genius evil

Chapter 660

Chapter 660
Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen entered the room on time with a skirt in his hand.

"Hey, did I enter the wrong room?" Swiping the card to enter the door, as soon as he entered the room, Jiang Chen saw that there were two more people in the room.

One male and one female.

The man looked about 60 years old, with black and white mottled hair, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and looked like a teacher who taught.

But obviously, this person is not a teacher.

Because Jiang Chen felt a strong bloody aura on this person.

And that woman is about fifty years old.

Fat, very fat.

He is less than 1.6 meters tall and weighs at least 160 catties.

Such a bloated figure made this woman look like a round ball.

However, this woman didn't seem to think she was fat at all, she was wearing a pair of hot denim shorts, not to mention, she was wearing a tight white T-sleeve on her upper body.

The dress full of girlish atmosphere, when worn on this woman, for no reason, gave people an extremely ridiculous feeling.

"Little handsome guy, what do you think?" Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, the fat woman gave Jiang Chen a wink, her voice was high-pitched, very coquettish and cute.

Jiang Chen felt a chill, it was too terrifying.

"If it's not that I entered the wrong room, then it's that you two entered the wrong room. Is it really okay to enter like this uninvited?" Jiang Chen questioned, resisting the disgusting impulse.

He also thought that after Wen Qingxin put on this newly purchased skirt, he would play the game of tearing up the skirt again, maybe tearing it up, it might not be the feeling that Wen Qingxin fell in love with.

But what happened to these two guys?

"Little handsome guy, if you don't like us coming in uninvited, why don't we go out first and knock on the door before coming in?" The fat woman smiled alluringly.

It's a pity that her face like a big disc can never be linked to the word "humei".

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Old Zhong, did you hear that, the handsome guy doesn't seem to welcome us very much, let's go out first." The fat woman said to the man.

"Have you taken a fancy to him?" Old Zhong said displeased.

"Don't you think it's impolite for the two of us to come in uninvited?" said the fat woman.

"Did you fall in love with him?" Old Zhong became even more displeased.

"Hee hee, you're jealous." The fat woman laughed sweetly.

"Boy, we are here to kill you, but you still dare to seduce my woman, the crime is aggravated, and I will let you die a miserable death." Old Zhong didn't answer the fat woman, facing Jiang Chen with a gloomy expression. Sen said.

Jiang Chen almost threw up.

How blind must he be to seduce this fat woman?
That can't be done by being blind, unless he is insane.

No, even if one is insane, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

In this way, there is only one possibility, and that is, this old clock has lost his mind.

"You are sick." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed.

"Boy, don't try to quibble. Do you know how long I have been chasing her? 20 years. I have been chasing her for 20 years before she accepted me. If you want to poach me, I will let you die." It's extremely painful." Old Zhong said firmly.

"Your vision is really unique." Jiang Chen was speechless.

Just like a fat woman, she has been chasing her for 20 years.

How many flavors do you have to have to do this kind of thing?

Jiang Chen realized that he had a little admiration for Lao Zhong.

"You don't understand, you don't even know how gentle and cute she is." Old Zhong looked at the fat woman and said affectionately.


After all, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it any longer, and spat it out.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Old Zhong was angry.

"No other meaning, you two continue, just pretend that I don't exist." Jiang Chen said weakly.

"Boy, you don't even know how beautiful she is. To me, she is my everything. If you dare to get her idea..." Lao Zhong threatened.

"Old man, just put your mind at ease, even if all the women in this world are dead, I won't have her idea." Before Old Zhong could finish speaking, Jiang Chen typed his words Break, said in a hurry.

"Are you looking down on me?" The fat woman was unhappy.

"Don't worry about him, his vision is too bad, as long as I treat you well." Old Zhong said softly.

"No, it's one thing for you to be nice to me, it's another thing for him to look down on me...Boy, you'd better speak clearly." The fat woman said to Jiang Chen.

"I said, did you two see me as a bully, and came here to disgust me? Congratulations, you succeeded." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Old Zhong, kill him." The fat woman couldn't take it anymore and ordered.

"Okay." Lao Zhong nodded and was about to make a move.

"Wait." Jiang Chen waved his hand to stop, and said, "It's fine to kill me, but you have to give me a reason, right?"

"In this world, I am the only one who can't look down on others, and others can't look down on me. Since you can't look down on me, what's the use of keeping you in this world?" The fat woman said as a matter of course.

"You must be crazy." Jiang Chen cursed again.

He always thought that he felt good about himself, but he never thought that this fat woman felt better about himself than him.

How shameless and shameless is it to say such things calmly?
"Old Zhong, take action." The fat woman ordered again, as if it was a great sin for Jiang Chen to look down on her.

"Boy, prepare to die." Old Zhong snorted coldly.

"Wait." Jiang Chen waved his hand again to stop.

"Boy, what tricks do you want to play?" Old Zhong said coldly.

"It's fine if you want to kill me, but give me 5 minutes first, and I'll come out to die after 5 minutes, right?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"To give or not to give?" Old Zhong asked the fat woman.

"So what if I give you 5 minutes, boy, if you change your mind within these 5 minutes, I might consider not killing you. I'm giving you a chance. As for whether you can seize it, it's up to you .” The fat woman said arrogantly.

"No, you'd better kill me." Jiang Chen didn't want such an opportunity at all.

While speaking, Jiang Chen walked towards the bedroom, and when he reached the door of the bedroom, Jiang Chen was about to reach out to push the door, when he saw that the door was opened from the inside.

"Be careful, why did you come out, you..." Jiang Chen was a little anxious.

If it wasn't because Wen Qingxin's skirt was torn off by him, and he wanted to give Wen Qingxin the skirt first, those two guys disgusted him so much, they would have been kicked out by him long ago.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen was very worried. Before that old Zhong could kill him, he would be disgusted to death.

Thinking about him, Jiang Chen, he has been a human being in two lifetimes, and he has experienced many, so many powerful enemies, but none of them could kill him. If he was disgusted to death, wouldn't it be a big joke?

Jiang Chen was a little worried that Wen Qingxin ran out without any clothes on, and before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen's gaze just froze.

"I bought the skirt." Wen Qingxin said, she saw the skirt in Jiang Chen's hand.

What Jiang Chen bought was still a red dress. Wen Qingxin hadn't seen the style of the dress yet, but she was very satisfied with the color. Jiang Chen didn't change the color for her on his own. gratified.

"I bought it, but you don't seem to need it anymore." Jiang Chen looked at Wen Qingxin almost greedily.

What Wen Qingxin is wearing now is his clothes.

The upper body is a white shirt, the shirt looks a bit big, it is a bit loose, and the sleeves are rolled up, but it gives Jiang Chen a sexy taste.

For the lower body, Wen Qingxin was wearing a pair of Jiang Chen's jeans. The trouser legs of the jeans were also rolled up, which was also loose and loose. However, unexpectedly, it did not destroy Wen Qingxin's perfect body curve, but added a little bit of it for no reason. Tempting taste.

"Leave it alone, I'll wear it later." Wen Qingxin said.

She didn't quite understand why Jiang Chen looked at her so strangely and hotly, as if she wasn't wearing any clothes at all.

But what Jiang Chen said was right, the skirt was temporarily unusable, there were two more people in the room for no reason, and we had to let these two people leave first.

"Be careful, have you considered changing your dressing style?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I only wear skirts." Wen Qingxin said.

"Then, change the color?" Jiang Chen asked.

Although Wen Qingxin wore a red dress, matching her pale face, she was extremely stunning, but Jiang Chen actually wanted to see what Wen Qingxin looked like when she wore skirts of other colors a taste.

"I only like red skirts." Wen Qingxin said.

"Then, how about the short red skirt? Don't you think your skirt is too long?" Jiang Chen then made a suggestion.

"I only like long red skirts." Wen Qingxin didn't intend to change at all.

"In this way, I can rest assured." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Huh?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen wonderingly, why should Jiang Chen be relieved?
Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "It's nothing, I just think you're too perfect."

The things he had decided on would not be changed no matter what. Jiang Chen liked this very much. After all, he was the man Wen Qingxin had confirmed.

"Boy, is this woman more perfect than me?" The fat woman's voice sounded.

"Get lost!" Jiang Chen scolded.

"What did you say?" The fat woman was shocked by Jiang Chen's words.

"Roll as far as you can." Jiang Chen said mercilessly.

"Boy, I gave you a chance, but why, if you don't seize it yourself, you want to die, so you can't blame me, Old Zhong, kill him for me." The fat woman shouted hysterically.

"Wait." Wen Qingxin said.

"Why, don't you want it? If you don't want it, then I'll kill you first." The fat woman let out a loud shout, and moved her feet. Her fat body was strangely flexible, and she slapped Wen Qingxin with a volley. come over……

(End of this chapter)

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