genius evil

Chapter 70

Chapter 70
"Yes, classmate Yanyan, didn't you go home?" Jiang Chen said a little funny. Those who didn't know it would have thought that Jiang Yanyan had met a rival in love. The flame of hatred in her eyes was really inexplicable. .

"I don't want to go home, so of course I won't, but I understand why you didn't go home?" Jiang Yanyan's tone was also angry, and when she said this, her eyes still fell on Fairy Tale.

"Student Yanyan, you are really smart. You understood so quickly. In fact, the reason why I don't go home is the same as yours. It's also because I don't want to go home." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing laughing so disgustingly, you're guilty." Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Damn it, which eye of yours saw my guilty conscience?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"If you're not guilty, why explain to me why you didn't go home?" Jiang Yanyan smiled playfully, and continued, "Also, although you explained it, I don't believe it at all."

"Hey, have I explained anything?" Jiang Chen blinked and asked Fairy Tale.

Fairy Tale was confused, and felt that she couldn't understand what Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan were talking about, but she seemed very deep, and she said, "What did you explain?"

"Yeah, I didn't explain it at all." Jiang Chen laughed, and walked into the cafeteria with Fairy Tale.

There were not many people in the cafeteria, and the meal was prepared smoothly. Jiang Chen and Tong Hua ate at the same table. Seeing Jiang Chen's plate full of food, Tong Hua was stunned for a while, unable to believe that Jiang Chen could eat so well.

"Can you eat it?" Fairy Tale asked with surprise.

"I'm only worried about whether I have enough to eat." Jiang Chen smiled, and naturally knew that everyone who didn't know him well would be surprised when he saw his amazing appetite.

But he has always gone his own way, so naturally he can't pay too much attention to other people's opinions and so on, so he just started eating with his head buried.

Fairy Tale was still amazed, and even looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look, and couldn't help but wonder how long it had been since this annoying guy had eaten.

Jiang Chen had a good appetite. Fairy Tale, who was already a little hungry, was influenced by Jiang Chen and unwittingly had a big appetite, and started to eat happily.

Jiang Yanyan stood there the whole time and didn't leave. She felt that her lungs were about to explode with anger.

When she was with Xu Anqi, it was fine if she was rejected by Jiang Chen. After all, she knew that she was not as good as Xu Anqi. However, when Jiang Chen was with Tong Hua, he chose to ignore her directly. The gap was not small, but Jiang Chen, who valued sex over friends, made her feel crazy.

What made Jiang Yanyan even more maddened was that she was caught for rape, okay? Both Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi had sex before, and now she was fooling around with other women and was caught by her. Could it be that Shouldn't it be appropriate to express a guilty conscience?

Why didn't Jiang Chen feel guilty at all?
Jiang Yanyan couldn't understand why Jiang Chen's psychological quality was so good, but whether it was for Xu Anqi or for herself who was ignored, it was impossible for her to let Jiang Chen go.

"Jiang Chen, is it right for you to act like An Qi?" Jiang Yanyan walked over and said coldly.

Jiang Chen stuffed a big mouthful of rice into his mouth, and asked vaguely: "Student Yanyan, is it really okay for you to expose me in public like this?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't make any excuses, Jiang Yanyan sneered and said, "I just want to expose you in public so that you won't be able to deceive others again. You are a flamboyant man, and I don't see what's so good about you. Why do so many girls like you?" And you."

"It's a good thing you didn't see it, otherwise you also fell in love with me, which would be troublesome." Jiang Chen looked frightened.

"Does it embarrass you that I like you?" Jiang Yanyan raised her eyebrows and was about to be furious.

"It's not very embarrassing, but when the time comes, it's not me who is sorry for squad leader Xu, but you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said, her face flushed suddenly, she wished she could dig a hole in the ground and bury herself.

"Jiang Chen, don't mess around here, you clearly know that I don't mean that." Jiang Yanyan said in a hurry.

"I know, I know everything." Jiang Chen nodded, very seriously.

Perhaps it was because Jiang Chen was rarely seen seriously, but when Jiang Chen became serious, it gave Jiang Yanyan a feeling that even jumping into the Yellow River would not be able to wash away.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you. When An Qi comes back, I'll see how you explain to An Qi." Jiang Yanyan said angrily, turned and left.

Just at this time, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang. Jiang Chen took out the cell phone and looked at it, his brows slightly frowned. The person who called him was none other than Xu Anqi.

"Student Yanyan, you are really a crow's mouth." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and connected the phone.

"Jiang Chen, I'm Xu Anqi, I'm on vacation this afternoon, are you going home?" Xu Anqi's voice came through the microphone.

"No." Jiang Chen simply replied.

"Really, that's great, come to my house, I'll introduce you to my grandpa." A cheerful voice came.

"Introduce me to your grandfather, I said Squad Leader Xu, you don't mean you want me to meet your parents... Squad Leader Xu, we just opened a house very purely, and we haven't reached the point of meeting the parents Right?" Jiang Chen said quickly.

To him, beautiful girls can be casually dated, but the parents are definitely not easy to meet, not to mention, he really just opened a room with Xu Anqi very purely, so he has to meet the parents, even if it is Xu Anqi has that kind of meaning for him, is she too anxious?

"Who is Squad Leader Xu?" Someone asked curiously after hearing Jiang Chen's words.

"Idiot, it's Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi is the monitor of class three."

"God, doesn't that mean that Xu Anqi had sex with this kid?"

"Didn't you hear him say it's a very pure kind?"

"You pig, you can still be pure after having sex, do you believe that Sora Aoi is still a virgin?"


Jiang Yanyan didn't go very far, she also heard Jiang Chen's words, even though she already knew that Jiang Chen was a shameless guy, at this moment Jiang Chen took his shamelessness to a new level.

"It's really a house opening, An Qi is really harmed by this beast." Jiang Yanyan thought in her heart, you know, at the beginning of this matter, she still had a little luck, thinking that Xu Anqi would not be so casual, and said Maybe there is some misunderstanding in the middle.

Now, saying the word "open house" from Jiang Chen's mouth in person instantly wiped out all of Jiang Yanyan's luck. Then, Jiang Yanyan stopped and looked at Jiang Chen with a knife flying in her eyes.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking nonsense about? You also said that we are very pure. I introduced you to my grandfather. I didn't want you to meet the parents. I have other things. If it's convenient for you, come over, okay?" ?" Xu Anqi blushed, suppressed her embarrassment and said in a low voice, her chin almost dropped to her chest.

"Isn't it really to see the parents?" Jiang Chen was a little uneasy, and confirmed again.

"It's really not...Jiang Chen, you agreed, right? Where are you now, wait a few minutes, someone will pick you up...Could you come over here?" Xu Anqi's voice was soft, With a hint of earnest taste of begging.

Even if he couldn't see Xu Anqi's shy and gorgeous face now, Jiang Chen could still imagine Xu Anqi's shy appearance through Xu Anqi's voice, and said with a strange smile that he was in the cafeteria, then hung up Telephone.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen and Tong Hua finished their meal and walked outside the cafeteria.

"Jiang Chen, are you still going to sleep today?" Tong Hua was suddenly in a bad mood.

"I guess I don't have time to sleep today. Tomorrow, go there and wait for me." Jiang Chen said casually.

Fairy Tale nodded, feeling as if she was feeling better soon, Yan Ran chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you tomorrow, remember to be early."

"Damn it, it's fine if this guy sleeps with Xu Anqi, but this beauty is also slept." Someone wailed endlessly.

Everyone has noticed the existence of fairy tales for a long time. This is definitely a beauty that is not inferior to Xu Anqi, and she has a very unique and therefore very attractive temperament.

At the beginning, everyone didn't quite understand the relationship between Jiang Chen and Fairy Tale, so they didn't say much. At this time, they heard the two talking about sleeping, and there was no intention of covering it up at all. They were all shocked.

"This beauty is comparable to Xu Anqi, why haven't I seen it before."

"I heard that he is an auditor, not from our school. It seems to be called a fairy tale."

"Fairy Tale, isn't that the girl who scored first in the third grade of the last mock exam for the college entrance examination?"

"Yeah, so what if you get the first grade, it's a good Chinese cabbage, it's not a pig."


I don't know who said the name of the fairy tale, which immediately caused a heated discussion. Of course, everyone was more concerned about the matter of Jiang Chen sleeping with the fairy tale. This was too ambiguous and exciting.

Listening to what fairy tales say, remember to remember it early, how impatient it was, I didn't see that fairy tales would have such a passionate side, and I couldn't tell that the unattractive Jiang Chen actually had such a great charm.

Jiang Yanyan was speechless, completely speechless. If she had only doubted the relationship between Jiang Chen and Fairy Tale at the beginning, then now, her suspicion has been confirmed without a doubt.

"This damn guy, I really can't see what's so good about him." Jiang Yanyan was puzzled, and at the same time had a strong sense of crisis.That sense of crisis is not for herself, but for Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi is beautiful and excellent, but Fairy Tale is not bad at all, it can even be said to be better than Xu Anqi, at least in terms of learning.

"Damn beast, I don't know where I found such a strong love rival for An Qi. No, I have to notify An Qi immediately. Otherwise, I will be sold by Jiang Chen and help Jiang Chen count What about the money?" Jiang Yanyan thought in a mess.

Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the cafeteria, a white Audi A4 suddenly stopped in front of the cafeteria gate with a trace of brakes.

The car door opened, and a young man wearing sunglasses and a white suit slowly walked out of the car. After getting out of the car, the young man walked into the cafeteria. After walking a few steps, he stopped again. He lowered his head and glanced. His white leather shoes were obviously worried that the oil in the cafeteria would stain his shoes.

"Hey, um... come here, I have something to ask you, do you know Jiang Chen?" After the young man stopped, he happened to see Jiang Chen coming out of the cafeteria, and he beckoned. Said in a condescending tone.

(End of this chapter)

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