genius evil

Chapter 661 Matching men and women, killing people is not tiring

Chapter 661 Matching men and women, killing people is not tiring


Just as the fat woman was about to take a picture of her palm, Wen Qingxin flipped her hand over and greeted her with a palm.

Accompanied by the sound of applause colliding, the fat woman's fat body, like a ball full of air, was shaken and flew out by Wen Qingxin's palm.


The figure was in mid-air, and the fat woman couldn't help letting out a scream.

Immediately afterwards, there was another bang, and the fat woman slammed heavily on the wall, making a sound like a sky-shattering sound.

The fat woman struggled to get up from the ground, her eyes were full of disbelief.

" could..." The fat woman stared at Wen Qingxin, and was about to ask why Wen Qingxin was so strong. Before she could say a complete sentence, she just opened her mouth and sprayed a big mouthful of blood. His energy and spirit suddenly became sluggish, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"You idiot looking for his own death." Jiang Chen said triumphantly, with an air of pride.

Even he didn't dare to fight Wen Qingxin easily, because Wen Qingxin's strength always gave him a sense of impenetrability.

It's okay for this fat woman to flaunt her might in front of him, but she still wants to kill Wen Qingxin, what is it if she isn't asking for her own death?
But Jiang Chen was also amazed in his heart.

Before, he felt that Wen Qingxin was almost at the peak of the eighth level of Gu Wu Houtian, or the cultivation base of the ninth level of Gu Wu Houtian, but now, Wen Qingxin's casual strikes seriously injured the fat woman.

Obviously, this is not what Wen Qingxin's apparent strength can do.

You know, although this fat woman feels a little too good about herself, her cultivation is not bad at all, but she is a real ancient martial artist with the peak of the eighth-level cultivation.Compared with Liu Jie who died in his hands, his strength was even stronger.

If Jiang Chen fought the fat woman head-on, although he was 100% sure that he could kill the fat woman, it was impossible for him to seriously injure the fat woman so casually.

"Be careful, you're really amazing, come on, give me a kiss." After the taunting, Jiang Chen hugged Wen Qingxin, and couldn't help but kiss her hard on the face.

"Jiang Chen, it's no wonder that you are confident and dare to oppose the Ma family, because you have such a powerful helper." Old Zhong said with an uncertain expression as he watched this scene.

Just one Jiang Chen was already difficult enough to deal with. He and the fat woman had to join forces to be sure of attacking Jiang Chen.

With the addition of Wen Qingxin, Lao Zhong knew that the plan to hunt and kill Jiang Chen this time was probably doomed to fail before it even started.

Wen Qingxin's strength is too terrifying.

"You're wrong, carefulness is not my helper." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Shameless sophistry." Old Zhong said coldly.

"How can this be sophistry? Xiaoxin is my woman, but you just say that she is my helper. Isn't this desecrating Xiaoxin's position in my heart?" Jiang Chen was very displeased.

Old Zhong was speechless.

Wen Qingxin, if she was just Jiang Chen's helper, it would be better to say, but if she was still Jiang Chen's woman, the situation would undoubtedly become even worse.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense." Wen Qing said angrily.

When did she become Jiang Chen's woman, she herself didn't know.

"Be careful, have you ever heard a saying, show affection, the enemy dies quickly?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, this time, we just underestimated the enemy." The fat woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand and said coldly.

If she had known early on that Wen Qingxin was so powerful, she would not have attacked Wen Qingxin, but directly attacked Jiang Chen.

Blame it if you want, no one thought that beside Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin, a big killer, was actually hidden.

"This has nothing to do with underestimating the enemy, it's entirely a matter of IQ." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"IQ problem?" The fat woman smiled, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you know that there are many strong people like me and Lao Zhong in Zixiaomen?"

"Are you guys very strong?" Jiang Chen jokingly laughed out loud.

"Jiang Chen, I don't understand. What are you so proud of? It's you who is powerful as a woman, not you. As a man, you should feel ashamed. A majestic man needs the protection of a woman. If I were you , I would have been killed by a head-on blow." The fat woman said sarcastically.

"I can meet a woman with such a careful heart, isn't that considered amazing?" Jiang Chen argued.

The fat woman couldn't refute for a while.

Although, because he didn't fight Jiang Chen directly, he couldn't judge how powerful Jiang Chen was, but since Jiang Chen was able to get a strong man like Wen Qingxin, this in itself was a sign of his strength.

After all, a strong man like Wen Qingxin cannot be chased by anyone who wants to.

And Jiang Chen caught up, how Jiang Chen caught up to Wen Qingxin is not important, the point is, Jiang Chen caught up.

"Okay, I admit that you are still a little tricky." The fat woman said reluctantly.

"It's right to admit it. For the sake of how powerful I am, you two, hurry up and commit suicide." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"You're dreaming!" the fat woman shrieked.

"Anyway, you two are going to die today. Is there a big difference between committing suicide and being killed by us?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Even if the two of us will die here, you and your woman, don't think about it. If you want to kill me, just show your true skills." The fat woman said.

"You forced me to do this, very good, I will let you get your wish and die by my hands." Jiang Chen looked very annoyed, and then said to Wen Qingxin: "Be careful, that old guy , leave it to you to deal with. The two of us shot together and killed them."

"Damn traitor." The fat woman cursed.

She was seriously injured by Wen Qingxin, with a body of cultivation, how could she be Jiang Chen's opponent? Jiang Chen said he wanted to kill her, and asked Wen Qingxin to kill Lao Zhong. up.

"Jiang Chen, if it's a man, you fight me!" The fat woman could see Jiang Chen's intentions, but how could Old Zhong not see it, and immediately said in a strange way.

"Be careful, don't listen to his nonsense, do it, kill him." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Chen, don't you dare to fight me?" Old Zhong continued to provoke.

"Be careful, this guy dares to underestimate your man, so hurry up and do it." Jiang Chen urged him one after another.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of man are you?" The fat woman really couldn't stand it anymore, she had never seen Jiang Chen so brazen, he was clearly cheating, but he had a dignified look on his face.

The fat woman simply didn't understand what was so good about Jiang Chen, how could Wen Qingxin fall in love with him blindly.

If Wen Qingxin hadn't taken a fancy to Jiang Chen, it would be great, maybe in that case, Jiang Chen would have died in the hands of her and Lao Zhong long ago.

Unfortunately, many things in this world are often without if.

Therefore, even if the abacus in the fat woman's heart rings again, she can only think about it in her heart.

"Be careful, if you don't make a move, you man, I will be scolded to death by the two of them." Jiang Chen urged for the third time.

"Okay." Wen Qingxin was a little reluctant to make a move, but Jiang Chen repeatedly regarded himself as her man, which really made her very helpless.

"Be careful, you are so kind to me, I will reward you." Jiang Chen blew a kiss, moved his feet, and threw himself at the fat woman.

At the same time, Wen Qingxin disappeared in place, and in the next second, she appeared in front of Lao Zhong.

When Wen Qingxin appeared suddenly, Lao Zhong was shocked. He knew that Wen Qingxin was very strong, but he didn't expect that Wen Qingxin would be so strong. Even how did Wen Qingxin appear in front of him? Did not see clearly.

Subconsciously, Lao Zhong made a bold move.

It's a pity that his reaction was too slow for Wen Qingxin. A small pale hand pressed lightly on Lao Zhong's chest silently.

Lao Zhong's whole body immediately flew backwards, with blood gushing from his mouth, and the ribs on his chest were all broken by Wen Qingxin's blow, killing him instantly.

Even if Wen Qingxin killed someone, it seemed so lightly, and her gestures were full of beauty.

In comparison, Jiang Chen's strikes were much more ferocious and domineering.

In the end, the fat woman was completely crushed and beaten by Jiang Chen without any power to parry, and then under Jiang Chen's seemingly random attack, she bled to death from her seven orifices.

"Men and women match, killing is not tiring, and the ancients did not deceive me... Be careful, come here quickly, it's time for me to reward you." After killing the fat woman, Jiang Chen cheerfully waved to Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin ignored Jiang Chen, but stood in front of Lao Zhong's body, sizing it up carefully, her eyebrows slightly frowned, looking thoughtful.

"Be careful, why are you in a daze." Jiang Chen walked over, intending to hug Wen Qingxin from behind.

Wen Qingxin twisted her waist lightly, dodging Jiang Chen's hands, and in the next second, she appeared in front of the fat woman's corpse. After scrutinizing her for a while, Wen Qingxin's beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frown even tighter.

"Be careful, what are you looking at?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Don't talk yet, do your best to attack me." Wen Qingxin walked towards Jiang Chen and said in a low voice.

"Be careful, you probably have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen was very worried, and reached out to touch Wen Qingxin's forehead.

The temperature was normal, which meant that Wen Qingxin did not have a fever.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but wondered even more, since Wen Qingxin didn't have a fever, how could he let him do it to her?

Let alone, he is not Wen Qingxin's opponent at all, even if he can beat Wen Qingxin, as a man with a gentlemanly demeanor and a tender heart, he can't do anything to his own woman, right?

"Pay attention, take the move." Jiang Chen was unwilling to make a move, but Wen Qingxin did. With a light shake of her small hand, she slapped towards Jiang Chen, and at the same time did not forget to remind Jiang Chen.

"Be careful, don't make fun of me." Seeing Wen Qingxin make a move, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

He could clearly see that Wen Qingxin's move was not a bluff, and he didn't mean to be merciful at all. If something went wrong, he would be injured under Wen Qingxin's move.

With no other choice, Jiang Chen charged up his palm, facing Wen Qingxin's attack, and slapped it out...

(End of this chapter)

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