genius evil

Chapter 662 The Scary Wen Qingxin

Chapter 662 The Scary Wen Qingxin


The air vibrates and the wind blows.

After a slap, Jiang Chen's figure swayed, he staggered a few times, and retreated a few steps one after another before barely stopping.

"Be careful, you are trying to murder your own husband." Jiang Chen yelled.

If Wen Qingxin wants to use him to try moves, that's fine, but Wen Qingxin doesn't mean to try moves, if she reacts a little slower, she will definitely vomit blood from Wen Qingxin's palm.

"These two people are really not quite right." Wen Qingxin continued to look at the corpses of Lao Zhong and the fat woman, and said with a frown.

"People from the Ma family are all atypical neuropathy." Jiang Chen didn't care much about Wen Qingxin's words.

Whether it's Ma Dongjue, Little Ma, or Liu Jie, Jiang Chen's impression of the Ma family is not bad.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you realize that the strength of these two people doesn't match their cultivation?" Wen Qingxin reminded.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's brows also suddenly frowned.

He finally understood why Wen Qingxin asked him to do his best to attack her.

Wen Qingxin wanted to use this to measure the strength of Lao Zhong and the fat woman.

He is at the sixth level of body tempering, and his combat power is almost comparable to that of the eighth level of Guwu Houtian. To be honest, his cultivation is comparable to that of the eighth level of Guwu Houtian. There is a certain gap.

After all, he is a special case, and his combat power cannot be estimated based on his real cultivation.

He is a special case, and by no means means that other people are also special cases.

Obviously, Lao Zhong and the fat woman are not.

After being said by Wen Qingxin, Jiang Chen thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that he had overlooked something unintentionally.

In other words, from the moment he killed the long-haired man, he had actually ignored these things.

The long-haired man was only at the seventh level of Gu Wu Houtian's cultivation. With such a cultivation level, he couldn't catch Jiang Chen's eyes, so he killed the long-haired man with one punch, but Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously.

After fighting against Liu Jie, the situation was a bit unusual.

To put it simply, he didn't expend much effort, and a little calculation just cost Liu Jie's life.

However, Liu Jie is a strong man at the eighth level of Houtian in ancient martial arts, even if he could kill Liu Jie, it would not be that easy.

Yes, it is easy.

It can even be said that it is too easy.

It was the same with killing Liu Jie, and it is the same with killing Lao Zhong and the fat woman today.

Their cultivation bases are all very high, but they have not shown the strength that matches their cultivation bases.

If there is only one person, it may be called a coincidence, but the occurrence of four people in succession cannot be called a coincidence.

"Are you suspicious of something?" Jiang Chen asked after pondering for a while.

"I suspect that they took some kind of medicine, and within a very short period of time, their cultivation level was able to break through." Wen Qingxin said.

"It's not impossible to break through with the help of medicine." Jiang Chen said slowly, and while talking, Jiang Chen remembered what the fat woman said.

The fat woman said that in Zixiaomen, there are many strong people like her and Lao Zhong.

When the fat woman fell into a passive situation, she said that, not to show off, but to threaten, which meant that the fat woman was not lying.

It's just that he didn't take the fat woman's threat seriously, that's why he didn't take the fat woman's words seriously.

Now that I think about it carefully, what the fat woman said has a lot of meaning.

Moreover, Luo Feifan also said that Liu Jie's status in Zixiaomen is not high, he is just a small deacon.

It is not difficult to see that a strong man with the eighth level of cultivation of Gu Wu Houtian is just a mere deacon. It is not difficult to see that Gu Wu's cultivation of eighth level of Houtian is nothing in Zixiaomen.

For any sect, when the cultivation reaches a certain level, there will be a limit to the powerhouses at that level.

This is because the resources for self-cultivation are limited, and limited by resources, it is impossible to train a large number of masters in batches, unless it is produced in batches with the help of drugs.

"Could it be that there is such a possibility?" Wen Qingxin was not quite sure.

"I have seen cultivators who made breakthroughs with the help of drugs." Jiang Chen said casually.

In the True Spirit Continent, taking drugs can be regarded as the norm, but this is the first time Jiang Chen has seen this kind of situation on the earth.

"Could it be, the rumors are true." Wen Qingxin muttered to herself.

"What rumor?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously, why had he never heard of it.

"I've heard of an organization that was unknown at the beginning, but developed rapidly in a short period of time. All of this is due to the fact that they developed a drug. With that drug, they can Batch after batch of superpowers are easily cultivated. In the past, I only regarded it as a rumor, but now, [-]% of it is true. What I didn't expect was that Zixiaomen, with that organization, It's related." Wen Qingxin said slowly.

"It's a bit powerful." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, feeling a little emotional.

"That organization has a fascinating name." Wen Qingxin said again.

"Immortal meeting?" Jiang Chen's heart moved, and these three words blurted out.

"You know?" With her red lips slightly parted, Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen in amazement.

The Immortal Association is very mysterious, so mysterious that looking at the ancient Chinese martial arts world, there are very few people who have heard of its existence. It is only by chance that she was able to hear some rumors about the Immortal Association.

It is precisely because the Immortal Association is too mysterious, so even if some people have heard some rumors about the Immortal Association, they still cannot be sure that this organization really exists.

"If it's the Immortal Society that claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, I've indeed heard of it." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Not only has he heard of it, he also killed a guy who claimed to be a member of the Immortal Society.

What Jiang Chen did to kill Min Jun at that time was undoubtedly to kill people, but now Jiang Chen had to admit that he seemed to be involved with the people of the Immortal Society again.

"Even if you're really a god, you wouldn't dare to say that you know everything and can do everything." Wen Qingxin sneered, and said, "I came to Nandu by accident, so it's the right time."

"Of course you're right. If you didn't come, how could you meet me?" Jiang Chen said in a smug way.

"Jiang Chen, find a place to rest, I'm going to Ma's house." Wen Qingxin ordered.

"Go to Ma's house? Be careful, meddling in other people's business is not a good habit." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Regardless of whether the Zixiao Gate is really related to the so-called gods, Wen Qingxin is going to the Ma's house, but it is obviously not because of conflicts between him and the Ma family, but because of the gods.

"Be careful, Xiao Ming's grandfather smoked and drank, but lived to be a hundred years old, do you know why?" After saying that, seeing Wen Qingxin seemed unmoved, Jiang Chen said again.

"Why?" Wen Qingxin asked amusedly, because she didn't know how old Xiao Ming's grandfather lived, and it had nothing to do with her going to Ma's house.

"Because Xiao Ming's grandfather never meddles in other people's business, so he can live so long." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to say much, I have to go to Ma's house." Wen Qingxin said.

"You want the medicine to improve cultivation?" Jiang Chen asked with a frown.

"You—" Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

She just said that she had to go to Ma's house, she didn't say why she was going, but she never thought that Jiang Chen would guess what her purpose was.

This had to surprise Wen Qingxin.

"Extend your hand." Jiang Chen ignored Wen Qingxin's shock and said to himself.

Wen Qing didn't know why, but she still stretched out her right hand.

Jiang Chen stretched out two fingers, and lightly put them on Wen Qingxin's wrist. After a little diagnosis, Jiang Chen's expression quietly became strange.

"Your medical skills are indeed very good." Seeing the change in Jiang Chen's face, Wen Qingxin understood that Jiang Chen must have discovered something.

The reason why Wen Qingxin knew that Jiang Chen knew medicine was because she discovered that Jiang Chen was playing tricks on that young beauty, but even though she found out, Wen Qingxin didn't say much.

However, Jiang Chen was able to discover the condition of her body through pulse diagnosis, which somewhat made Wen Qingxin feel inconceivable.

"I underestimated your strength." Jiang Chen let go of his fingers.

At first, Jiang Chen thought that Wen Qingxin was almost at the peak of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts, but after Wen Qingxin fought against the fat woman, he believed that Wen Qingxin was at the ninth level of the ancient martial arts.

However, Wen Qingxin's real cultivation is far more than that.

Jiang Chen discovered that Wen Qingxin's cultivation had reached a barrier that urgently needed to be broken through. In other words, Wen Qingxin possessed a terrifying cultivation base at the peak of the Ninth Floor of Ancient Martial Acquired Heaven, which was only one step away. , is about to step into that innate realm!
Wen Qing's heart and blood are chaotic, and her meridians are stagnant. Obviously, she has tried to break through this barrier more than once, but they all ended in failure. This is what caused Wen Qingxin's complexion to look a little An abnormal pallor.

Repeated failures consume not only energy, but also, Wen Qingxin's longevity, either breaks through or dies, which is almost an unsolvable deadlock.

Wen Qingxin is going to visit Ma's house. What she is interested in is the medicine that improves her cultivation in a short period of time. This is very risky and crazy, but Wen Qingxin has to take the risk.

"So, you should understand why I have to go." Wen Qing said softly.

Her attitude towards Jiang Chen was neither resisting nor taking the initiative, because she knew that her lifespan was short, if Jiang Chen could make her happy, why should she care about those things outside her body?
Even though such happiness may be short-lived, at least she was once happy.

And finally, with such an opportunity, even if it is not confirmed, Wen Qingxin will not give up easily no matter what.

"Be careful, I heard that women in love will become stupid, so it's true." Jiang Chen said in a nonchalant manner.

"Jiang Chen, I've made up my mind." Wen Qingxin insisted.

Seeking a breakthrough, on the one hand, of course, has a short lifespan, on the other hand, it is the pursuit and desire for the innate realm, Wen Qingxin will not be shaken by Jiang Chen's words.

"Be careful, I didn't persuade you, I just felt that you are too stupid." Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, and said, "Be careful, did I forget to tell you that my medical skills are far better than you imagined? , a little bit more powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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