genius evil

Chapter 659 Novice and Veteran Driver

Chapter 659 Novice and Veteran Driver

In matters such as picking up girls, in addition to paying attention to practice makes perfect, what is more important is to make a move when it is time to make a move.

The so-called flower blooming can be folded straight to be folded, is almost what it means.

For Jiang Chen's kiss, he tried his best to show restraint and gentleness, because he knew that Wen Qingxin was a blank slate in terms of emotional life.

This piece of white paper is now in his hand, and the pen in his hand falls on the white paper, and whatever is drawn on it will be left on the white paper.

This was undoubtedly an incomparably wonderful taste, and even made Jiang Chen not dare to be a little bit rough when he was writing, for fear that if he was not careful, he would leave a psychological shadow on Wen Qingxin.

A kiss lasted for nearly 5 minutes, Jiang Chen was the one who was reluctant to part, and let go of Wen Qingxin.

"How does it feel?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently as he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

"I don't feel it." Wen Qingxin said expressionlessly.

"Be careful, you are forcing me again." Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, which turned into anger from embarrassment.

no feeling?

How come you don't feel it?
I think Jiang Chen picks up countless girls... No, it’s the countless girls. In this respect, he can be called a master-level existence. Wen Qingxin doesn’t say that being kissed by him is ecstasy, it’s not like that, she doesn’t feel it at all. Bar?
This blow was too big, almost making Jiang Chen doubt his life.

"What do you want to feel?" Wen Qingxin asked calmly.

"This is not what I want to feel, but how you feel, be careful, and tell me honestly what it feels like." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Wen Qingxin asked him what feeling he wanted, which made Jiang Chen even more ashamed and annoyed. After all, Wen Qingxin's tone of voice seemed to mean that she would give him whatever feeling he wanted. How is it different from charity?
And the biggest question is, can this kind of thing be given away?
"I really don't feel it." Wen Qing thought for a while and said.

"Be careful, I understand, you are really forcing me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"My name is Wen Qingxin." Wen Qingxin said.

"Okay, be careful." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, you are too frivolous." Wen Qingxin shook her head helplessly.

"Be careful, you are too naughty, you caused me ten thousand points of damage." Jiang Chen looked very hurt.

"A man and a woman can only please each other if they are in love with each other. I think you need to understand this." Wen Qingxin reminded.

"You like me, I like you, this is called mutual love..." Jiang Chen said with a thick-skinned, shy old face, and finally, before Wen Qingxin could speak, Jiang Chen pulled him up. Wen Qingxin's little hand said, "I finally know why you don't feel any more, come with me..."

Wen Qingxin didn't resist, and let Jiang Chen hold her little hand. Soon, the two got into the car, and Jiang Chen drove Wen Qingxin back to the hotel directly.

After returning to the hotel and entering the room, as soon as the door was closed, Jiang Chen put one hand on the wall, blocking Wen Qingxin in the corner.

"What are you doing?" Looking at Jiang Chen with big eyes, Wen Qing asked suspiciously.

"Bidong." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"What is Bidong?" Wen Qingxin became more and more confused.

Jiang Chen wanted to vomit blood a little bit.

Of course, because Wen Qingxin is a blank sheet of paper, conquering such a woman will give a man an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

But it was precisely because Wen Qingxin was a blank slate, no matter how many tricks and means Jiang Chen had, he couldn't use them.

Because, Wen Qingxin didn't understand at all what kind of intentions he had in doing these things.

"Molesting you, you should understand molesting you, right?" Jiang Chen said, resisting the urge to vomit blood.

"It's boring." Wen Qingxin commented.

"Okay, I also think it's quite boring, let's continue kissing." Jiang Chen was a little frustrated.

It has to be said that although Wen Qingxin didn't intend to hit him, it was precisely because Wen Qingxin didn't intend to hit him that such a blow was even greater.

"You brought me to the hotel just to kiss me?" Wen Qing was surprised.

"Well, didn't you say you didn't feel it just now? I thought about it, and I think the biggest problem is that the time is too short." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't say that it was because of his poor kissing skills, he had to find a perfect excuse for himself, and then, this perfect excuse would allow him to continue to train Wen Qingxin.

"What if you still don't feel it?" Wen Qingxin asked seriously.

"Then I'll die, right?" Jiang Chen said bitterly, he couldn't believe it, with his charm, he couldn't conquer this woman.

After all, Wen Qingxin has already cooperated with him so much, if he still can't impress Wen Qingxin, as a man, where will he put his face?
The corners of her lips curled up, and she smiled softly, Wen Qingxin said: "You are out of breath."

"That's right, I'm just out of breath." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, he wrapped Wen Qing's heart into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her viciously.

Different from the tenderness of the first kiss, Jiang Chen kissed incomparably frantically and domineeringly this time, as if wishing he could eat Wen Qingxin into his stomach in one gulp.

"Do you feel it?" Jiang Chen asked vaguely after a full 10 minutes had passed.

"No." Wen Qingxin replied.

"What about now?" After another 10 minutes, Jiang Chen asked vaguely again.

"No." Wen Qingxin replied.

"How about this?" After another 10 minutes passed, Jiang Chen became a little unbelieving.

"Still not." Wen Qingxin said.


Jiang Chen's whole body was messed up in the wind. With a cruel heart, Jiang Chen picked up Wen Qingxin, walked towards the big bed, and said as he walked, "Be careful, I suddenly doubted that you got kissed!" Numbness, we have to do something a little bit more exciting, to stimulate your senses."

As he spoke, Jiang Chen already threw Wen Qingxin onto the bed, and then pressed him up, pressing Wen Qingxin under him.

"What's more exciting?" Wen Qingxin asked like a curious baby.

Jiang Chen didn't answer, but just told Wen Qingxin with practical actions, what is the more exciting thing.

Pulling and tearing casually, the long red dress on Wen Qingxin's body was torn off by Jiang Chen, and a large piece of pink and tender skin was reflected in Jiang Chen's eyes.

One glance made Jiang Chen's breath involuntarily hot.

Suddenly, she saw that Wen Qingxin was not wearing underwear, she was wearing a bellyband, which was the same as the skirt she was wearing, and it was also bright red.

The red apron set off the snow-white skin, the white is whiter, and the red is redder.

The sudden visual perception made Jiang Chen feel like turning into a wild beast every minute. Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen's two hands grabbed the edge of the bellyband.

"Stop." At this moment, Wen Qingxin finally had a slightly different reaction.

"How do you tell me to stop at this time?" Jiang Chen said with a bitter face, pulling his big hand, the bellyband was ripped off.

However, it was also at the moment when the apron was ripped off, before Jiang Chen had time to appreciate the scenery under the apron, he flew up uncontrollably, flying off the bed like flying through the clouds.

With a movement of her little hand, she grabbed the quilt and wrapped her body. Wen Qing's heart was as cold as ice, and she asked coldly, "Jiang Chen, are you bullying me and don't understand anything?"

"Be careful, I can't agree with what you said, how can this be bullying." Jiang Chen argued.

"Then what is this?" Wen Qingxin said in a distant and indifferent tone.

She didn't resist kissing Jiang Chen. It didn't mean that Jiang Chen could do whatever he wanted without any scruples. Jiang Chen's behavior already exceeded the bottom line of what she could tolerate.

This is also Jiang Chen.

If it were someone else, even if there was even a little offense, no, it should be said that if there was even the slightest thought of offense, she would have been unable to allow the other person to live in this world.

"Be careful, do you know what is the greatest strength of me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Tell me." Wen Qingxin also wanted to hear what Jiang Chen could say.

"It's not that I'm boasting. As a person, I have countless advantages. However, my greatest advantage is that I am good at being a teacher... So, what you need to understand is that I am not bullying you because you don't understand anything, but because you don't understand. I have worked so hard to teach you... I have worked so hard and painstakingly, how can you misunderstand my good intentions." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Are you finished?" Wen Qing asked coldly.

"It's over, can we continue?" Jiang Chen walked towards the bedside.

"My skirt was torn by you. If you finish talking, go and buy me a skirt." Wen Qingxin ordered.

"Be careful, don't worry about this kind of thing. I'll buy it in half an hour... no, one hour... still not right, two hours, just two hours for the time being, it depends on the situation." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile. .

"You made me wait like this for two hours?" Wen Qingxin asked with a slight frown.

"Of course not. In two hours, we can do a lot of things. Maybe you still think that two hours is too short." Jiang Chen smiled evilly. He had already reached the edge of the big bed, To take advantage of the opportunity to climb into bed.


A slender white leg was suddenly stretched out from under the quilt, kicked out like lightning, Jiang Chen was startled, and hurriedly backed away.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. If you don't buy me a dress within 10 minutes, you will never touch me again." Wen Qing said coldly.

"Be careful, are you serious?" Jiang Chen was quite unhappy.

"You only have 10 minutes." Wen Qingxin said without doubt.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen had no choice but to agree.

He still understands the reason why he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and what's more, even if he just bought a new skirt, can't he keep tearing it up?
Moreover, Wen Qingxin just said, don't touch her if you don't buy the skirt. In other words, as long as you buy the skirt, he still has a chance.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chen's mind became more balanced all of a sudden, and he left the room in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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