genius evil

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Just yesterday, on the operating table, the patient's body suddenly appeared abnormal, which led to the failure of the operation. Although the real reason for the failure of the operation had nothing to do with Liu Yufei, the attending physician, it still caused great harm to Liu Yufei. hit.

Liu Yufei's mind was always restless, perhaps the entanglement with Jiang Chen and the little ambiguity made her relax for a while last night, and she had no time to think about what happened in the hospital.

However, on the way to the hospital, recalling what happened yesterday, Liu Yufei still inevitably blamed herself deeply, and that self-blame became deeper and deeper as she got closer to the ward.

Liu Yufei didn't expect such a situation at all. When she found that the old lady rushed up to slap her, it was too late to escape.

Liu Yufei closed her eyes subconsciously, intending to forcefully bear this slap.

At the same time, all the grievances buried deep in her heart that no one could pour out came to her heart at this moment, and Liu Yufei's tightly closed eyes were already filled with mist.


That slap finally came down. Hearing the sound, for some reason, Liu Yufei felt relieved again.

She knew this old lady. She was the patient's mother. Yesterday, after the operation, she humiliated her in every possible way, clamoring for her to pay for her son's life. Die, feeling like an executioner with a scalpel.

But now, after receiving this slap, Liu Yufei suddenly felt relieved. She didn't do anything wrong. She even did a pretty good job. Originally, no matter what, the failure of the operation should not be her responsibility. She just As a doctor, it's just a matter of conscience.

A slap in the face is her compensation to the patient's family. In the future, she will never feel guilty, let alone blame herself.

In less than a second, Liu Yufei's mood changed several times, so no one knew... But after a few seconds passed, the expected pain did not appear, and Liu Yufei was slightly taken aback , eyes slowly opened.

"Let me tell you, everyone, although I know that I am very handsome and I am a star everywhere I go, but you don't have to welcome me like this, I will be shy... and there is this old lady who didn't see it You are still so fashionable at such a young age, you actually play givemefive with me, I am optimistic about you." At this moment, the sound of cynical laughter rang in Liu Yufei's ears.

"Givemefive?" Liu Yufei froze for a moment, what the hell is this?

And the dozen or so people who rushed over behind the old lady also looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

Damn givemefive, that old lady is clearly going to slap Liu Yufei, okay? Why did this guy turn into a givemefive?Besides, this guy looked left, right, horizontal, and vertical, and he couldn't tell he was handsome at all. As for saying that everywhere he went, he was full of stars, that's completely nonsense. It would be hell if they welcomed him .

"What is givemefive?" The old lady asked inexplicably.

"What about givemefive, I'm handsome, you welcome me very much, understand?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I welcome you very much?" The old lady was dumbfounded, and immediately realized that something was wrong. Her slap was meant to be slapped on Liu Yufei's face, but was stopped by Jiang Chen, even though she didn't know Jiang Chen very well. Meaning, but there is no doubt about Jiang Chen's nonsense.

"Stinky boy, I think you and this woman are in the same group, and you still have the face to say that I welcome you. Reporter friends, have you seen their shameless faces? Quick, take a photo and expose him." The old lady reacted and yelled.

The dozen or so people following the old lady were the reporters invited by the old lady. After hearing what she said, they were belatedly picked up their cameras and snapped at Jiang Chen.

Liu Yufei subconsciously raised her hand to cover her face. The flash of the camera was too dazzling, making her a little dizzy. Seeing Jiang Chen's reaction again, Liu Yufei almost slammed her head against the wall to death in a speechless manner.

"Okay, this angle is good... Well, this angle is also good... Remember, you must take a clear picture of my handsome face. I hate beautiful pictures and so on. You must not use them in I have a 360-degree face with no dead ends." Jiang Chen kept fiddling with poses, like a big star walking a red carpet, showing off as much as he wanted.

A group of reporters almost vomited blood. Could this guy be crazy?
When this happened in the past, it was too late for the subject being photographed to dodge, and the worst thing was to cover their face. Who is like this guy, who doesn’t care if he doesn’t dodge or dodge, but he even tells them how to take pictures like this guy , from which angle it looks good.

Please, this is not a fashion magazine shoot, the angle is not the point at all, okay?
I don't know which reporter was the first to put down the camera in his hand. The rest of the reporters were all defeated by Jiang Chen's shamelessness, and put down the camera one by one.

Although they really want to reveal some serious news, but seeing Jiang Chen's performance under the spotlight, their moods are too awkward, and some people are thinking in their hearts that they must post photos of this guy in a while. Delete them all, maybe this guy wants to be famous and wants to be crazy, it really made him appear in the newspaper, but it actually fulfilled him.

"Hey, why didn't you shoot? Did you run out of film? Then hurry up and buy it." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, we don't use film anymore, all of them are digital cameras." Liu Yufei had no choice but to speak. She felt that it was too embarrassing to stay with Jiang Chen.

"Then it must be that the camera is out of battery, right? I told you reporters, you still have a bit of professionalism, you must remember to charge it when you go out." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I won't report this news, whoever you like can report it." Finally, a reporter couldn't take it anymore, and left.

"Yes, let's go, this guy is too annoying." Someone said again.

A few reporters left one after another. Naturally, a few reporters stayed. Although they couldn't bear Jiang Chen, they noticed Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei can undoubtedly be called a beauty at first glance, especially with her waist-length hair, which adds a bit of flirtatious aura to her.

Any news, as long as it has a relationship with a beautiful woman, will often become a hot spot in the shortest possible time. They see the opportunity, of course they will not be willing to miss this opportunity.

In a very short period of time, one of the guys even thought of the headline of the news——The beautiful doctor disregarded human life, who is the instigator behind this?
The suspenseful title first highlights the identity of the doctor, and second, it makes people guess who the man behind the beautiful doctor will be. It is estimated that there will be news within a month.

"Don't go, don't go, how can you just leave like this." The old lady was furious and shouted.

It's a pity that those guys walked fast, and soon disappeared at the corner of the corridor. Seeing that she couldn't stop her, the old lady stared at the other reporters and said loudly: "You, no one is allowed to leave, or I will let you alone You can’t even be a reporter, you have to expose, and spare no effort to expose.”

"Who are you, we can leave if we want, stay if we want, do you care?" A reporter said angrily, and picked up the camera and took a picture of the old lady.

"I told you to take pictures of them. What are you doing taking pictures of me? Hurry up and delete the pictures." The old lady said angrily.

"I said old lady, I can shoot whoever I want, this is my right, you are too domineering." The reporter was a little displeased.

"Didn't you hear me when I told you to delete it?" The old lady growled, and the strength burst out from nowhere in her thin body, and suddenly rushed over, wrestling with the reporter, trying to kill the reporter. The camera was snatched and smashed.

The reporter naturally didn't want the camera to be smashed. Just kidding, a camera costs tens of thousands. If it was smashed, he would cry to death here.

Then, Liu Yufei was stunned, and the other reporters were also stunned. They were all dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and they all forgot to go forward to persuade the fight.

"What are you doing nonsense, using our hospital as a vegetable market." But at this moment, a slightly majestic voice sounded in a low voice.

Accompanied by the sound of talking, three people walked towards this side quickly. The one walking in the front was a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a big belly and red face, while the two people behind him were surrounded by His left and right sides suddenly raised the identity of the middle-aged man.

"Dean Qiu." Seeing the middle-aged man, Liu Yufei greeted him.

"Doctor Liu, you are here." Dean Qiu nodded towards Liu Yufei, a greedy light flashed in his eyes, and when he noticed that Jiang Chen was standing tightly beside Liu Yufei, Dean Qiu looked at him like that. His eyes immediately changed, and there was a bit of gloomy color in his eyes.

"Stop making troubles, what's the point of making such troubles!" the old lady and the reporter were still fighting, Dean Qiu didn't care to pay much attention to Liu Yufei for the time being, and said with a cold face.

At this time, the reporter took advantage of the situation and pushed the old lady back a few steps, finally winning a temporary victory in this battle for the camera.

The old lady staggered under the pushed feet, and fell crookedly towards Dean Qiu. Seeing this, Dean Qiu subconsciously stretched out his hand to support the old lady.

How did you know that when Dean Qiu gave him such a support, the old lady suddenly grabbed Dean Qiu's arm, half of her body hung directly on his body, and howled at the top of her voice.

"Murder, the reporter killed, yesterday the doctor killed my son, today the reporter killed my old woman, this is to kill my whole family, everyone, come and see, come and judge my old woman. "The old lady howled like a pig.

Dean Qiu's face turned black in an instant, while the reporters' heads were full of black lines. They thought Jiang Chen was quite shameless just now, but they never expected that this old lady is a fighter in shamelessness!

(End of this chapter)

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