genius evil

Chapter 69 Even more handsome than Prince Charming

Chapter 69 Even more handsome than Prince Charming
"Doctor Liu, what's wrong, did I say something wrong?" Seeing Liu Yufei's expression changed, Dean Qiu asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, Dean Qiu, what do you want from me, please tell me directly." Liu Yufei didn't have the heart to say anything more to Dean Qiu, she just wanted to find Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

She knew Jiang Chen's name, and judging from the school uniform Jiang Chen was wearing, she also knew that Jiang Chen was a student of Yilan Middle School. Yilan Middle School was very big, but she was confident in finding Jiang Chen, and she had to find Jiang Chen.

After coughing dryly twice, Dean Qiu said: "Doctor Liu, it's like this. You have seen the patient's previous condition. He was absolutely dead, but Jiang Chen cured him in such a short period of time. He is definitely a well-deserved miracle doctor, what I mean is, can we invite Jiang Chen to come to our hospital for consultation to benefit more patients?"

What he said, Dean Qiu is always hot-faced, after all, he had conflicts with Jiang Chen before, and even beat Jiang Chen's woman, which was Liu Yufei's idea.

But Dean Qiu still had to say such a thing. Naturally, this does not mean that he is able to endure humiliation, but after seeing Jiang Chen's amazing medical skills, he wants to use Jiang Chen's medical skills to open up the hospital's reputation. , and then use Jiang Chen to pave the way for his own future.

You must know that the No.1 Civilian Hospital in Yilan City is the largest public hospital in Yilan City, but it is not the hospital with the best medical equipment.

Yilan City also has several large-scale private hospitals, all of which have good doctors and medical resources comparable to the No. 1 civilian hospital. In comparison, the No. 1 civilian hospital has no advantages at all.

If there is no advantage, then if he wants to climb up, he will naturally lack a political achievement.

With a genius doctor in the hospital, the situation will naturally become very different. Maybe some big shots in the city will become regular visitors to the First Hospital. As the dean, he will be in charge of the reception, and those who are close to the water will come first. month, naturally a rising tide lifts all boats.

"Dean Qiu, I think you forgot one thing. Jiang Chen doesn't have a medical certificate." Liu Yufei looked at Dean Qiu speechlessly and broke her head. She would never have thought that Dean Qiu would say such a thing. .

"That's no problem. A genius doctor, of course, has privileges. Besides, it's a very simple matter to get a medical certificate. If Doctor Jiang needs it, it can be done soon." Dean Qiu thought Liu Yufei was relieved. , said immediately.He even changed his name to Jiang Chen as Doctor Jiang.

"Dean Qiu, you don't need to say any more. I think you can see Jiang Chen's character, and he can't accept it." Liu Yufei couldn't listen anymore.

"Jiang Miracle Doctor has a very personal character, but that's the case with all the masters. He's a gamer, but if Dr. Liu persuades you, I think Jiang Miracle Doctor will definitely consider it." Dean Qiu said without changing his expression.

Liu Yufei was speechless. Hearing what Dean Qiu said, it was clear that she wanted her to blow pillow wind to Jiang Chen, which was too absurd.

"No, I won't do that." Liu Yufei shook her head bluntly, not to mention that she felt guilty towards Jiang Chen, and she didn't know how to deal with the relationship with Jiang Chen. Judging from her previous performance, she has long been chilled, so how could she be willing to do things for him.

"Doctor Liu, what do you mean by that?" Dean Qiu's face darkened, displeased.

"Dean Qiu, what I mean is very simple. It is impossible for me to act as a lobbyist for you." Liu Yufei said cruelly.

"You said it's impossible, why is it impossible...Doctor Liu, don't forget your identity, you are a doctor in our hospital, and you have certain responsibilities for this hospital." Dean Qiu said angrily.

"Dean Qiu, when something goes wrong on my side, have you ever thought that you, the dean, are also responsible? At that time, your responsibility is to push all the responsibility to me, right?" Liu Yufei said The voice is very soft, but it has an indescribable irony.

"Presumptuous, who allowed you to talk to me like this, do you want to stay in the hospital or what's the matter?" Dean Qiu became furious.

If it wasn't for her own future, if she didn't know that she had offended Jiang Chen and couldn't go to Jiang Chen, how could she beg Liu Yufei?

"Dean Qiu, you are right. I don't want to stay in this hospital anymore. I will hand over the resignation letter to you in two days." Liu Yufei, who has a heart, is also planning to resign. Now that Dean Qiu has made it clear, she doesn't have to make any excuses for herself.

Leaving those words behind, Liu Yufei turned around and left.

"Bastard, Liu Yufei, don't say I didn't warn you. If you leave our hospital, I can assure you that no hospital in Yilan City will accept you." Dean Qiu growled.

Liu Yufei heard it, but didn't pay attention to it. When she got into the elevator, Liu Yufei let out a breath of foul air.

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Liu Yufei said in her heart. Liu Yufei had long planned to leave the First Hospital, but she hadn't made up her mind for a long time. It just so happened that today's incident made Liu Yufei completely give up, and completely A sigh of relief!

After getting out of the elevator, Liu Yufei went straight to the side of the road to stop the car. At this moment, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. After answering the call, Liu Yufei's expression suddenly changed.

"Auntie, how is my mother, don't worry, I'll be right back..." Liu Yufei hastily put away her phone, and got into the taxi, her pretty cheeks were already bloodless.


The breeze is blowing, and the blue waves are rippling.The sparkling water surface is so beautiful at a glance.

A figure walked slowly on the cobblestone path. The girl's complexion was pink and as white as jade. The beauty of her face was even better than the scenery.

The girl is holding a book in her hand, and she herself has a strong aura of books. This temperament, combined with her stunning appearance, makes her have an indescribably charming aura .

As the girl walked, she raised her head and looked forward, as if she was looking for someone. Finally, she stopped under a willow tree, and finally saw a figure lying on the grass. She looked back, and the girl was a little bit Surprised, and then a little disappointed.

To my surprise, this annoying guy named Jiang Chen came early today. To my disappointment, Jiang Chen came too early and took her place again.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here so early? Are you really not going to class?" The girl stood on tiptoe and lightly kicked Jiang Chen's heel, her pink lips pursed.

"You don't need to go to class either?" Jiang Chen opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Hey, why didn't you pretend to be asleep today?" The girl was a little surprised, and immediately said, "I'm a genius, so I don't need to go to class."

"It just so happens that I'm also a genius." Jiang Chen said brazenly.

The girl laughed lightly, rolled her eyes after laughing, and said to Jiang Chen, "I know you have a thick skin, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

"In the future you will know that I am really shameless." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's really annoying." The girl cursed softly, turned sideways and walked back, Jiang Chen occupied her original position again, so she could only go under another tree.

However, after walking two steps, the girl turned sideways again, hesitated for a moment, and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

After sitting down, the girl stopped talking, opened the fairy tale book in her hand, and read it with relish.

The girl was reading while Jiang Chen continued to sleep. Although the two of them were not next to each other, the distance between them would not exceed one meter. However, the two people who seemed to be familiar were actually two people. stranger.

This kind of relationship is very weird, but neither Jiang Chen nor the girl felt that there was anything weird at all. Perhaps it can be said that they are used to each other's existence. If one of them doesn't appear here one day, it will change. I'm not used to it.

About two hours later, the girl was reluctant to let go, and put down the fairy tale book that she had read five times. After letting go of the book, the girl felt a little bored, and at the same time she was a little hungry.

But the girl was a little reluctant to get up to eat, she felt that sitting here was very good, it made her feel extraordinarily peaceful.

"Is it because of this annoying guy?" the girl thought to herself.

"Well, I'm hungry, let's go eat something together, I'll treat you." Jiang Chen suddenly stood up and said.

"You invited me to dinner?" the girl said in surprise.

"Yes, I invite you to dinner." Jiang Chen said with a smile, "Don't be surprised, you should feel honored. You must know that I, Jiang Chen, am notoriously fond of money. People eat."

The girl chuckled and said, "You are really interesting."

"Is it interesting? I'm talking about fairy tales. Do you know that when you think a man is interesting, it is a sign of falling in love with him. I warn you not to fall in love with me, or you will be in great pain." Jiang Chen said solemnly .

"Smelly shameless, who would fall in love with you, don't you never look in the mirror?" Fairy Tale said angrily.

"Understood, I like to read fairy tales and fairy tales. Of course, the man I fall in love with is Prince Charming... It's a pity that there is any Prince Charming who is as handsome as me. This really bothers you." Jiang Dust boasted.

"Damn guy, I can't stand you anymore, didn't you invite me to dinner, don't leave yet." Fairy tale stood up, blushing, and said embarrassingly.

Like to read fairy tales, it doesn't mean that she regards herself as a princess in fairy tales, and it doesn't mean that the man she will fall in love with in the future is Prince Charming. You will think that her explanation is a cover-up.In that case, a hundred mouths would not be able to speak clearly.

Yilan Middle School implements a monthly leave system, but there is also a half-day holiday every weekend. Today is the weekend, and many local students have gone home. Because of the lack of time, students from other places stayed in school. As a result, the number of people in the school suddenly decreased a lot.

Jiang Chen led Fairy Tale towards the cafeteria. In this way, it didn't attract too many people's attention. He walked to the cafeteria door without incident, but saw a figure walking out from inside.

It was Jiang Yanyan who walked out. Jiang Yanyan saw Jiang Chen at a glance, and asked loudly, "Jiang Chen, haven't you gone home?"

After asking, Jiang Yanyan's gaze shifted and landed on Fairy Tale. In an instant, flames almost burst out of her eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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