genius evil

Chapter 68

Chapter 68
Dean Qiu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Jiang Chen, he was looking at a big idiot!

"This guy really thinks of himself as a miracle doctor? A miracle doctor of life and death?" Dean Qiu kept sneering in his heart.

As the dean of the No.1 civilian hospital in Yilan City, although he has not been to the front line in person, the patient's condition is still clear. Even if the first-class doctor in the country or even the world comes, it will be a disaster. Inexperienced.

This kid shouted loudly, and he seemed to risk everything for the beauty. Maybe Liu Yufei would be moved by this, but in his opinion, he was a complete fool.

"Boy, when you put people to death, your own life will be pretty much the same." Dean Qiu thought to himself.

Dean Qiu was thinking of messing things up just now, but now he wants to agree to allow Jiang Chen to treat his illness. Isn't this kid trying to pretend to be aggressive in front of Liu Yufei? Let's see how he becomes an idiot later.

"Your name is Jiang Chen? Are you sure that if something goes wrong, you are solely responsible for it? All journalists and friends, please be sure to testify that this matter has nothing to do with me or our hospital!" Dean Qiu said with a smile.

Including the old lady and a few reporters, as well as the doctors, nurses and family members of the patients, following Dean Qiu's words, all attention fell on Jiang Chen.

"That's natural." Jiang Chen was also smiling.

"Well, arrange for the operation room to be operated on immediately." Dean Qiu ordered immediately. At this time, he was worried that Jiang Chen would run away, so he sent Jiang Chen to the operation room first.

"Okay." The dean's assistant immediately agreed and went to make arrangements.

"Did I tell you to use the operating room? You're a smart idiot." Jiang Chen sneered.

"What do you mean, you're playing us like monkeys?" Dean Qiu was angry.

"Forget it, anyway, if I tell you an idiot, you won't understand which ward the patient is in, and who will take me there." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I'll take you there...can you really cure my son?" the old lady said at this time.

The old lady had a good time just now, but it was based on the fact that her son was incurable. Now, hearing Jiang Chen's tone, there was still hope, and her mind became active.

"Of course, stop talking nonsense and let's go." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

The old lady had a very bad temper. She was treated like this by Jiang Chen at this time, but she didn't say a word. She walked in front and led Jiang Chen to the direction of the ward.

The onlookers gave way, and the old lady pointed to a ward and said, "My son is here."

"I saw it, wait outside." Jiang Chen replied, then walked into the ward.

"Jiang Chen, I will bear it with you." Seeing Jiang Chen enter the ward, Liu Yufei, who was in a trance, suddenly said loudly.

The corners of his lips curled up, and Jiang Chen smiled, but he didn't say much, and walked in directly.

Dean Qiu also hurried to the door of the ward. Several reporters were faster and rushed to the front, raising their cameras one after another.

It's fine for Jiang Chen to claim to be a genius doctor. The operation has not yet entered the operating room, which makes them very interested. Maybe they can record a live scene and sell it to the TV station at that time, and they will definitely make a lot of money.

However, soon they were all stunned, because just as they walked to the door of the ward, Jiang Chen had already come out from inside.

"Why did you come out so soon? Is my son hopeless?" The old lady's expression changed, and so did her voice.

This question was exactly what other people wanted to ask. After all, Jiang Chen's speed was too fast. He probably just slipped in and did nothing.

"Who says there is no hope, he will wake up soon... Well, about a minute." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"You mean my son is all right?" the old lady said in a low voice.

"You'll find out in a minute." Jiang Chen lazily talked nonsense, and when he left the ward, he stretched out his hand and pushed, "Give way, let me get out of the way."

Everyone didn't know what happened, but felt pushed away by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen went straight to Liu Yufei, smiled and said, "Why are you still so sad?"

"Jiang Chen, no matter what, thank you." Liu Yufei said in an incomparably desolate manner, with a faint grayness in her eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Why can't I understand what you're saying?"

"Jiang Chen, you go first, I will take responsibility for the matter here." Liu Yufei did not explain, but said.

"Well, I'll go first." Jiang Chen still smiled, shook his hands, and walked towards the elevator.

"Where is Jiang Chen, where is Jiang Chen, don't let him run away." Just as Jiang Chen entered the elevator, he heard Dean Qiu shouting loudly.

"Dean, that kid seems to be gone." The doctor who noticed the situation said.

"What, he left, why didn't you stop him?" Dean Qiu's face changed, and Jiang Chen left just like that. Doesn't that mean that the hospital still needs to be responsible for the patient's problems?
With his eyes rolling, Dean Qiu squeezed through the crowd and appeared in front of Liu Yufei, angrily said: "Doctor Liu, I don't know where you found the quack doctor, but you have to take absolute responsibility for everything here. responsibility."

"I will be responsible." Liu Yufei sighed, Jiang Chen was found by her, so she was naturally responsible, and she never thought of escaping.

"Okay, since you're willing to take responsibility, that's fine. Of course, I'm not denying you a chance. If you can get that kid back, let him be responsible." Dean Qiu said while staring at Liu Yufei.

"No, I am responsible." Liu Yufei said firmly.

"It's really a concubine's love." Dean Qiu said something in his heart, and he became more and more jealous of Jiang Chen. In his opinion, Liu Yufei would rather be responsible for himself than to excuse Jiang Chen. That must be She was coaxed to bed by Jiang Chen a long time ago, otherwise, how could Liu Yufei do such a thing.

Dean Qiu's idea was not wrong. Liu Yufei was indeed coaxed into bed by Jiang Chen, but she was of a very pure kind. However, she was already in bed. Whether she was pure or not, outsiders would definitely not believe it.

"Doctor Liu, you are a good doctor. Although this medical accident makes me very sad, if you need help, I will definitely not stand idly by. As for what I need, you are very clear... Don't stare I, a young man is easily impulsive, and soon you will understand that I have good intentions." Dean Qiu said in a low voice.

Liu Yufei's expression changed quietly. How could she not be able to tell that Dean Qiu was taking advantage of the fire and trying to sneak in while she was in trouble.

"I—" Liu Yufei was about to say that I don't need your help, but before she could say it, she heard the old lady's shrill voice: "Okay, my son woke up, and he's still talking , a miracle doctor, really a miracle doctor."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why are you so noisy?" After the old lady spoke, the thin middle-aged man on the hospital bed said weakly.

"I'm really awake and talking." Several reporters blocking the door of the ward looked at each other in blank dismay. After realizing it, they grabbed the camera and took a burst of snapping shots.

"Go away, go away, let me see." Dean Qiu rushed up like crazy, and roared, he didn't believe this kind of thing would happen, since the kid didn't do anything, how could the patient wake up.

But after entering the ward and seeing the patient's open eyes, Dean Qiu couldn't believe it even if he didn't want to.

"No, why are you still in a daze, maybe it's a flashback, hurry up and send the patient for an examination." Immediately, Dean Qiu ordered loudly.

A group of doctors and nurses poured into the ward one after another, lifted the patient up for examination.

About an hour later, the test results came out, and everyone who saw the results were dumbfounded.

"Okay, it's really okay." Someone murmured.

"Then Jiang Chen is really a miracle doctor, so powerful." Some nympho nurses had little stars in their eyes.

Dean Qiu's face was pale, and the hands holding the examination report were trembling. He didn't understand why this happened. It wasn't that he didn't want the patient to be well, he just didn't want the patient to be cured by Jiang Chen. It was Liu Yufei's idea, so there was no chance.

Liu Yufei stood quietly by the side. She stood there all the time, from the patient's waking up to the time the examination results came out after waking up, she kept standing there, motionless, like a fool.

"Jiang Chen is really a genius doctor, but I don't believe him, he must be angry." Liu Yufei thought in her heart, she couldn't be more upset, even after a medical accident, her mood was never so messed up Pass.

An inexplicable feeling flooded Liu Yufei's heart. She felt a little dizzy, but she still forcibly stabilized her mind.

At this time, she didn't feel the ease of the patient being cured at all, but had an extremely strong self-blame, towards Jiang Chen.

"I was wrong, I want to apologize to him, and I also want to thank him." Liu Yufei muttered to herself, turned around and left, she had to go to Jiang Chen immediately, Jiang Chen was found by her, but she Her performance was so chilling, even Liu Yufei herself felt that she had gone too far. If she didn't apologize and thank Jiang Chen, she would be restless for the rest of her life.

"Doctor Liu, where are you going?" Before Liu Yufei left, Dean Qiu chased after him wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Dean Qiu, what's the matter with you?" Liu Yufei said coldly, looking at Dean Qiu like that, full of disgust.

In any case, even if it was really her fault, she is still a doctor in the hospital, and the hospital must bear certain responsibilities for her affairs, but Dean Qiu actually left the responsibility completely and pushed it all to the hospital. on her.

Not to mention that, when Jiang Chen was about to rescue the patients, he also pulled the reporter over to see Jiang Chen's jokes.

Even after Jiang Chen left, he nastyly wanted to use the convenience of his position to get her ideas. Even though this kind of person had seen through his hypocritical mask early on, Liu Yufei still felt extremely disgusted at this moment.

"I came here specifically to congratulate you, Dr. Liu. This matter has been resolved perfectly, and you have contributed a lot to Dr. Liu." Dean Qiu said with a smile, as if the previous incident had never happened at all.

"This matter has nothing to do with me at all. If you want to say credit, it is also Jiang Chen's credit. President Qiu, you are serious." Liu Yufei's expression was still very cold.

"Whether it's Jiang Chen or Doctor Liu, you are all one family anyway, so why do you have to separate them so clearly?" Dean Qiu said with a smile.

Liu Yufei was stunned for a moment. She remembered the deal between her and Jiang Chen. According to the content of the deal, Jiang Chen solved the problem for her. Now she is Jiang Chen's woman, which made Liu Yufei's face turn pale. Bai, it's not resisting, but resenting himself even more, resenting his distrust of Jiang Chen, otherwise how could he make such a mess!
(End of this chapter)

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