genius evil

Chapter 664 The highest realm of pretending

Chapter 664 The highest realm of pretending

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen showed up in front of Ma's house in that fancy Ferrari 458.

Just as Jiang Chen had expected, any of his actions in Nandu City were under the surveillance of the Ma family. No, the Ferrari had just appeared and was being watched by the guards of the Ma family.

"It seems to be the Ferrari that Jiang Chen drove?"

"Isn't Jiang Chen dead?"

"Could it be that something went wrong?"


The two top experts, Fat Woman and Old Zhong, joined forces to kill Jiang Chen. The news had already spread within the Ma family, and countless people were alarmed.

After all, dispatching two deacons at once has not happened in the Ma family for many years. Jiang Chen was able to induce the two deacons to act. In some people's eyes, even if Jiang Chen died, he would be honored. Yan, death deserves it.

The guards also received the news. What they didn't expect was that they would see the Ferrari driven by Jiang Chen. For a moment, this made them uneasy.

"Open the door." Jiang Chen lowered the car window, poked his head out, and ordered loudly.

"No, it really is Jiang Chen."

"Quick, call quickly and tell Patriarch Jiang Chen that he is not dead."


At first, the guards were just suspicious, it was just a car, maybe it was someone else's car, but now they saw Jiang Chen poking his head out, and after confirming that it was Jiang Chen, they were all startled.

"I told you to open the door, are you deaf or what?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Jiang Chen, don't be arrogant."

"Jiang Chen, you killed Young Master Ma and still dare to come to my Ma's house. I think you are looking for your own death."

"Jiang Chen, are you provoking my Ma family? I promise, you will be dead soon."


The guards all looked at Jiang Chen viciously, and said in a stern tone.

"I just asked you to open the door, why are you so arrogant?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

Could it be that he looks arrogant?
However, his face is clearly gentle and harmless, okay?
"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here, or leave quickly, or just wait here to die." A guard said viciously, as if he and Jiang Chen had a sworn hatred.

"Have I ever offended you?" Jiang Chen pointed at himself.

"You offended my entire Ma family." The guard said righteously.

"Your surname is Ma?" Jiang Chen asked.

"My surname is Zhu." The guard said.

"You have the surname Zhu, does the matter of the Ma family have anything to do with you?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"This..." The guard surnamed Zhu was speechless for a while.

"Jiang Chen, don't try to sow discord here. It's true that Lao Zhu's surname is Zhu, but he is now a member of the Ma family, so it's useless for you to sow discord." Another guard who looked rather strong shouted.

"You're right, it's really useless." Jiang Chen nodded in response, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car suddenly rushed forward, hitting the sturdy guard directly, knocking him into the air .

"I shouldn't sow dissension, I should kill people directly." After bumping into the flying man, Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

"Killing people directly is indeed a very good way." After Jiang Chen finished speaking like this, he suddenly saw a figure flashing and walking out.

"Are you here to open the door?" Jiang Chen looked at the guy and asked.

"I'm here to kill you." The man sneered, looking at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

Almost following the voice of this person, the door of the Ferrari co-pilot opened, and a fiery red figure quietly appeared in front of him.

When that person noticed the fiery red figure, a small jade hand appeared in his line of sight, and immediately, that jade hand gently pressed on his chest.


The figure turned into a kite with broken strings, and the man flew out in an instant, and fell to the ground far away without making a sound.

The fiery red figure disappeared without a sound and got into the Ferrari. From the beginning to the end, Wen Qingxin did not reveal any killing intent, but she had already killed one person.

The guards' eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

If it was said that Jiang Chen ran into people with his car when he disagreed, it was enough to open their eyes, then Wen Qing killed a person with a palm of the hand without making a sound, that subverted their three views even more.

You know, whether Wen Qingxin pushed the door and walked out of the Ferrari, or Wen Qingxin shot someone to kill, or Wen Qingxin returned to the Ferrari, from the beginning to the end, they didn't even see what Wen Qingxin looked like, what they saw , just a fiery red shadow.

Even without seeing the figure clearly, the opponent is already dead. What kind of terrifying strength is this?

"You can open the door now, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile on Yanyan, full of admiration for Wen Qingxin who killed that pretender.

To be precise, what Wen Qingxin did was the highest level of pretense.


The guards were all hesitant. If they could, they would not open the door, otherwise the family rules would make it impossible for them to live or die.

But if they don't open the door, they are in danger of being killed every minute, whether it's Jiang Chen or Wen Qingxin, they are all characters who kill people without blinking an eye.

Suddenly, the intercom on the waist of a guard rang, and a slightly hoarse female voice came out: "Open the door and let the two of them in."

"Yes, Patriarch." Several guards stood in awe, not daring to delay for a moment, they ran over one after another and opened the gate.

"It's interesting." Hearing that voice, Jiang Chen smiled, and drove a Ferrari directly into Ma's house.

It has to be said that a super wealthy family is a super wealthy family. The level of luxury inside the Ma family is astonishing. Even if Jiang Chen has seen many big scenes, he has to admit that the Ma family is really too rich.

Not to mention other details, just in the huge parking lot like a football field inside Ma's house, there are all kinds of luxury cars that can be named and can't be named, which is quite a super luxury car show .

"Be careful, can you drive?" Jiang Chen glanced several times before asking Wen Qingxin.

"No." Wen Qingxin shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't, I can teach you, you are so smart, you can learn it soon... Well, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and there is no need to wait later, I will teach you now." Jiang Chen said, While speaking, the car stopped.

"Now?" Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly.

If the Immortal Society is really related to Zixiaomen, it is not an exaggeration for the Ma family to say that it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. Even with her strength, she dare not be careless.

Jiang Chen was kind, he didn't seem to care about anything at all, so he still wanted to teach her how to drive without saying anything.

"Yes, right now, look at this road, it's straight and straight, it's best to practice the car." Jiang Chen said, not refusing to refuse, and got off the car.

Wen Qingxin couldn't help stretching out her hand to caress her forehead. Although she was reluctant, she couldn't do anything about Jiang Chen. She was dragged by Jiang Chensheng and sat on the driving seat.

"First, adjust the seat... Then, hold the steering wheel... Then, step on the accelerator... See, isn't it very simple?" Jiang Chen began to teach.

Wen Qingxin listened intently, lightly tapped the accelerator with her right foot, and the Ferrari flew out, the speed was so fast that Wen Qingxin couldn't control it for a while... Most importantly, she had never driven a car before. For a while, they all forgot to let go of the accelerator, but stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

"Okay, it's driving well." Jiang Chen praised.

Wen Qing was full of black lines, she knew that she was driving badly, the most important thing was that the car was out of control, she didn't understand, how could Jiang Chen say that she drove well.


The driving Ferrari, like a runaway wild horse, was getting faster and faster, and the speed exceeded [-] in an instant. It hit the gate of a small villa at the end of the road, smashed through the gate, rushed in, and The people in the villa were all scared to death.

"Be careful, you're really great. It's the first time you've driven a car, and you're driving so well." Jiang Chen couldn't help but admire him, and leaned forward to give Wen Qingxin a hard kiss on the face.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure I'm driving well?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

"Believe me, I've never seen anyone who drives better than you." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"get off!"

"Get out of the car!"

"Get off!"


Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin were sitting in the car talking, while the people in the villa couldn't bear it any longer, they shouted loudly, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

Thanks to their quick reaction, they all dodged the moment the gate broke through, otherwise, they would have been hit to death by a car.

They were all frightened to death, and Jiang Chen was still flirting with Wen Qingxin, how could they bear it?
"Be careful, let's get out of the car." Jiang Chen giggled, and said to Wen Qingxin, while speaking, he opened the car door and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Chen saw a middle-aged woman.

Unlike the others jumping up and down and yelling, this middle-aged woman was very quiet.

This middle-aged woman is about fifty years old. Considering her age, she can be regarded as well-maintained, but even though she is quiet, her gloomy and gloomy eyes betrayed her invisibly. thoughts.

"You are Jiang Chen?" When Jiang Chen looked at the middle-aged woman, the middle-aged woman also looked at Jiang Chen and asked in a deep voice.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked carelessly.

"I'm Miao Jingjing... Besides, I'm Ma Dongjue's mother." Miao Jingjing snorted coldly as a self-introduction, letting Jiang Chen know who she was.

"Miao Jingjing, the surname is Miao, right? Then you'd better stop talking and let the Ma speak. I have two things. I need to talk to the Ma." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Two things? It's the same if you talk to me." Listening to Jiang Chen's words, Miao Jingjing glanced at Ma Yang beside her intentionally or unintentionally, and said.

"What are you, I'm talking to you, where is the Ma, are they all dead?" Jiang Chen didn't give any face, and directly scolded...

(End of this chapter)

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