genius evil

67 Chapter 1

Chapter 67

Following the old lady's voice, the nurses and the patient's family members who had noticed what happened here all ran over, and the corridor was immediately surrounded.

"Old guy, shut up." Dean Qiu couldn't bear it and shouted.

This old man is too capable of making troubles. It’s okay to make troubles yesterday, but he came again today and brought the reporter over. If the trouble continues, the patients in the ward will probably come out to watch the excitement. This is deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, so that his hospital cannot continue to operate.

"What? You told me to shut up?" The old lady stopped immediately, and howled earth-shatteringly, yelling with snot and tears: "Come here, come and see the face of this hospital, come on!" From the dean, down to the doctors and nurses, all of them are colluding, and if they are exposed, they must be exposed to death...Come here..."

Dean Qiu's complexion changed again and again, she told the old lady to shut up, she just thought she was making him upset, she didn't expect the old lady to come up with such a trick, this is completely hob meat, untouchable, I can't even scold him.

The few reporters who didn't leave and were waiting for the big news heard the old lady's yelling, and they were all excited. Although the beautiful doctor already had enough gimmicks, adding a dean would definitely make things even better Things.

They are not afraid of chaos, but they are afraid of not enough chaos.

At this time, he quickly raised the camera and snapped a few photos at Dean Qiu.

Dean Qiu's face turned dark, and he gave the two people behind him a wink. The two people understood, and immediately rushed towards the reporters to stop them from taking another shot.

"Old lady, what you said is unreasonable. What does it mean that our hospital is colluding? You are completely ruining the reputation of our hospital. You will bear legal responsibility for your words." There are reporters, and Dean Qiu doesn't want to To make the matter too big, so as not to be difficult to clean up, I had to verbally warn the old lady first.

"My son is dead, and my wife is half buried in the soil. What's the point of being alive? Anyway, your hospital must give my wife an explanation...Of course, my wife is not unreasonable." , as long as your hospital apologizes to my old lady, this matter is not unnegotiable." The old lady said gloomyly.

Dean Qiu calmed down a little, and dared to make a fuss, just to make an apology, and let it go earlier, saying, where did all the trouble come from.

"It's fine to make an apology, but you must first promise not to make trouble, and then sign an agreement with our hospital." Dean Qiu rolled his eyes and said quickly.

"No, I have to get the money to sign the agreement. You have to give me 1000 million, and then call that woman to kneel down and kowtow to me." The old lady pointed a finger at Liu Yufei and said loudly.


Dean Qiu was shocked, and the surrounding audience were shocked.

"You're crazy, you're blackmailing!" Dean Qiu roared angrily. The old fellow made an easy apology, and he demanded 1000 million yuan in compensation, which was completely nonsense.

Not to mention the hospital, it is impossible to agree to such absurd conditions, and I have no ability to agree... Even if I have the ability, it must be impossible to satisfy the behavior of the old lady's mouth, otherwise, this matter will set a precedent. The people behind followed suit. It is hard to say whether the hospital will lose its fortune, but he, the dean, has to move his ass.

"Where did I blackmail you, old lady? You promised well just now, but now you backtrack. This is your so-called honest operation. The black-hearted hospital that ignores human life should have been banned a long time ago. You, the black-hearted director, should go to jail." The old lady spoke with confidence.

"Old lady, I'm discussing with you how to solve the problem with good intentions. If you insist on making things big and embarrassing me, then I will definitely not make it easier for you." Dean Qiu lowered his voice and threatened cruelly. road.

"Everyone, come and listen. Not to mention that this black-hearted hospital killed my son, but the black-hearted dean wants to kill me, an old woman. Come and see their shameless faces." As soon as Dean Qiu finished speaking, the old man The wife howled again.

Dean Qiu is full of black lines. This is not the first time he has encountered this medical trouble. In the past, coercion and temptation can often be resolved quickly. How could he know that this old lady would be such a wonderful flower? Play as usual.

"Old lady, I can't help you if you insist on making such a fuss, but I have to make one thing clear. Even if your son has a problem on the operating table, it has nothing to do with my hospital, but with individual doctors. It is impossible to extort money." Dean Qiu said upset.

"Dean Qiu, what do you mean by that?" The old lady's eyes widened, a little confused.

"I made it very clear. Whoever is responsible for the accident, you can go to whoever. Anyway, don't go to our hospital, let alone me." Dean Qiu waved his hand and said sternly.

Dean Qiu now just wants the old woman to shut up, and doesn't want to worry about other things, otherwise it will not do him any good if the trouble continues. Besides.

"You're talking about her, right?" The old lady turned around suddenly, stared at Liu Yufei, rushed over, and roared with a grim look on her face, "You killed my son, hurry up and pay me, Kowtow and apologize."

"I didn't... I didn't..." Liu Yufei flustered, waving her hands hastily, and said in a panic.

"It's you, you are the doctor who operated on my son, don't try to deny it." The old lady gritted her teeth, her face contorted.

"I'm the doctor who operated on your son, but I didn't kill your son, it was just an accident." Liu Yufei stammered and explained.

"It wasn't an accident, but you killed my son on purpose. If you don't want to pay, then you will pay for my son's life." The old lady's eyes were bulging, and she looked fierce.

Liu Yufei's face was pale, her delicate body trembled, and she was on the verge of falling. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pulled Liu Yufei into his arms. He said with a smile, "Da Feifei, you really have big breasts and no brains. Could it be that you forgot what I'm here for?" Is it?"

Liu Yufei was stunned for a moment, that's right, she called Jiang Chen over just to solve the problem, why did things get into such a trouble all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, leave everything to me, just wait to be my woman obediently, don't worry too much about other things." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yufei subconsciously nodded, feeling that something was wrong again, but she was in a trance after being scolded by the old lady, and she didn't have the mood to argue for a while.

"Hey, old lady, where is someone dead? Isn't your son still dead? By the way, if you want your son to die, just explain it clearly. Why do you want to curse him like this?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"My son is not dead yet, but he will soon die. What is the difference between death and death?" the old lady said angrily.

"Of course there is a difference. The difference is huge. Your son is not dead now, and even if he wants to die in the future, he won't be able to die." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You mean, you can cure my son's illness?" The old lady said incredulously with a light in her eyes.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask my Da Feifei, I'm a miracle doctor." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"Big Feifei?"

Such an ambiguous title naturally attracted the attention of many people. Dean Qiu glanced at Liu Yufei, and there was no abnormal reaction when he saw Liu Yufei, and Liu Yufei was still snuggling in Jiang Chen's arms, which made his eyes slightly Somewhat sinister.

You know, it's not been a day or two since he hit on Liu Yufei's idea, but Liu Yufei didn't take it seriously. In this hospital, everything except work is work, and he was never given any chance, and he, the dean, was never let go. on heart.

Dean Qiu shifted all the responsibility to Liu Yufei just now, and he also had the intention of revenge deliberately, but revenge was just a moment, Jiang Chen stepped forward at this time, and things seemed to have a turning point, which made Dean Qiu unhappy again.

After a glance, Dean Qiu's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and he asked in a deep voice, "Are you a doctor?"

"Do you have any ear problems? I've told you all. I'm a genius doctor. Don't confuse me with you quack doctors." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

Dean Qiu was extremely annoyed. In this hospital, has anyone ever spoken to him in such a tone, but he couldn't get angry. Jiang Chen is not from his hospital, and he can leave at any time. He can't control Jiang Chen. on the head.

"Since you claim to be a genius doctor, what about your medical certificate? Let's take a look first. Not everyone can enter the operating room in our hospital." Dean Qiu immediately complained.

This kid is too disrespectful to him. Regardless of whether he is a genius doctor or not, even if this kid is really a genius doctor, he will be messed up.

"What is a medical certificate?" Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

"You mean, you don't have a medical certificate at all, right?" Dean Qiu said with a smirk on his face, "You don't even have a medical certificate, and you dare to call yourself a miracle doctor, Doctor Liu, where did you find it?" The charlatan, don't get him kicked out yet."

"Jiang Chen, you don't have a license to practice medicine?" Liu Yufei said in a daze. She had seen Jiang Chen's methods and knew that Jiang Chen's medical skills were good, but she ignored the issue of a license to practice medicine. Now it was troublesome.

Jiang Chen didn't have a medical license, so Dean Qiu would definitely not allow him to treat patients.

"Da Feifei, is it possible that you are doubting my ability?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I—" Liu Yufei hesitated to speak, she knew that since she invited Jiang Chen here, she shouldn't doubt Jiang Chen, but the current situation made her very embarrassed.

"Hey, these days, even for a handsome guy like me, it's very difficult to pick up a girl." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said something out of nowhere, and said calmly, "President Qiu, right? Well, if you don’t let me treat it today, I have to treat it. There is no way. Who told me that this is what I promised Da Feifei. In the worst case, if something goes wrong, I, Jiang Chen, will take care of it with all my strength. Money has nothing to do with it.”

Hearing this, Liu Yufei's complexion changed dramatically. For some reason, an extremely unpleasant feeling came to her heart. It was distrust towards Jiang Chen. It hit her heart, making her extremely trembling and uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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