genius evil

Chapter 665

Chapter 665
"Jiang Chen, what are you?"

"Damn bastard, dare to talk like this, I'm so impatient."

"kill him!"


As soon as Jiang Chen's words came out of his mouth, public outrage was instantly aroused, and everyone turned to Jiang Chen with verbal criticism.

"Is your surname Ma?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, pointing to a jumpy and cheerful guy and asked.

"My surname is Cao." The man said.

"What about you?" Jiang Chen pointed to another guy.

"My surname is Gao."

"So, what about you?" Jiang Chen pointed to the third person.

"Surname Wang."


"There isn't a single person surnamed Ma. It looks like all the people surnamed Ma in the Ma family are really dead." Jiang Chen sighed, looking very regretful.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ma Yang said expressionlessly.

The words Jiang Chen said were too hateful, and, pointing at them one after another, it was clear that they were forcing hatred by name.

Originally, Ma Yang didn't want to talk, and asked Miao Jingjing to solve it. He didn't have much right to speak in Ma's house, so if he talked too much, it would arouse Miao Jingjing's disgust.

However, even if Jiang Chen talked so much about it, even if he didn't want to stand up, it would be useless.

"Your surname is Ma?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Ma Yang." Ma Yang said directly.

"Finally there is someone surnamed Ma. It's really not easy, otherwise I would have thought I had entered the Miao family." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to insinuate here, the situation inside my Ma family has nothing to do with you." Ma Yang said with a cold face.

"I just want to confirm, here, who has the final say, but since you have stood up, then you are the one who has the final say, right?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ma Yang asked, he noticed that Miao Jingjing's face was already very ugly.

"It's very simple. The first question is, how did your Ma family build roads?" Jiang Chen questioned.

"Huh?" Ma Yang looked at Jiang Chen in bewilderment.

"My family and I are careful. The car was driving well, but somehow it crashed. Your Ma family repaired the roads. If you have accomplished this virtue, you must pay me compensation." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Jiang Chen, you lunatic."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't take it anymore.

What does the car crash have to do with the road?Obviously, the level of driving is not good.

What's more, the road is obviously well-built and straight, how bad is the level of driving, and it will crash?

And Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen helplessly.

No wonder Jiang Chen said that he wanted to teach her how to drive. He dared to use this matter to blackmail the Ma family, but is this really okay?It's so embarrassing.

Jiang Chen didn't think there was anything shameful about it, that's right, he just wanted to blackmail the Ma family, and blackmailed them openly and aboveboard.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to be reasonable, I will reason with you. Regarding the compensation, you should compensate me for the money to repair the house here." Ma Yang said bitterly.

"How much do you want me to compensate you?" Jiang Chen asked.

Hearing the sound, Ma Yang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Chen in puzzlement, thinking that Jiang Chen was too easy to talk, and if he wanted to lose money, he would lose money?
"How much compensation will be paid, I will ask someone to estimate it." Ma Yang had no choice but to say.

"No matter how much you estimate, I will definitely compensate according to the price." Jiang Chen put on a good-spoken look, and then said: "I like the truth, I will pay you for repairing the house, and you will pay me for repairing the car." Money, although my car is a limited edition, and I can’t find a second one in the whole world, but I don’t want more, so-so, just pay 100 billion and forget it, who made me so big How about a single person."

Hearing Jiang Chen boasting, everyone gritted their teeth, wishing they could tear Jiang Chen apart.

100 million?


In their view, even if they are crazy, it is impossible for them to speak so loudly.

Jiang Chen is simply insane!
"What are you doing looking at me like this? Could it be that you think I want too little? As I said, I am very generous, but if you feel sorry, it doesn't matter if you pay more." Jiang Chen said.

"What's the second thing?" Ma Yang couldn't listen anymore, and changed the subject.

"The issue of compensation hasn't been settled yet, what are you in a hurry for?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"You want 100 billion, I can give it to you." Miao Jingjing spoke, and said lightly.

"It's straightforward enough, I like it, give me the money." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

"Are you sure?" Miao Jingjing looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"If you dare to give it, don't I dare to take it?" Jiang Chen was not happy.

"Do it." Out of the corner of Miao Jingjing's eyes, she glanced at the person. The person understood, moved her foot, and made a bold move, punching him.

But the moment the man made a move, Wen Qing, who had been silent all this time, was moved. With a light palm of her snow-white hand, the man was sent flying.

"Give me the money." Jiang Chen urged without even looking at the unlucky fellow.

"Good method." Miao Jingjing looked at Wen Qingxin in surprise.

Wen Qingxin was so beautiful, with a small snow-white face, she looked soft and weak. At first, Miao Jingjing didn't take Wen Qingxin to heart, she only regarded it as Jiang Chen's woman.

Not to mention, Miao Jingjing was still secretly slandering Jiang Chen for not knowing whether he was dead or alive, and it was fine to go to Ma's house with great fanfare, but even brought a bottle of oil.

However, with Wen Qingxin's move, Miao Jingjing knew that she had misjudged her.

What kind of oil bottle is Wen Qingxin? Not only is it not, it is also terrifying!
"Old woman, you agreed to lose money, so you don't mean what you say?" Jiang Chen looked at Miao Jingjing suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, no wonder you dare to approach my Ma family. It turns out that you have such a strong assistant." Miao Jingjing took a light breath.

If you make a random move, you will seriously injure a strong man on the eighth level of Guwuhoutian. What kind of strength should this be?
"Old woman, in terms of money, if you can't make the decision, then shut up as soon as possible and let someone who can make the decision, okay?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"It's you who has to shut up."

"Jiang Chen, your mouth is too smelly."

"Jiang Chen, it doesn't matter if you have a helper, if you enter my Ma's house, you will never return."


Everyone was enraged by Jiang Chen again, and each one was filled with righteous indignation.


Jiang Chen raised his hand, just slapped one of the guys, and directly sprayed out all the teeth of that guy.

With a displeased expression on his face, Jiang Chen said, "I've given you a face, right? Did I let you speak? What right do you have to act presumptuously in front of me? You don't know how to live or die."

"Jiang Chen--" Miao Jingjing clenched her teeth, watching Jiang Chen put on a show, she was so angry.

Among so many people, only the guy Jiang Chen smoked had the lowest cultivation level. Jiang Chen didn't smoke anyone, but that person, Miao Jingjing could tell even if he was a fool, it was no coincidence.

"Are you looking for smoke too?" Jiang Chen said with a dark face.

"Kill him." Miao Jingjing roared sharply, unable to bear it for a second.

"Wait." Jiang Chen waved his hand and called to stop.

"Do it!" Miao Jingjing roared again.

"I'm telling you to slow down." Jiang Chen roared louder than Miao Jingjing, and said, "Old woman, don't you think that I won't want the 100 billion after you die, right? beautiful."


Miao Jingjing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This time, she didn't ask others to take action, but did it herself. With a flick of her wrist, a dagger shone coldly and stabbed at Jiang Chen's chest.

"Old woman, do you think I'm easy to bully?" Jiang Chen was so angry that he rushed towards Miao Jingjing, slapped Miao Jingjing's right hand holding the dagger with his big hand.

Miao Jingjing wanted to vomit blood again, but she also wanted to bully Jiang Chen, but since Jiang Chen appeared, she has been bullying others.

Even if she wanted to bully Jiang Chen, she had no chance at all.

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, the dagger in Miao Jingjing's hand brought a cold wind, and the angle was extremely tricky.

"You dare to show off in front of me." Jiang Chen was very disdainful, taunting him wide open, allowing Miao Jingjing's dagger to stab at him, his big hand suddenly buckled down, and grabbed Miao Jingjing's right hand.

Miao Jingjing turned pale with shock, she didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so bold, let alone Jiang Chen's speed would be so fast, caught off guard, his right hand was caught.

Miao Jingjing retreated hastily, trying to break free from Jiang Chen.

How could Jiang Chen give her a chance? With five fingers like pincers, Miao Jingjing's wrist was crushed like crispy tofu. The next moment, the dagger landed in his hand.

At the same time, Jiang Chen flicked his left hand, and a few silver needles silently sank into Miao Jingjing's body.

After the silver needle entered her body, Miao Jingjing couldn't move anymore, as if she was a puppet, Jiang Chen casually picked up the dagger, and it was placed on Miao Jingjing's neck without any mistakes.

The battle between the two was extremely fast, it had just begun, and it was already over. The other people, the idea of ​​making a move was spinning in their minds, and Miao Jingjing was already controlled by Jiang Chen.


"Let him go!"

"Jiang Chen, you are so courageous."


The accident happened too fast, and everyone was unexpected.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said to Ma Yang: "I'll kill her for you, and you give me 100 billion, how about it?"

Ma Yang glanced at Miao Jingjing, then at Jiang Chen, his eyes were flickering, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Jiang Chen, if you kill her, I will tear your body to pieces." After a while, Ma Yang said through gritted teeth.

"Jiang Chen, even if you kill me, you won't get any money." Miao Jingjing also said through gritted teeth.

She knew that she had been fooled. Jiang Chen's words were intended to provoke her. Once she made a move, it was equivalent to falling into Jiang Chen's trap.

"In this way, the Ma family's surname is neither Ma nor Miao. Then, what is the Ma family's surname? To be honest, I'm a little confused." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"What is Ma's family name, is it very important? No, it's not important at all." But it was accompanied by Jiang Chen's voice, just after falling, a voice sounded faintly.

Immediately afterwards, a man in black appeared slowly. His eyes fell on Jiang Chen, he sized him up, and said casually, "Let her go, I will spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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