genius evil

Chapter 663 Jiang Chen's Development Plan

Chapter 663 Jiang Chen's Development Plan

Regarding how powerful Jiang Chen's medical skills are, Wen Qingxin had never heard from Jiang Chen before, which inevitably made Wen Qingxin wonder, could it be that this seemingly frivolous guy has a rare low-key in this regard.

Just, is this possible?
This guy is so inconspicuous, probably the word low-key does not exist in his life dictionary, right?

However, hearing what Jiang Chen said, Wen Qing's heart was still pounding.

"You can..." Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, her words were a little incoherent.

After all, her cultivation base has been stagnant at the peak of the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts, and it has been a long time. She tried to break through this barrier several times, but ended in failure.

Such a failure would damage her body almost irreversibly.

If there is still no solution to this problem, it will be a matter of time before the fragrance disappears and the jade dies. This is also why Wen Qing insisted on going to Ma's house.

Jiang Chen showing off his medical skills like this is nothing more than telling her that she doesn't need to go to Ma's house, he can help her, how can this make Wen Qing's heart not moved.

And Wen Qingxin finally understood why Jiang Chen repeatedly said that she was stupid. If Jiang Chen's medical skills were really so powerful but she refused to use them, then what is it?
"Of course I can." Without waiting for Wen Qingxin to finish speaking, Jiang Chen said in an unquestionable tone.

"How long will it take?" Wen Qingxin asked a little eagerly.

"Be careful, how can you ask me such a question, it really makes me sad." Jiang Chen looked hurt.

"What's wrong?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen confused.

She knew that it was not appropriate for her to ask such a question, but she didn't have much time, and she couldn't delay it for too long, so she had to ask clearly.

If Jiang Chen needs a long time, then she still has to go to Ma's house.

"Be careful, you are beautiful, have a good figure, and have countless advantages, but do you know what is your biggest shortcoming?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Wen Qingxin's question, but asked.

"My shortcoming?" Wen Qing was stunned.

"Be careful, in my opinion, your biggest shortcoming is that you know too little about me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, we will talk about this issue later." Wen Qing was very helpless.

He was clearly talking about serious matters with Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen chose to talk about other things. This made Wen Qing a little suspicious, whether Jiang Chen did it on purpose.

"No, you have to make it clear now, otherwise, how would you know how powerful you are?" Jiang Chen said resolutely.

"How long will it take?" Wen Qingxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Just because she asked a question that shouldn't be asked, Jiang Chen just rambled so much, or expressed his protest euphemistically or directly, how narcissistic is this guy?

"Be careful, ask me quickly, ask me my age... If you don't ask me, I will definitely not tell you, my year." Jiang Chen still did not answer Wen Qingxin's question.

"..." Wen Qing was speechless.

"Be careful, hurry up and ask me, for example, if I have a car and a house, or how much money I have in the bank, how many girlfriends I have dated, etc." Jiang Chen urged.

"I don't care about these issues." Wen Qingxin said dumbfounded.

"Be careful, I know that you are with me not because of how much money I have, but because I am handsome. I am so moved by you." Jiang Chen sighed endlessly.

"I don't care about this issue either." Wen Qingxin said.

Jiang Chen was very handsome, even if Wen Qingxin wanted to, she couldn't deny it.

However, if she Wen Qingxin chooses a man, she will not be so superficial as to only look at the man's appearance.

In this world, there are many handsome men, but besides Jiang Chen, who else can catch her eyes?
"Be careful, you are really different, you are not the same as other women at all, which makes me very gratified." Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

Not for his money, nor for his face, but for be exact, for his connotation.

Although, Jiang Chen himself didn't know what connotation he had.But what if Wen Qingxin has unique insight?

"Be careful, how old are you this year?" After sighing, Jiang Chen asked without waiting for Wen Qingxin to speak.

"Jiang Chen, you've already said a lot of nonsense." Wen Qingxin reminded.

According to Jiang Chen's way of questioning, it is estimated that her question could not be answered in the past day and night, which made Wen Qingxin a little impatient.

"Be careful, how can this be nonsense, I am actively promoting the understanding between you and me." Jiang Chen was not happy.

"And then?" Wen Qingxin asked.

"Then, I can prescribe the right medicine and treat you." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm 23 this year." Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen and said hesitantly.

After saying this, Wen Qing was inexplicably resigned to her fate.

This man, at the lowest stage of her life, broke into her life in an inexplicable way.She was never even given the chance to refuse.

If her own troubles cannot be resolved, this man can be regarded as the last bright spot in her life, right?
"23?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his heart was quite shaken.

23. Gu Wu Houtian's nine-level peak cultivation base, and several times of shocking congenital failure.

In other words, Wen Qingxin has been at the peak of the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts for a long time. What kind of terrifying talent is this?

Even though Jiang Chen always thought that he was quite a genius, he probably couldn't compare with Wen Qingxin.

Not only is it as simple as a genius, it can be called a monster!

"Be careful, people say that female juniors hold gold bricks, and you are five years older than me. Doesn't that mean that I hold three gold bricks?" On the surface, Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

"I have lived in a relatively closed place since I was very young, and have never been in a big city." Wen Qingxin continued as if she did not hear Jiang Chen's words.

"Be careful, you are so lucky that you met me as soon as you got off the mountain." Jiang Chen said enviously.

Wen Qing suddenly felt it was funny, she had seen someone who praised others, but she had never seen someone who praised herself like this.

However, Wen Qingxin also admitted that meeting Jiang Chen could indeed be regarded as her good luck. This man brought a different and vivid color to her life.

If she hadn't met Jiang Chen, her life would still be lifeless up to now.

"When I went down the mountain, I originally wanted to go up quietly, take a look at the prosperity of this world, and then find a place where no one is around, and die quietly. I didn't expect to hear the news about the Immortal Association... ...Can you understand my current mood?" Wen Qingxin asked.

Die like still water.

It does not mean that in the process of dying, you can also achieve peace of mind.

To Wen Qingxin, the existence of the Immortal Society is like a stone being thrown on the surface of a calm pool, which instantly stirs up thousands of waves.

Jiang Chen sighed softly, and said, "Be careful, do you know what I like about you?"

"I don't know." Wen Qingxin shook her head.

It's not being shy or pretending, Wen Qingxin really doesn't know.

"What I like the most is your simplicity." Jiang Chen was rarely serious.

Wen Qingxin is not a naive woman, nor can I talk about the so-called innocence, but she is simple, very simple, as if she only likes red long skirts, and she will not change, and will not change.

Because of its simplicity, Wen Qingxin has a kind of charm that other women don't have. Jiang Chen is not very clear about what that kind of charm means to other people, but to him, that kind of charm Attractive, but deadly.

It's like giving Wen Qingxin a glass of blue enchantress at the MINT bar, it's like giving Wen Qingxin an ice cream, it's like giving Wen Qingxin a bottle of juice...

The simpler people live, the easier it is to be satisfied.

"So, I made a decision." Jiang Chen said again.

"Huh?" Wen Qingxin blinked, after talking so much, is this man finally going to get down to business?
"I've decided, let's go to Ma's house." Jiang Chen said seriously.


Wen Qingxin's heart was fluttered by Jiang Chen's teasing, and she never expected that what she would get would be such a sentence.

Does this mean that what Jiang Chen said earlier were all nonsense?

For a moment, Wen Qing almost couldn't hold back, and wanted to kick Jiang Chen away.

"Guys like the Immortal Society are mysterious and secretive, but they still have some tricks. I'm not interested in their medicines. Naturally, I won't allow you to take them." Jiang Chen said.

Using drugs to improve one's cultivation base is considered a common method in the True Spirit Continent where Jiang Chen is located.

Relatively speaking, the drugs used by the Immortal Society are really low-level and cannot be lower-level.

"Then you—" Wen Qingxin was stunned again.

"Be careful, do you want me to go up the mountain to gather medicine for you?" Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

It’s not impossible to collect medicines, but it’s a waste of time. In addition, considering the current environment of the earth, many rare medicines have long been extinct. Not to mention collecting, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy arrive.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had to use a very simple method to obtain the medicinal materials he wanted, and that was to grab them.

"I understand." Wen Qingxin nodded, and then asked: "Jiang Chen, can you explain now the meaning of your previous words?"

Whether she went to Ma's house alone or Jiang Chen accompanied her to Ma's house, it was all a matter of one sentence, but Jiang Chen said so much, Wen Qing wanted to hear how Jiang Chen explained.

"Be careful, at the age of 23, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate." Jiang Chen chuckled.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell Wen Qingxin that what he said seemed to be nonsense, but in fact, it was just a preliminary means for him to develop a plan.

Yes, for Wen Qingxin, from the very beginning, Jiang Chen had a grand plan to grow a fairy, and after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen was very excited...


After all, Wen Qingxin couldn't hold back, raised her foot, and kicked Jiang Chen away...

(End of this chapter)

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