genius evil

Chapter 656 I Didn't Want To Take Advantage Of You

Chapter 656 I Didn't Want To Take Advantage Of You

The place Jiang Chen wanted to take Wen Qingxin to was Jingcheng Road.

Jiang Chen and Shuang'er just came to this place yesterday, so they are quite familiar with the road. After finding a place to park, he led Wen Qingxin to stroll around Jingcheng Road.

After a while, Jiang Chen bought something to eat at a seemingly inconspicuous snack bar, and handed it to Wen Qingxin.

"This is?" Wen Qingxin took it and asked curiously.

"Red bean double skin milk, try it." Jiang Chen said.

"En." Wen Qingxin nodded slightly, dug a little with a spoon, took a small bite, then nodded again, and said, "It's delicious."

As she spoke, probably because she really thought it was delicious, Wen Qingxin took another sip, narrowing her long and narrow eyes, seeming to enjoy it.

Seeing Wen Qingxin's appearance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile knowingly.

While smiling, Jiang Chen felt a little lucky.

The first three times he and Wen Qingxin met were in Tiannan City. He never thought that he would meet Wen Qingxin in Nandu City. It can be said that he did not prepare at all in advance.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shuang'er and Shuang'er came to Jingcheng Road yesterday, and Shuang'er liked to eat the snacks here, if he bought a lot of them, I probably really don't know what to give Wen Qingxin this time.

As a result, Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

Sure enough, no matter what it is, practice makes perfect, this is true for killing people, and it is also true for picking up girls!

There is only a small cup of double skin milk, and the portion is not much. Although Wen Qingxin ate very ladylike, she finished it quickly. Seeing a trash can by the roadside, Wen Qingxin put it away carefully, and threw the small cup away to the trash.

"This is?" Wen Qingxin had just thrown the small cup into the trash can, when she turned around, she saw Jiang Chen coming to buy something again.

"Mango-flavored smoothies are just right for this weather." Jiang Chen said.

"I've already eaten." Wen Qingxin said.

"I think you can eat a little more." Jiang Chen couldn't refuse, and gave it to Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin had no choice but to take it, and asked suspiciously: "You used to give me the same food, why is it different today?"

Jiang Chen gave her a glass of Blue Enchantress, an ice cream, and a bottle of drink, Wen Qingxin always kept it in mind.

Therefore, after eating the Shuangpi Nai, Wen Qing was already very satisfied, and never thought that Jiang Chen would send her food again, which made her feel a little sudden.

"Because I'm in a good mood today, when you asked me this question, I made a decision." Jiang Chen smiled.

"What decision?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"I decided to take you today and eat all the snacks here. Are you ready?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"Ah—" Wen Qing was dumbfounded.

It's true that she likes to eat sweets, but just because she likes them doesn't mean she can eat them. Jiang Chen wants to take her to eat all the desserts in this street. How can she eat them all?
If you really eat all of them, it will definitely be overwhelmed.

"I can't eat that much." Wen Qingxin said dumbfounded.

"It doesn't matter, you can eat slowly, anyway, there is plenty of time." Jiang Chen said.

"I really can't eat that much." Wen Qingxin shook her head, and she said, "After you finish this glass of smoothie, don't buy me any more food. I can't finish this glass of smoothie." .If you buy any more, it will be a waste.”

"But I really want to buy more sweets for you to eat, what do you think should I do?" Jiang Chen said with a troubled expression.

"I don't know." Wen Qingxin was also in a dilemma, she didn't know how Jiang Chen would make such a decision.

"How about this, you have one bite, I'll take one... Oh, I'm not trying to take advantage of you, I just think, don't waste food." Jiang Chen pretended to think about it, and said in a deep voice.

"This--" Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen with weird eyes for a moment.

In this place, people come and go, there are many people shopping, and there are also many couples.

However, those were young couples in love, and her relationship with Jiang Chen hadn't reached that point.

"Are you doubting my character?" Jiang Chen was a little sad, and said, "It's a big deal, you eat first, and then give it to me if you can't finish it?"

"Why does it have to be like this?" Wen Qingxin asked suddenly.

"What is this?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

"Actually, keep it simple, just stop buying me food." Wen Qingxin said softly.

As long as Jiang Chen stopped buying food, all the problems would not be a problem, not to mention doubts about Jiang Chen's character.

"I said it before, I really want to buy something for you to eat, but you don't even know how cute you look when you eat." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You're just taking advantage of me, aren't you?" Wen Qingxin said simply.

"Didn't I just say that I didn't mean it?" Jiang Chen was a little anxious.

"Then, why did an apparently simple question become so complicated?" Wen Qing was a little confused, she faintly felt that Jiang Chen was trying to take advantage of her, but it didn't seem to be what she thought it was.

"It's very simple, I think, it's you who made the problem complicated." Jiang Chen sighed.

Wen Qingxin just stopped talking, bowed her head, and ate the smoothie in small bites.

The weather in Guangdong Province is a bit hot and humid. In this kind of weather, eating smoothies is just as Jiang Chen said, just right.

The feeling of heart-to-heart coolness immediately makes the whole person feel refreshed.

The mango added to the smoothie has a strong fragrance, smooth and delicious. Wen Qingxin likes it very much. Of course, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen's suggestion, she might like it even more.

Jiang Chen looked at Wen Qingxin eating, he said that Wen Qingxin was cute when eating, but he wasn't lying about this question.

What was that feeling like?

It's as if Wen Qingxin was a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks in the world before, but she didn't taste the fireworks in the world until she met him, the great devil in the world.

For Jiang Chen, it had to be said that it was quite a fulfilling thing.

Just as Jiang Chen was watching Wen Qingxin eat with relish, a scream suddenly sounded beside his ear.


The one who screamed was a female voice, jumping while screaming, there was a slight cry in the voice, as if she had been greatly frightened.

"Beauty, where are the cockroaches, why didn't I see them?" Another voice rang out, asking in astonishment.

Jiang Chen followed the sound and saw a small shop next to it. A fashionable young beauty was holding a glass of juice in her hand. There was a cockroach in the glass of juice.

The owner of the small shop is an old woman, who is looking at the young beauty in confusion, with a helpless look on her face.

"The cockroach is here, are you blind?" The young beauty pointed to the juice in her hand and said loudly.

"How come there are cockroaches in the cup?" The old woman asked strangely when she saw it.

"You ask me, who do I ask? Anyway, I bought a glass of juice from you, and there were cockroaches in the juice. What do you think should I do? Do you lose money? Or should I call the police and have your store sealed up?" asked the young beauty. road.

"Beauty, don't get me wrong, how about I refund the money for this glass of juice?" the old woman said hesitantly.

"How much is a glass of juice? Do you think I will be rare? Let me tell you, either I will pay me 1000 yuan for mental damage, or I will call the police. You can decide." The young beauty snorted coldly and said dismissively.

"1000 yuan is too much." The old woman was very embarrassed.

"Is it a lot? For a black-hearted businessman like you, even if you lose 1 yuan, that's not much at all. As long as you pay 1000 yuan, it's already very polite." The young beauty cursed.

"1000 yuan is not much." Jiang Chen said at this moment.

When the young beauty heard someone talking, she turned her head to look at Jiang Chen, saw that it was a handsome guy, her eyes lit up, and said, "Did you hear that, people say that 1000 yuan is not much, don't waste your time here, hurry up Lose money and save my time. I'm telling you, I'm still waiting to go on a date."

"Does someone like you have a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen had a strange look on his face.

"Handsome guy, do you want to chase me?" The young beauty winked at Jiang Chen.

"Oh, I just think it's impossible for a woman like you to have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Handsome guy, if you want to chase me, just click, I can give you a chance to treat me to dinner." The young beauty winked at Jiang Chen again.

"You can't understand people's language or what's going on, are you sick?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Handsome guy, what do you mean?" The young beauty was dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's scolding.

She felt that Jiang Chen repeatedly asked her if she had a boyfriend, didn't he just want to chase her because of her beautiful figure?

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's handsomeness, she wouldn't bother to talk to Jiang Chen.

Opening her mouth to give Jiang Chen a chance to treat her to dinner, the young beauty accepted Jiang Chen's strike-up.

But why did Jiang Chen scold her?

Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted to use this unique method to attract her attention and leave a deep and unforgettable impression on her?

"You are really sick." Jiang Chen said helplessly, "Since 1000 yuan is not much, don't talk nonsense here, lose money quickly, and don't delay people's business."

"Handsome guy, why can't I understand you at all? You mean, I ate cockroaches in this glass of juice, and after that, I have to pay for it?" The young beauty asked confusedly.

"That's about it." Jiang Chen nodded, deeply worried about this woman's IQ.

With such a little IQ, how dare you come out to cheat?

Even these days, with more and more fools, there are not enough liars.

However, as a liar, IQ can't be so unlimited, right?

"What do you mean is almost like this? If you say that I am sick, I think you are the one who is sick." The young beauty jumped up and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. She was so angry...

(End of this chapter)

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