people inside the Ma family, few people know the specific situation. Ma's side , I know a little more about it." Luo Feifan thought for a while and said.

"Continue." Jiang Chen signaled.

"The situation of the Ma family can be said to be very complicated. Mr. Ma, as early as many years ago, stopped paying attention to the internal affairs of the family. Family affairs were left to his son Ma Yang to take care of them. However, Ma Yang didn't have much Ma Yang's wife Miao Jingjing is the one who really controls the Ma family, so it can be said that Miao Jingjing is the No.1 of the Ma family." Luo Feifan said in detail.

"What's the origin of that Miao Jingjing?" Jiang Chen felt even more strange.

Although Chinese society has been promoting the idea of ​​equality between men and women over the years, in some big families, the concept of men being superior to women is deeply rooted in their bones.

Especially for a big family like the Ma family, the power of the family must be firmly controlled by the direct male blood of the Ma family.

Even if the circumstances were special and a compromise had to be made, it would be impossible for a woman with a foreign surname to control the power of the family, no matter how capable that woman was.

"According to what I heard, Miao Jingjing is from Zixiaomen." Luo Feifan said.

"So that means that the current actual controller of the Ma family is Zixiaomen?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's about it." Luo Feifan nodded.

Seeing Luo Feifan nodding his head, Jiang Chen's brows could not help but wrinkle even tighter.

The family and the sect support and utilize each other, but there is also an insurmountable red line, that is, the sect must not intervene in the internal affairs of the family.

Obviously, if Miao Jingjing really had the absolute right to speak within the Ma family, it would mean that Zixiaomen had broken the red line between the sect and the family.

In other words, the Ma family is just a vassal of Zixiaomen.

"Jiang Shao, you must be careful about that woman Miao Jingjing. She is a crazy woman. I don't know how many people have died in her hands over the years. Ma Dongjue is her only son. You killed Ma Dongjue, I think she will take revenge on you by any means." Luo Feifan added.

"Crazy woman?" Jiang Chen smiled. He is not afraid of a normal person, but would he be afraid of a lunatic?
After talking about some questions, Jiang Chen left. Not long after Jiang Chen left, he saw a woman walking into the villa.

This woman is exactly the woman who struck up a conversation with Jiang Chen at the airport earlier...

(End of this chapter)

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