genius evil

Chapter 657 It's Disgusting

Chapter 657 It's Disgusting
"If you feel that 1000 yuan is too little and you want to pay a little more, such as 1 yuan, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Okay, I understand. You are a group, right? You want to gang up on me to blackmail me. I warn you, there is no door." The young beauty was furious.

"Then you should call the police." Jiang Chen said, that was an understatement.

"Call the police, whoever is afraid of them." The young beauty was furious, and immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag.

"Don't...don't call the police." The old woman panicked all of a sudden.

If she really called the police, she might not have to do business today.

"If you don't want me to call the police, you will lose money." The young beauty bluffed.

"Okay, I'll lose money." Gritting her teeth, the old woman said.

She didn't want to make things big. If losing money could solve the problem, no matter how reluctant she was, she had to lose money first to solve the trouble.

"You're smart." The young beauty was satisfied now, and looked at Jiang Chen triumphantly.

"Ugly girl, have you ever heard a saying that you will become ugly if you lie to others? Although, you are already ugly, but what should you do if you are not careful and become even uglier?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Who are you scolding? You are ugly." The young beauty said sharply.

"Looking around, the streets are full of beauties, but you are the only one who is so ugly, eye-catching and different, why are you so ignorant of yourself?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"you give me……"

The young beauty is so angry, is Jiang Chen blind?

Her whole body, no matter her face or figure, is there anything ugly?

Even if it's not that kind of amazing super big beauty, it can be regarded as a little beauty, okay? Jiang Chen actually keeps saying that she is an ugly girl, which is simply unbearable.

The young beauty wanted to tell Jiang Chen to shut up, lest Jiang Chen talk non-stop. Anyway, she took the money and left after a while, and would never meet Jiang Chen again in the future. many.

But before she finished speaking, the young beauty just felt a little itchy on her face, not just one place, but her whole face.

Because of the itching, the young beauty scratched subconsciously. How could she know that it was okay not to scratch, but after scratching, the whole face became more and more itchy.

The young beauty could bear it at first, but after just a dozen seconds, she couldn't bear it anymore.

It was so itchy, it was so itchy, as if ants were constantly coming out of the skin, it was so itchy that she wished she could peel off the skin on her face.

"Old man, do you have a mirror here? If so, take a picture of this ugly girl and let her see how ugly she really is." Jiang Chen calmly said to the old woman.

"Yes... yes..." The old lady really had a mirror, and soon she brought out a mirror, Jiang Chen took it, and casually threw it to the young beauty.

The young beauty took the mirror, took a picture, and immediately screamed like a pig.

Suddenly, she saw that her fair and tender face was covered with red dots, which looked like pimples, but they were even more disgusting than pimples.

Not to mention, those red dots are still coming out, densely packed on a face, even if it is her own face, the young beauty looks like her stomach is turning, and she almost vomits without nausea.

"What did I just say? Just say it, you will become ugly if you lie and deceive others, you should believe my words now." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"What did you do to me?" the young beauty asked, panting heavily.

"Hey, didn't I take you to slander good people like this, did I do anything to you? Maybe it's retribution." Jiang Chen's smile was fake.

"I didn't do anything bad, how could there be retribution, you must have done something to me, please save me quickly... I'm going to die, I'm really going to die..." The young beauty was about to burst into tears .

"Don't worry, you won't die, it just becomes a little uglier than before, it's not a big deal to you. Anyway, you've always been so ugly, you should have gotten used to being ugly by now." Jiang Chen comforted .


The young beauty almost broke down.

She didn't believe a word of Jiang Chen's words.

Her face turned into such a disgusting appearance, not to mention that it was hard for others to look directly at it, and the young beauty herself couldn't bear it every minute.

If she is so disfigured, she might as well die.

"Help me, I beg you, can't I beg you?" The young beauty said in a sobbing voice, the tears, after all, one by one, slid down her cheeks.

"It's all about retribution, how do you ask me to save you, or if you recall carefully, have you done any bad things, maybe the gods will not necessarily forgive you for the sake of your sincere repentance." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"I...I..." The young beauty stammered, glanced at Jiang Chen, then at the old woman, and suddenly, with a plop, knelt down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't blackmail you, it's my fault, that cockroach has nothing to do with you, I put it in the cup... I don't want to disfigure my face, save me, who can save me." The young beauty was anxious He said, looking at that appearance, he almost kowtowed.

"Jiang Chen, did you know that she put that cockroach in?" Wen Qingxin asked curiously.

"Otherwise, how could there be cockroaches in the cup?" Jiang Chen smiled, and jokingly said, "It can't be that cockroach can't figure it out and wants to commit suicide."

"A little crime doesn't lead to death." Wen Qingxin said again.

"So, I didn't say I wanted to kill her." Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran.

Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who is full of food and has nothing to do to meddle in other people's affairs. What he fears most is trouble. However, this young beauty wants to blackmail an old man, which makes Jiang Chen a little bit uncomfortable.

"What happened to her face?" Wen Qingxin asked.

Regarding this point, Wen Qingxin was the most strange.

Not to mention the young beauty, I didn't see what Jiang Chen did to her, neither did Wen Qingxin... But obviously, Jiang Chen must have done something, otherwise, the face of the young beauty would not have become like this .

As for retribution or something, Wen Qingxin naturally wouldn't believe it.

"Allergy." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Allergy?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

"That's right, it's an allergy. As long as she eats the cockroach in the cup, it will be cured, but I don't know if she dares to eat it." Jiang Chen said with a strange smile.

When the young beauty heard Jiang Chen's words, she was stunned.

Is it okay to eat the cockroaches in the cup?
Is what Jiang Chen said true or false?
Subconsciously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the young beauty looked at Jiang Chen pitifully.

"You don't have to look at me like this. As for me, the biggest advantage of me is that I never lie. If you don't believe me, try it, and you'll know whether I'm telling the truth or not?" Jiang Chen Said with a smile on the skin.

"It's disgusting." The young beauty said in mourning.

"Yeah, it's too disgusting, so you'd better not eat it, it's better to specifically disgust others." Jiang Chen nodded and said solemnly.

"No, I will eat." The young beauty said.

Eating cockroaches is disgusting.

However, what is eating a cockroach compared to disfiguring it?

No matter how disgusting it is, can it be more disgusting than her face?
As she spoke, the young beauty brought the cup to her mouth, closed her eyes, and poured the cockroach into her mouth, without even chewing it, she swallowed it raw.

What the young beauty didn't notice was that at the moment she swallowed the cockroach, Jiang Chen flicked his finger lightly, and a silver needle sank into her body.

With the silver needle submerging into the young beauty's body, the young beauty's face began to change instantly, and the red dots faded a lot in a very short period of time.

"It really works..." The young beauty hurriedly looked in the mirror after eating the cockroach.

She clearly saw that after she ate the cockroaches, the red spots on her face were slowly fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Do I still want to eat cockroaches?" The young beauty asked Jiang Chen happily.

"If you like to eat, it doesn't matter if you eat more." Jiang Chen said casually.

"No, I won't eat." The young beauty got up from the ground with a gulu, got up and ran, she could hear the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, that was enough for her to eat one cockroach.

This is what the young beauty hopes, although she is willing to pay the price to save her face, but that does not mean that she is willing to eat more cockroaches.

"Young man, thank you." The old woman was in a fog, until the young beauty disappeared and realized that it was Jiang Chen who helped her.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, but if you really want to thank me, just give me a glass of juice." Jiang Chen laughed.

After a while, there was an extra glass of apple-flavored juice in Wen Qingxin's hand.

The juice was freshly squeezed and tasted very good. Holding the juice in her hand, Wen Qingxin continued shopping with Jiang Chen.

However, the way Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen in that way always had a strange taste.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What happened just now, I thought..." Wen Qingxin said, halfway through her words, as if she wanted to cover up something, she lowered her head and took a sip of the juice, but did not continue.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's nothing." Wen Qingxin shook her head, a little embarrassed to say.

"Think I'll take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

Wen Qingxin didn't say anything, but from her strange eyes, Jiang Chen could tell what Wen Qingxin wanted to say.

"I didn't say that." Wen Qingxin blinked. Although she really thought so, she would not admit it.

"I also want to feel pity and cherish jade, but that woman is too ugly." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"I think she's pretty and has a good figure." Wen Qingxin said.

"Hey, why am I listening, are you talking about yourself?" Jiang Chen laughed, Wen Qingxin hurriedly lowered her head to drink the fruit juice, her face turned red before she knew it...

(End of this chapter)

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