genius evil

Chapter 658 I want to soak you

Chapter 658 I want to soak you
"I'm not talking about myself, but there's a question that I've been thinking about for a long time, but I haven't figured it out yet." Wen Qingxin looked into Jiang Chen's eyes and said.

"If there's anything you don't understand, just ask me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Wen Qingxin just asked.

Wen Qingxin always wanted to ask Jiang Chen this question, because she felt that Jiang Chen was too kind to her.

Although, it was good because Jiang Chen had given her food a few times, but this situation, in Wen Qingxin's opinion, was a bit abnormal.

No one will be nice to another person for no reason.

However, Jiang Chen's kindness to her seemed to be for no reason. This made Wen Qingxin confused, and her intuition told her that it shouldn't be like this.

"Yeah, why should I be so nice to you?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

"I'm the one who asked you this question." Wen Qingxin was a little amused, how could she not see that Jiang Chen was pretending to be stupid on purpose.However, since she had already asked the question, it was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to be fooled easily.

"Do you have to know the answer?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I want to know." Wen Qingxin nodded.

"The answer is very simple, because you are so beautiful." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"The girl you teased before was also very pretty." Wen Qingxin corrected.

Being beautiful may be a reason, but Wen Qingxin feels that it may not be the only reason.

"The answer is also very simple, because she is not as beautiful as you." Jiang Chen still said seriously.

Wen Qingxin just smiled and said, "I don't accept this answer."

"Don't tell me you have to force me to say that I want to pick you up before you accept it?" Jiang Chen looked helpless.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, picking up girls is also a matter of method and method. For different types of women with different personalities, different plans for picking up girls must be formulated.

For example, when he was soaking Tang Tian, ​​no, he hadn't soaked Tang Tian, ​​but was soaked by Tang Tian.

For example, when he was dating Zhou Jinse.

Zhou Jinse is a strong person with an independent personality, and it is difficult to be swayed by external factors. Therefore, when Jiang Chen picks her up, he can only take her directly in a rather domineering way, leaving no retreat for Zhou Jinse.

Wen Qingxin is different from any woman Jiang Chen has ever seen before. She looks innocent, but in fact, Jiang Chen is not so naive as to think that Wen Qingxin is a simple woman. Just curiosity.

Once Wen Qingxin's curiosity gradually subsides, let alone flirting with her, it will be even more difficult for ordinary people to get close to her or have a few words with her.

Jiang Chen just had the advantage in both psychological and action levels from the very beginning, and to a certain extent, he got Wen Qingxin's sense of approval.

In other words, if you want to date a woman like Wen Qingxin, you can only find ways to fully satisfy her curiosity, gradually and subtly.

Therefore, if he hadn't been forced to express his opinion, Jiang Chen would definitely not have said it.

"Soak me? What does it mean to soak?" Wen Qingxin asked suspiciously.

"Ah—" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and he explained: "That's, um, the meaning of pursuing you. Do you understand the meaning of pursuing?"

"You want to pursue me?" Wen Qingxin naturally understood, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes for a moment, she became a little strange, thought for a while, and asked, "Why?"

"Didn't you realize that our two talents and looks are an incomparable match?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Without waiting for Wen Qingxin to speak, Jiang Chen continued: "I am so handsome, you are so beautiful... I have a good figure, and your figure is even better... My taste is very high... Well, I have no doubts Your taste, I just think, if you are with me, your taste will have a qualitative improvement... The two of us have so many things in common, it is simply a match made in heaven. If I don’t chase you If you don’t, it’s a waste of everything, it’s an intolerable thing!”

"Do I have bad taste?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"I've said so many things, and you remember this one?" Jiang Chen was a little confused.

"You said a lot, but..." Wen Qingxin frowned.

"No but, don't I look handsome?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face, a little angry.

His handsomeness is obvious to all and well-known. Wen Qingxin can doubt his character, but he must not doubt his handsomeness.

"That's not what I meant." Wen Qingxin shook her head.

"Is my figure not good enough?" Jiang Chen showed off his biceps and said unconvinced.

Although he is not that kind of muscular man, his figure is much more fit than the so-called muscular man.

All over the body, not to mention the golden ratio, but there is no trace of excess fat.

If such a figure is not called a good figure, Jiang Chen has no idea what kind of figure is considered a good figure.

"That's not what I mean either." Wen Qingxin continued to shake her head.

"Then what's going on? Could it be that you don't think you're beautiful enough and your figure isn't good enough, so you're ashamed of yourself?" Jiang Chen's gaze swept Wen Qingxin up and down several times.

"I think it's not bad." Jiang Chen muttered to himself while touching his chin.

Wen Qingxin didn't have that plump figure, on the contrary, she was a little too thin.

Because of her thinness, Wen Qingxin was destined not to be able to take the sexy route, whether it was her breasts or buttocks, in Jiang Chen's view, she was slightly inferior to Tang Tian and Ding Lingling.

But even so, it is still undeniable that such a figure is perfect on Wen Qingxin's body.

One more point is too fat, one point less is too thin.

When Jiang Chen's gaze shot up and down his body, Wen Qingxin felt as if the clothes on his body had been stripped off by Jiang Chen with his gaze.

Jiang Chen's eyes were too poisonous, and Wen Qingxin felt a little uncomfortable being looked at. This time, she still shook her head and said, "No."

"If there is none, what is the problem?" Jiang Chen was a little worried.

He is so perfect, Wen Qingxin is as perfect as him.

The two can be said to be a perfect match. Is there any man in this world who is more suitable than him and Wen Qingxin?

"You talked a lot of nonsense." Wen Qing felt a little helpless.

"I'm serious about pursuing you." Jiang Chen shouted.

"This is very strange." Wen Qingxin said in a deep voice.

"Then, is this strange?" Jiang Chen stepped forward suddenly, stretched out his hand, and wrapped Wen Qingxin into his arms, and asked in his ear.

"Let go." Caught off guard, being hugged by Jiang Chen, Wen Qing was slightly startled, then slightly panicked, and scolded in a low voice.

"It seems that you still find it strange, right? Then what about this?" Jiang Chen lowered his head, and placed a kiss on Wen Qingxin's forehead.

Instead of listening to Wen Qingxin and letting go, Jiang Chen hugged Wen Qingxin even tighter.


Wen Qing's heart suddenly exerted force, and Jiang Chen's whole body was ejected.

"Don't make me angry." Wen Qingxin said indifferently.

"Why is this messing with you? I'm telling you that it's not surprising that I'm pursuing you." Jiang Chen moved his hands and feet and said with a playful smile.

But even though he was smiling, Jiang Chen was secretly startled.

Just as Wen Qingxin thought, no one person would be nice to another person for no reason, and Jiang Chen's kindness to Wen Qing was naturally not for no reason.

Ever since the first time he saw Wen Qingxin at the MINT Bar, Jiang Chen felt an extraordinary aura from Wen Qingxin.

Even Wen Qingxin herself looks so harmless.

"The peak of Gu Wu's Houtian eighth level might be the cultivation of Gu Wu's Houtian ninth level." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

He didn't take precautions against Wen Qingxin, but Wen Qingxin didn't show her strength, and the strength she showed was enough to put Jiang Chen under pressure.

It's not the kind of harmless little white rabbit. If someone naively regards Wen Qingxin as a little white rabbit, they probably won't know how they died in the end.

"You have done a lot of strange things." Wen Qingxin reminded.

She had no ill feeling toward Jiang Chen, otherwise, she would not have accepted Jiang Chen's overtures over and over again.

However, not having any bad feelings doesn't mean that Jiang Chen can act recklessly. Jiang Chen hugged her and even kissed her, which was already beyond the bottom line she could accept.

"If I say that I can't help myself, would you believe me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I don't believe it." Wen Qingxin said indifferently.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but the truth is like this, and, in essence, I'm actually a man with a lot of love. It's no wonder if I don't fall in love with a beautiful woman like you." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you justifying yourself?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"This is just one aspect. On the other hand, I want to tell you what kind of person I am." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"It's not a good point to be overly affectionate." Wen Qingxin said.

Not only is it not an advantage, but it is also a huge disadvantage.

A man who can say so unabashedly that he is flirtatious, Wen Qingxin does not say that he has never met him before, and probably will not meet him in the future.

"I didn't say it's an advantage, what I want to say is that no matter what I do to you, it's all out of my nature." Jiang Chen looked extremely sincere.

"Are you telling me that for this reason, you can ignore my feelings?" Wen Qingxin asked.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "I really don't believe it at all. You are not at all tempted to face a handsome guy like me."

Wen Qingxin immediately looked at Jiang Chen as if she was insane. This guy is too self-conscious.

But, are you really not moved at all?

Wen Qingxin was a little uncertain again, as if, unknowingly, subtly, something had taken root and sprouted quietly, deep in her heart.

It was a strange feeling that I had never experienced before. After thinking about it for a while, Wen Qingxin felt a little flustered unknowingly.

"I..." Wen Qing hesitated and hesitated.

"I think, you should understand one thing now." Jiang Chen said.

"What is it?" Wen Qing asked subconsciously.

"I understand why I am so active. In fact, if I don't take the initiative, your feelings for me will always be suppressed. In that case, you and I will live up to God's arrangement." Jiang Chen sighed.

Wen Qingxin's eyes flickered, and she hesitated more and more. Her intuition told her that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, but she couldn't deny Jiang Chen's words.

Wen Qing became uneasy, and she even thought about turning around and leaving, no, to be precise, turning around and fleeing.

But this kind of thought just came out of Wen Qingxin's mind. A pair of strong and powerful hands hugged her. At the same time, Jiang Chen's warm lips covered her, directly crushing all her emotions. sanity...

(End of this chapter)

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