genius evil

Chapter 655

Chapter 655 Destiny to meet thousands of miles

"Xiaoxue, you're back." Seeing the woman appear, Luo Feifan said.

The woman named Xiaoxue didn't reply, she just stared at Liu Jie's body fixedly, and after a long while, she said: "Jiang Chen injured him."

"Did you see it?" Luo Feifan nodded.

"As far as Liu Jie's strength is concerned, even if you have a gun in your hand, you may not be able to kill him if you shoot indiscriminately. You only fired when you were out of action, so that you can kill with one shot, am I right?" Xiaoxue asked.

"That's right." Luo Feifan nodded again.

"My master was a strong man on the seventh floor of the Houtian Ancient Martial Arts, but he died tragically under this person's hands. How could Jiang Chen be so strong? He couldn't even match Liu Jie?" Xiaoxue asked in surprise.

Xiaoxue is not from the Luo family, she is from the sect behind the Luo family. However, after the death of Master Xiaoxue, the sect she belonged to fell apart.

"I don't know, you know, the reason why I tried every means to call Jiang Chen over is to deal with Liu Jie." Luo Feifan said.

One of the roles played by Liu Jie in the Ma family is that of a scavenger.

Jiang Chen and the Ma family had feuds, and if the Ma family wanted to deal with Jiang Chen, Liu Jie must be the first to strike.

This is why Luo Feifan has a gun on his body.

That gun was prepared by Luo Feifan early in the morning. He knew that Liu Jie would come. As for Jiang Chen's strength, he had no idea at all.

On this issue, to be precise, Luo Feifan used Jiang Chen.

"You should feel lucky. If Jiang Chen wasn't so powerful, you would have died long ago." Xiaoxue said.

"Death, I was mentally prepared. Today, I never thought that I could still be alive. Up to now, I can still be alive. It can only show that my luck is not bad." Luo Feifan said with a wry smile.

"It's better to be alive than to be dead. Your luck is really good." Xiaoxue said.

"It's just lingering, just live a few more days." Luo Feifan shook his head.

"Jiang Chen is so powerful, if the Ma family wants to make a move, the first thing to do is to deal with him. Before Jiang Chen dies, at least you are safe." Xiaoxue said.

"Do you think Jiang Chen won't be able to see that I'm actually using him?" Luo Feifan asked.

"You told him?" Xiaoxue was slightly taken aback.

"You were not here before, and you did not see with your own eyes how Jiang Chen dealt with Liu Jie. If you have seen it with your own eyes, you will understand how terrifying Jiang Chen is. If you think that Jiang Chen has no knowledge , that would underestimate him too much." Luo Feifan said, with a bit of lingering fear.

"Scary? How scary is it? Tell me about it." Xiaoxue blinked and asked amusedly.

Xiaoxue was still somewhat interested in Jiang Chen.

Of course, the source of such interest is because Jiang Chen rejected her.

When she was at the airport, she invited Jiang Chen to help, but Jiang Chen pushed back and forth, but in the end he reluctantly agreed because of the situation of the Ferrari.

This kind of situation makes Xiaoxue very upset. After all, doesn't that mean that her charm is not as big as that of a car?

It was an unbearable situation for a fair, beautiful woman who felt good about herself.

"If I said that Jiang Chen seriously injured Liu Jie with one move, would you believe it?" Luo Feifan asked.

"It's impossible!" Xiaoxue said without thinking.

Seriously injuring Liu Jie with one move, unless Jiang Chen is a strong man on the ninth floor of the Houtian Ancient Martial Arts.

After all, in terms of Liu Jie's strength, only a strong man of that level can seriously injure him with one move.

But is this possible?
Jiang Chen's injury to Liu Jie was already enough to surprise her. It's unbelievable to say that he was seriously injured with one move.

"I knew it was hard for you to believe it, but it's the truth." Luo Feifan said, and then Luo Feifan recounted the scene of Jiang Chen and Liu Jie fighting each other in detail.

After listening, Xiaoxue was dumbfounded, and said in a daze: "Jiang Chen's mouth is too poisonous."

"So, do you still doubt Jiang Chen's IQ?" Luo Feifan asked back.

Xiaoxue shook her head vigorously. Even if she wanted to doubt it, there was no need to doubt it. According to what Luo Feifan said, the battle between Jiang Chen and Liu Jie was completely a psychological battle.

"But, if Jiang Chen really saw through your intentions and knew that you used him, why didn't he deal with you? Besides, he even gave you the chance to kill Liu Jie, which is too abnormal." Hesitating, Xiaoxue asked.

"It is precisely because Jiang Chen saw through my intentions that he gave me the chance to kill Liu Jie. Why didn't he deal with me? I thought, this problem is not a problem at all. It's not that he didn't deal with it, but he didn't bother to deal with me. " Luo Feifan rubbed his face and said in a muffled voice.

"I think, no matter what Jiang Chen thinks, it's enough that you're not dead. It's a big deal. You should find an opportunity to apologize to him." Xiaoxue said.

Luo Feifan thought for a while and nodded.


When Luo Feifan and Xiaoxue were talking these words, Jiang Chen had already driven a long way away. Jiang Chen didn't drive that taxi, but drove that Ferrari 458.

One thing, what Luo Feifan said is correct, he really knows that Luo Feifan intends to use him, otherwise, many problems cannot be explained at all.

For example, why Luo Feifan is so clear about his itinerary.

Another example is why Luo Feifan showed so much resentment and resentment towards the Ma family in front of him.

Another example is the gun on Luo Feifan's body.

In this world, nothing happens for no reason. When doing anything, there is a certain motivation. The only difference is whether the motivation is good or bad.

The reason why Jiang Chen didn't deal with Luo Feifan was actually very simple.

That is, without Luo Feifan doing these tricks, Liu Jie would have appeared, so it would make no difference whether he would kill Liu Jie or let Liu Jie die at Luo Feifan's hands.

In this way, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't mind too much.

Of course, the most important point is that Jiang Chen knew that Luo Feifan's use was not malicious, otherwise, before he killed Liu Jie, Luo Feifan would have become a dead person.

Jiang Chen was driving the car and heading directly towards the hotel. He never thought about hiding his whereabouts. Considering the power of the Ma family in Nandu City, even if he wanted to hide, it would be unrealistic, unless, He left Nandu.

As long as he is still in Nandu City, his every move will inevitably fall into the sight of the Ma family. In this way, Jiang Chen will naturally not do meaningless things.


The red Ferrari was driving on the road. Suddenly, Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

Jiang Chen saw a familiar figure walking on the sidewalk beside the road.

After one glance, Jiang Chen thought he had misjudged the person, but when he looked again, his expression became strange.

"Why did she come to Nandu too?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself, drove the car over, and stopped by the side of the road.

"Beauty, where are you going? Do you need me to give you a ride?" Putting down the window glass, Jiang Chen asked in a teasing tone with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, no need." The walking figure shook his head.

"Beauty, I kindly wanted to give you a ride, but you said you don't need it. It's too shocking. Don't worry, I won't charge you for the car." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Thank you." The man still said the same thing, and his walking speed increased slightly.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to drive slowly to follow, and said: "Beauty, you are so beautiful, and there are so many perverts on the street, if you don't let me see you off, what if a pervert takes advantage of you?"

The man paused slightly, but this time, he didn't speak, and his walking speed became a little faster.

"Hey, beauty, what are you doing walking so fast? I was worried that a pervert would bully you, but I didn't say I was a pervert. Besides, have you ever seen such a handsome pervert like me?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Thank you." The man still said the same sentence, and his tone of voice was obviously a little impatient.

"Beauty, you thanked me three times in total, but you didn't even look at me. Could it be that you don't believe that I'm handsome?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know you." Finally, the man said something else.

"It's okay, be careful, it's enough for me to know you." Jiang Chen said, this woman is none other than Wen Qingxin.

Hearing this, Wen Qingxin paused again and stopped. She turned her head and looked towards Jiang Chen. Through the car window with the dropped glass, after seeing clearly who Jiang Chen was, her expression couldn't help but change. It's strange.

"Jiang Chen, is it you? Why did you come to Nandu City?" Wen Qingxin asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's me. As for why I came to Nandu City, have you ever heard a saying - I am destined to meet you from a thousand miles away?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Her snow-white face turned slightly red, and Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen without saying a word.

"Don't be in a daze, get in the car quickly, otherwise the traffic police will come and issue me a ticket later." Jiang Chen greeted.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Qingxin still opened the door and got in the car.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Wen Qingxin said, although her tone of voice was calm, there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

"This is called, Fate is here, and I can't stop it. I can only say that the two of us are so destined." Jiang Chen smiled playfully.

"Are you always talking so rudely?" Wen Qingxin couldn't bear it.

"Of course not. I have always been a serious man, but I am an exception in front of you. I don't know why, every time I see you, I can't help but become very serious." Jiang Chen was serious. Said.

Wen Qingxin was teased by Jiang Chen and smiled lightly, that smile was very shallow.

Jiang Chen felt amazed, and said with a smile, "Do you still remember what you asked me last time? You asked me, if we meet again, I will give you something to eat."

"Remember." Wen Qingxin nodded.

"Then soon, you'll know what I'm going to give you." Jiang Chen said, kicking the accelerator, the car rushed out quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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